path: root/data/rbot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/games/wheelfortune.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/games/wheelfortune.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57d54915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/games/wheelfortune.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: Hangman/Wheel Of Fortune
+# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
+# License:: rbot
+# Wheel-of-Fortune Question/Answer
+class WoFQA
+ attr_accessor :cat, :clue, :answer, :hint
+ def initialize(cat, clue, ans=nil)
+ @cat = cat # category
+ @clue = clue # clue phrase
+ self.answer = ans
+ end
+ def catclue
+ ret = ""
+ ret << "(" + cat + ") " unless cat.empty?
+ ret << clue
+ end
+ def answer=(ans)
+ if !ans
+ @answer = nil
+ @split = []
+ @hint = []
+ return
+ end
+ @answer = ans.dup.downcase
+ @split = @answer.scan(/./u)
+ @hint = @split.inject([]) { |list, ch|
+ if ch !~ /[a-z]/
+ list << ch
+ else
+ list << "*"
+ end
+ }
+ @used = []
+ end
+ def announcement
+ ret = self.catclue << "\n"
+ ret << _("Letters called so far: ") << @used.join(" ") << "\n" unless @used.empty?
+ ret << @hint.join
+ end
+ def check(ans_or_letter)
+ d = ans_or_letter.downcase
+ if d == @answer
+ return :gotit
+ elsif d.length == 1
+ if @used.include?(d)
+ return :used
+ else
+ @used << d
+ @used.sort!
+ if @split.include?(d)
+ count = 0
+ @split.each_with_index { |c, i|
+ if c == d
+ @hint[i] = d.upcase
+ count += 1
+ end
+ }
+ return count
+ else
+ return :missing
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ return :wrong
+ end
+ end
+# Wheel-of-Fortune game
+class WoFGame
+ attr_reader :manager, :single, :max, :pending
+ def initialize(manager, single, max)
+ @manager = manager
+ @single = single.to_i
+ @max = max.to_i
+ @pending = nil
+ @qas = []
+ @curr_idx = nil
+ @last_replied = nil
+ @scores =
+ end
+ def waiting?
+ !@curr_idx || (@last_replied == @curr_idx)
+ end
+ def round
+ @curr_idx+1
+ end
+ def mark_winner(user)
+ @last_replied = @curr_idx
+ k = user.botuser
+ if @scores.key?(k)
+ @scores[k][:nick] = user.nick
+ @scores[k][:score] += @single
+ else
+ @scores[k] = { :nick => user.nick, :score => @single }
+ end
+ if @scores[k][:score] >= @max
+ return :done
+ else
+ return :more
+ end
+ end
+ def score_table
+ table = []
+ @scores.each { |k, val|
+ table << ["%s (%s)" % [val[:nick], k], val[:score]]
+ }
+ table.sort! { |a, b| b.last <=> a.last }
+ end
+ def current
+ return nil unless @curr_idx
+ @qas[@curr_idx]
+ end
+ def next
+ # don't advance if there are no further QAs
+ return nil if @curr_idx == @qas.length - 1
+ if @curr_idx
+ @curr_idx += 1
+ else
+ @curr_idx = 0
+ end
+ return current
+ end
+ def check(whatever)
+ cur = self.current
+ return nil unless cur
+ return cur.check(whatever)
+ end
+ def start_add_qa(cat, clue)
+ return [nil, @pending] if @pending
+ @pending =, clue.dup)
+ return [true, @pending]
+ end
+ def finish_add_qa(ans)
+ return nil unless @pending
+ @pending.answer = ans.dup
+ @qas << @pending
+ @pending = nil
+ return @qas.last
+ end
+class WheelOfFortune < Plugin
+ def initialize
+ super
+ # TODO load/save running games?
+ @games =
+ end
+ def setup_game(m, p)
+ chan = p[:chan] ||
+ if !chan
+ m.reply _("you must specify a channel")
+ return
+ end
+ ch = p[:chan].irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern
+ if @games.key?(ch)
+ m.reply _("there's already a Wheel-of-Fortune game on %{chan}, managed by %{who}") % {
+ :chan => chan,
+ :who => @games[ch].manager
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ @games[ch] = game =, p[:single], p[:max])
+ @bot.say chan, _("%{who} just created a new Wheel-of-Fortune game to %{max} points (%{single} per question)") % {
+ :who => game.manager,
+ :max => game.max,
+ :single => game.single
+ }
+ @bot.say m.source, _("ok, the game has been created. now add clues and answers with \"wof %{chan} [category: <category>,] clue: <clue>, answer: <ans>\". if the clue and answer don't fit in one line, add the answer separately with \"wof %{chan} answer <answer>\"") % {
+ :chan => chan
+ }
+ end
+ def setup_qa(m, p)
+ ch = p[:chan].irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern
+ if !@games.key?(ch)
+ m.reply _("there's no Wheel-of-Fortune game running on %{chan}") % {
+ :chan => p[:chan]
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ game = @games[ch]
+ cat = p[:cat].to_s
+ clue = p[:clue].to_s
+ ans = p[:ans].to_s
+ if ans.include?('*')
+ m.reply _("sorry, the answer cannot contain the '*' character")
+ return
+ end
+ if !clue.empty?
+ worked, qa = game.start_add_qa(cat, clue)
+ if worked
+ str = ans.empty? ? _("ok, new clue added for %{chan}: %{catclue}") : nil
+ else
+ str = _("there's already a pending clue for %{chan}: %{catclue}")
+ end
+ m.reply _(str) % { :chan => p[:chan], :catclue => qa.catclue } if str
+ return unless worked or !ans.empty?
+ end
+ if !ans.empty?
+ qa = game.finish_add_qa(ans)
+ if qa
+ str = _("ok, new QA added for %{chan}: %{catclue} => %{ans}")
+ else
+ str = _("there's no pending clue for %{chan}!")
+ end
+ m.reply _(str) % { :chan => p[:chan], :catclue => qa ? qa.catclue : nil, :ans => qa ? qa.answer : nil}
+ announce(m, p.merge({ :next => true }) ) if game.waiting?
+ else
+ m.reply _("something went wrong, I can't seem to understand what you're trying to set up")
+ end
+ end
+ def announce(m, p={})
+ chan = p[:chan] ||
+ ch = chan.irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern
+ if !@games.key?(ch)
+ m.reply _("there's no Wheel-of-Fortune game running on %{chan}") % { :chan => p[:chan] }
+ return
+ end
+ game = @games[ch]
+ qa = p[:next] ? : game.current
+ if !qa
+ m.reply _("there are no Wheel-of-Fortune questions for %{chan}, I'm waiting for %{who} to add them") % {
+ :chan => chan,
+ :who => game.manager
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ @bot.say chan, qa.announcement
+ end
+ def score_table(chan, game, opts={})
+ limit = opts[:limit] || -1
+ table = game.score_table[0..limit]
+ nick_wd = { |a| a.first.length }.max
+ score_wd = table.first.to_s.length
+ table.each { |t|
+ @bot.say chan, "%*s : %*u" % [nick_wd, t.first, score_wd, t.last]
+ }
+ end
+ def listen(m)
+ return unless m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) and not m.address?
+ ch =
+ return unless game = @games[ch]
+ return if game.waiting?
+ check = game.check(m.message)
+ debug "check: #{check.inspect}"
+ case check
+ when nil
+ # can this happen?
+ warning "game #{game}, qa #{game.current} checked nil against #{m.message}"
+ return
+ when :used
+ # m.reply "STUPID! YOU SO STUPID!"
+ return
+ when :wrong
+ return
+ when Numeric, :missing
+ # TODO may alter score depening on how many letters were guessed
+ # TODO what happens when the last hint reveals the whole answer?
+ announce(m)
+ when :gotit
+ want_more = game.mark_winner(m.source)
+ m.reply _("%{who} got it! The answer was: %{ans}") % {
+ :who => m.sourcenick,
+ :ans => game.current.answer
+ }
+ if want_more == :done
+ # max score reached
+ m.reply _("%{who} wins the game after %{count} rounds!") % {
+ :who => table.first.first,
+ :count => game.round
+ }
+ score_table(, game)
+ @games.delete(ch)
+ else :more
+ table = game.score_table
+ nick_wd = { |a| a.first.length }.max
+ score_wd = table.first.to_s.length
+ m.reply _("Score after %{count} rounds") % { :count => game.round }
+ score_table(, game)
+ announce(m, :next => true)
+ end
+ else
+ # can this happen?
+ warning "game #{game}, qa #{game.current} checked #{check} against #{m.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ def cancel(m, p)
+ ch =
+ if !@games.key?(ch)
+ m.reply _("there's no Wheel-of-Fortune game running on %{chan}") % {
+ :chan =>
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ do_cancel(ch)
+ end
+ def do_cancel(ch)
+ game = @games.delete(ch)
+ chan = ch.to_s
+ @bot.say chan, _("Wheel-of-Fortune game cancelled after %{count} rounds. Partial score:")
+ score_table(chan, game)
+ end
+ def cleanup
+ @games.each_key { |k| do_cancel(k) }
+ super
+ end
+plugin =
+ "wof", :action => 'announce', :private => false "wof cancel", :action => 'cancel', :private => false "wof [:chan] play for :single [points] to :max [points]", :action => 'setup_game' "wof :chan [category: *cat,] clue: *clue[, answer: *ans]", :action => 'setup_qa', :public => false "wof :chan answer: *ans", :action => 'setup_qa', :public => false