path: root/data/rbot/plugins
diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2006-10-15 01:07:05 +0000
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2006-10-15 01:07:05 +0000
commitc7146d39eede9d1f439bda48117b4dc194ce120e (patch)
tree37dc1596d20ccaf10b84bece5e848b7c3869021e /data/rbot/plugins
parent4911de2a2b6bc373ef7d5e73f34a14133c07b5e5 (diff)
Totally reworked urban dictionary plugin to use WAP. Much faster, much cleaner, doesn't need any fancy package
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb
index 246251ec..36c39077 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/urban.rb
@@ -1,65 +1,87 @@
-require 'cgi'
- require 'rubyful_soup'
- warning "could not load rubyful_soup, urban dictionary disabled"
- warning "please get it from"
- warning "or install it via gem"
- return
-require 'uri/common'
+require 'uri'
class UrbanPlugin < Plugin
def help( plugin, topic="")
- "urban [word] [n]. Give the [n]th definition of [word] from"
+ "urban [word] [n]: give the [n]th definition of [word] from urbanday: give the word-of-the-day at urban"
- def privmsg( m )
- definitionN = 0
+ def urban(m, params)
+ words = params[:words].to_s
+ n = params[:n].nil? ? 1 : params[:n].to_i rescue 1
- if m.params
- paramArray = m.params.split(' ')
- if paramArray.last.to_i != 0
- definitionN = paramArray.last.to_i - 1
- query = m.params.chomp( paramArray.last )
- query.rstrip!
- else
- query = m.params
- end
- uri = URI.parse( "{ URI.escape query}" )
- else
+ if words.empty?
uri = URI.parse( "" )
+ @bot.httputil.head(uri) { |redir|
+ words = URI.unescape(redir.match(/define.php\?term=(.*)$/)[1]) rescue nil
+ }
- soup = @bot.httputil.get_cached( uri ) )
- if titleNavi = soup.find_all( 'td', :attrs => { 'class' => 'def_word' } )[0] then
- title = titleNavi.contents
- results = soup.find_all( 'div', :attrs => { 'class' => 'def_p' } )
- # debug PP.pp(results,'')
- output =
- if results[definitionN] then
- results[definitionN].p.contents.each { |s| output.push( strip_tags( s.to_s ) ) }
- m.reply "\002#{title}\002 - #{output} (#{definitionN+1}/#{results.length})"
- else
- m.reply "#{query} does not have #{definitionN + 1} definitions."
- end
+ # we give a very high 'skip' because this will allow us to get the number of definitions by retrieving the previous definition
+ uri = URI.parse("{URI.escape words}&skip=65536")
+ page = @bot.httputil.get(uri)
+ if page.nil?
+ m.reply "Couldn't retrieve an urban dictionary definition of #{words}"
+ return
+ end
+ if page =~ / is undefined<\/card><\/wml>/
+ m.reply "There is no urban dictionary definition of #{words}"
+ return
+ end
+ if page =~ /&amp;skip=(\d+)">prev<\/a>/
+ numdefs = $1.to_i + 1
- m.reply "#{m.params} not found."
+ numdefs = 1
+ n = numdefs + n + 1 if n < 0
+ if n > numdefs
+ m.reply "Urban dictionary only has #{numdefs} definitions for '#{words}'"
+ n = numdefs
+ end
+ if n < numdefs
+ uri = URI.parse("{URI.escape words}&skip=#{n-1}")
+ page = @bot.httputil.get(uri)
+ if page.nil?
+ case n % 10
+ when 1
+ ord = 'st'
+ when 2
+ ord = 'nd'
+ when 3
+ ord = 'rd'
+ else
+ ord = 'th'
+ end
+ m.reply "Couldn't retrieve the #{n}#{ord} urban dictionary definition of #{words}"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ m.reply "#{get_def(page)} (#{n}/#{numdefs})"
- def strip_tags(html)
- html.gsub(/<.+?>/,'').
- gsub(/&amp;/,'&').
- gsub(/&quot;/,'"').
- gsub(/&lt;/,'<').
- gsub(/&gt;/,'>').
- gsub(/&ellip;/,'...').
- gsub(/&apos;/, "'").
- gsub("\n",'')
+ def get_def(text)
+ Utils.decode_html_entities text.gsub(/(?:<a href.*?>prev<\/a> )?<a href.*?>home<\/a>(?: <a href.*?>next<\/a>)?/,'').gsub(/<\/?p>/, ' ').gsub(/<.*?>/, '').gsub("\n", ' ').strip
+ end
+ def uotd(m, params)
+ home = @bot.httputil.get("")
+ if home.nil?
+ m.reply "Couldn't get the urban dictionary word of the day"
+ return
+ end
+ home.match(/Word of the Day: <a href="(.*?)">.*?<\/a>/)
+ wotd = $1
+ debug "Urban word of the day: #{wotd}"
+ page = @bot.httputil.get(wotd)
+ if page.nil?
+ m.reply "Couldn't get the urban dictionary word of the day"
+ else
+ m.reply get_def(page)
+ end
plugin =
-plugin.register( "urban" ) "urban *words :n", :requirements => { :n => /^-?\d+$/ }, :action => 'urban' "urban [*words]", :action => 'urban' "urbanday", :action => 'uotd'