path: root/data/rbot/plugins
diff options
authorDavid Gadling <>2010-03-01 23:17:01 -0800
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2010-07-01 15:10:59 +0200
commita99f1d32eaf346bec43bcb74775bf32c04030d39 (patch)
treeb4b95ad6891e124223c4d2753726afdbcbce7824 /data/rbot/plugins
parent6ff6107a59b1daaadf3cabe2b575d71511bfe293 (diff)
poll: New plugin for having polls (votes, contests, etc) running.
Polls can be brief (2 minutes) or longer lasting (2 weeks).
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/poll.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/poll.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad80bdff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/poll.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+#-- vim:ts=2:et:sw=2
+# :title: Voting plugin for rbot
+# Author:: David Gadling <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2010 David Gadling
+# License:: BSD
+# Submit a poll question to a channel, wait for glorious outcome.
+class ::Poll
+ attr_accessor :id, :author, :channel, :running, :ends_at, :started
+ attr_accessor :question, :answers, :duration, :voters, :outcome
+ def initialize(originating_message, question, answers, duration)
+ @author = originating_message.sourcenick
+ @channel =
+ @question = question
+ @running = false
+ @duration = duration
+ @answers =
+ @voters =
+ answer_index = "A"
+ answers.each do |ans|
+ @answers[answer_index] = {
+ :value => ans,
+ :count => 0
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def start!
+ return if @running
+ @started =
+ @ends_at = @started + @duration
+ @running = true
+ end
+ def stop!
+ return if @running == false
+ @running = false
+ end
+ def record_vote(voter, choice)
+ if @running == false
+ return _("Poll's closed!")
+ end
+ if @voters.has_key? voter
+ return _("You already voted for #{@voters[voter]}!")
+ end
+ choice.upcase!
+ if @answers.has_key? choice
+ @answers[choice][:count] += 1
+ @voters[voter] = choice
+ return _("Recorded your vote for #{choice}: #{@answers[choice][:value]}")
+ else
+ return _("Don't have an option #{choice}")
+ end
+ end
+ def printing_values
+ return Hash[:question => @question,
+ :answers => @answers.keys.collect { |a| [a, @answers[a][:value]] }
+ ]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ return @question
+ end
+ def options
+ options = _("Options are: ")
+ @answers.each { |letter, info|
+ options << "#{Bold}#{letter}#{NormalText}) #{info[:value]} "
+ }
+ return options
+ end
+class PollPlugin < Plugin
+ Config.register'poll.max_concurrent_polls',
+ :default => 2,
+ :desc => _("How many polls a user can have running at once"))
+ Config.register'poll.default_duration',
+ :default => "2 minutes",
+ :desc => _("How long a poll will accept answers, by default."))
+ Config.register'poll.save_results',
+ :default => true,
+ :desc => _("Should we save results until we see the nick of the pollster?"))
+ def init_reg_entry(sym, default)
+ unless @registry.has_key?(sym)
+ @registry[sym] = default
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize()
+ super
+ init_reg_entry :running,
+ init_reg_entry :archives,
+ init_reg_entry :last_poll_id, 0
+ end
+ :seconds => 1,
+ :minutes => 60,
+ :hours => 60*60,
+ :days => 24*60*60,
+ :weeks => 7*24*60*60
+ }
+ def authors_running_count(victim)
+ return @registry[:running].values.collect { |p|
+ if == victim
+ 1
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ }.inject(0) { |acc, v| acc + v }
+ end
+ def start(m, params)
+ author = m.sourcenick
+ chan =
+ max_concurrent = @bot.config['poll.max_concurrent_polls']
+ if authors_running_count(author) == max_concurrent
+ m.reply _("Sorry, you're already at the limit (#{max_concurrent}) polls")
+ return
+ end
+ input_blob = params[:blob].join(" ")
+ quote_character = input_blob[0].chr()
+ chunks = input_blob.split(/#{quote_character}\s+#{quote_character}/)
+ if chunks.length <= 2
+ m.reply _("This isn't a dictatorship!")
+ return
+ end
+ question = chunks[0].gsub(/"/, '')
+ question = question + "?" if question[-1].chr != "?"
+ answers = chunks[1, chunks.length()-1].map { |a| a.gsub(/"/, '') }
+ params[:duration] = params[:duration].join(' ')
+ if params[:duration] == ''
+ target_duration = @bot.config['poll.default_duration']
+ else
+ target_duration = params[:duration]
+ end
+ val, units = target_duration.split(' ')
+ if MULTIPLIERS.has_key? units.to_sym
+ duration = val.to_i * MULTIPLIERS[units.to_sym]
+ else
+ m.reply _("I don't understand the #{Bold}#{units}#{NormalText} unit")
+ return
+ end
+ poll =, question, answers, duration)
+ m.reply _("New poll from #{author}: #{Bold}#{question}#{NormalText}")
+ m.reply poll.options
+ = @registry[:last_poll_id] + 1
+ poll.start!
+ command = _("poll vote #{} <SINGLE-LETTER>")
+ m.reply _("You have #{Bold}#{target_duration}#{NormalText} to: " +
+ "#{Bold}/msg #{@bot.nick} #{command}#{NormalText} or " +
+ "#{Bold}#{@bot.config['core.address_prefix']}#{command}#{NormalText} ")
+ running = @registry[:running]
+ running[] = poll
+ @registry[:running] = running
+ @bot.timer.add_once(duration) { count_votes( }
+ @registry[:last_poll_id] =
+ end
+ def count_votes(poll_id)
+ poll = @registry[:running][poll_id]
+ # Hrm, it vanished!
+ return if poll == nil
+ poll.stop!
+ @bot.say(, _("Let's find the answer to: #{Bold}#{poll.question}#{NormalText}"))
+ sorted = poll.answers.sort { |a,b| b[1][:count]<=>a[1][:count] }
+ winner_info = sorted.first
+ winner_info << sorted.inject(0) { |accum, choice| accum + choice[1][:count] }
+ if winner_info[2] == 0
+ poll.outcome = _("Nobody voted")
+ else
+ if sorted[0][1][:count] == sorted[1][1][:count]
+ poll.outcome = _("No clear winner: ") +
+ { |a|
+ a[1][:count] > 0
+ }.collect { |a|
+ _("'#{a[1][:value]}' got #{a[1][:count]} vote#{a[1][:count] > 1 ? 's' : ''}")
+ }.join(", ")
+ else
+ winning_pct = "%3.0f%%" % [ 100 * (winner_info[1][:count] / winner_info[2]) ]
+ poll.outcome = _("The winner was choice #{winner_info[0]}: " +
+ "'#{winner_info[1][:value]}' " +
+ "with #{winner_info[1][:count]} " +
+ "vote#{winner_info[1][:count] > 1 ? 's' : ''} (#{winning_pct})")
+ end
+ end
+ @bot.say, poll.outcome
+ # Now that we're done, move it to the archives
+ archives = @registry[:archives]
+ archives[poll_id] = poll
+ @registry[:archives] = archives
+ # ... and take it out of the running list
+ running = @registry[:running]
+ running.delete(poll_id)
+ @registry[:running] = running
+ end
+ def list(m, params)
+ if @registry[:running].keys.length == 0
+ m.reply _("No polls running right now")
+ return
+ end
+ @registry[:running].each { |id, p|
+ m.reply _("#{}'s poll \"#{p.question}\" (id ##{}) runs until #{p.ends_at}")
+ }
+ end
+ def record_vote(m, params)
+ poll_id = params[:id].to_i
+ if @registry[:running].has_key?(poll_id) == false
+ m.reply _("I don't have poll ##{poll_id} running :(")
+ return
+ end
+ running = @registry[:running]
+ poll = running[poll_id]
+ result = poll.record_vote(m.sourcenick, params[:choice])
+ running[poll_id] = poll
+ @registry[:running] = running
+ m.reply result
+ end
+ def info(m, params)
+ params[:id] = params[:id].to_i
+ if @registry[:running].has_key? params[:id]
+ poll = @registry[:running][params[:id]]
+ elsif @registry[:archives].has_key? params[:id]
+ poll = @registry[:archives][params[:id]]
+ else
+ m.reply _("Sorry, couldn't find poll ##{Bold}#{params[:id]}#{NormalText}")
+ return
+ end
+ to_reply = _("Poll ##{} was asked by #{Bold}#{}#{NormalText} " +
+ "in #{Bold}#{}#{NormalText} #{poll.started}.")
+ if poll.running
+ to_reply << _(" It's still running!")
+ if poll.voters.has_key? m.sourcenick
+ to_reply << _(" Be patient, it'll end #{poll.ends_at}")
+ else
+ to_reply << _(" You have until #{poll.ends_at} to vote if you haven't!")
+ to_reply << " #{poll.options}"
+ end
+ else
+ to_reply << " #{poll.outcome}"
+ end
+ m.reply _(to_reply)
+ end
+ def help(plugin,topic="")
+ case topic
+ when "start"
+ _("poll start 'my question' 'answer1' 'answer2' ['answer3' ...] " +
+ "[for 5 minutes] : Start a poll for the given duration. " +
+ "If you don't specify a duration the default will be used.")
+ when "list"
+ _("poll list : Give some info about currently active polls")
+ when "info"
+ _("poll info #{Bold}id#{Bold} : Get info about /results from a given poll")
+ when "vote"
+ _("poll vote #{Bold}id choice#{Bold} : Vote on the given poll with your choice")
+ else
+ _("Hold informative polls: poll start|list|info|vote")
+ end
+ end
+plugin = 'poll start *blob [for *duration]', :action => 'start' 'poll list', :action => 'list' 'poll info :id', :action => 'info' 'poll vote :id :choice', :action => 'record_vote', :threaded => true