path: root/rbot/message.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/rbot/message.rb b/rbot/message.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f614ab..00000000
--- a/rbot/message.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-module Irc
- # base user message class, all user messages derive from this
- # (a user message is defined as having a source hostmask, a target
- # nick/channel and a message part)
- class BasicUserMessage
- # associated bot
- attr_reader :bot
- # when the message was received
- attr_reader :time
- # hostmask of message source
- attr_reader :source
- # nick of message source
- attr_reader :sourcenick
- # url part of message source
- attr_reader :sourceaddress
- # nick/channel message was sent to
- attr_reader :target
- # contents of the message
- attr_accessor :message
- # has the message been replied to/handled by a plugin?
- attr_accessor :replied
- # instantiate a new Message
- # bot:: associated bot class
- # source:: hostmask of the message source
- # target:: nick/channel message is destined for
- # message:: message part
- def initialize(bot, source, target, message)
- @time =
- @bot = bot
- @source = source
- @address = false
- @target = target
- @message = BasicUserMessage.stripcolour message
- @replied = false
- # split source into consituent parts
- if source =~ /^((\S+)!(\S+))$/
- @sourcenick = $2
- @sourceaddress = $3
- end
- if target && target.downcase == @bot.nick.downcase
- @address = true
- end
- end
- # returns true if the message was addressed to the bot.
- # This includes any private message to the bot, or any public message
- # which looks like it's addressed to the bot, e.g. "bot: foo", "bot, foo",
- # a kick message when bot was kicked etc.
- def address?
- return @address
- end
- # has this message been replied to by a plugin?
- def replied?
- return @replied
- end
- # strip mIRC colour escapes from a string
- def BasicUserMessage.stripcolour(string)
- return "" unless string
- ret = string.gsub(/\cC\d\d?(?:,\d\d?)?/, "")
-!("\x00-\x1f", "")
- ret
- end
- end
- # class for handling IRC user messages. Includes some utilities for handling
- # the message, for example in plugins.
- # The +message+ member will have any bot addressing "^bot: " removed
- # (address? will return true in this case)
- class UserMessage < BasicUserMessage
- # for plugin messages, the name of the plugin invoked by the message
- attr_reader :plugin
- # for plugin messages, the rest of the message, with the plugin name
- # removed
- attr_reader :params
- # convenience member. Who to reply to (i.e. would be sourcenick for a
- # privately addressed message, or target (the channel) for a publicly
- # addressed message
- attr_reader :replyto
- # channel the message was in, nil for privately addressed messages
- attr_reader :channel
- # for PRIVMSGs, true if the message was a CTCP ACTION (CTCP stuff
- # will be stripped from the message)
- attr_reader :action
- # instantiate a new UserMessage
- # bot:: associated bot class
- # source:: hostmask of the message source
- # target:: nick/channel message is destined for
- # message:: message part
- def initialize(bot, source, target, message)
- super(bot, source, target, message)
- @target = target
- @private = false
- @plugin = nil
- @action = false
- if target.downcase == @bot.nick.downcase
- @private = true
- @address = true
- @channel = nil
- @replyto = @sourcenick
- else
- @replyto = @target
- @channel = @target
- end
- # check for option extra addressing prefixes, e.g "|search foo", or
- # "!version" - first match wins
- bot.addressing_prefixes.each {|mprefix|
- if @message.gsub!(/^#{Regexp.escape(mprefix)}\s*/, "")
- @address = true
- break
- end
- }
- # even if they used above prefixes, we allow for silly people who
- # combine all possible types, e.g. "|rbot: hello", or
- # "/msg rbot rbot: hello", etc
- if @message.gsub!(/^\s*#{bot.nick}\s*([:;,>]|\s)\s*/, "")
- @address = true
- end
- if(@message =~ /^\001ACTION\s(.+)\001/)
- @message = $1
- @action = true
- end
- # free splitting for plugins
- @params = @message.dup
- if @params.gsub!(/^\s*(\S+)[\s$]*/, "")
- @plugin = $1.downcase
- @params = nil unless @params.length > 0
- end
- end
- # returns true for private messages, e.g. "/msg bot hello"
- def private?
- return @private
- end
- # returns true if the message was in a channel
- def public?
- return !@private
- end
- def action?
- return @action
- end
- # convenience method to reply to a message, useful in plugins. It's the
- # same as doing:
- # <tt>@bot.say m.replyto, string</tt>
- # So if the message is private, it will reply to the user. If it was
- # in a channel, it will reply in the channel.
- def reply(string)
- @bot.say @replyto, string
- @replied = true
- end
- # convenience method to reply "okay" in the current language to the
- # message
- def okay
- @bot.say @replyto, @bot.lang.get("okay")
- end
- end
- # class to manage IRC PRIVMSGs
- class PrivMessage < UserMessage
- end
- # class to manage IRC NOTICEs
- class NoticeMessage < UserMessage
- end
- # class to manage IRC KICKs
- # +address?+ can be used as a shortcut to see if the bot was kicked,
- # basically, +target+ was kicked from +channel+ by +source+ with +message+
- class KickMessage < BasicUserMessage
- # channel user was kicked from
- attr_reader :channel
- def initialize(bot, source, target, channel, message="")
- super(bot, source, target, message)
- @channel = channel
- end
- end
- # class to pass IRC Nick changes in. @message contains the old nickame,
- # @sourcenick contains the new one.
- class NickMessage < BasicUserMessage
- def initialize(bot, source, oldnick, newnick)
- super(bot, source, oldnick, newnick)
- end
- end
- class QuitMessage < BasicUserMessage
- def initialize(bot, source, target, message="")
- super(bot, source, target, message)
- end
- end
- class TopicMessage < BasicUserMessage
- # channel topic
- attr_reader :topic
- # topic set at (unixtime)
- attr_reader :timestamp
- # topic set on channel
- attr_reader :channel
- def initialize(bot, source, channel, timestamp, topic="")
- super(bot, source, channel, topic)
- @topic = topic
- @timestamp = timestamp
- @channel = channel
- end
- end
- # class to manage channel joins
- class JoinMessage < BasicUserMessage
- # channel joined
- attr_reader :channel
- def initialize(bot, source, channel, message="")
- super(bot, source, channel, message)
- @channel = channel
- # in this case sourcenick is the nick that could be the bot
- @address = (sourcenick.downcase == @bot.nick.downcase)
- end
- end
- # class to manage channel parts
- # same as a join, but can have a message too
- class PartMessage < JoinMessage
- end