path: root/data/rbot/plugins
diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2021-05-30 23:44:52 +0200
committerOblomov <>2021-05-31 12:17:52 +0200
commita26570d3fa12a99e2ec694ffd40e13d70df19877 (patch)
treed0b63ff659e54e43acb0d9d6eb71923cdd463da8 /data/rbot/plugins
parentc5ddfcfcff2f0e939ef4b1ff3f9eaf0703f30fbe (diff)
new plugin: webhook
This plugin provides webhook support for GitHub and similar services, through the webservice feature. Hosting services and output formats can be customized through filters as usual.
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/webhook.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/webhook.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87c8c400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/webhook.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# vi:et:sw=2
+# webhook plugin -- webservice plugin to support webhooks from common repository services
+# (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, Gitea) and announce changes on IRC
+# Most of the processing is done through two (sets of) filters:
+# * webhook host filters take the JSON sent from the hosting server,
+# and extract pertinent information (repository name, commit author, etc)
+# * webhook output filters take the DataStream produced by the webhook host filter,
+# and turn it into an IRC message to be sent by PRIVMSG or NOTICE based on the
+# webhook.announce_method configuration
+# The reason for this two-tier filtering is to allow the same output filters
+# to be fed data from different (potentially unknown) hosting services.
+require 'json'
+class WebHookPlugin < Plugin
+ include WebPlugin
+ Config.register'webhook.announce_method',
+ :values => ['say', 'notice'],
+ :default => 'say',
+ :desc => "Whether to send a message or notice when announcing new GitHub actions.")
+ # Auxiliary method used to collect two lines for output filters,
+ # running substitutions against DataStream _s_ optionally joined
+ # with hash _h_.
+ #
+ # TODO this was ripped from rss.rb considering moving it to the DataStream
+ # interface or something like that
+ #
+ # For substitutions, *_wrap keys can be used to alter the content of
+ # other nonempty keys. If the value of *_wrap is a String, it will be
+ # put before and after the corresponding key; if it's an Array, the first
+ # and second elements will be used for wrapping; if it's nil, no wrapping
+ # will be done (useful to override a default wrapping).
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # :handle_wrap => '::'::
+ # will wrap s[:handle] by prefixing and postfixing it with '::'
+ # :date_wrap => [nil, ' :: ']::
+ # will put ' :: ' after s[:date]
+ def make_stream(line1, line2, s, h={})
+ ss = s.merge(h)
+ subs = {}
+ wraps = {}
+ ss.each do |k, v|
+ kk = k.to_s.chomp!('_wrap')
+ if kk
+ nk = kk.intern
+ case v
+ when String
+ wraps[nk] = ss[nk].wrap_nonempty(v, v)
+ when Array
+ wraps[nk] = ss[nk].wrap_nonempty(*v)
+ when nil
+ # do nothing
+ else
+ warning "ignoring #{v.inspect} wrapping of unknown class"
+ end unless ss[nk].nil?
+ else
+ subs[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ subs.merge! wraps
+[line1, line2].compact.join("\n") % subs, ss)
+ end
+ # Auxiliary method used to define rss output filters
+ def webhook_host_filter(key, &block)
+ @bot.register_filter(key, @hostkey, &block)
+ end
+ def webhook_out_filter(key, &block)
+ @bot.register_filter(key, @outkey, &block)
+ end
+ # Define the default webhook host and output filters, and load custom ones.
+ # Custom filters are looked for in the plugin's default filter locations,
+ # and in webhook/filters.rb
+ #
+ # Preferably, the webhook_host_filter and webhook_out_filter methods should be used in these files, e.g.:
+ # webhook_filter :my_output do |s|
+ # line1 = "%{repo} and some %{author} info"
+ # make_stream(line1, nil, s)
+ # end
+ # to define the new filter 'my_output'.
+ #
+ # The datastream passed as input to the host filters has two keys:
+ # payload::
+ # the hash representing the JSON payload
+ # request::
+ # the HTTPRequest that carried the JSON payload
+ # repo::
+ # the expected name of the repository.
+ #
+ # Host filters should check that the request+payload is compatible with the format they expect,
+ # and that the detected repo name matches the provided one. If either condition is not satisfied,
+ # they should return nil. Otherwise, they should agument the input hash with
+ # approrpiate keys extracting the relevant information (as indicated below).
+ #
+ # The default host and out filters produce and expect the following keys in the DataStream:
+ # event::
+ # the event type, as described by e.g. the X-GitHub-Event request header
+ # event_key::
+ # the main event-specific object key (e.g. issue in the case of issue_comment)
+ # payload::
+ # the hash representing the JSON payload
+ # repo::
+ # the full name of the repository (e.g. "ruby-rbot/rbot")
+ # author::
+ # the sender login (e.g. "Oblomov")
+ # action::
+ # the hook action
+ # ref::
+ # the ref referenced by the event
+ # number::
+ # the number of the issue or PR modified, or the number of commits
+ # title::
+ # title of the object
+ # link::
+ # the HTML link
+ def define_filters
+ @hostkey ||= :""
+ @outkey ||= :"webhook.out"
+ # the default output filter
+ webhook_out_filter :default do |s|
+ line1 = "%{repo}: %{author} %{action}"
+ [:number, :title, :ref, :link].each do |k|
+ line1 += "%{#{k}}" if s[k]
+ end
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s,
+ :repo_wrap => [Irc.color(:yellow), NormalText],
+ :author_wrap => Bold,
+ :number_wrap => [' ', ''],
+ :title_wrap => [" #{Irc.color(:green)}", NormalText],
+ :ref_wrap => [" (#{Irc.color(:yellow)}", "#{NormalText})"],
+ :link_wrap => [" <#{Irc.color(:aqualight)}", "#{NormalText}>"])
+ end
+ # the github host filter is actually implemented below
+ webhook_host_filter :github do |s|
+ github_host_filter(s)
+ end
+ # gitea is essentially compatible with github
+ webhook_host_filter :gitea do |s|
+ github_host_filter(s)
+ end
+ @user_types ||= datafile 'filters.rb'
+ load_filters
+ load_filters :path => @user_types
+ end
+ # Map the event name to the payload key storing the essential information
+ :issues => :issue,
+ :ping => :hook,
+ }
+ # Host filters should return nil if they cannot process the given payload+request pair
+ def github_host_filter(input_stream)
+ request = input_stream[:request]
+ json = input_stream[:payload]
+ req_repo = input_stream[:repo]
+ return nil unless request['x-github-event']
+ repo = json[:repository]
+ return nil unless repo
+ repo = repo[:full_name]
+ return nil unless repo
+ return nil unless repo == req_repo
+ event = request.header['x-github-event'].first.to_sym
+ obj = nil
+ link = nil
+ title = nil
+ event_key = GITHUB_EVENT_KEY[event] || event
+ # :issue_comment needs special handling because it has two primary objects
+ # (the issue and the comment), and we take stuff from both
+ obj = json[event_key] || json[:issue]
+ if obj
+ link = json[:comment][:html_url] rescue nil if event == :issue_comment
+ link ||= obj[:html_url] || obj[:url]
+ title = obj[:title]
+ else
+ link = json[:html_url] || json[:url] || json[:compare]
+ end
+ title ||= json[:zen] || json[:commits].last[:message].lines.first.chomp rescue nil
+ stream_hash = { :event => event,
+ :event_key => event_key,
+ :ref => json[:ref],
+ :author => (json[:sender][:login] rescue nil),
+ :action => json[:action] || event,
+ :title => title,
+ :link => link
+ }
+ num = json[:number] || obj[:number] rescue nil
+ stream_hash[:number] = '%{object} #%{num}' % { :num => num, :object => event_key.to_s.gsub('_', ' ') } if num
+ num = json[:size] || json[:commits].size rescue nil
+ stream_hash[:number] = _("%{num} commits") % { :num => num } if num
+ debug stream_hash
+ return input_stream.merge stream_hash
+ end
+ def initialize
+ super
+ define_filters
+ # @repos is hash the maps each reapo to a hash of watchers
+ # channel => filter
+ @repos = {}
+ if @registry.has_key?(:repos)
+ @repos = @registry[:repos]
+ end
+ end
+ def name
+ "webhook"
+ end
+ def save
+ @registry[:repos] = @repos
+ end
+ def help(plugin, topic="")
+ case topic
+ when "watch"
+ ["webhook watch #{Bold}repository#{Bold} #{Bold}filter#{Bold} [in #{Bold}\#channel#{Bold}]: announce webhook triggers matching the given repository, using the given output filter.",
+ "the repository should be defined as service:name where service is known service, and name the actual repository name.",
+ "example: webhook watch github:ruby-rbot/rbot github"].join("\n")
+ when "unwatch"
+ " unwatch #{Bold}repository#{Bold} [in #{Bold}\#channel#{Bold}]: stop announcing webhhoks from the given repository"
+ else
+ " [un]watch <repository> [in #channel]: manage webhhok announcements for the given repository in the given channel"
+ end
+ end
+ def watch_repo(m, params)
+ repo = params[:repo]
+ chan = (params[:chan] || m.replyto).downcase
+ filter = params[:filter] || :default
+ @repos[repo] ||= {}
+ @repos[repo][chan] = filter
+ m.okay
+ end
+ def unwatch_repo(m, params)
+ repo = params[:repo]
+ chan = (params[:chan] || m.replyto).downcase
+ if @repo.has_key?(repo)
+ @repos[repo].delete(chan)
+ m.okay
+ if @repos[repo].empty?
+ @repos.delete(repo)
+ m.reply _("No more watchers, I'll forget about %{repo} altogether") % params
+ end
+ else
+ m.reply _("repo %{repo} not found") % params
+ end
+ end
+ # Display the host filters
+ def list_host_filters(m, params)
+ ar = @bot.filter_names(@hostkey)
+ if ar.empty?
+ m.reply _("No custom service filters registered")
+ else
+ m.reply { |k| k.to_s }.sort!.join(", ")
+ end
+ end
+ # Display the known output filters
+ def list_output_filters(m, params)
+ ar = @bot.filter_names(@outkey)
+ ar.delete(:default)
+ if ar.empty?
+ m.reply _("No custom output filters registered")
+ else
+ m.reply { |k| k.to_s }.sort!.join(", ")
+ end
+ end
+ # Display the known repos and watchers
+ def list_repos(m, params)
+ if @repos.empty?
+ m.reply "No repos defined"
+ return
+ end
+ msg = do |repo, watchers|
+ [Bold + repo + Bold, do |channel, filter|
+ "#{channel} (#{filter})"
+ end.join(", ")].join(": ")
+ end.join(", ")
+ m.reply msg
+ end
+ def filter_hook(json, request)
+ announce_method = @bot.config['webhook.announce_method']
+ debug request
+ debug json
+ @repos.each do |s_repo, watchers|
+ host, repo = s_repo.split(':', 2)
+ key = @bot.global_filter_name(host, @hostkey)
+ error "No host filter for #{host} (from #{s_repo})" unless @bot.has_filter?(key)
+ debug key
+ processed = @bot.filter(key, { :payload => json, :request => request, :repo => repo })
+ debug processed
+ next unless processed
+ # TODO if we see that the same output filter is applied to multiple channels,
+ # we should group the channels by filters and only do the output processing once
+ watchers.each do |channel, filter|
+ begin
+ key = @bot.global_filter_name(filter, @outkey)
+ key = @bot.global_filter_name(:default, @outkey) unless @bot.has_filter?(key)
+ debug key
+ output = @bot.filter(key, processed)
+ debug output
+ @bot.__send__(announce_method, channel, output)
+ rescue => e
+ error "Failed to announce #{json} for #{repo} in #{channel} with filter #{filter}"
+ debug e.inspect
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n") if e.respond_to?(:backtrace)
+ end
+ end
+ # match found, stop checking
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ def process_hook(m, params)
+ json = nil
+ begin
+ json = JSON.parse(m.req.body, :symbolize_names => true)
+ rescue => e
+ error "Failed to parse request #{m.req}"
+ debug m.req
+ debug e.inspect
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n") if e.respond_to?(:backtrace)
+ end
+ # Send the response early
+ if not json
+ m.send_plaintext("Failed\n", 400)
+ return
+ end
+ m.send_plaintext("OK\n", 200)
+ begin
+ filter_hook(json, m.req)
+ rescue => e
+ error e
+ debug e.inspect
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n") if e.respond_to?(:backtrace)
+ end
+ end
+plugin =
+plugin.web_map "/webhook", :action => :process_hook
+ 'webhook watch :repo :filter [in :chan]',
+ :action => :watch_repo,
+ :defaults => { :filter => nil }
+ 'webhook unwatch :repo [in :chan]',
+ :action => :unwatch_repo
+ 'webhook list [repos]',
+ :action => 'list_repos'
+ 'webhook [list] filters',
+ :action => 'list_output_filters'
+ 'webhook [list] hosts',
+ :action => 'list_host_filters'
+ 'webhook [list] services',
+ :action => 'list_host_filters'