class KarmaPlugin < Plugin def initialize super # this plugin only wants to store ints! class << @registry def store(val) val.to_i end def restore(val) val.to_i end end @registry.set_default(0) # import if old file format found if(File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/karma.rbot")) puts "importing old karma data" IO.foreach("#{@bot.botclass}/karma.rbot") do |line| if(line =~ /^(\S+)<=>([\d-]+)$/) item = $1 karma = $2.to_i @registry[item] = karma end end File.delete("#{@bot.botclass}/karma.rbot") end end def help(plugin, topic="") "karma module: ++/-- => increase/decrease karma for , karma for ? => show karma for . Karma is a community rating system - only in-channel messages can affect karma and you cannot adjust your own." end def listen(m) if(m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) && m.public?) # in channel message, the kind we are interested in if(m.message =~ /(\+\+|--)/) string = m.message.sub(/\W(--|\+\+)(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(\-\-)\s]+)/, "\2\1") seen = while(string.sub!(/(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(\-\-)\s]+)(\+\+|--)/, "")) key = $1 change = $2 next if seen[key] seen[key] = true key.sub!(/^\((.*)\)$/, "\1") key.gsub!(/\s+/, " ") next unless(key.length > 0) next if(key == m.sourcenick) if(change == "++") @registry[key] += 1 elsif(change == "--") @registry[key] -= 1 end end end end end def privmsg(m) if (m.plugin == "karmastats") if (@registry.length) max = @registry.values.max min = @registry.values.min best = @registry.to_hash.index(max) worst = @registry.to_hash.index(min) m.reply "#{@registry.length} votes. Best: #{best} (#{max}); Worst: #{worst} (#{min})" return end end unless(m.params) m.reply "incorrect usage: " + m.plugin return end if(m.params =~ /^(?:for\s+)?(\S+?)\??$/) thing = $1 karma = @registry[thing] if(karma != 0) m.reply "karma for #{thing}: #{@registry[thing]}" else m.reply "#{thing} has neutral karma" end end end end plugin = plugin.register("karma") plugin.register("karmastats")