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1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/reaction.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/reaction.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..468ab07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/reaction.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: Reaction plugin
+# Author:: Giuseppe Bilotta <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
+# License:: GPLv2
+# Build one-liner replies/reactions to expressions/actions in channel
+# Very alpha stage, so beware of sudden reaction syntax changes
+class ::Reaction
+ attr_reader :trigger, :reply
+ attr_reader :raw_trigger, :raw_reply
+ attr_accessor :author, :date, :channel
+ def trigger=(expr)
+ @raw_trigger = expr.dup
+ act = false
+ rex = expr.dup
+ if rex.sub!(/^act:/,'')
+ act = true
+ end
+ @trigger = [act]
+ if rex.sub!(%r@^([/!])(.*)\1$@, '\2')
+ debug rex
+ @trigger <<
+ else
+ @trigger <<\b#{Regexp.escape(rex)}\b/u)
+ end
+ end
+ def reply=(expr)
+ @raw_reply = expr.dup
+ act = false
+ rex = expr.dup
+ if rex.sub!(/^act:/,'')
+ act = true
+ end
+ @reply = [act ? :act : :reply]
+ @reply << rex
+ end
+ def ===(message)
+ return nil if @trigger.first and not message.action
+ return message.message.match(@trigger.last)
+ end
+ def initialize(trig, msg , auth, dt, chan)
+ self.trigger=trig
+ self.reply=msg
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "trigger #{raw_trigger} (#{author}, #{channel}, #{date})"
+ end
+class ReactionPlugin < Plugin
+ attr :reactions
+ def initialize
+ super
+ if @registry.has_key?(:reactions)
+ @reactions = @registry[:reactions]
+ raise unless @reactions
+ else
+ @reactions = []
+ end
+ @subs = {
+ :bold => Bold,
+ :underline => Underline,
+ :reverse => Reverse,
+ :italic => Italic,
+ :normal => NormalText,
+ :color => Color,
+ :colour => Color,
+ :bot => @bot.myself,
+ }.merge ColorCode
+ end
+ def save
+ @registry[:reactions] = @reactions
+ end
+ def help(plugin, topic="")
+ case (topic.to_sym rescue nil)
+ when :add
+ "reaction add <trigger> <reply> => create a new reaction to expression <trigger> to which the bot will reply <reply>"
+ when :remove, :delete, :rm, :del
+ "reaction #{topic} <trigger> => removes the reaction to expression <trigger>"
+ when :trigger, :triggers
+ "reaction triggers can have one of the format: single_word /regular_expression/ !regular_expression!. " +
+ "If prefixed by 'act:' (e.g. act:/(order|command)s/) the bot will only respond if a CTCP ACTION matches the trigger"
+ when :reply, :replies
+ "reaction replies are simply messages that the bot will reply when a trigger is matched. " +
+ "Replies can be prefixed by 'act:' (e.g. act:goes shopping) to signify that the bot should act instead of saying the message. " +
+ "Replies can use the %%{key} syntax to access one of the following keys: " +
+ "who (the user that said the trigger), bot (the bot's own nick), " +
+ "target (the first word following the trigger), what (whatever follows target), " +
+ "stuff (everything that follows the trigger), match (the actual matched text)"
+ when :list
+ "lists all the programmed reactions"
+ else
+ "reaction topics: add, remove, delete, rm, del, triggers, replies, list"
+ end
+ end
+ def listen(m)
+ return unless PrivMessage === m
+ debug "testing #{m} for reactions"
+ return if @reactions.empty?
+ wanted = @reactions.find { |react|
+ react === m
+ }
+ return unless wanted
+ match = wanted === m
+ matched = match[0]
+ stuff = match.post_match.strip
+ target, what = stuff.split(/\s+/, 2)
+ extra = {
+ :who => m.sourcenick,
+ :match => matched,
+ :target => target,
+ :what => what,
+ :stuff => stuff
+ }
+ subs = @subs.dup.merge extra
+ args = [wanted.reply.first]
+ args << wanted.reply.last % extra
+ m.__send__(*args)
+ end
+ def handle_add(m, params)
+ reaction =[:trigger].to_s, params[:reply].to_s, m.sourcenick,,
+ @reactions << reaction
+ m.reply "added reaction to #{reaction.trigger.last} with #{reaction.reply.last}"
+ end
+ def handle_rm(m, params)
+ trigger = params[:trigger].to_s
+ debug trigger.inspect
+ found = @reactions.find { |react|
+ react.raw_trigger == trigger
+ }
+ if found
+ @reactions.delete(found)
+ m.reply "removed reaction to #{found.trigger.last} with #{found.reply.last}"
+ else
+ m.reply "no reaction programmed for #{trigger}"
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_list(m, params)
+ if @reactions.empty?
+ m.reply "no reactions programmed"
+ return
+ end
+ per_page = 30
+ pages = @reactions.length / per_page + 1
+ page = params[:page].to_i.clip(1, pages)
+ str = @reactions[(page-1)*per_page, per_page].join(", ")
+ m.reply "Programmed reactions (page #{page}/#{pages}): #{str}"
+ end
+plugin =
+ 'reaction add *trigger *reply', :action => 'handle_add',
+ :requirements => { :trigger => /^(?:act:)?!.*?!/ } 'reaction add *trigger *reply', :action => 'handle_add',
+ :requirements => { :trigger => /^(?:act:)?\/.*?\// } 'reaction add :trigger *reply', :action => 'handle_add'
+ 'reaction list [:page]', :action => 'handle_list',
+ :requirements => { :page => /^\d+$/ }
+ 'reaction del[ete] *trigger', :action => 'handle_rm' 'reaction delete *trigger', :action => 'handle_rm' 'reaction remove *trigger', :action => 'handle_rm' 'reaction rm *trigger', :action => 'handle_rm'