path: root/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2007-04-06 08:49:09 +0000
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2007-04-06 08:49:09 +0000
commit06f1b8c91709d64cd42d62e3d3adb864fd6101f0 (patch)
treeb2ac6274f280190a59e21f3ce520df3f05ffa981 /data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
parent4ac531dfb82eeafddfebf2055f6ffb75cc498401 (diff)
lastfm plugin: refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
index 2394d3f5..c3211683 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
@@ -43,114 +43,122 @@ class LastFmPlugin < Plugin
- def lastfm(m, params)
- action = params[:action].intern
- action = :neighbours if action == :neighbors
- what = params[:what]
- case action
- when :events, :event
- page = nil
- begin
- location = what.to_s.sub(/^in\s+/,'')
- raise "wrong location #{location}" if location.empty?
- esc = URI.escape(location)
- page = @bot.httputil.get "#{LASTFM}/events/?findloc=#{esc}"
- if page
- events =
- disp_events =
- # matches are:
- # 1. day 2. moth 3. year 4. url_who 5. who 6. url_where 7. where 8. how_many
- pre_events = page.scan(/<tr class="vevent\s+\w+\s+\S+?-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)\s*">.*?<a class="url summary" href="(\/event\/\d+)">(.*?)<\/a>.*?<a href="(\/venue\/\d+)">(.*?)<\/a>.*?<td class="attendance">(.*?)<\/td>\s+<\/tr>/m)
- # debug pre_events.inspect
- if pre_events.empty?
- m.reply "No events found in #{location}, sorry"
- end
- pre_events.each { |day, month, year, url_who, who, url_where, where, how_many|
- date = Time.utc(year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i)
- url = LASTFM + url_who
- if who.match(/<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>(.+)?/)
- artist = Bold + $1.ircify_html + Bold
- artist << ", " << $2.ircify_html if $2
- else
- debug "who: #{who.inspect}"
- artist = who.ircify_html
- end
- if where.match(/<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>(.+)?/)
- loc = Bold + $1.ircify_html + Bold
- loc << ", " << $2.ircify_html if $2
- else
- debug where.inspect
- loc = where.ircify_html
- end
- attendance = how_many.ircify_html
- events <<, date, artist, loc, attendance)
- }
- # debug events.inspect
+ def find_event(m, params)
+ location = params[:location].to_s
+ page = nil
+ begin
+ esc = URI.escape(location)
+ page = @bot.httputil.get "#{LASTFM}/events/?findloc=#{esc}"
+ if page
+ events =
+ disp_events =
- events[0..2].each { |event|
- disp_events << "%s %s @ %s (%s) %s" % ["%a %b, %d %Y"), event.artist, event.location, event.attendance, event.url]
- }
- m.reply disp_events.join(' | ')
- else
- m.reply "No events found in #{location}"
- return
+ # matches are:
+ # 1. day 2. moth 3. year 4. url_who 5. who 6. url_where 7. where 8. how_many
+ pre_events = page.scan(/<tr class="vevent\s+\w+\s+\S+?-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)\s*">.*?<a class="url summary" href="(\/event\/\d+)">(.*?)<\/a>.*?<a href="(\/venue\/\d+)">(.*?)<\/a>.*?<td class="attendance">(.*?)<\/td>\s+<\/tr>/m)
+ # debug pre_events.inspect
+ if pre_events.empty?
+ m.reply "No events found in #{location}, sorry"
- rescue Exception => e
- m.reply "I had problems looking for events #{what.to_s}"
- error e.inspect
- debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
- debug page[0...10*1024] if page
- return
- end
- when :artist, :group
- artist = what.to_s
- page = nil
- begin
- esc = URI.escape(artist)
- page = @bot.httputil.get "#{LASTFM}/music/#{esc}"
- if page
- if page.match(/<h1 class="h1artist"><a href="([^"]+)">(.*?)<\/a><\/h1>/)
- url = LASTFM + $1
- title = $2.ircify_html
+ pre_events.each { |day, month, year, url_who, who, url_where, where, how_many|
+ date = Time.utc(year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i)
+ url = LASTFM + url_who
+ if who.match(/<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>(.+)?/)
+ artist = Bold + $1.ircify_html + Bold
+ artist << ", " << $2.ircify_html if $2
- raise "No URL/Title found for #{artist}"
+ debug "who: #{who.inspect}"
+ artist = who.ircify_html
- wiki = "This #{action} doesn't have a description yet. You can help by writing it: #{url}/+wiki?action=edit"
- if page.match(/<div class="wikiAbstract">(.*?)<\/div>/m)
- wiki = $1.ircify_html
+ if where.match(/<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>(.+)?/)
+ loc = Bold + $1.ircify_html + Bold
+ loc << ", " << $2.ircify_html if $2
+ else
+ debug where.inspect
+ loc = where.ircify_html
+ attendance = how_many.ircify_html
+ events <<, date, artist, loc, attendance)
+ }
+ # debug events.inspect
+ events[0..2].each { |event|
+ disp_events << "%s %s @ %s (%s) %s" % ["%a %b, %d %Y"), event.artist, event.location, event.attendance, event.url]
+ }
+ m.reply disp_events.join(' | ')
+ else
+ m.reply "No events found in #{location}"
+ return
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ m.reply "I had problems looking for events in #{location}"
+ error e.inspect
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ debug page[0...10*1024] if page
+ return
+ end
+ end
- m.reply "%s : %s\n%s" % [title, url, wiki]
+ def find_artist(m, params)
+ artist = params[:who].to_s
+ page = nil
+ begin
+ esc = URI.escape(artist)
+ page = @bot.httputil.get "#{LASTFM}/music/#{esc}"
+ if page
+ if page.match(/<h1 class="h1artist"><a href="([^"]+)">(.*?)<\/a><\/h1>/)
+ url = LASTFM + $1
+ title = $2.ircify_html
- m.reply "no data found on #{artist}"
- return
+ raise "No URL/Title found for #{artist}"
- rescue Exception => e
- m.reply "I had problems looking for #{artist}"
- error e.inspect
- debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
- debug page[0...10*1024] if page
+ wiki = "This artist doesn't have a description yet. You can help by writing it: #{url}/+wiki?action=edit"
+ if page.match(/<div class="wikiAbstract">(.*?)<\/div>/m)
+ wiki = $1.ircify_html
+ end
+ m.reply "%s : %s\n%s" % [title, url, wiki]
+ else
+ m.reply "no data found on #{artist}"
- when :song, :track
- m.reply "not implemented yet, sorry"
- when :album
- m.reply "not implemented yet, sorry"
- else
- return usage(m) unless what.length == 1
- user = what.first
- begin
- data = open("{user}/#{action}.txt")
- m.reply "#{action} for #{user}:"
- m.reply data.to_a[0..3].map{|l| l.split(',',2)[-1].chomp}.join(", ")
- rescue
- m.reply "could not find #{action} for #{user} (is #{user} a user?)"
- end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ m.reply "I had problems looking for #{artist}"
+ error e.inspect
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ debug page[0...10*1024] if page
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ def find_track(m, params)
+ m.reply "not implemented yet, sorry"
+ end
+ def find_album(m, params)
+ m.reply "not implemented yet, sorry"
+ end
+ def lastfm(m, params)
+ action = params[:action].intern
+ action = :neighbours if action == :neighbors
+ user = params[:user]
+ begin
+ data = open("{user}/#{action}.txt")
+ m.reply "#{action} for #{user}:"
+ m.reply data.to_a[0..3].map{|l| l.split(',',2)[-1].chomp}.join(", ")
+ rescue
+ m.reply "could not find #{action} for #{user} (is #{user} a user?)"
plugin = 'lastfm :action *what' 'lastfm event[s] in :location', :action => :find_event 'lastfm artist *who', :action => :find_artist 'lastfm group *who', :action => :find_artist 'lastfm track *dunno', :action => :find_track 'lastfm song *dunno', :action => :find_track 'lastfm album *dunno', :action => :find_album 'lastfm :action *user'