path: root/configure
diff options
authorSadie Powell <>2020-08-24 13:27:01 +0100
committerSadie Powell <>2020-08-25 09:43:05 +0100
commitcae3a4e72820eac96084dfc2e981a19764270b9c (patch)
treef2cc5ee932b8bd543c86047e6ed43884dee307da /configure
parent382b278f725aa2a01667e803238f1ab9c74c73ea (diff)
Rewrite --{enable,disable}-extras logic.
Diffstat (limited to 'configure')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 3ea4d7287..ecf568742 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -564,72 +564,56 @@ EXTRA: for my $extra (@extras) {
return keys(%extras) if wantarray; # Can be used by manage_extras.
-sub enable_extras (@) {
- my (@extras) = @_;
- for my $extra (@extras) {
- $extra = "m_$extra" unless $extra =~ /^m_/;
- $extra = "$extra.cpp" unless $extra =~ /\.cpp$/;
- my $extrapath = "src/modules/extra/$extra";
- if (!-e $extrapath) {
- print STDERR "Cannot enable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : No such file or directory in src/modules/extra\n";
- next;
- }
- my $source = "src/modules/$extra";
- if (-e $source) {
- print STDERR "Cannot enable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : destination in src/modules exists (might already be enabled?)\n";
- next;
+sub enable_extras(@) {
+ my $moduledir = catdir $RealDir, 'src', 'modules';
+ my $extradir = catdir $moduledir, 'extra';
+ for my $extra (@_) {
+ my $shortname = $extra =~ s/(?:^m_|\.cpp$)//gr;
+ my $extrafile = "m_$shortname.cpp";
+ my $extrapath = catfile $extradir, $extrafile;
+ if (!-f $extrapath) {
+ print_error "<|GREEN $extra|> is not an extra module!";
- # Get dependencies, and add them to be processed.
- my @deps = split /\s+/, get_directive($extrapath, 'ModDep', '');
- for my $dep (@deps) {
- next if scalar(grep { $_ eq $dep } (@extras)) > 0; # Skip if we're going to be enabling it anyway.
- if (!-e "src/modules/$dep" && !-e "include/$dep") {
- if (-e "src/modules/extra/$dep") {
- print STDERR "Will also enable extra \e[32;1m$dep\e[0m (needed by \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m)\n";
- push @extras, $dep;
- } else {
- print STDERR "\e[33;1mWARNING:\e[0m module \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m might be missing dependency \e[32;1m$dep\e[0m - YOU are responsible for satisfying it!\n";
- }
+ my $modulepath = catfile $moduledir, $extrafile;
+ if (-l $modulepath) {
+ if (readlink($modulepath) ne $extrapath) {
+ unlink $modulepath; # Remove the dead symlink.
+ } else {
+ next; # Module is already enabled.
- print "Enabling $extra ... \n";
- symlink "extra/$extra", $source or print STDERR "$source: Cannot link to 'extra/$extra': $!\n";
+ if (-e $modulepath) {
+ print_error "unable to symlink <|GREEN ${\abs2rel $modulepath}|> to <|GREEN ${\abs2rel $extrapath}|>: the target exists and is not a symlink.";
+ } else {
+ print_format "Enabling the <|GREEN $shortname|> module ...\n";
+ symlink $extrapath, $modulepath or print_error "unable to symlink <|GREEN ${\abs2rel $modulepath}|> to <|GREEN ${\abs2rel $extrapath}|>: $!";
+ }
-sub disable_extras (@)
- opendir my $dd, "src/modules/extra/";
- my @files = readdir($dd);
- closedir $dd;
- my (@extras) = @_;
-EXTRA: for my $extra (@extras) {
- $extra = "m_$extra" unless $extra =~ /^m_/;
- $extra = "$extra.cpp" unless $extra =~ /\.cpp$/;
- my $extrapath = "src/modules/extra/$extra";
- my $source = "src/modules/$extra";
- if (!-e $extrapath) {
- print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : Is not an extra\n";
- next;
- }
- if ((! -l $source) || readlink($source) ne "extra/$extra") {
- print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : Source is not a link or doesn't refer to the right file. Remove manually if this is in error.\n";
- next;
- }
- # Check if anything needs this.
- for my $file (@files) {
- my @deps = split /\s+/, get_directive("src/modules/extra/$file", 'ModDep', '');
- # File depends on this extra...
- if (scalar(grep { $_ eq $extra } @deps) > 0) {
- # And is both enabled and not about to be disabled.
- if (-e "src/modules/$file" && scalar(grep { $_ eq $file } @extras) < 1) {
- print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : is needed by \e[32;1m$file\e[0m\n";
- next EXTRA;
- }
- }
+sub disable_extras(@) {
+ my $moduledir = catdir $RealDir, 'src', 'modules';
+ my $extradir = catdir $moduledir, 'extra';
+ for my $extra (@_) {
+ my $shortname = $extra =~ s/(?:^m_|\.cpp$)//gr;
+ my $extrafile = "m_$shortname.cpp";
+ my $modulepath = catfile $moduledir, $extrafile;
+ my $extrapath = catfile $extradir, $extrafile;
+ if (!-e $modulepath && !-e $extrapath) {
+ print_error "the <|GREEN $shortname|> module does not exist!";
+ } elsif (!-e $modulepath && -e $extrapath) {
+ print_error "the <|GREEN $shortname|> module is not currently enabled!";
+ } elsif ((-e $modulepath && !-e $extrapath) || !-l $modulepath) {
+ print_error "the <|GREEN $shortname|> module is not an extra module!";
+ } else {
+ print_format "Disabling the <|GREEN $shortname|> module ...\n";
+ unlink $modulepath or print_error "unable to unlink <|GREEN $extrapath|>: $!";
- # Now remove.
- print "Disabling $extra ... \n";
- unlink "src/modules/$extra" or print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : $!\n";