#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P # TODO: # a sane example of handling the arguments would be nice # populate some variables define RUN_USER jdoe define INSTANCE_NAME jane define MAIL_RCPT john backtick HOME { homeof ${RUN_USER} } importas -n -u HOME HOME define LOGDIR ${HOME}/var/log/s6/imaginary_service-${INSTANCE_NAME} define MAIL_FIFO ${LOGDIR}/mail_fifo # redirect STDERR to STDIN so it can be caught by a logging service fdmove -c 2 1 # switch to a different user for running this s6-setuidgid ${RUN_USER} # the command to start and supervise s6-log # prepend TAI64N timestamp t # prepent ISO 8601 timestamp T # rotate after 1MiB written s1048576 # total size of logdir may be 2GiB S2147483648 # filter lines with only spaces -"^[[:space:]]+$" # upon rotation, send log to MAIL_RCPT !"background { redirfd -r 0 ${MAIL_FIFO} mail -s \"instance log: ${INSTANCE_NAME}\" -- ${MAIL_RCPT} } tee ${MAIL_FIFO}" # directory to write logfiles to "${LOGDIR}/logs"