diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2006-08-03 17:35:15 +0000
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2006-08-03 17:35:15 +0000
commit9541057a74e533127377dfee4d3bc4831c564f8e (patch)
parent604729f561bde31de865c29042b579e84a266110 (diff)
Make keywords.rb into a plugin and sync with 0.9.10
5 files changed, 479 insertions, 457 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/keywords.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/keywords.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e743f2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/keywords.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+require 'pp'
+# Keyword class
+# Encapsulates a keyword ("foo is bar" is a keyword called foo, with type
+# is, and has a single value of bar).
+# Keywords can have multiple values, to_s() will choose one at random
+class Keyword
+ # type of keyword (e.g. "is" or "are")
+ attr_reader :type
+ # type:: type of keyword (e.g "is" or "are")
+ # values:: array of values
+ #
+ # create a keyword of type +type+ with values +values+
+ def initialize(type, values)
+ @type = type.downcase
+ @values = values
+ end
+ # pick a random value for this keyword and return it
+ def to_s
+ if(@values.length > 1)
+ Keyword.unescape(@values[rand(@values.length)])
+ else
+ Keyword.unescape(@values[0])
+ end
+ end
+ # describe the keyword (show all values without interpolation)
+ def desc
+ @values.join(" | ")
+ end
+ # return the keyword in a stringified form ready for storage
+ def dump
+ @type + "/" + Keyword.unescape(@values.join("<=or=>"))
+ end
+ # deserialize the stringified form to an object
+ def Keyword.restore(str)
+ if str =~ /^(\S+?)\/(.*)$/
+ type = $1
+ vals = $2.split("<=or=>")
+ return, vals)
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # values:: array of values to add
+ # add values to a keyword
+ def <<(values)
+ if(@values.length > 1 || values.length > 1)
+ values.each {|v|
+ @values << v
+ }
+ else
+ @values[0] += " or " + values[0]
+ end
+ end
+ # unescape special words/characters in a keyword
+ def Keyword.unescape(str)
+ str.gsub(/\\\|/, "|").gsub(/ \\is /, " is ").gsub(/ \\are /, " are ").gsub(/\\\?(\s*)$/, "?\1")
+ end
+ # escape special words/characters in a keyword
+ def Keyword.escape(str)
+ str.gsub(/\|/, "\\|").gsub(/ is /, " \\is ").gsub(/ are /, " \\are ").gsub(/\?(\s*)$/, "\\?\1")
+ end
+# keywords class.
+# Handles all that stuff like "bot: foo is bar", "bot: foo?"
+# Fallback after core and auth have had a look at a message and refused to
+# handle it, checks for a keyword command or lookup, otherwise the message
+# is delegated to plugins
+class Keywords < Plugin
+ BotConfig.register'keyword.listen',
+ :default => false,
+ :desc => "Should the bot listen to all chat and attempt to automatically detect keywords? (e.g. by spotting someone say 'foo is bar')")
+ BotConfig.register'keyword.address',
+ :default => true,
+ :desc => "Should the bot require that keyword lookups are addressed to it? If not, the bot will attempt to lookup foo if someone says 'foo?' in channel")
+ # create a new Keywords instance, associated to bot +bot+
+ def initialize
+ super
+ @statickeywords =
+ @keywords = @registry.sub_registry('keywords') # bot, "keyword"
+ upgrade_data
+ scan
+ # import old format keywords into DBHash
+ if(File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot"))
+ log "auto importing old keywords.rbot"
+ IO.foreach("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot") do |line|
+ if(line =~ /^(.*?)\s*<=(is|are)?=?>\s*(.*)$/)
+ lhs = $1
+ mhs = $2
+ rhs = $3
+ mhs = "is" unless mhs
+ rhs = Keyword.escape rhs
+ values = rhs.split("<=or=>")
+ @keywords[lhs] =, values).dump
+ end
+ end
+ File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot", "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot.old")
+ end
+ end
+ # drop static keywords and reload them from files, picking up any new
+ # keyword files that have been added
+ def rescan
+ @statickeywords =
+ scan
+ end
+ # load static keywords from files, picking up any new keyword files that
+ # have been added
+ def scan
+ # first scan for old DBHash files, and convert them
+ Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f|
+ next unless f =~ /\.db$/
+ log "upgrading keyword db #{f} (rbot 0.9.5 or prior) database format"
+ newname = f.gsub(/\.db$/, ".kdb")
+ old = f, nil,
+ "r+", 0600
+ new =, nil,
+ 0600)
+ old.each {|k,v|
+ new[k] = v
+ }
+ old.close
+ new.close
+ File.delete(f)
+ }
+ # then scan for current DBTree files, and load them
+ Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f|
+ next unless f =~ /\.kdb$/
+ hsh = @bot, f, true
+ key = File.basename(f).gsub(/\.kdb$/, "")
+ debug "keywords module: loading DBTree file #{f}, key #{key}"
+ @statickeywords[key] = hsh
+ }
+ # then scan for non DB files, and convert/import them and delete
+ Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f|
+ next if f =~ /\.kdb$/
+ next if f =~ /CVS$/
+ log "auto converting keywords from #{f}"
+ key = File.basename(f)
+ unless @statickeywords.has_key?(key)
+ @statickeywords[key] = @bot, "#{f}.db", true
+ end
+ IO.foreach(f) {|line|
+ if(line =~ /^(.*?)\s*<?=(is|are)?=?>\s*(.*)$/)
+ lhs = $1
+ mhs = $2
+ rhs = $3
+ # support infobot style factfiles, by fixing them up here
+ rhs.gsub!(/\$who/, "<who>")
+ mhs = "is" unless mhs
+ rhs = Keyword.escape rhs
+ values = rhs.split("<=or=>")
+ @statickeywords[key][lhs] =, values).dump
+ end
+ }
+ File.delete(f)
+ @statickeywords[key].flush
+ }
+ end
+ # upgrade data files found in old rbot formats to current
+ def upgrade_data
+ if File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db")
+ log "upgrading old keywords (rbot 0.9.5 or prior) database format"
+ old = "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db", nil,
+ "r+", 0600
+ old.each {|k,v|
+ @keywords[k] = v
+ }
+ old.close
+ @keywords.flush
+ File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db", "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db.old")
+ end
+ if File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db")
+ log "upgrading old keywords (rbot 0.9.9 or prior) database format"
+ old = "#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db", nil,
+ "r+", 0600
+ old.each {|k,v|
+ @keywords[k] = v
+ }
+ old.close
+ @keywords.flush
+ File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db", "#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db.old")
+ end
+ end
+ # save dynamic keywords to file
+ def save
+ @keywords.flush
+ end
+ def oldsave
+"#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot", "w") do |file|
+ @keywords.each do |key, value|
+ file.puts "#{key}<=#{value.type}=>#{value.dump}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # lookup keyword +key+, return it or nil
+ def [](key)
+ return nil if key.nil?
+ debug "keywords module: looking up key #{key}"
+ if(@keywords.has_key?(key))
+ return Keyword.restore(@keywords[key])
+ else
+ # key name order for the lookup through these
+ @statickeywords.keys.sort.each {|k|
+ v = @statickeywords[k]
+ if v.has_key?(key)
+ return Keyword.restore(v[key])
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # does +key+ exist as a keyword?
+ def has_key?(key)
+ if @keywords.has_key?(key) && Keyword.restore(@keywords[key]) != nil
+ return true
+ end
+ @statickeywords.each {|k,v|
+ if v.has_key?(key) && Keyword.restore(v[key]) != nil
+ return true
+ end
+ }
+ return false
+ end
+ # m:: PrivMessage containing message info
+ # key:: key being queried
+ # dunno:: optional, if true, reply "dunno" if +key+ not found
+ #
+ # handle a message asking about a keyword
+ def keyword(m, key, dunno=true)
+ return if key.nil?
+ unless(kw = self[key])
+ m.reply @bot.lang.get("dunno") if (dunno)
+ return
+ end
+ response = kw.to_s
+ response.gsub!(/<who>/, m.sourcenick)
+ if(response =~ /^<reply>\s*(.*)/)
+ m.reply "#$1"
+ elsif(response =~ /^<action>\s*(.*)/)
+ @bot.action m.replyto, "#$1"
+ elsif(m.public? && response =~ /^<topic>\s*(.*)/)
+ topic = $1
+ @bot.topic, topic
+ else
+ m.reply "#{key} #{kw.type} #{response}"
+ end
+ end
+ # handle a message which alters a keyword
+ # like "foo is bar", or "no, foo is baz", or "foo is also qux"
+ def keyword_command(sourcenick, target, lhs, mhs, rhs, quiet=false)
+ debug "got keyword command #{lhs}, #{mhs}, #{rhs}"
+ overwrite = false
+ overwrite = true if(lhs.gsub!(/^no,\s*/, ""))
+ also = true if(rhs.gsub!(/^also\s+/, ""))
+ values = rhs.split(/\s+\|\s+/)
+ lhs = Keyword.unescape lhs
+ if(overwrite || also || !has_key?(lhs))
+ if(also && has_key?(lhs))
+ kw = self[lhs]
+ kw << values
+ @keywords[lhs] = kw.dump
+ else
+ @keywords[lhs] =, values).dump
+ end
+ @bot.okay target if !quiet
+ elsif(has_key?(lhs))
+ kw = self[lhs]
+ @bot.say target, "but #{lhs} #{kw.type} #{kw.desc}" if kw && !quiet
+ end
+ end
+ # return help string for Keywords with option topic +topic+
+ def help(plugin, topic="")
+ case topic
+ when "overview"
+ return "set: <keyword> is <definition>, overide: no, <keyword> is <definition>, add to definition: <keyword> is also <definition>, random responses: <keyword> is <definition> | <definition> [| ...], plurals: <keyword> are <definition>, escaping: \\is, \\are, \\|, specials: <reply>, <action>, <who>"
+ when "set"
+ return "set => <keyword> is <definition>"
+ when "plurals"
+ return "plurals => <keywords> are <definition>"
+ when "override"
+ return "overide => no, <keyword> is <definition>"
+ when "also"
+ return "also => <keyword> is also <definition>"
+ when "random"
+ return "random responses => <keyword> is <definition> | <definition> [| ...]"
+ when "get"
+ return "asking for keywords => (with addressing) \"<keyword>?\", (without addressing) \"'<keyword>\""
+ when "tell"
+ return "tell <nick> about <keyword> => if <keyword> is known, tell <nick>, via /msg, its definition"
+ when "forget"
+ return "forget <keyword> => forget fact <keyword>"
+ when "keywords"
+ return "keywords => show current keyword counts"
+ when "<reply>"
+ return "<reply> => normal response is \"<keyword> is <definition>\", but if <definition> begins with <reply>, the response will be \"<definition>\""
+ when "<action>"
+ return "<action> => makes keyword respnse \"/me <definition>\""
+ when "<who>"
+ return "<who> => replaced with questioner in reply"
+ when "<topic>"
+ return "<topic> => respond by setting the topic to the rest of the definition"
+ when "search"
+ return "keywords search [--all] [--full] <regexp> => search keywords for <regexp>. If --all is set, search static keywords too, if --full is set, search definitions too."
+ else
+ return "Keyword module (Fact learning and regurgitation) topics: overview, set, plurals, override, also, random, get, tell, forget, keywords, keywords search, <reply>, <action>, <who>, <topic>"
+ end
+ end
+ # handle a message asking the bot to tell someone about a keyword
+ def keyword_tell(m, param)
+ target = param[:target]
+ key = nil
+ # extract the keyword from the message, because unfortunately
+ # the message mapper doesn't preserve whtiespace
+ if m.message =~ /about\s+(.+)$/
+ key = $1
+ end
+ unless(kw = self[key])
+ m.reply @bot.lang.get("dunno_about_X") % key
+ return
+ end
+ response = kw.to_s
+ response.gsub!(/<who>/, m.sourcenick)
+ if(response =~ /^<reply>\s*(.*)/)
+ @bot.say target, "#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you: (#{key}) #$1"
+ m.reply "okay, I told #{target}: (#{key}) #$1"
+ elsif(response =~ /^<action>\s*(.*)/)
+ @bot.action target, "#$1 (#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you)"
+ m.reply "okay, I told #{target}: * #$1"
+ else
+ @bot.say target, "#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you that #{key} #{kw.type} #{response}"
+ m.reply "okay, I told #{target} that #{key} #{kw.type} #{response}"
+ end
+ end
+ # return the number of known keywords
+ def keyword_stats(m, param)
+ length = 0
+ @statickeywords.each {|k,v|
+ length += v.length
+ }
+ m.reply "There are currently #{@keywords.length} keywords, #{length} static facts defined."
+ end
+ # search for keywords, optionally also the definition and the static keywords
+ def keyword_search(m, param)
+ str = param[:pattern]
+ all = (param[:all] == '--all')
+ full = (param[:full] == '--full')
+ begin
+ re =, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
+ if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source, m.replyto))
+ matches =
+ @keywords.each {|k,v|
+ kw = Keyword.restore(v)
+ if re.match(k) || (full && re.match(kw.desc))
+ matches << [k,kw]
+ end
+ }
+ if all
+ @statickeywords.each {|k,v|
+ v.each {|kk,vv|
+ kw = Keyword.restore(vv)
+ if re.match(kk) || (full && re.match(kw.desc))
+ matches << [kk,kw]
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ if matches.length == 1
+ rkw = matches[0]
+ m.reply "#{rkw[0]} #{rkw[1].type} #{rkw[1].desc}"
+ elsif matches.length > 0
+ i = 0
+ matches.each {|rkw|
+ m.reply "[#{i+1}/#{matches.length}] #{rkw[0]} #{rkw[1].type} #{rkw[1].desc}"
+ i += 1
+ break if i == 3
+ }
+ else
+ m.reply "no keywords match #{str}"
+ end
+ end
+ rescue RegexpError => e
+ m.reply "no keywords match #{str}: #{e}"
+ rescue
+ debug e.inspect
+ m.reply "no keywords match #{str}: an error occurred"
+ end
+ end
+ # forget one of the dynamic keywords
+ def keyword_forget(m, param)
+ key = param[:key]
+ if(@keywords.has_key?(key))
+ @keywords.delete(key)
+ @bot.okay m.replyto
+ end
+ end
+ # privmsg handler
+ def listen(m)
+ return if m.replied?
+ if(m.address?)
+ if(!(m.message =~ /\\\?\s*$/) && m.message =~ /^(.*\S)\s*\?\s*$/)
+ keyword m, $1 if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source, m.replyto))
+ elsif(m.message =~ /^(.*?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.*)$/)
+ keyword_command(m.sourcenick, m.replyto, $1, $2, $3) if(@bot.auth.allow?("keycmd", m.source, m.replyto))
+ end
+ else
+ # in channel message, not to me
+ # TODO option to do if(m.message =~ /^(.*)$/, ie try any line as a
+ # keyword lookup.
+ if(m.message =~ /^'(.*)$/ || (!@bot.config["keyword.address"] && m.message =~ /^(.*\S)\s*\?\s*$/))
+ keyword m, $1, false if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source))
+ elsif(@bot.config["keyword.listen"] == true && (m.message =~ /^(.*?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.*)$/))
+ # TODO MUCH more selective on what's allowed here
+ keyword_command(m.sourcenick, m.replyto, $1, $2, $3, true) if(@bot.auth.allow?("keycmd", m.source))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+plugin =
+ 'keyword stats', :action => 'keyword_stats'
+ 'keyword search :all :full :pattern', :action => 'keyword_search',
+ :defaults => {:all => '', :full => ''},
+ :requirements => {:all => '--all', :full => '--full'}
+ 'keyword forget :key', :action => 'keyword_forget' 'forget :key', :action => 'keyword_forget', :auth => 'keycmd'
+ 'keyword tell :target about *keyword', :action => 'keyword_tell' 'tell :target about *keyword', :action => 'keyword_tell', :auth => 'keyword'
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/core.rb b/lib/rbot/core/core.rb
index cb5df226..178675b1 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/core/core.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/core.rb
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ class CoreModule < CoreBotModule
return "talk [in here|<channel>] => with no arguments, resume speaking in all channels, if \"in here\", resume speaking in this channel, or resume speaking in <channel>"
when "version"
return "version => describes software version"
- # when "botsnack"
- # return "botsnack => reward #{myself} for being good"
- # when "hello"
- # return "hello|hi|hey|yo [#{myself}] => greet the bot"
+ # when "botsnack"
+ # return "botsnack => reward #{myself} for being good"
+ # when "hello"
+ # return "hello|hi|hey|yo [#{myself}] => greet the bot"
- return "Core help topics: quit, restart, config, join, part, hide, save, rescan, nick, say, action, topic, quiet, talk, version, botsnack, hello"
+ return "Core help topics: quit, restart, join, part, hide, save, rescan, nick, say, action, topic, quiet, talk, version"#, botsnack, hello"
diff --git a/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb b/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb
index df0659b5..bbb58fac 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb
@@ -73,9 +73,7 @@ require 'rbot/utils'
require 'rbot/irc'
require 'rbot/rfc2812'
-require 'rbot/keywords'
require 'rbot/ircsocket'
-# require 'rbot/auth'
require 'rbot/botuser'
require 'rbot/timer'
require 'rbot/plugins'
@@ -349,8 +347,6 @@ class IrcBot
@lang =['core.language'])
- # @keywords =
@auth = Auth::authmanager
@@ -839,22 +835,18 @@ class IrcBot
exec($0, *@argv)
- # call the save method for bot's config, keywords, auth and all plugins
+ # call the save method for all of the botmodules
def save
@save_mutex.synchronize do
- #
- #
- #
- # call the rescan method for the bot's lang, keywords and all plugins
+ # call the rescan method for all of the botmodules
def rescan
- # @keywords.rescan
# channel:: channel to join
diff --git a/lib/rbot/keywords.rb b/lib/rbot/keywords.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1604faf7..00000000
--- a/lib/rbot/keywords.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-require 'pp'
-module Irc
- # Keyword class
- #
- # Encapsulates a keyword ("foo is bar" is a keyword called foo, with type
- # is, and has a single value of bar).
- # Keywords can have multiple values, to_s() will choose one at random
- class Keyword
- # type of keyword (e.g. "is" or "are")
- attr_reader :type
- # type:: type of keyword (e.g "is" or "are")
- # values:: array of values
- #
- # create a keyword of type +type+ with values +values+
- def initialize(type, values)
- @type = type.downcase
- @values = values
- end
- # pick a random value for this keyword and return it
- def to_s
- if(@values.length > 1)
- Keyword.unescape(@values[rand(@values.length)])
- else
- Keyword.unescape(@values[0])
- end
- end
- # describe the keyword (show all values without interpolation)
- def desc
- @values.join(" | ")
- end
- # return the keyword in a stringified form ready for storage
- def dump
- @type + "/" + Keyword.unescape(@values.join("<=or=>"))
- end
- # deserialize the stringified form to an object
- def Keyword.restore(str)
- if str =~ /^(\S+?)\/(.*)$/
- type = $1
- vals = $2.split("<=or=>")
- return, vals)
- end
- return nil
- end
- # values:: array of values to add
- # add values to a keyword
- def <<(values)
- if(@values.length > 1 || values.length > 1)
- values.each {|v|
- @values << v
- }
- else
- @values[0] += " or " + values[0]
- end
- end
- # unescape special words/characters in a keyword
- def Keyword.unescape(str)
- str.gsub(/\\\|/, "|").gsub(/ \\is /, " is ").gsub(/ \\are /, " are ").gsub(/\\\?(\s*)$/, "?\1")
- end
- # escape special words/characters in a keyword
- def Keyword.escape(str)
- str.gsub(/\|/, "\\|").gsub(/ is /, " \\is ").gsub(/ are /, " \\are ").gsub(/\?(\s*)$/, "\\?\1")
- end
- end
- # keywords class.
- #
- # Handles all that stuff like "bot: foo is bar", "bot: foo?"
- #
- # Fallback after core and auth have had a look at a message and refused to
- # handle it, checks for a keyword command or lookup, otherwise the message
- # is delegated to plugins
- class Keywords
- BotConfig.register'keyword.listen',
- :default => false,
- :desc => "Should the bot listen to all chat and attempt to automatically detect keywords? (e.g. by spotting someone say 'foo is bar')")
- BotConfig.register'keyword.address',
- :default => true,
- :desc => "Should the bot require that keyword lookups are addressed to it? If not, the bot will attempt to lookup foo if someone says 'foo?' in channel")
- # create a new Keywords instance, associated to bot +bot+
- def initialize(bot)
- @bot = bot
- @statickeywords =
- upgrade_data
- @keywords = bot, "keyword"
- scan
- # import old format keywords into DBHash
- if(File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot"))
- log "auto importing old keywords.rbot"
- IO.foreach("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot") do |line|
- if(line =~ /^(.*?)\s*<=(is|are)?=?>\s*(.*)$/)
- lhs = $1
- mhs = $2
- rhs = $3
- mhs = "is" unless mhs
- rhs = Keyword.escape rhs
- values = rhs.split("<=or=>")
- @keywords[lhs] =, values).dump
- end
- end
- File.delete("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot")
- end
- end
- # drop static keywords and reload them from files, picking up any new
- # keyword files that have been added
- def rescan
- @statickeywords =
- scan
- end
- # load static keywords from files, picking up any new keyword files that
- # have been added
- def scan
- # first scan for old DBHash files, and convert them
- Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f|
- next unless f =~ /\.db$/
- log "upgrading keyword db #{f} (rbot 0.9.5 or prior) database format"
- newname = f.gsub(/\.db$/, ".kdb")
- old = f, nil,
- "r+", 0600
- new =, nil,
- 0600)
- old.each {|k,v|
- new[k] = v
- }
- old.close
- new.close
- File.delete(f)
- }
- # then scan for current DBTree files, and load them
- Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f|
- next unless f =~ /\.kdb$/
- hsh = @bot, f, true
- key = File.basename(f).gsub(/\.kdb$/, "")
- debug "keywords module: loading DBTree file #{f}, key #{key}"
- @statickeywords[key] = hsh
- }
- # then scan for non DB files, and convert/import them and delete
- Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f|
- next if f =~ /\.kdb$/
- next if f =~ /CVS$/
- log "auto converting keywords from #{f}"
- key = File.basename(f)
- unless @statickeywords.has_key?(key)
- @statickeywords[key] = @bot, "#{f}.db", true
- end
- IO.foreach(f) {|line|
- if(line =~ /^(.*?)\s*<?=(is|are)?=?>\s*(.*)$/)
- lhs = $1
- mhs = $2
- rhs = $3
- # support infobot style factfiles, by fixing them up here
- rhs.gsub!(/\$who/, "<who>")
- mhs = "is" unless mhs
- rhs = Keyword.escape rhs
- values = rhs.split("<=or=>")
- @statickeywords[key][lhs] =, values).dump
- end
- }
- File.delete(f)
- @statickeywords[key].flush
- }
- end
- # upgrade data files found in old rbot formats to current
- def upgrade_data
- if File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db")
- log "upgrading old keywords (rbot 0.9.5 or prior) database format"
- old = "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db", nil,
- "r+", 0600
- new = "#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db", nil,
- 0600
- old.each {|k,v|
- new[k] = v
- }
- old.close
- new.close
- File.delete("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db")
- end
- end
- # save dynamic keywords to file
- def save
- @keywords.flush
- end
- def oldsave
-"#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot", "w") do |file|
- @keywords.each do |key, value|
- file.puts "#{key}<=#{value.type}=>#{value.dump}"
- end
- end
- end
- # lookup keyword +key+, return it or nil
- def [](key)
- return nil if key.nil?
- debug "keywords module: looking up key #{key}"
- if(@keywords.has_key?(key))
- return Keyword.restore(@keywords[key])
- else
- # key name order for the lookup through these
- @statickeywords.keys.sort.each {|k|
- v = @statickeywords[k]
- if v.has_key?(key)
- return Keyword.restore(v[key])
- end
- }
- end
- return nil
- end
- # does +key+ exist as a keyword?
- def has_key?(key)
- if @keywords.has_key?(key) && Keyword.restore(@keywords[key]) != nil
- return true
- end
- @statickeywords.each {|k,v|
- if v.has_key?(key) && Keyword.restore(v[key]) != nil
- return true
- end
- }
- return false
- end
- # m:: PrivMessage containing message info
- # key:: key being queried
- # dunno:: optional, if true, reply "dunno" if +key+ not found
- #
- # handle a message asking about a keyword
- def keyword(m, key, dunno=true)
- return if key.nil?
- unless(kw = self[key])
- m.reply @bot.lang.get("dunno") if (dunno)
- return
- end
- response = kw.to_s
- response.gsub!(/<who>/, m.sourcenick)
- if(response =~ /^<reply>\s*(.*)/)
- m.reply "#$1"
- elsif(response =~ /^<action>\s*(.*)/)
- @bot.action m.replyto, "#$1"
- elsif(m.public? && response =~ /^<topic>\s*(.*)/)
- topic = $1
- @bot.topic, topic
- else
- m.reply "#{key} #{kw.type} #{response}"
- end
- end
- # m:: PrivMessage containing message info
- # target:: channel/nick to tell about the keyword
- # key:: key being queried
- #
- # handle a message asking the bot to tell someone about a keyword
- def keyword_tell(m, target, key)
- unless(kw = self[key])
- @bot.say m.sourcenick, @bot.lang.get("dunno_about_X") % key
- return
- end
- response = kw.to_s
- response.gsub!(/<who>/, m.sourcenick)
- if(response =~ /^<reply>\s*(.*)/)
- @bot.say target, "#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you: (#{key}) #$1"
- m.reply "okay, I told #{target}: (#{key}) #$1"
- elsif(response =~ /^<action>\s*(.*)/)
- @bot.action target, "#$1 (#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you)"
- m.reply "okay, I told #{target}: * #$1"
- else
- @bot.say target, "#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you that #{key} #{kw.type} #{response}"
- m.reply "okay, I told #{target} that #{key} #{kw.type} #{response}"
- end
- end
- # handle a message which alters a keyword
- # like "foo is bar", or "no, foo is baz", or "foo is also qux"
- def keyword_command(sourcenick, target, lhs, mhs, rhs, quiet=false)
- debug "got keyword command #{lhs}, #{mhs}, #{rhs}"
- overwrite = false
- overwrite = true if(lhs.gsub!(/^no,\s*/, ""))
- also = true if(rhs.gsub!(/^also\s+/, ""))
- values = rhs.split(/\s+\|\s+/)
- lhs = Keyword.unescape lhs
- if(overwrite || also || !has_key?(lhs))
- if(also && has_key?(lhs))
- kw = self[lhs]
- kw << values
- @keywords[lhs] = kw.dump
- else
- @keywords[lhs] =, values).dump
- end
- @bot.okay target if !quiet
- elsif(has_key?(lhs))
- kw = self[lhs]
- @bot.say target, "but #{lhs} #{kw.type} #{kw.desc}" if kw && !quiet
- end
- end
- # return help string for Keywords with option topic +topic+
- def help(topic="")
- case topic
- when "overview"
- return "set: <keyword> is <definition>, overide: no, <keyword> is <definition>, add to definition: <keyword> is also <definition>, random responses: <keyword> is <definition> | <definition> [| ...], plurals: <keyword> are <definition>, escaping: \\is, \\are, \\|, specials: <reply>, <action>, <who>"
- when "set"
- return "set => <keyword> is <definition>"
- when "plurals"
- return "plurals => <keywords> are <definition>"
- when "override"
- return "overide => no, <keyword> is <definition>"
- when "also"
- return "also => <keyword> is also <definition>"
- when "random"
- return "random responses => <keyword> is <definition> | <definition> [| ...]"
- when "get"
- return "asking for keywords => (with addressing) \"<keyword>?\", (without addressing) \"'<keyword>\""
- when "tell"
- return "tell <nick> about <keyword> => if <keyword> is known, tell <nick>, via /msg, its definition"
- when "forget"
- return "forget <keyword> => forget fact <keyword>"
- when "keywords"
- return "keywords => show current keyword counts"
- when "<reply>"
- return "<reply> => normal response is \"<keyword> is <definition>\", but if <definition> begins with <reply>, the response will be \"<definition>\""
- when "<action>"
- return "<action> => makes keyword respnse \"/me <definition>\""
- when "<who>"
- return "<who> => replaced with questioner in reply"
- when "<topic>"
- return "<topic> => respond by setting the topic to the rest of the definition"
- when "search"
- return "keywords search [--all] [--full] <regexp> => search keywords for <regexp>. If --all is set, search static keywords too, if --full is set, search definitions too."
- else
- return "Keyword module (Fact learning and regurgitation) topics: overview, set, plurals, override, also, random, get, tell, forget, keywords, keywords search, <reply>, <action>, <who>, <topic>"
- end
- end
- # privmsg handler
- def privmsg(m)
- return if m.replied?
- if(m.address?)
- if(!(m.message =~ /\\\?\s*$/) && m.message =~ /^(.*\S)\s*\?\s*$/)
- keyword m, $1 if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source, m.replyto))
- elsif(m.message =~ /^(.*?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.*)$/)
- keyword_command(m.sourcenick, m.replyto, $1, $2, $3) if(@bot.auth.allow?("keycmd", m.source, m.replyto))
- elsif (m.message =~ /^tell\s+(\S+)\s+about\s+(.+)$/)
- keyword_tell(m, $1, $2) if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source, m.replyto))
- elsif (m.message =~ /^forget\s+(.*)$/)
- key = $1
- if((@bot.auth.allow?("keycmd", m.source, m.replyto)) && @keywords.has_key?(key))
- @keywords.delete(key)
- @bot.okay m.replyto
- end
- elsif (m.message =~ /^keywords$/)
- if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source, m.replyto))
- length = 0
- @statickeywords.each {|k,v|
- length += v.length
- }
- m.reply "There are currently #{@keywords.length} keywords, #{length} static facts defined."
- end
- elsif (m.message =~ /^keywords search\s+(.*)$/)
- str = $1
- all = false
- all = true if str.gsub!(/--all\s+/, "")
- full = false
- full = true if str.gsub!(/--full\s+/, "")
- begin
- re =, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
- if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source, m.replyto))
- matches =
- @keywords.each {|k,v|
- kw = Keyword.restore(v)
- if re.match(k) || (full && re.match(kw.desc))
- matches << [k,kw]
- end
- }
- if all
- @statickeywords.each {|k,v|
- v.each {|kk,vv|
- kw = Keyword.restore(vv)
- if re.match(kk) || (full && re.match(kw.desc))
- matches << [kk,kw]
- end
- }
- }
- end
- if matches.length == 1
- rkw = matches[0]
- m.reply "#{rkw[0]} #{rkw[1].type} #{rkw[1].desc}"
- elsif matches.length > 0
- i = 0
- matches.each {|rkw|
- m.reply "[#{i+1}/#{matches.length}] #{rkw[0]} #{rkw[1].type} #{rkw[1].desc}"
- i += 1
- break if i == 3
- }
- else
- m.reply "no keywords match #{str}"
- end
- end
- rescue RegexpError => e
- m.reply "no keywords match #{str}: #{e}"
- rescue
- debug e.inspect
- m.reply "no keywords match #{str}: an error occurred"
- end
- end
- else
- # in channel message, not to me
- # TODO option to do if(m.message =~ /^(.*)$/, ie try any line as a
- # keyword lookup.
- if(m.message =~ /^'(.*)$/ || (!@bot.config["keyword.address"] && m.message =~ /^(.*\S)\s*\?\s*$/))
- keyword m, $1, false if(@bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source))
- elsif(@bot.config["keyword.listen"] == true && (m.message =~ /^(.*?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.*)$/))
- # TODO MUCH more selective on what's allowed here
- keyword_command(m.sourcenick, m.replyto, $1, $2, $3, true) if(@bot.auth.allow?("keycmd", m.source))
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/rbot/registry.rb b/lib/rbot/registry.rb
index e679722a..cb59306c 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/registry.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/registry.rb
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ module Irc
- File.delete("#{@bot.botclass}/registry.db")
+ File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/registry.db", "#{@bot.botclass}/registry.db.old")
def upgrade_data2
if File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/plugin_registry.db")
Dir.mkdir("#{@bot.botclass}/registry") unless File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/registry")
- env ="#{@bot.botclass}", BDB::INIT_TRANSACTION | BDB::CREATE | BDB::RECOVER)
+ env ="#{@bot.botclass}", BDB::INIT_TRANSACTION | BDB::CREATE | BDB::RECOVER)# | BDB::TXN_NOSYNC)
dbs =
log "upgrading previous (rbot 0.9.9 or earlier) plugin registry to new split format"
old ="#{@bot.botclass}/plugin_registry.db", nil,