path: root/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2008-03-04 18:24:57 +0100
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2008-03-04 18:24:57 +0100
commit6f9bfa43ac907700fcba394e0f6b9d987b1192fb (patch)
tree90058ef94a1cdf86b51b70bfdafd17b8f26ea33a /data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
parent02e8b672cdf3bf8c67f78a2a7fc028c4c6304a30 (diff)
Unixify all line endings.
Some files had DOS-style line endings. Change all of them to Unix-style.
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb')
1 files changed, 1107 insertions, 1107 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
index f6e0b98a..3b8e8c7d 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
@@ -1,1107 +1,1107 @@
-#-- vim:sw=2:et
-# :title: RSS feed plugin for rbot
-# Author:: Stanislav Karchebny <>
-# Author:: Ian Monroe <>
-# Author:: Mark Kretschmann <>
-# Author:: Giuseppe Bilotta <>
-# Copyright:: (C) 2004 Stanislav Karchebny
-# Copyright:: (C) 2005 Ian Monroe, Mark Kretschmann
-# Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
-# License:: MIT license
-require 'rss'
-# Try to load rss/content/2.0 so we can access the data in <content:encoded>
-# tags.
- require 'rss/content/2.0'
-rescue LoadError
-module ::RSS
- # Make an 'unique' ID for a given item, based on appropriate bot options
- # Currently only suppored is bot.config['rss.show_updated']: when true, the
- # description is included in the uid hashing, otherwise it's not
- #
- def RSS.item_uid_for_bot(item, opts={})
- options = { :show_updated => true}.merge(opts)
- desc = nil
- if options[:show_updated]
- desc = item.content.content rescue item.description rescue nil
- end
- [(item.title.content rescue item.title rescue nil),
- ( rescue,
- desc].hash
- end
- # Add support for Slashdot namespace in RDF. The code is just an adaptation
- # of the DublinCore code.
- unless defined?(SLASH_PREFIX)
- SLASH_PREFIX = 'slash'
- SLASH_URI = ""
- module BaseSlashModel
- def append_features(klass)
- super
- return if klass.instance_of?(Module)
- SlashModel::ELEMENT_NAME_INFOS.each do |name, plural_name|
- plural = plural_name || "#{name}s"
- full_name = "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{name}"
- full_plural_name = "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{plural}"
- klass_name = "Slash#{Utils.to_class_name(name)}"
- # This will fail with older version of the Ruby RSS module
- begin
- klass.install_have_children_element(name, SLASH_URI, "*",
- full_name, full_plural_name)
- klass.install_must_call_validator(SLASH_PREFIX, SLASH_URI)
- rescue ArgumentError
- klass.module_eval("install_have_children_element(#{full_name.dump}, #{full_plural_name.dump})")
- end
- klass.module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(0))
- remove_method :#{full_name} if method_defined? :#{full_name}
- remove_method :#{full_name}= if method_defined? :#{full_name}=
- remove_method :set_#{full_name} if method_defined? :set_#{full_name}
- def #{full_name}
- @#{full_name}.first and @#{full_name}.first.value
- end
- def #{full_name}=(new_value)
- @#{full_name}[0] = Utils.new_with_value_if_need(#{klass_name}, new_value)
- end
- alias set_#{full_name} #{full_name}=
- end
- end
- end
- module SlashModel
- extend BaseModel
- extend BaseSlashModel
- "department" => nil,
- "section" => nil,
- "comments" => nil,
- "hit_parade" => nil
- }
- ELEMENTS.each do |name, plural_name|
- module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(0))
- class Slash#{Utils.to_class_name(name)} < Element
- include RSS10
- content_setup
- class << self
- def required_prefix
- end
- def required_uri
- end
- end
- @tag_name = #{name.dump}
- alias_method(:value, :content)
- alias_method(:value=, :content=)
- def initialize(*args)
- begin
- if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args)
- super
- else
- super()
- self.content = args[0]
- end
- # Older Ruby RSS module
- rescue NoMethodError
- super()
- self.content = args[0]
- end
- end
- def full_name
- tag_name_with_prefix(SLASH_PREFIX)
- end
- def maker_target(target)
- target.new_#{name}
- end
- def setup_maker_attributes(#{name})
- #{name}.content = content
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class RDF
- class Item; include SlashModel; end
- end
- SlashModel::ELEMENTS.each do |name|
- class_name = Utils.to_class_name(name)
- BaseListener.install_class_name(SLASH_URI, name, "Slash#{class_name}")
- end
- SlashModel::ELEMENTS.collect! {|name| "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{name}"}
- end
-class ::RssBlob
- attr_accessor :url, :handle, :type, :refresh_rate, :xml, :title, :items,
- :mutex, :watchers, :last_fetched
- def initialize(url,handle=nil,type=nil,watchers=[], xml=nil, lf = nil)
- @url = url
- if handle
- @handle = handle
- else
- @handle = url
- end
- @type = type
- @watchers=[]
- @refresh_rate = nil
- @xml = xml
- @title = nil
- @items = nil
- @mutex =
- @last_fetched = lf
- sanitize_watchers(watchers)
- end
- def dup
- @mutex.synchronize do
- @handle,
- @type ? @type.dup : nil,
- @watchers.dup,
- @xml ? @xml.dup : nil,
- @last_fetched)
- end
- end
- # Downcase all watchers, possibly turning them into Strings if they weren't
- def sanitize_watchers(list=@watchers)
- ls = list.dup
- @watchers.clear
- ls.each { |w|
- add_watch(w)
- }
- end
- def watched?
- !@watchers.empty?
- end
- def watched_by?(who)
- @watchers.include?(who.downcase)
- end
- def add_watch(who)
- if watched_by?(who)
- return nil
- end
- @mutex.synchronize do
- @watchers << who.downcase
- end
- return who
- end
- def rm_watch(who)
- @mutex.synchronize do
- @watchers.delete(who.downcase)
- end
- end
- def to_a
- [@handle,@url,@type,@refresh_rate,@watchers]
- end
- def to_s(watchers=false)
- if watchers
- a = self.to_a.flatten
- else
- a = self.to_a[0,3]
- end
- a.compact.join(" | ")
- end
-class RSSFeedsPlugin < Plugin
- Config.register'rss.head_max',
- :default => 100, :validate =>{|v| v > 0 && v < 200},
- :desc => "How many characters to use of a RSS item header")
- Config.register'rss.text_max',
- :default => 200, :validate =>{|v| v > 0 && v < 400},
- :desc => "How many characters to use of a RSS item text")
- Config.register'rss.thread_sleep',
- :default => 300, :validate =>{|v| v > 30},
- :desc => "How many seconds to sleep before checking RSS feeds again")
- Config.register'rss.show_updated',
- :default => true,
- :desc => "Whether feed items for which the description was changed should be shown as new")
- Config.register'rss.show_links',
- :default => true,
- :desc => "Whether to display links from the text of a feed item.")
- # We used to save the Mutex with the RssBlob, which was idiotic. And
- # since Mutexes dumped in one version might not be resotrable in another,
- # we need a few tricks to be able to restore data from other versions of Ruby
- #
- # When migrating 1.8.6 => 1.8.5, all we need to do is define an empty
- # #marshal_load() method for Mutex. For 1.8.5 => 1.8.6 we need something
- # dirtier, as seen later on in the initialization code.
- unless
- class ::Mutex
- def marshal_load(str)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- attr_reader :feeds
- def initialize
- super
- if @registry.has_key?(:feeds)
- # When migrating from Ruby 1.8.5 to 1.8.6, dumped Mutexes may render the
- # data unrestorable. If this happens, we patch the data, thus allowing
- # the restore to work.
- #
- # This is actually pretty safe for a number of reasons:
- # * the code is only called if standard marshalling fails
- # * the string we look for is quite unlikely to appear randomly
- # * if the string appears somewhere and the patched string isn't recoverable
- # either, we'll get another (unrecoverable) error, which makes the rss
- # plugin unsable, just like it was if no recovery was attempted
- # * if the string appears somewhere and the patched string is recoverable,
- # we may get a b0rked feed, which is eventually overwritten by a clean
- # one, so the worst thing that can happen is that a feed update spams
- # the watchers once
- @registry.recovery = { |val|
- patched = val.sub(":\v@mutexo:\nMutex", ":\v@mutexo:\vObject")
- ret = Marshal.restore(patched)
- ret.each_value { |blob|
- blob.mutex = nil
- blob
- }
- }
- @feeds = @registry[:feeds]
- raise unless @feeds
- @registry.recovery = nil
- @feeds.keys.grep(/[A-Z]/) { |k|
- @feeds[k.downcase] = @feeds[k]
- @feeds.delete(k)
- }
- @feeds.each { |k, f|
- f.mutex =
- f.sanitize_watchers
- parseRss(f) if f.xml
- }
- else
- @feeds =
- end
- @watch =
- rewatch_rss
- end
- def name
- "rss"
- end
- def watchlist
- { |h, f| f.watched? }
- end
- def cleanup
- stop_watches
- super
- end
- def save
- unparsed =
- @feeds.each { |k, f|
- unparsed[k] = f.dup
- # we don't want to save the mutex
- unparsed[k].mutex = nil
- }
- @registry[:feeds] = unparsed
- end
- def stop_watch(handle)
- if @watch.has_key?(handle)
- begin
- debug "Stopping watch #{handle}"
- @bot.timer.remove(@watch[handle])
- @watch.delete(handle)
- rescue Exception => e
- report_problem("Failed to stop watch for #{handle}", e, nil)
- end
- end
- end
- def stop_watches
- @watch.each_key { |k|
- stop_watch(k)
- }
- end
- def help(plugin,topic="")
- case topic
- when "show"
- "rss show #{Bold}handle#{Bold} [#{Bold}limit#{Bold}] : show #{Bold}limit#{Bold} (default: 5, max: 15) entries from rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold}; #{Bold}limit#{Bold} can also be in the form a..b, to display a specific range of items"
- when "list"
- "rss list [#{Bold}handle#{Bold}] : list all rss feeds (matching #{Bold}handle#{Bold})"
- when "watched"
- "rss watched [#{Bold}handle#{Bold}] [in #{Bold}chan#{Bold}]: list all watched rss feeds (matching #{Bold}handle#{Bold}) (in channel #{Bold}chan#{Bold})"
- when "who", "watches", "who watches"
- "rss who watches [#{Bold}handle#{Bold}]]: list all watchers for rss feeds (matching #{Bold}handle#{Bold})"
- when "add"
- "rss add #{Bold}handle#{Bold} #{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}] : add a new rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} from url #{Bold}url#{Bold} (of type #{Bold}type#{Bold})"
- when "change"
- "rss change #{Bold}what#{Bold} of #{Bold}handle#{Bold} to #{Bold}new#{Bold} : change the #{Underline}handle#{Underline}, #{Underline}url#{Underline}, #{Underline}type#{Underline} or #{Underline}refresh#{Underline} rate of rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} to value #{Bold}new#{Bold}"
- when /^(del(ete)?|rm)$/
- "rss del(ete)|rm #{Bold}handle#{Bold} : delete rss feed #{Bold}handle#{Bold}"
- when "replace"
- "rss replace #{Bold}handle#{Bold} #{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}] : try to replace the url of rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} with #{Bold}url#{Bold} (of type #{Bold}type#{Bold}); only works if nobody else is watching it"
- when "forcereplace"
- "rss forcereplace #{Bold}handle#{Bold} #{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}] : replace the url of rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} with #{Bold}url#{Bold} (of type #{Bold}type#{Bold})"
- when "watch"
- "rss watch #{Bold}handle#{Bold} [#{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}]] [in #{Bold}chan#{Bold}]: watch rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold} for changes (in channel #{Bold}chan#{Bold}); when the other parameters are present, the feed will be created if it doesn't exist yet"
- when /(un|rm)watch/
- "rss unwatch|rmwatch #{Bold}handle#{Bold} [in #{Bold}chan#{Bold}]: stop watching rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold} (in channel #{Bold}chan#{Bold}) for changes"
- when /who(?: watche?s?)?/
- "rss who watches #{Bold}handle#{Bold}: lists watches for rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold}"
- when "rewatch"
- "rss rewatch : restart threads that watch for changes in watched rss"
- else
- "manage RSS feeds: rss show|list|watched|add|change|del(ete)|rm|(force)replace|watch|unwatch|rmwatch|rewatch|who watches"
- end
- end
- def report_problem(report, e=nil, m=nil)
- if m && m.respond_to?(:reply)
- m.reply report
- else
- warning report
- end
- if e
- debug e.inspect
- debug e.backtrace.join("\n") if e.respond_to?(:backtrace)
- end
- end
- def show_rss(m, params)
- handle = params[:handle]
- lims = params[:limit].to_s.match(/(\d+)(?:..(\d+))?/)
- debug lims.to_a.inspect
- if lims[2]
- ll = [[lims[1].to_i-1,lims[2].to_i-1].min, 0].max
- ul = [[lims[1].to_i-1,lims[2].to_i-1].max, 14].min
- rev = lims[1].to_i > lims[2].to_i
- else
- ll = 0
- ul = [[lims[1].to_i-1, 0].max, 14].min
- rev = false
- end
- feed = @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil)
- unless feed
- m.reply "I don't know any feeds named #{handle}"
- return
- end
- m.reply "lemme fetch it..."
- title = items = nil
- we_were_watching = false
- if @watch.key?(feed.handle)
- # If a feed is being watched, we run the watcher thread
- # so that all watchers can be informed of changes to
- # the feed. Before we do that, though, we remove the
- # show requester from the watchlist, if present, lest
- # he gets the update twice.
- if feed.watched_by?(m.replyto)
- we_were_watching = true
- feed.rm_watch(m.replyto)
- end
- @bot.timer.reschedule(@watch[feed.handle], 0)
- if we_were_watching
- feed.add_watch(m.replyto)
- end
- else
- fetched = fetchRss(feed, m, false)
- end
- return unless fetched or feed.xml
- if not fetched and feed.items
- m.reply "using old data"
- else
- parsed = parseRss(feed, m)
- m.reply "using old data" unless parsed
- end
- return unless feed.items
- title = feed.title
- items = feed.items
- # We sort the feeds in freshness order (newer ones first)
- items = freshness_sort(items)
- disp = items[ll..ul]
- disp.reverse! if rev
- m.reply "Channel : #{title}"
- disp.each do |item|
- printFormattedRss(feed, item, {:places=>[m.replyto],:handle=>nil,:date=>true})
- end
- end
- def itemDate(item,ex=nil)
- return item.pubDate if item.respond_to?(:pubDate) and item.pubDate
- return if item.respond_to?(:date) and
- return ex
- end
- def freshness_sort(items)
- notime =
- items.sort { |a, b|
- itemDate(b, notime) <=> itemDate(a, notime)
- }
- end
- def list_rss(m, params)
- wanted = params[:handle]
- reply =
- @feeds.each { |handle, feed|
- next if wanted and !handle.match(/#{wanted}/i)
- reply << "#{feed.handle}: #{feed.url} (in format: #{feed.type ? feed.type : 'default'})"
- (reply << " refreshing every #{Utils.secs_to_string(feed.refresh_rate)}") if feed.refresh_rate
- (reply << " (watched)") if feed.watched_by?(m.replyto)
- reply << "\n"
- }
- if reply.empty?
- reply = "no feeds found"
- reply << " matching #{wanted}" if wanted
- end
- m.reply reply, :max_lines => reply.length
- end
- def watched_rss(m, params)
- wanted = params[:handle]
- chan = params[:chan] || m.replyto
- reply =
- watchlist.each { |handle, feed|
- next if wanted and !handle.match(/#{wanted}/i)
- next unless feed.watched_by?(chan)
- reply << "#{feed.handle}: #{feed.url} (in format: #{feed.type ? feed.type : 'default'})"
- (reply << " refreshing every #{Utils.secs_to_string(feed.refresh_rate)}") if feed.refresh_rate
- reply << "\n"
- }
- if reply.empty?
- reply = "no watched feeds"
- reply << " matching #{wanted}" if wanted
- end
- m.reply reply
- end
- def who_watches(m, params)
- wanted = params[:handle]
- reply =
- watchlist.each { |handle, feed|
- next if wanted and !handle.match(/#{wanted}/i)
- reply << "#{feed.handle}: #{feed.url} (in format: #{feed.type ? feed.type : 'default'})"
- (reply << " refreshing every #{Utils.secs_to_string(feed.refresh_rate)}") if feed.refresh_rate
- reply << ": watched by #{feed.watchers.join(', ')}"
- reply << "\n"
- }
- if reply.empty?
- reply = "no watched feeds"
- reply << " matching #{wanted}" if wanted
- end
- m.reply reply
- end
- def add_rss(m, params, force=false)
- handle = params[:handle]
- url = params[:url]
- unless url.match(/https?/)
- m.reply "I only deal with feeds from HTTP sources, so I can't use #{url} (maybe you forgot the handle?)"
- return
- end
- type = params[:type]
- if @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil) && !force
- m.reply "There is already a feed named #{handle} (URL: #{@feeds[handle.downcase].url})"
- return
- end
- unless url
- m.reply "You must specify both a handle and an url to add an RSS feed"
- return
- end
- @feeds[handle.downcase] =,handle,type)
- reply = "Added RSS #{url} named #{handle}"
- if type
- reply << " (format: #{type})"
- end
- m.reply reply
- return handle
- end
- def change_rss(m, params)
- handle = params[:handle].downcase
- feed = @feeds.fetch(handle, nil)
- unless feed
- m.reply "No such feed with handle #{handle}"
- return
- end
- case params[:what].intern
- when :handle
- new = params[:new].downcase
- if @feeds.key?(new) and @feeds[new]
- m.reply "There already is a feed with handle #{new}"
- return
- else
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- @feeds[new] = feed
- @feeds.delete(handle)
- feed.handle = new
- end
- handle = new
- end
- when :url
- new = params[:new]
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- feed.url = new
- end
- when :format, :type
- new = params[:new]
- new = nil if new == 'default'
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- feed.type = new
- end
- when :refresh
- new = params[:new].to_i
- new = nil if new == 0
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- feed.refresh_rate = new
- end
- else
- m.reply "Don't know how to change #{params[:what]} for feeds"
- return
- end
- m.reply "Feed changed:"
- list_rss(m, {:handle => handle})
- end
- def del_rss(m, params, pass=false)
- feed = unwatch_rss(m, params, true)
- return unless feed
- if feed.watched?
- m.reply "someone else is watching #{feed.handle}, I won't remove it from my list"
- return
- end
- @feeds.delete(feed.handle.downcase)
- m.okay unless pass
- return
- end
- def replace_rss(m, params)
- handle = params[:handle]
- if @feeds.key?(handle.downcase)
- del_rss(m, {:handle => handle}, true)
- end
- if @feeds.key?(handle.downcase)
- m.reply "can't replace #{feed.handle}"
- else
- add_rss(m, params, true)
- end
- end
- def forcereplace_rss(m, params)
- add_rss(m, params, true)
- end
- def watch_rss(m, params)
- handle = params[:handle]
- chan = params[:chan] || m.replyto
- url = params[:url]
- type = params[:type]
- if url
- add_rss(m, params)
- end
- feed = @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil)
- if feed
- if feed.add_watch(chan)
- watchRss(feed, m)
- m.okay
- else
- m.reply "Already watching #{feed.handle} in #{chan}"
- end
- else
- m.reply "Couldn't watch feed #{handle} (no such feed found)"
- end
- end
- def unwatch_rss(m, params, pass=false)
- handle = params[:handle].downcase
- chan = params[:chan] || m.replyto
- unless @feeds.has_key?(handle)
- m.reply("dunno that feed")
- return
- end
- feed = @feeds[handle]
- if feed.rm_watch(chan)
- m.reply "#{chan} has been removed from the watchlist for #{feed.handle}"
- else
- m.reply("#{chan} wasn't watching #{feed.handle}") unless pass
- end
- if !feed.watched?
- stop_watch(handle)
- end
- return feed
- end
- def rewatch_rss(m=nil, params=nil)
- if params and handle = params[:handle]
- feed = @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil)
- if feed
- @bot.timer.reschedule(@watch[feed.handle], 0)
- m.okay if m
- else
- m.reply _("no such feed %{handle}") % { :handle => handle } if m
- end
- else
- stop_watches
- # Read watches from list.
- watchlist.each{ |handle, feed|
- watchRss(feed, m)
- }
- m.okay if m
- end
- end
- private
- def watchRss(feed, m=nil)
- if @watch.has_key?(feed.handle)
- report_problem("watcher thread for #{feed.handle} is already running", nil, m)
- return
- end
- status =
- status[:failures] = 0
- tmout = 0
- if feed.last_fetched
- tmout = feed.last_fetched + calculate_timeout(feed) -
- tmout = 0 if tmout < 0
- end
- debug "scheduling a watcher for #{feed} in #{tmout} seconds"
- @watch[feed.handle] = @bot.timer.add(tmout) {
- debug "watcher for #{feed} wakes up"
- failures = status[:failures]
- begin
- debug "fetching #{feed}"
- first_run = !feed.last_fetched
- oldxml = feed.xml ? feed.xml.dup : nil
- unless fetchRss(feed)
- failures += 1
- else
- if first_run
- debug "first run for #{feed}, getting items"
- parseRss(feed)
- elsif oldxml and oldxml == feed.xml
- debug "xml for #{feed} didn't change"
- failures -= 1 if failures > 0
- else
- if not feed.items
- debug "no previous items in feed #{feed}"
- parseRss(feed)
- failures -= 1 if failures > 0
- else
- # This one is used for debugging
- otxt = []
- # These are used for checking new items vs old ones
- uid_opts = { :show_updated => @bot.config['rss.show_updated'] }
- oids = { |item|
- uid = RSS.item_uid_for_bot(item, uid_opts)
- otxt << item.to_s
- debug [uid, item].inspect
- debug [uid, otxt.last].inspect
- uid
- }
- unless parseRss(feed)
- debug "no items in feed #{feed}"
- failures += 1
- else
- debug "Checking if new items are available for #{feed}"
- failures -= 1 if failures > 0
- # debug "Old:"
- # debug oldxml
- # debug "New:"
- # debug feed.xml
- dispItems = feed.items.reject { |item|
- uid = RSS.item_uid_for_bot(item, uid_opts)
- txt = item.to_s
- if oids.include?(uid)
- debug "rejecting old #{uid} #{item.inspect}"
- debug [uid, txt].inspect
- true
- else
- debug "accepting new #{uid} #{item.inspect}"
- debug [uid, txt].inspect
- warning "same text! #{txt}" if otxt.include?(txt)
- false
- end
- }
- if dispItems.length > 0
- debug "Found #{dispItems.length} new items in #{feed}"
- # When displaying watched feeds, publish them from older to newer
- dispItems.reverse.each { |item|
- printFormattedRss(feed, item)
- }
- else
- debug "No new items found in #{feed}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- error "Error watching #{feed}: #{e.inspect}"
- debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
- failures += 1
- end
- status[:failures] = failures
- seconds = calculate_timeout(feed, failures)
- debug "watcher for #{feed} going to sleep #{seconds} seconds.."
- begin
- @bot.timer.reschedule(@watch[feed.handle], seconds)
- rescue
- warning "watcher for #{feed} failed to reschedule: #{$!.inspect}"
- end
- }
- debug "watcher for #{feed} added"
- end
- def calculate_timeout(feed, failures = 0)
- seconds = @bot.config['rss.thread_sleep']
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- seconds = feed.refresh_rate if feed.refresh_rate
- end
- seconds *= failures + 1
- seconds += seconds * (rand(100)-50)/100
- return seconds
- end
- def select_nonempty(*ar)
- debug ar
- ret = { |i| (i && i.empty?) ? nil : i }.compact.first
- (ret && ret.empty?) ? nil : ret
- end
- def printFormattedRss(feed, item, opts=nil)
- debug item
- places = feed.watchers
- handle = "::#{feed.handle}:: "
- date =
- if opts
- places = opts[:places] if opts.key?(:places)
- handle = opts[:handle].to_s if opts.key?(:handle)
- if opts.key?(:date) && opts[:date]
- if item.respond_to?(:updated)
- if item.updated.content.class <= Time
- date = item.updated.content.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
- else
- date = item.updated.content.to_s
- end
- elsif item.respond_to?(:source) and item.source.respond_to?(:updated)
- if item.source.updated.content.class <= Time
- date = item.source.updated.content.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
- else
- date = item.source.updated.content.to_s
- end
- elsif item.respond_to?(:pubDate)
- if item.pubDate.class <= Time
- date = item.pubDate.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
- else
- date = item.pubDate.to_s
- end
- elsif item.respond_to?(:date)
- if <= Time
- date ="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
- else
- date =
- end
- else
- date = "(no date)"
- end
- date += " :: "
- end
- end
- tit_opt = {}
- # Twitters don't need a cap on the title length since they have a hard
- # limit to 160 characters, and most of them are under 140 characters
- tit_opt[:limit] = @bot.config['rss.head_max'] unless feed.type == 'twitter'
- if item.title
- base_title = item.title.to_s.dup
- # git changesets are SHA1 hashes (40 hex digits), way too long, get rid of them, as they are
- # visible in the URL anyway
- # TODO make this optional?
- base_title.sub!(/^Changeset \[([\da-f]{40})\]:/) { |c| "(git commit)"} if feed.type == 'trac'
- title = "#{Bold}#{base_title.ircify_html(tit_opt)}#{Bold}"
- end
- desc_opt = {}
- desc_opt[:limit] = @bot.config['rss.text_max']
- desc_opt[:a_href] = :link_out if @bot.config['rss.show_links']
- # We prefer content_encoded here as it tends to provide more html formatting
- # for use with ircify_html.
- if item.respond_to?(:content_encoded) && item.content_encoded
- desc = item.content_encoded.ircify_html(desc_opt)
- elsif item.respond_to?(:description) && item.description
- desc = item.description.ircify_html(desc_opt)
- else
- if item.content.type == "html"
- desc = item.content.content.ircify_html(desc_opt)
- else
- desc = item.content.content
- if desc.size > desc_opt[:limit]
- desc = desc.slice(0, desc_opt[:limit]) + "#{Reverse}...#{Reverse}"
- end
- end
- end
- link = rescue rescue nil
- category = select_nonempty((item.category.content rescue nil), (item.dc_subject rescue nil))
- author = select_nonempty(( rescue nil), (item.dc_creator rescue nil), ( rescue nil))
- line1 = nil
- line2 = nil
- at = ((item.title && ? ' @ ' : '')
- case feed.type
- when 'blog'
- author += " " if author
- abt = category ? "about #{category} " : ""
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}blogged #{abt}at #{link}"
- line2 = "#{handle}#{title} - #{desc}"
- when 'photoblog'
- author += " " if author
- abt = category ? "under #{category} " : ""
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}added an image #{abt}at #{link}"
- line2 = "#{handle}#{title} - #{desc}"
- when 'news'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title} @ #{link}"
- line2 = line2 = "#{handle}#{date}#{desc}"
- when 'git'
- author += " " if author
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}commited #{title} @ #{link}"
- when 'forum'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link}"
- when 'wiki'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link} has been edited by #{author}. #{desc}"
- when 'gmane'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}Message #{title} sent by #{author}. #{desc}"
- when 'trac'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title} @ #{link}"
- unless item.title =~ /^(?:Changeset \[(?:[\da-f]+)\]|\(git commit\))/
- line2 = "#{handle}#{date}#{desc}"
- end
- when '/.'
- dept = "(from the #{item.slash_department} dept) " rescue nil
- sec = " in section #{item.slash_section}" rescue nil
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{dept}#{title}#{at}#{link} (posted by #{author}#{sec})"
- else
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link}"
- line1 << " (by #{author})" if author
- end
- places.each { |loc|
- @bot.say loc, line1, :overlong => :truncate
- next unless line2
- @bot.say loc, line2, :overlong => :truncate
- }
- end
- def fetchRss(feed, m=nil, cache=true)
- feed.last_fetched =
- begin
- # Use 60 sec timeout, cause the default is too low
- xml = @bot.httputil.get(feed.url,
- :read_timeout => 60,
- :open_timeout => 60,
- :cache => cache)
- rescue URI::InvalidURIError, URI::BadURIError => e
- report_problem("invalid rss feed #{feed.url}", e, m)
- return nil
- rescue => e
- report_problem("error getting #{feed.url}", e, m)
- return nil
- end
- debug "fetched #{feed}"
- unless xml
- report_problem("reading feed #{feed} failed", nil, m)
- return nil
- end
- # Ok, 0.9 feeds are not supported, maybe because
- # Netscape happily removed the DTD. So what we do is just to
- # reassign the 0.9 RDFs to 1.0, and hope it goes right.
- xml.gsub!("xmlns=\"\"",
- "xmlns=\"\"")
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- feed.xml = xml
- end
- return true
- end
- def parseRss(feed, m=nil)
- return nil unless feed.xml
- feed.mutex.synchronize do
- xml = feed.xml
- begin
- ## do validate parse
- rss = RSS::Parser.parse(xml)
- debug "parsed and validated #{feed}"
- rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
- ## do non validate parse for invalid RSS 1.0
- begin
- rss = RSS::Parser.parse(xml, false)
- debug "parsed but not validated #{feed}"
- rescue RSS::Error => e
- report_problem("parsing rss stream failed, whoops =(", e, m)
- return nil
- end
- rescue RSS::Error => e
- report_problem("parsing rss stream failed, oioi", e, m)
- return nil
- rescue => e
- report_problem("processing error occured, sorry =(", e, m)
- return nil
- end
- items = []
- if rss.nil?
- report_problem("#{feed} does not include RSS 1.0 or 0.9x/2.0", nil, m)
- else
- begin
- rss.output_encoding = 'UTF-8'
- rescue RSS::UnknownConvertMethod => e
- report_problem("bah! something went wrong =(", e, m)
- return nil
- end
- if rss.respond_to? :channel
- ||= "Unknown"
- title =
- else
- title = rss.title.content
- end
- rss.items.each do |item|
- item.title ||= "Unknown"
- items << item
- end
- end
- if items.empty?
- report_problem("no items found in the feed, maybe try weed?", e, m)
- return nil
- end
- feed.title = title
- feed.items = items
- return true
- end
- end
-plugin =
-plugin.default_auth( 'edit', false )
-plugin.default_auth( 'edit:add', true)
- 'rss show :handle :limit',
- :action => 'show_rss',
- :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+(?:\.\.\d+)?$/},
- :defaults => {:limit => 5} 'rss list :handle',
- :action => 'list_rss',
- :defaults => {:handle => nil} 'rss watched :handle [in :chan]',
- :action => 'watched_rss',
- :defaults => {:handle => nil} 'rss who watches :handle',
- :action => 'who_watches',
- :defaults => {:handle => nil} 'rss add :handle :url :type',
- :action => 'add_rss',
- :auth_path => 'edit',
- :defaults => {:type => nil} 'rss change :what of :handle to :new',
- :action => 'change_rss',
- :auth_path => 'edit',
- :requirements => { :what => /handle|url|format|type|refresh/ } 'rss change :what for :handle to :new',
- :action => 'change_rss',
- :auth_path => 'edit',
- :requirements => { :what => /handle|url|format|type|refesh/ } 'rss del :handle',
- :auth_path => 'edit:rm!',
- :action => 'del_rss' 'rss delete :handle',
- :auth_path => 'edit:rm!',
- :action => 'del_rss' 'rss rm :handle',
- :auth_path => 'edit:rm!',
- :action => 'del_rss' 'rss replace :handle :url :type',
- :auth_path => 'edit',
- :action => 'replace_rss',
- :defaults => {:type => nil} 'rss forcereplace :handle :url :type',
- :auth_path => 'edit',
- :action => 'forcereplace_rss',
- :defaults => {:type => nil} 'rss watch :handle [in :chan]',
- :action => 'watch_rss',
- :defaults => {:url => nil, :type => nil} 'rss watch :handle :url :type [in :chan]',
- :action => 'watch_rss',
- :defaults => {:url => nil, :type => nil} 'rss unwatch :handle [in :chan]',
- :action => 'unwatch_rss' 'rss rmwatch :handle [in :chan]',
- :action => 'unwatch_rss' 'rss rewatch [:handle]',
- :action => 'rewatch_rss'
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: RSS feed plugin for rbot
+# Author:: Stanislav Karchebny <>
+# Author:: Ian Monroe <>
+# Author:: Mark Kretschmann <>
+# Author:: Giuseppe Bilotta <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2004 Stanislav Karchebny
+# Copyright:: (C) 2005 Ian Monroe, Mark Kretschmann
+# Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
+# License:: MIT license
+require 'rss'
+# Try to load rss/content/2.0 so we can access the data in <content:encoded>
+# tags.
+ require 'rss/content/2.0'
+rescue LoadError
+module ::RSS
+ # Make an 'unique' ID for a given item, based on appropriate bot options
+ # Currently only suppored is bot.config['rss.show_updated']: when true, the
+ # description is included in the uid hashing, otherwise it's not
+ #
+ def RSS.item_uid_for_bot(item, opts={})
+ options = { :show_updated => true}.merge(opts)
+ desc = nil
+ if options[:show_updated]
+ desc = item.content.content rescue item.description rescue nil
+ end
+ [(item.title.content rescue item.title rescue nil),
+ ( rescue,
+ desc].hash
+ end
+ # Add support for Slashdot namespace in RDF. The code is just an adaptation
+ # of the DublinCore code.
+ unless defined?(SLASH_PREFIX)
+ SLASH_PREFIX = 'slash'
+ SLASH_URI = ""
+ module BaseSlashModel
+ def append_features(klass)
+ super
+ return if klass.instance_of?(Module)
+ SlashModel::ELEMENT_NAME_INFOS.each do |name, plural_name|
+ plural = plural_name || "#{name}s"
+ full_name = "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{name}"
+ full_plural_name = "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{plural}"
+ klass_name = "Slash#{Utils.to_class_name(name)}"
+ # This will fail with older version of the Ruby RSS module
+ begin
+ klass.install_have_children_element(name, SLASH_URI, "*",
+ full_name, full_plural_name)
+ klass.install_must_call_validator(SLASH_PREFIX, SLASH_URI)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ klass.module_eval("install_have_children_element(#{full_name.dump}, #{full_plural_name.dump})")
+ end
+ klass.module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(0))
+ remove_method :#{full_name} if method_defined? :#{full_name}
+ remove_method :#{full_name}= if method_defined? :#{full_name}=
+ remove_method :set_#{full_name} if method_defined? :set_#{full_name}
+ def #{full_name}
+ @#{full_name}.first and @#{full_name}.first.value
+ end
+ def #{full_name}=(new_value)
+ @#{full_name}[0] = Utils.new_with_value_if_need(#{klass_name}, new_value)
+ end
+ alias set_#{full_name} #{full_name}=
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module SlashModel
+ extend BaseModel
+ extend BaseSlashModel
+ "department" => nil,
+ "section" => nil,
+ "comments" => nil,
+ "hit_parade" => nil
+ }
+ ELEMENTS.each do |name, plural_name|
+ module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(0))
+ class Slash#{Utils.to_class_name(name)} < Element
+ include RSS10
+ content_setup
+ class << self
+ def required_prefix
+ end
+ def required_uri
+ end
+ end
+ @tag_name = #{name.dump}
+ alias_method(:value, :content)
+ alias_method(:value=, :content=)
+ def initialize(*args)
+ begin
+ if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args)
+ super
+ else
+ super()
+ self.content = args[0]
+ end
+ # Older Ruby RSS module
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ super()
+ self.content = args[0]
+ end
+ end
+ def full_name
+ tag_name_with_prefix(SLASH_PREFIX)
+ end
+ def maker_target(target)
+ target.new_#{name}
+ end
+ def setup_maker_attributes(#{name})
+ #{name}.content = content
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class RDF
+ class Item; include SlashModel; end
+ end
+ SlashModel::ELEMENTS.each do |name|
+ class_name = Utils.to_class_name(name)
+ BaseListener.install_class_name(SLASH_URI, name, "Slash#{class_name}")
+ end
+ SlashModel::ELEMENTS.collect! {|name| "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{name}"}
+ end
+class ::RssBlob
+ attr_accessor :url, :handle, :type, :refresh_rate, :xml, :title, :items,
+ :mutex, :watchers, :last_fetched
+ def initialize(url,handle=nil,type=nil,watchers=[], xml=nil, lf = nil)
+ @url = url
+ if handle
+ @handle = handle
+ else
+ @handle = url
+ end
+ @type = type
+ @watchers=[]
+ @refresh_rate = nil
+ @xml = xml
+ @title = nil
+ @items = nil
+ @mutex =
+ @last_fetched = lf
+ sanitize_watchers(watchers)
+ end
+ def dup
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @handle,
+ @type ? @type.dup : nil,
+ @watchers.dup,
+ @xml ? @xml.dup : nil,
+ @last_fetched)
+ end
+ end
+ # Downcase all watchers, possibly turning them into Strings if they weren't
+ def sanitize_watchers(list=@watchers)
+ ls = list.dup
+ @watchers.clear
+ ls.each { |w|
+ add_watch(w)
+ }
+ end
+ def watched?
+ !@watchers.empty?
+ end
+ def watched_by?(who)
+ @watchers.include?(who.downcase)
+ end
+ def add_watch(who)
+ if watched_by?(who)
+ return nil
+ end
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @watchers << who.downcase
+ end
+ return who
+ end
+ def rm_watch(who)
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @watchers.delete(who.downcase)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_a
+ [@handle,@url,@type,@refresh_rate,@watchers]
+ end
+ def to_s(watchers=false)
+ if watchers
+ a = self.to_a.flatten
+ else
+ a = self.to_a[0,3]
+ end
+ a.compact.join(" | ")
+ end
+class RSSFeedsPlugin < Plugin
+ Config.register'rss.head_max',
+ :default => 100, :validate =>{|v| v > 0 && v < 200},
+ :desc => "How many characters to use of a RSS item header")
+ Config.register'rss.text_max',
+ :default => 200, :validate =>{|v| v > 0 && v < 400},
+ :desc => "How many characters to use of a RSS item text")
+ Config.register'rss.thread_sleep',
+ :default => 300, :validate =>{|v| v > 30},
+ :desc => "How many seconds to sleep before checking RSS feeds again")
+ Config.register'rss.show_updated',
+ :default => true,
+ :desc => "Whether feed items for which the description was changed should be shown as new")
+ Config.register'rss.show_links',
+ :default => true,
+ :desc => "Whether to display links from the text of a feed item.")
+ # We used to save the Mutex with the RssBlob, which was idiotic. And
+ # since Mutexes dumped in one version might not be resotrable in another,
+ # we need a few tricks to be able to restore data from other versions of Ruby
+ #
+ # When migrating 1.8.6 => 1.8.5, all we need to do is define an empty
+ # #marshal_load() method for Mutex. For 1.8.5 => 1.8.6 we need something
+ # dirtier, as seen later on in the initialization code.
+ unless
+ class ::Mutex
+ def marshal_load(str)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ attr_reader :feeds
+ def initialize
+ super
+ if @registry.has_key?(:feeds)
+ # When migrating from Ruby 1.8.5 to 1.8.6, dumped Mutexes may render the
+ # data unrestorable. If this happens, we patch the data, thus allowing
+ # the restore to work.
+ #
+ # This is actually pretty safe for a number of reasons:
+ # * the code is only called if standard marshalling fails
+ # * the string we look for is quite unlikely to appear randomly
+ # * if the string appears somewhere and the patched string isn't recoverable
+ # either, we'll get another (unrecoverable) error, which makes the rss
+ # plugin unsable, just like it was if no recovery was attempted
+ # * if the string appears somewhere and the patched string is recoverable,
+ # we may get a b0rked feed, which is eventually overwritten by a clean
+ # one, so the worst thing that can happen is that a feed update spams
+ # the watchers once
+ @registry.recovery = { |val|
+ patched = val.sub(":\v@mutexo:\nMutex", ":\v@mutexo:\vObject")
+ ret = Marshal.restore(patched)
+ ret.each_value { |blob|
+ blob.mutex = nil
+ blob
+ }
+ }
+ @feeds = @registry[:feeds]
+ raise unless @feeds
+ @registry.recovery = nil
+ @feeds.keys.grep(/[A-Z]/) { |k|
+ @feeds[k.downcase] = @feeds[k]
+ @feeds.delete(k)
+ }
+ @feeds.each { |k, f|
+ f.mutex =
+ f.sanitize_watchers
+ parseRss(f) if f.xml
+ }
+ else
+ @feeds =
+ end
+ @watch =
+ rewatch_rss
+ end
+ def name
+ "rss"
+ end
+ def watchlist
+ { |h, f| f.watched? }
+ end
+ def cleanup
+ stop_watches
+ super
+ end
+ def save
+ unparsed =
+ @feeds.each { |k, f|
+ unparsed[k] = f.dup
+ # we don't want to save the mutex
+ unparsed[k].mutex = nil
+ }
+ @registry[:feeds] = unparsed
+ end
+ def stop_watch(handle)
+ if @watch.has_key?(handle)
+ begin
+ debug "Stopping watch #{handle}"
+ @bot.timer.remove(@watch[handle])
+ @watch.delete(handle)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ report_problem("Failed to stop watch for #{handle}", e, nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def stop_watches
+ @watch.each_key { |k|
+ stop_watch(k)
+ }
+ end
+ def help(plugin,topic="")
+ case topic
+ when "show"
+ "rss show #{Bold}handle#{Bold} [#{Bold}limit#{Bold}] : show #{Bold}limit#{Bold} (default: 5, max: 15) entries from rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold}; #{Bold}limit#{Bold} can also be in the form a..b, to display a specific range of items"
+ when "list"
+ "rss list [#{Bold}handle#{Bold}] : list all rss feeds (matching #{Bold}handle#{Bold})"
+ when "watched"
+ "rss watched [#{Bold}handle#{Bold}] [in #{Bold}chan#{Bold}]: list all watched rss feeds (matching #{Bold}handle#{Bold}) (in channel #{Bold}chan#{Bold})"
+ when "who", "watches", "who watches"
+ "rss who watches [#{Bold}handle#{Bold}]]: list all watchers for rss feeds (matching #{Bold}handle#{Bold})"
+ when "add"
+ "rss add #{Bold}handle#{Bold} #{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}] : add a new rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} from url #{Bold}url#{Bold} (of type #{Bold}type#{Bold})"
+ when "change"
+ "rss change #{Bold}what#{Bold} of #{Bold}handle#{Bold} to #{Bold}new#{Bold} : change the #{Underline}handle#{Underline}, #{Underline}url#{Underline}, #{Underline}type#{Underline} or #{Underline}refresh#{Underline} rate of rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} to value #{Bold}new#{Bold}"
+ when /^(del(ete)?|rm)$/
+ "rss del(ete)|rm #{Bold}handle#{Bold} : delete rss feed #{Bold}handle#{Bold}"
+ when "replace"
+ "rss replace #{Bold}handle#{Bold} #{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}] : try to replace the url of rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} with #{Bold}url#{Bold} (of type #{Bold}type#{Bold}); only works if nobody else is watching it"
+ when "forcereplace"
+ "rss forcereplace #{Bold}handle#{Bold} #{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}] : replace the url of rss called #{Bold}handle#{Bold} with #{Bold}url#{Bold} (of type #{Bold}type#{Bold})"
+ when "watch"
+ "rss watch #{Bold}handle#{Bold} [#{Bold}url#{Bold} [#{Bold}type#{Bold}]] [in #{Bold}chan#{Bold}]: watch rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold} for changes (in channel #{Bold}chan#{Bold}); when the other parameters are present, the feed will be created if it doesn't exist yet"
+ when /(un|rm)watch/
+ "rss unwatch|rmwatch #{Bold}handle#{Bold} [in #{Bold}chan#{Bold}]: stop watching rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold} (in channel #{Bold}chan#{Bold}) for changes"
+ when /who(?: watche?s?)?/
+ "rss who watches #{Bold}handle#{Bold}: lists watches for rss #{Bold}handle#{Bold}"
+ when "rewatch"
+ "rss rewatch : restart threads that watch for changes in watched rss"
+ else
+ "manage RSS feeds: rss show|list|watched|add|change|del(ete)|rm|(force)replace|watch|unwatch|rmwatch|rewatch|who watches"
+ end
+ end
+ def report_problem(report, e=nil, m=nil)
+ if m && m.respond_to?(:reply)
+ m.reply report
+ else
+ warning report
+ end
+ if e
+ debug e.inspect
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n") if e.respond_to?(:backtrace)
+ end
+ end
+ def show_rss(m, params)
+ handle = params[:handle]
+ lims = params[:limit].to_s.match(/(\d+)(?:..(\d+))?/)
+ debug lims.to_a.inspect
+ if lims[2]
+ ll = [[lims[1].to_i-1,lims[2].to_i-1].min, 0].max
+ ul = [[lims[1].to_i-1,lims[2].to_i-1].max, 14].min
+ rev = lims[1].to_i > lims[2].to_i
+ else
+ ll = 0
+ ul = [[lims[1].to_i-1, 0].max, 14].min
+ rev = false
+ end
+ feed = @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil)
+ unless feed
+ m.reply "I don't know any feeds named #{handle}"
+ return
+ end
+ m.reply "lemme fetch it..."
+ title = items = nil
+ we_were_watching = false
+ if @watch.key?(feed.handle)
+ # If a feed is being watched, we run the watcher thread
+ # so that all watchers can be informed of changes to
+ # the feed. Before we do that, though, we remove the
+ # show requester from the watchlist, if present, lest
+ # he gets the update twice.
+ if feed.watched_by?(m.replyto)
+ we_were_watching = true
+ feed.rm_watch(m.replyto)
+ end
+ @bot.timer.reschedule(@watch[feed.handle], 0)
+ if we_were_watching
+ feed.add_watch(m.replyto)
+ end
+ else
+ fetched = fetchRss(feed, m, false)
+ end
+ return unless fetched or feed.xml
+ if not fetched and feed.items
+ m.reply "using old data"
+ else
+ parsed = parseRss(feed, m)
+ m.reply "using old data" unless parsed
+ end
+ return unless feed.items
+ title = feed.title
+ items = feed.items
+ # We sort the feeds in freshness order (newer ones first)
+ items = freshness_sort(items)
+ disp = items[ll..ul]
+ disp.reverse! if rev
+ m.reply "Channel : #{title}"
+ disp.each do |item|
+ printFormattedRss(feed, item, {:places=>[m.replyto],:handle=>nil,:date=>true})
+ end
+ end
+ def itemDate(item,ex=nil)
+ return item.pubDate if item.respond_to?(:pubDate) and item.pubDate
+ return if item.respond_to?(:date) and
+ return ex
+ end
+ def freshness_sort(items)
+ notime =
+ items.sort { |a, b|
+ itemDate(b, notime) <=> itemDate(a, notime)
+ }
+ end
+ def list_rss(m, params)
+ wanted = params[:handle]
+ reply =
+ @feeds.each { |handle, feed|
+ next if wanted and !handle.match(/#{wanted}/i)
+ reply << "#{feed.handle}: #{feed.url} (in format: #{feed.type ? feed.type : 'default'})"
+ (reply << " refreshing every #{Utils.secs_to_string(feed.refresh_rate)}") if feed.refresh_rate
+ (reply << " (watched)") if feed.watched_by?(m.replyto)
+ reply << "\n"
+ }
+ if reply.empty?
+ reply = "no feeds found"
+ reply << " matching #{wanted}" if wanted
+ end
+ m.reply reply, :max_lines => reply.length
+ end
+ def watched_rss(m, params)
+ wanted = params[:handle]
+ chan = params[:chan] || m.replyto
+ reply =
+ watchlist.each { |handle, feed|
+ next if wanted and !handle.match(/#{wanted}/i)
+ next unless feed.watched_by?(chan)
+ reply << "#{feed.handle}: #{feed.url} (in format: #{feed.type ? feed.type : 'default'})"
+ (reply << " refreshing every #{Utils.secs_to_string(feed.refresh_rate)}") if feed.refresh_rate
+ reply << "\n"
+ }
+ if reply.empty?
+ reply = "no watched feeds"
+ reply << " matching #{wanted}" if wanted
+ end
+ m.reply reply
+ end
+ def who_watches(m, params)
+ wanted = params[:handle]
+ reply =
+ watchlist.each { |handle, feed|
+ next if wanted and !handle.match(/#{wanted}/i)
+ reply << "#{feed.handle}: #{feed.url} (in format: #{feed.type ? feed.type : 'default'})"
+ (reply << " refreshing every #{Utils.secs_to_string(feed.refresh_rate)}") if feed.refresh_rate
+ reply << ": watched by #{feed.watchers.join(', ')}"
+ reply << "\n"
+ }
+ if reply.empty?
+ reply = "no watched feeds"
+ reply << " matching #{wanted}" if wanted
+ end
+ m.reply reply
+ end
+ def add_rss(m, params, force=false)
+ handle = params[:handle]
+ url = params[:url]
+ unless url.match(/https?/)
+ m.reply "I only deal with feeds from HTTP sources, so I can't use #{url} (maybe you forgot the handle?)"
+ return
+ end
+ type = params[:type]
+ if @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil) && !force
+ m.reply "There is already a feed named #{handle} (URL: #{@feeds[handle.downcase].url})"
+ return
+ end
+ unless url
+ m.reply "You must specify both a handle and an url to add an RSS feed"
+ return
+ end
+ @feeds[handle.downcase] =,handle,type)
+ reply = "Added RSS #{url} named #{handle}"
+ if type
+ reply << " (format: #{type})"
+ end
+ m.reply reply
+ return handle
+ end
+ def change_rss(m, params)
+ handle = params[:handle].downcase
+ feed = @feeds.fetch(handle, nil)
+ unless feed
+ m.reply "No such feed with handle #{handle}"
+ return
+ end
+ case params[:what].intern
+ when :handle
+ new = params[:new].downcase
+ if @feeds.key?(new) and @feeds[new]
+ m.reply "There already is a feed with handle #{new}"
+ return
+ else
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ @feeds[new] = feed
+ @feeds.delete(handle)
+ feed.handle = new
+ end
+ handle = new
+ end
+ when :url
+ new = params[:new]
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ feed.url = new
+ end
+ when :format, :type
+ new = params[:new]
+ new = nil if new == 'default'
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ feed.type = new
+ end
+ when :refresh
+ new = params[:new].to_i
+ new = nil if new == 0
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ feed.refresh_rate = new
+ end
+ else
+ m.reply "Don't know how to change #{params[:what]} for feeds"
+ return
+ end
+ m.reply "Feed changed:"
+ list_rss(m, {:handle => handle})
+ end
+ def del_rss(m, params, pass=false)
+ feed = unwatch_rss(m, params, true)
+ return unless feed
+ if feed.watched?
+ m.reply "someone else is watching #{feed.handle}, I won't remove it from my list"
+ return
+ end
+ @feeds.delete(feed.handle.downcase)
+ m.okay unless pass
+ return
+ end
+ def replace_rss(m, params)
+ handle = params[:handle]
+ if @feeds.key?(handle.downcase)
+ del_rss(m, {:handle => handle}, true)
+ end
+ if @feeds.key?(handle.downcase)
+ m.reply "can't replace #{feed.handle}"
+ else
+ add_rss(m, params, true)
+ end
+ end
+ def forcereplace_rss(m, params)
+ add_rss(m, params, true)
+ end
+ def watch_rss(m, params)
+ handle = params[:handle]
+ chan = params[:chan] || m.replyto
+ url = params[:url]
+ type = params[:type]
+ if url
+ add_rss(m, params)
+ end
+ feed = @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil)
+ if feed
+ if feed.add_watch(chan)
+ watchRss(feed, m)
+ m.okay
+ else
+ m.reply "Already watching #{feed.handle} in #{chan}"
+ end
+ else
+ m.reply "Couldn't watch feed #{handle} (no such feed found)"
+ end
+ end
+ def unwatch_rss(m, params, pass=false)
+ handle = params[:handle].downcase
+ chan = params[:chan] || m.replyto
+ unless @feeds.has_key?(handle)
+ m.reply("dunno that feed")
+ return
+ end
+ feed = @feeds[handle]
+ if feed.rm_watch(chan)
+ m.reply "#{chan} has been removed from the watchlist for #{feed.handle}"
+ else
+ m.reply("#{chan} wasn't watching #{feed.handle}") unless pass
+ end
+ if !feed.watched?
+ stop_watch(handle)
+ end
+ return feed
+ end
+ def rewatch_rss(m=nil, params=nil)
+ if params and handle = params[:handle]
+ feed = @feeds.fetch(handle.downcase, nil)
+ if feed
+ @bot.timer.reschedule(@watch[feed.handle], 0)
+ m.okay if m
+ else
+ m.reply _("no such feed %{handle}") % { :handle => handle } if m
+ end
+ else
+ stop_watches
+ # Read watches from list.
+ watchlist.each{ |handle, feed|
+ watchRss(feed, m)
+ }
+ m.okay if m
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def watchRss(feed, m=nil)
+ if @watch.has_key?(feed.handle)
+ report_problem("watcher thread for #{feed.handle} is already running", nil, m)
+ return
+ end
+ status =
+ status[:failures] = 0
+ tmout = 0
+ if feed.last_fetched
+ tmout = feed.last_fetched + calculate_timeout(feed) -
+ tmout = 0 if tmout < 0
+ end
+ debug "scheduling a watcher for #{feed} in #{tmout} seconds"
+ @watch[feed.handle] = @bot.timer.add(tmout) {
+ debug "watcher for #{feed} wakes up"
+ failures = status[:failures]
+ begin
+ debug "fetching #{feed}"
+ first_run = !feed.last_fetched
+ oldxml = feed.xml ? feed.xml.dup : nil
+ unless fetchRss(feed)
+ failures += 1
+ else
+ if first_run
+ debug "first run for #{feed}, getting items"
+ parseRss(feed)
+ elsif oldxml and oldxml == feed.xml
+ debug "xml for #{feed} didn't change"
+ failures -= 1 if failures > 0
+ else
+ if not feed.items
+ debug "no previous items in feed #{feed}"
+ parseRss(feed)
+ failures -= 1 if failures > 0
+ else
+ # This one is used for debugging
+ otxt = []
+ # These are used for checking new items vs old ones
+ uid_opts = { :show_updated => @bot.config['rss.show_updated'] }
+ oids = { |item|
+ uid = RSS.item_uid_for_bot(item, uid_opts)
+ otxt << item.to_s
+ debug [uid, item].inspect
+ debug [uid, otxt.last].inspect
+ uid
+ }
+ unless parseRss(feed)
+ debug "no items in feed #{feed}"
+ failures += 1
+ else
+ debug "Checking if new items are available for #{feed}"
+ failures -= 1 if failures > 0
+ # debug "Old:"
+ # debug oldxml
+ # debug "New:"
+ # debug feed.xml
+ dispItems = feed.items.reject { |item|
+ uid = RSS.item_uid_for_bot(item, uid_opts)
+ txt = item.to_s
+ if oids.include?(uid)
+ debug "rejecting old #{uid} #{item.inspect}"
+ debug [uid, txt].inspect
+ true
+ else
+ debug "accepting new #{uid} #{item.inspect}"
+ debug [uid, txt].inspect
+ warning "same text! #{txt}" if otxt.include?(txt)
+ false
+ end
+ }
+ if dispItems.length > 0
+ debug "Found #{dispItems.length} new items in #{feed}"
+ # When displaying watched feeds, publish them from older to newer
+ dispItems.reverse.each { |item|
+ printFormattedRss(feed, item)
+ }
+ else
+ debug "No new items found in #{feed}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error "Error watching #{feed}: #{e.inspect}"
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ failures += 1
+ end
+ status[:failures] = failures
+ seconds = calculate_timeout(feed, failures)
+ debug "watcher for #{feed} going to sleep #{seconds} seconds.."
+ begin
+ @bot.timer.reschedule(@watch[feed.handle], seconds)
+ rescue
+ warning "watcher for #{feed} failed to reschedule: #{$!.inspect}"
+ end
+ }
+ debug "watcher for #{feed} added"
+ end
+ def calculate_timeout(feed, failures = 0)
+ seconds = @bot.config['rss.thread_sleep']
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ seconds = feed.refresh_rate if feed.refresh_rate
+ end
+ seconds *= failures + 1
+ seconds += seconds * (rand(100)-50)/100
+ return seconds
+ end
+ def select_nonempty(*ar)
+ debug ar
+ ret = { |i| (i && i.empty?) ? nil : i }.compact.first
+ (ret && ret.empty?) ? nil : ret
+ end
+ def printFormattedRss(feed, item, opts=nil)
+ debug item
+ places = feed.watchers
+ handle = "::#{feed.handle}:: "
+ date =
+ if opts
+ places = opts[:places] if opts.key?(:places)
+ handle = opts[:handle].to_s if opts.key?(:handle)
+ if opts.key?(:date) && opts[:date]
+ if item.respond_to?(:updated)
+ if item.updated.content.class <= Time
+ date = item.updated.content.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
+ else
+ date = item.updated.content.to_s
+ end
+ elsif item.respond_to?(:source) and item.source.respond_to?(:updated)
+ if item.source.updated.content.class <= Time
+ date = item.source.updated.content.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
+ else
+ date = item.source.updated.content.to_s
+ end
+ elsif item.respond_to?(:pubDate)
+ if item.pubDate.class <= Time
+ date = item.pubDate.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
+ else
+ date = item.pubDate.to_s
+ end
+ elsif item.respond_to?(:date)
+ if <= Time
+ date ="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
+ else
+ date =
+ end
+ else
+ date = "(no date)"
+ end
+ date += " :: "
+ end
+ end
+ tit_opt = {}
+ # Twitters don't need a cap on the title length since they have a hard
+ # limit to 160 characters, and most of them are under 140 characters
+ tit_opt[:limit] = @bot.config['rss.head_max'] unless feed.type == 'twitter'
+ if item.title
+ base_title = item.title.to_s.dup
+ # git changesets are SHA1 hashes (40 hex digits), way too long, get rid of them, as they are
+ # visible in the URL anyway
+ # TODO make this optional?
+ base_title.sub!(/^Changeset \[([\da-f]{40})\]:/) { |c| "(git commit)"} if feed.type == 'trac'
+ title = "#{Bold}#{base_title.ircify_html(tit_opt)}#{Bold}"
+ end
+ desc_opt = {}
+ desc_opt[:limit] = @bot.config['rss.text_max']
+ desc_opt[:a_href] = :link_out if @bot.config['rss.show_links']
+ # We prefer content_encoded here as it tends to provide more html formatting
+ # for use with ircify_html.
+ if item.respond_to?(:content_encoded) && item.content_encoded
+ desc = item.content_encoded.ircify_html(desc_opt)
+ elsif item.respond_to?(:description) && item.description
+ desc = item.description.ircify_html(desc_opt)
+ else
+ if item.content.type == "html"
+ desc = item.content.content.ircify_html(desc_opt)
+ else
+ desc = item.content.content
+ if desc.size > desc_opt[:limit]
+ desc = desc.slice(0, desc_opt[:limit]) + "#{Reverse}...#{Reverse}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ link = rescue rescue nil
+ category = select_nonempty((item.category.content rescue nil), (item.dc_subject rescue nil))
+ author = select_nonempty(( rescue nil), (item.dc_creator rescue nil), ( rescue nil))
+ line1 = nil
+ line2 = nil
+ at = ((item.title && ? ' @ ' : '')
+ case feed.type
+ when 'blog'
+ author += " " if author
+ abt = category ? "about #{category} " : ""
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}blogged #{abt}at #{link}"
+ line2 = "#{handle}#{title} - #{desc}"
+ when 'photoblog'
+ author += " " if author
+ abt = category ? "under #{category} " : ""
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}added an image #{abt}at #{link}"
+ line2 = "#{handle}#{title} - #{desc}"
+ when 'news'
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title} @ #{link}"
+ line2 = line2 = "#{handle}#{date}#{desc}"
+ when 'git'
+ author += " " if author
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}commited #{title} @ #{link}"
+ when 'forum'
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link}"
+ when 'wiki'
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link} has been edited by #{author}. #{desc}"
+ when 'gmane'
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}Message #{title} sent by #{author}. #{desc}"
+ when 'trac'
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title} @ #{link}"
+ unless item.title =~ /^(?:Changeset \[(?:[\da-f]+)\]|\(git commit\))/
+ line2 = "#{handle}#{date}#{desc}"
+ end
+ when '/.'
+ dept = "(from the #{item.slash_department} dept) " rescue nil
+ sec = " in section #{item.slash_section}" rescue nil
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{dept}#{title}#{at}#{link} (posted by #{author}#{sec})"
+ else
+ line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link}"
+ line1 << " (by #{author})" if author
+ end
+ places.each { |loc|
+ @bot.say loc, line1, :overlong => :truncate
+ next unless line2
+ @bot.say loc, line2, :overlong => :truncate
+ }
+ end
+ def fetchRss(feed, m=nil, cache=true)
+ feed.last_fetched =
+ begin
+ # Use 60 sec timeout, cause the default is too low
+ xml = @bot.httputil.get(feed.url,
+ :read_timeout => 60,
+ :open_timeout => 60,
+ :cache => cache)
+ rescue URI::InvalidURIError, URI::BadURIError => e
+ report_problem("invalid rss feed #{feed.url}", e, m)
+ return nil
+ rescue => e
+ report_problem("error getting #{feed.url}", e, m)
+ return nil
+ end
+ debug "fetched #{feed}"
+ unless xml
+ report_problem("reading feed #{feed} failed", nil, m)
+ return nil
+ end
+ # Ok, 0.9 feeds are not supported, maybe because
+ # Netscape happily removed the DTD. So what we do is just to
+ # reassign the 0.9 RDFs to 1.0, and hope it goes right.
+ xml.gsub!("xmlns=\"\"",
+ "xmlns=\"\"")
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ feed.xml = xml
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ def parseRss(feed, m=nil)
+ return nil unless feed.xml
+ feed.mutex.synchronize do
+ xml = feed.xml
+ begin
+ ## do validate parse
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(xml)
+ debug "parsed and validated #{feed}"
+ rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
+ ## do non validate parse for invalid RSS 1.0
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(xml, false)
+ debug "parsed but not validated #{feed}"
+ rescue RSS::Error => e
+ report_problem("parsing rss stream failed, whoops =(", e, m)
+ return nil
+ end
+ rescue RSS::Error => e
+ report_problem("parsing rss stream failed, oioi", e, m)
+ return nil
+ rescue => e
+ report_problem("processing error occured, sorry =(", e, m)
+ return nil
+ end
+ items = []
+ if rss.nil?
+ report_problem("#{feed} does not include RSS 1.0 or 0.9x/2.0", nil, m)
+ else
+ begin
+ rss.output_encoding = 'UTF-8'
+ rescue RSS::UnknownConvertMethod => e
+ report_problem("bah! something went wrong =(", e, m)
+ return nil
+ end
+ if rss.respond_to? :channel
+ ||= "Unknown"
+ title =
+ else
+ title = rss.title.content
+ end
+ rss.items.each do |item|
+ item.title ||= "Unknown"
+ items << item
+ end
+ end
+ if items.empty?
+ report_problem("no items found in the feed, maybe try weed?", e, m)
+ return nil
+ end
+ feed.title = title
+ feed.items = items
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+plugin =
+plugin.default_auth( 'edit', false )
+plugin.default_auth( 'edit:add', true)
+ 'rss show :handle :limit',
+ :action => 'show_rss',
+ :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+(?:\.\.\d+)?$/},
+ :defaults => {:limit => 5} 'rss list :handle',
+ :action => 'list_rss',
+ :defaults => {:handle => nil} 'rss watched :handle [in :chan]',
+ :action => 'watched_rss',
+ :defaults => {:handle => nil} 'rss who watches :handle',
+ :action => 'who_watches',
+ :defaults => {:handle => nil} 'rss add :handle :url :type',
+ :action => 'add_rss',
+ :auth_path => 'edit',
+ :defaults => {:type => nil} 'rss change :what of :handle to :new',
+ :action => 'change_rss',
+ :auth_path => 'edit',
+ :requirements => { :what => /handle|url|format|type|refresh/ } 'rss change :what for :handle to :new',
+ :action => 'change_rss',
+ :auth_path => 'edit',
+ :requirements => { :what => /handle|url|format|type|refesh/ } 'rss del :handle',
+ :auth_path => 'edit:rm!',
+ :action => 'del_rss' 'rss delete :handle',
+ :auth_path => 'edit:rm!',
+ :action => 'del_rss' 'rss rm :handle',
+ :auth_path => 'edit:rm!',
+ :action => 'del_rss' 'rss replace :handle :url :type',
+ :auth_path => 'edit',
+ :action => 'replace_rss',
+ :defaults => {:type => nil} 'rss forcereplace :handle :url :type',
+ :auth_path => 'edit',
+ :action => 'forcereplace_rss',
+ :defaults => {:type => nil} 'rss watch :handle [in :chan]',
+ :action => 'watch_rss',
+ :defaults => {:url => nil, :type => nil} 'rss watch :handle :url :type [in :chan]',
+ :action => 'watch_rss',
+ :defaults => {:url => nil, :type => nil} 'rss unwatch :handle [in :chan]',
+ :action => 'unwatch_rss' 'rss rmwatch :handle [in :chan]',
+ :action => 'unwatch_rss' 'rss rewatch [:handle]',
+ :action => 'rewatch_rss'