path: root/bin
diff options
authorMatthias H <>2014-02-21 20:21:02 +0100
committerMatthias H <>2014-02-21 20:21:02 +0100
commit352b7d4551ba0a693b706594866cb2aaeb7a94ac (patch)
treebdaa2c84954cfe7c7f44f899c5e41e22bd8b9da5 /bin
parentba5aaf073e5467b0b71adede32051f9b38c50a19 (diff)
[remote] removed due to security concerns
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/bin/rbot-remote b/bin/rbot-remote
deleted file mode 100755
index 353bb06d..00000000
--- a/bin/rbot-remote
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/ruby
-require 'drb'
-require 'optparse'
-# :title: RemoteCtl example script
-# Author:: jsn (dmitry kim) <dmitry dot kim at gmail dot org>
-# Copyright:: (C) 2007 dmitry kim
-# License:: in public domain
-user = nil
-pw = nil
-dst = nil
-uri = 'druby://localhost:7268'
-opts =
-opts.on('-u', '--user <user>', "remote user (mandatory)") { |v| user = v }
-opts.on('-p', '--password <pw>', "remote user password (mandatory)") { |v| pw = v }
-opts.on('-d', '--destination <user or #channel>') { |v| dst = v }
-opts.on('-r', '--uri <drb uri>', "rbot url (#{uri})") { |v| uri = v }
-opts.on('-h', '--help', "this message") { |v| pw = nil } # sorry!
-opts.on('-a', '--about', "what it's all about.") { |v|
- puts <<EOF
-This is just a proof-of-concept example for rbot druby-based api. This program
-reads lines of text from the standard input and sends them to a specified irc
-channel or user via rbot. Make sure you have remotectl.rb plugin loaded before
-The necessary setup is:
- 1) # create a new rbot user ("rmuser", in this example) with a password
- # ("rmpw", in this example). in an open query to rbot:
- <you> user create rmuser rmpw
- <rbot> created botuser remote
- 2) # add a remotectl permission to your newly created remote user:
- <you> permissions set +remotectl for rmuser
- <rbot> okies!
- 3) # add specific permissions for the commands you want to allow via
- # remote interface. for example, in this script we want 'say',
- # 'action' and other basic commands to work:
- <you> permissions set +basics::talk::do for rmuser
- <rbot> alright
- 4) # run the #{$0} and type something. the message should
- # show up on your channel / arrive as an irc private message.
- [you@yourhost ~]$ ./bin/rbot-remote -u rmuser -p rmpw -d '#your-channel'
- hello, world!
- <Ctrl-D>
- [you@yourhost ~]$
- exit 0
-if !pw || !user || !dst
- puts opts.to_s
- exit 0
-rbot = DRbObject.new_with_uri(uri)
-id = rbot.delegate(nil, "remote login #{user} #{pw}")[:return]
-puts "id is #{id.inspect}"
-loop {
- s = gets or break
- s.chomp!
- rv = rbot.delegate(id, "dispatch say #{dst} #{s}") or break
- puts "rv is #{rv.inspect}"