#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: rbot plugin management require 'singleton' require_relative './core/utils/where_is.rb' module Irc class Bot Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('plugins.blacklist', :default => [], :wizard => false, :requires_rescan => true, :desc => "Plugins that should not be loaded") Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('plugins.whitelist', :default => [], :wizard => false, :requires_rescan => true, :desc => "Only whitelisted plugins will be loaded unless the list is empty") module Plugins require 'rbot/messagemapper' =begin rdoc BotModule is the base class for the modules that enhance the rbot functionality. Rather than subclassing BotModule, however, one should subclass either CoreBotModule (reserved for system modules) or Plugin (for user plugins). A BotModule interacts with Irc events by defining one or more of the following methods, which get called as appropriate when the corresponding Irc event happens. map(template, options):: map!(template, options):: map is the new, cleaner way to respond to specific message formats without littering your plugin code with regexps, and should be used instead of #register() and #privmsg() (see below) when possible. The difference between map and map! is that map! will not register the new command as an alternative name for the plugin. Examples: plugin.map 'pointstats', :action => 'point_stats' # while in the plugin... def point_stats(m, params) m.reply "..." end # the default action is the first component plugin.map 'points' # attributes can be pulled out of the match string plugin.map 'points for :key' plugin.map 'points :key' # while in the plugin... def points(m, params) item = params[:key] m.reply 'points for #{item}' end # you can setup defaults, to make parameters optional plugin.map 'points :key', :defaults => {:key => 'defaultvalue'} # the default auth check is also against the first component # but that can be changed plugin.map 'pointstats', :auth => 'points' # maps can be restricted to public or private message: plugin.map 'pointstats', :private => false plugin.map 'pointstats', :public => false See MessageMapper#map for more information on the template format and the allowed options. listen(UserMessage):: Called for all messages of any type. To differentiate them, use message.kind_of? It'll be either a PrivMessage, NoticeMessage, KickMessage, QuitMessage, PartMessage, JoinMessage, NickMessage, etc. ctcp_listen(UserMessage):: Called for all messages that contain a CTCP command. Use message.ctcp to get the CTCP command, and message.message to get the parameter string. To reply, use message.ctcp_reply, which sends a private NOTICE to the sender. message(PrivMessage):: Called for all PRIVMSG. Hook on this method if you need to handle PRIVMSGs regardless of whether they are addressed to the bot or not, and regardless of privmsg(PrivMessage):: Called for a PRIVMSG if the first word matches one the plugin #register()ed for. Use m.plugin to get that word and m.params for the rest of the message, if applicable. unreplied(PrivMessage):: Called for a PRIVMSG which has not been replied to. notice(NoticeMessage):: Called for all Notices. Please notice that in general should not be replied to. kick(KickMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) is kicked from a channel the bot is in. invite(InviteMessage):: Called when the bot is invited to a channel. join(JoinMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) joins a channel part(PartMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) parts a channel quit(QuitMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) quits IRC nick(NickMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) changes Nick modechange(ModeChangeMessage):: Called when a User or Channel mode is changed topic(TopicMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) changes a channel topic welcome(WelcomeMessage):: Called when the welcome message is received on joining a server succesfully. motd(MotdMessage):: Called when the Message Of The Day is fully recevied from the server. connect:: Called when a server is joined successfully, but before autojoin channels are joined (no params) set_language(String):: Called when the user sets a new language whose name is the given String save:: Called when you are required to save your plugin's state, if you maintain data between sessions cleanup:: called before your plugin is "unloaded", prior to a plugin reload or bot quit - close any open files/connections or flush caches here =end class BotModule # the associated bot attr_reader :bot # the plugin registry attr_reader :registry # the message map handler attr_reader :handler # the directory in which the plugin is located attr_reader :plugin_path # Initialise your bot module. Always call super if you override this method, # as important variables are set up for you: # # @bot:: # the rbot instance # @registry:: # the botmodule's registry, which can be used to store permanent data # (see Registry::Accessor for additional documentation) # # Other instance variables which are defined and should not be overwritten # byt the user, but aren't usually accessed directly, are: # # @manager:: # the plugins manager instance # @botmodule_triggers:: # an Array of words this plugin #register()ed itself for # @handler:: # the MessageMapper that handles this plugin's maps # def initialize @manager = Plugins::manager @bot = @manager.bot @priority = nil @botmodule_triggers = Array.new @handler = MessageMapper.new(self) @registry = @bot.registry_factory.create(@bot.path, self.class.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, '')) @manager.add_botmodule(self) @plugin_path = @manager.next_plugin_path if self.respond_to?('set_language') self.set_language(@bot.lang.language) end end # Changing the value of @priority directly will cause problems, # Please use priority=. def priority @priority ||= 1 end # Returns the symbol :BotModule def botmodule_class :BotModule end # Method called to flush the registry, thus ensuring that the botmodule's permanent # data is committed to disk # def flush_registry # debug "Flushing #{@registry}" @registry.flush end # Method called to cleanup before the plugin is unloaded. If you overload # this method to handle additional cleanup tasks, remember to call super() # so that the default cleanup actions are taken care of as well. # def cleanup # debug "Closing #{@registry}" @registry.close end # Handle an Irc::PrivMessage for which this BotModule has a map. The method # is called automatically and there is usually no need to call it # explicitly. # def handle(m) @handler.handle(m) end # Signal to other BotModules that an even happened. # def call_event(ev, *args) @bot.plugins.delegate('event_' + ev.to_s.gsub(/[^\w\?!]+/, '_'), *(args.push Hash.new)) end # call-seq: map(template, options) # # This is the preferred way to register the BotModule so that it # responds to appropriately-formed messages on Irc. # def map(*args) do_map(false, *args) end # call-seq: map!(template, options) # # This is the same as map but doesn't register the new command # as an alternative name for the plugin. # def map!(*args) do_map(true, *args) end # Auxiliary method called by #map and #map! def do_map(silent, *args) @handler.map(self, *args) # register this map map = @handler.last name = map.items[0] self.register name, :auth => nil, :hidden => silent @manager.register_map(self, map) unless self.respond_to?('privmsg') def self.privmsg(m) #:nodoc: handle(m) end end end # Sets the default auth for command path _cmd_ to _val_ on channel _chan_: # usually _chan_ is either "*" for everywhere, public and private (in which # case it can be omitted) or "?" for private communications # def default_auth(cmd, val, chan="*") case cmd when "*", "" c = nil else c = cmd end Auth::defaultbotuser.set_default_permission(propose_default_path(c), val) end # Gets the default command path which would be given to command _cmd_ def propose_default_path(cmd) [name, cmd].compact.join("::") end # Return an identifier for this plugin, defaults to a list of the message # prefixes handled (used for error messages etc) def name self.class.to_s.downcase.sub(/^#::/,"").sub(/(plugin|module)?$/,"") end # Just calls name def to_s name end # Intern the name def to_sym self.name.to_sym end # Return a help string for your module. For complex modules, you may wish # to break your help into topics, and return a list of available topics if # +topic+ is nil. +plugin+ is passed containing the matching prefix for # this message - if your plugin handles multiple prefixes, make sure you # return the correct help for the prefix requested def help(plugin, topic) "no help" end # Register the plugin as a handler for messages prefixed _cmd_. # # This can be called multiple times for a plugin to handle multiple message # prefixes. # # This command is now superceded by the #map() command, which should be used # instead whenever possible. # def register(cmd, opts={}) raise ArgumentError, "Second argument must be a hash!" unless opts.kind_of?(Hash) who = @manager.who_handles?(cmd) if who raise "Command #{cmd} is already handled by #{who.botmodule_class} #{who}" if who != self return end if opts.has_key?(:auth) @manager.register(self, cmd, opts[:auth]) else @manager.register(self, cmd, propose_default_path(cmd)) end @botmodule_triggers << cmd unless opts.fetch(:hidden, false) end # Default usage method provided as a utility for simple plugins. The # MessageMapper uses 'usage' as its default fallback method. # def usage(m, params = {}) if params[:failures].respond_to? :find friendly = params[:failures].find do |f| f.kind_of? MessageMapper::FriendlyFailure end if friendly m.reply friendly.friendly return end end m.reply(_("incorrect usage, ask for help using '%{command}'") % {:command => "#{@bot.nick}: help #{m.plugin}"}) end # Define the priority of the module. During event delegation, lower # priority modules will be called first. Default priority is 1 def priority=(prio) if @priority != prio @priority = prio @bot.plugins.mark_priorities_dirty end end # Directory name to be joined to the botclass to access data files. By # default this is the plugin name itself, but may be overridden, for # example by plugins that share their datafiles or for backwards # compatibilty def dirname name end # Filename for a datafile built joining the botclass, plugin dirname and # actual file name def datafile(*fname) @bot.path dirname, *fname end end # A CoreBotModule is a BotModule that provides core functionality. # # This class should not be used by user plugins, as it's reserved for system # plugins such as the ones that handle authentication, configuration and basic # functionality. # class CoreBotModule < BotModule def botmodule_class :CoreBotModule end end # A Plugin is a BotModule that provides additional functionality. # # A user-defined plugin should subclass this, and then define any of the # methods described in the documentation for BotModule to handle interaction # with Irc events. # class Plugin < BotModule def botmodule_class :Plugin end end # Singleton to manage multiple plugins and delegate messages to them for # handling class PluginManagerClass include Singleton attr_reader :bot attr_reader :botmodules attr_reader :maps attr_reader :core_module_dirs attr_reader :plugin_dirs attr_reader :next_plugin_path # This is the list of patterns commonly delegated to plugins. # A fast delegation lookup is enabled for them. DEFAULT_DELEGATE_PATTERNS = %r{^(?: connect|names|nick| listen|ctcp_listen|privmsg|unreplied| kick|join|part|quit| save|cleanup|flush_registry| set_.*|event_.* )$}x def initialize @botmodules = { :CoreBotModule => [], :Plugin => [] } @names_hash = Hash.new @commandmappers = Hash.new @maps = Hash.new # modules will be sorted on first delegate call @sorted_modules = nil @delegate_list = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Array.new } @core_module_dirs = [] @plugin_dirs = [] @failed = Array.new @ignored = Array.new bot_associate(nil) end def inspect ret = self.to_s[0..-2] ret << ' corebotmodules=' ret << @botmodules[:CoreBotModule].map { |m| m.name }.inspect ret << ' plugins=' ret << @botmodules[:Plugin].map { |m| m.name }.inspect ret << ">" end # Reset lists of botmodules # # :botmodule :: # optional instance of a botmodule to remove from the lists def reset_botmodule_lists(botmodule=nil) if botmodule # deletes only references of the botmodule @botmodules[:CoreBotModule].delete botmodule @botmodules[:Plugin].delete botmodule @names_hash.delete_if {|key, value| value == botmodule} @commandmappers.delete_if {|key, value| value[:botmodule] == botmodule } @delegate_list.each_pair { |cmd, list| list.delete botmodule } @delegate_list.delete_if {|key, value| value.empty?} @maps.delete_if {|key, value| value[:botmodule] == botmodule } @failures_shown = false else @botmodules[:CoreBotModule].clear @botmodules[:Plugin].clear @names_hash.clear @commandmappers.clear @delegate_list.clear @maps.clear @failures_shown = false end mark_priorities_dirty end # Associate with bot _bot_ def bot_associate(bot) reset_botmodule_lists @bot = bot end # Returns the botmodule with the given _name_ def [](name) return if not name @names_hash[name.to_sym] end # Returns +true+ if a botmodule named _name_ exists. def has_key?(name) return if not name @names_hash.has_key?(name.to_sym) end # Returns +true+ if _cmd_ has already been registered as a command def who_handles?(cmd) return nil unless @commandmappers.has_key?(cmd.to_sym) return @commandmappers[cmd.to_sym][:botmodule] end # Registers botmodule _botmodule_ with command _cmd_ and command path _auth_path_ def register(botmodule, cmd, auth_path) raise TypeError, "First argument #{botmodule.inspect} is not of class BotModule" unless botmodule.kind_of?(BotModule) @commandmappers[cmd.to_sym] = {:botmodule => botmodule, :auth => auth_path} end # Registers botmodule _botmodule_ with map _map_. This adds the map to the #maps hash # which has three keys: # # botmodule:: the associated botmodule # auth:: an array of auth keys checked by the map; the first is the full_auth_path of the map # map:: the actual MessageTemplate object # # def register_map(botmodule, map) raise TypeError, "First argument #{botmodule.inspect} is not of class BotModule" unless botmodule.kind_of?(BotModule) @maps[map.template] = { :botmodule => botmodule, :auth => [map.options[:full_auth_path]], :map => map } end def add_botmodule(botmodule) raise TypeError, "Argument #{botmodule.inspect} is not of class BotModule" unless botmodule.kind_of?(BotModule) kl = botmodule.botmodule_class if @names_hash.has_key?(botmodule.to_sym) case self[botmodule].botmodule_class when kl raise "#{kl} #{botmodule} already registered!" else raise "#{self[botmodule].botmodule_class} #{botmodule} already registered, cannot re-register as #{kl}" end end @botmodules[kl] << botmodule @names_hash[botmodule.to_sym] = botmodule # add itself to the delegate list for the fast-delegation # of methods like cleanup or privmsg, etc.. botmodule.methods.grep(DEFAULT_DELEGATE_PATTERNS).each { |m| @delegate_list[m.intern] << botmodule } mark_priorities_dirty end # Returns an array of the loaded plugins def core_modules @botmodules[:CoreBotModule] end # Returns an array of the loaded plugins def plugins @botmodules[:Plugin] end # Returns a hash of the registered message prefixes and associated # plugins def commands @commandmappers end # Tells the PluginManager that the next time it delegates an event, it # should sort the modules by priority def mark_priorities_dirty @sorted_modules = nil end # Makes a string of error _err_ by adding text _str_ def report_error(str, err) ([str, err.inspect] + err.backtrace).join("\n") end def get_plugin(name) plugins.find { |plugin| plugin.name == name } end # This method is the one that actually loads a module from the # file _fname_ # # _desc_ is a simple description of what we are loading # (plugin/botmodule/whatever) for error reporting # # It returns the Symbol :loaded on success, and an Exception # on failure # def load_botmodule_file(fname, desc=nil) # create a new, anonymous module to "house" the plugin # the idea here is to prevent namespace pollution. perhaps there # is another way? plugin_module = Module.new # each plugin uses its own textdomain, we bind it automatically here bindtextdomain_to(plugin_module, "rbot-#{File.basename(fname, '.rb')}") desc = desc.to_s + " " if desc begin plugin_string = IO.read(fname) debug "loading #{desc}#{fname}" # set path of the plugin that will be loaded next (see BotModule#initialize) @next_plugin_path = File.dirname fname plugin_module.module_eval(plugin_string, fname) @next_plugin_path = nil return :loaded rescue Exception => err # rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, LoadError, SyntaxError => err error report_error("#{desc}#{fname} load failed", err) bt = err.backtrace.select { |line| line.match(/^(\(eval\)|#{fname}):\d+/) } bt.map! { |el| el.gsub(/^\(eval\)(:\d+)(:in `.*')?(:.*)?/) { |m| "#{fname}#{$1}#{$3}" } } msg = err.to_s.gsub(/^\(eval\)(:\d+)(:in `.*')?(:.*)?/) { |m| "#{fname}#{$1}#{$3}" } msg.gsub!(fname, File.basename(fname)) begin newerr = err.class.new(msg) rescue ArgumentError => aerr_in_err # Somebody should hang the ActiveSupport developers by their balls # with barbed wire. Their MissingSourceFile extension to LoadError # _expects_ a second argument, breaking the usual Exception interface # (instead, the smart thing to do would have been to make the second # parameter optional and run the code in the from_message method if # it was missing). # Anyway, we try to cope with this in the simplest possible way. On # the upside, this new block can be extended to handle other similar # idiotic approaches if err.class.respond_to? :from_message newerr = err.class.from_message(msg) elsif ([:file, :line, :column, :offset, :problem, :context] & err.methods).length == 6 # Another ‘brillian’ overload, this time from Psych::SyntaxError # In this case we'll just leave the message as-is newerr = err.dup else raise aerr_in_err end rescue NoMethodError => nmerr_in_err # Another braindead extension to StandardError, OAuth2::Error, # doesn't get a string as message, but a response if err.respond_to? :response newerr = err.class.new(err.response) else raise nmerr_in_err end end newerr.set_backtrace(bt) return newerr end end # add one or more directories to the list of directories to # load core modules from def add_core_module_dir(*dirlist) @core_module_dirs += dirlist debug "Core module loading paths: #{@core_module_dirs.join(', ')}" end # add one or more directories to the list of directories to # load plugins from def add_plugin_dir(*dirlist) @plugin_dirs += dirlist debug "Plugin loading paths: #{@plugin_dirs.join(', ')}" end def clear_botmodule_dirs @core_module_dirs.clear @plugin_dirs.clear debug "Core module and plugin loading paths cleared" end def scan_botmodules(opts={}) type = opts[:type] processed = Hash.new case type when :core dirs = @core_module_dirs when :plugins dirs = @plugin_dirs @bot.config['plugins.blacklist'].each { |p| pn = p + ".rb" processed[pn.intern] = :blacklisted } whitelist = @bot.config['plugins.whitelist'].map { |p| p + ".rb" } end dirs.each do |dir| next unless FileTest.directory?(dir) d = Dir.new(dir) d.sort.each do |file| next unless file =~ /\.rb$/ next if file =~ /^\./ case type when :plugins if !whitelist.empty? && !whitelist.include?(file) @ignored << {:name => file, :dir => dir, :reason => :"not whitelisted" } next elsif processed.has_key?(file.intern) @ignored << {:name => file, :dir => dir, :reason => processed[file.intern]} next end if(file =~ /^(.+\.rb)\.disabled$/) # GB: Do we want to do this? This means that a disabled plugin in a directory # will disable in all subsequent directories. This was probably meant # to be used before plugins.blacklist was implemented, so I think # we don't need this anymore processed[$1.intern] = :disabled @ignored << {:name => $1, :dir => dir, :reason => processed[$1.intern]} next end end begin did_it = load_botmodule_file("#{dir}/#{file}", "plugin") rescue Exception => e error e did_it = e end case did_it when Symbol processed[file.intern] = did_it when Exception @failed << { :name => file, :dir => dir, :reason => did_it } end end end end # load plugins from pre-assigned list of directories def scan @failed.clear @ignored.clear @delegate_list.clear scan_botmodules(:type => :core) scan_botmodules(:type => :plugins) debug "finished loading plugins: #{status(true)}" mark_priorities_dirty end # call the save method for each active plugin # # :botmodule :: # optional instance of a botmodule to save def save(botmodule=nil) if botmodule botmodule.flush_registry botmodule.save if botmodule.respond_to? 'save' else delegate 'flush_registry' delegate 'save' end end # call the cleanup method for each active plugin # # :botmodule :: # optional instance of a botmodule to cleanup def cleanup(botmodule=nil) if botmodule botmodule.cleanup else delegate 'cleanup' end reset_botmodule_lists(botmodule) end # drops botmodules and rescan botmodules on disk # calls save and cleanup for each botmodule before dropping them # a optional _botmodule_ argument might specify a botmodule # instance that should be reloaded # # :botmodule :: # instance of the botmodule to rescan def rescan(botmodule=nil) save(botmodule) cleanup(botmodule) if botmodule @failed.clear @ignored.clear filename = where_is(botmodule.class) err = load_botmodule_file(filename, "plugin") if err.is_a? Exception @failed << { :name => botmodule.to_s, :dir => File.dirname(filename), :reason => err } end else scan end end def status(short=false) output = [] if self.core_length > 0 if short output << n_("%{count} core module loaded", "%{count} core modules loaded", self.core_length) % {:count => self.core_length} else output << n_("%{count} core module: %{list}", "%{count} core modules: %{list}", self.core_length) % { :count => self.core_length, :list => core_modules.collect{ |p| p.name}.sort.join(", ") } end else output << _("no core botmodules loaded") end # Active plugins first if(self.length > 0) if short output << n_("%{count} plugin loaded", "%{count} plugins loaded", self.length) % {:count => self.length} else output << n_("%{count} plugin: %{list}", "%{count} plugins: %{list}", self.length) % { :count => self.length, :list => plugins.collect{ |p| p.name}.sort.join(", ") } end else output << "no plugins active" end # Ignored plugins next unless @ignored.empty? or @failures_shown if short output << n_("%{highlight}%{count} plugin ignored%{highlight}", "%{highlight}%{count} plugins ignored%{highlight}", @ignored.length) % { :count => @ignored.length, :highlight => Underline } else output << n_("%{highlight}%{count} plugin ignored%{highlight}: use %{bold}%{command}%{bold} to see why", "%{highlight}%{count} plugins ignored%{highlight}: use %{bold}%{command}%{bold} to see why", @ignored.length) % { :count => @ignored.length, :highlight => Underline, :bold => Bold, :command => "help ignored plugins"} end end # Failed plugins next unless @failed.empty? or @failures_shown if short output << n_("%{highlight}%{count} plugin failed to load%{highlight}", "%{highlight}%{count} plugins failed to load%{highlight}", @failed.length) % { :count => @failed.length, :highlight => Reverse } else output << n_("%{highlight}%{count} plugin failed to load%{highlight}: use %{bold}%{command}%{bold} to see why", "%{highlight}%{count} plugins failed to load%{highlight}: use %{bold}%{command}%{bold} to see why", @failed.length) % { :count => @failed.length, :highlight => Reverse, :bold => Bold, :command => "help failed plugins"} end end output.join '; ' end # returns the last logged failure (if present) of a botmodule # # :name :: # name of the botmodule def botmodule_failure(name) failure = @failed.find { |f| f[:name] == name } if failure "%{exception}: %{reason}" % { :exception => failure[:reason].class, :reason => failure[:reason] } end end # return list of help topics (plugin names) def helptopics rv = status @failures_shown = true rv end def length plugins.length end def core_length core_modules.length end # return help for +topic+ (call associated plugin's help method) def help(topic="") case topic when /fail(?:ed)?\s*plugins?.*(trace(?:back)?s?)?/ # debug "Failures: #{@failed.inspect}" return _("no plugins failed to load") if @failed.empty? return @failed.collect { |p| _('%{highlight}%{plugin}%{highlight} in %{dir} failed with error %{exception}: %{reason}') % { :highlight => Bold, :plugin => p[:name], :dir => p[:dir], :exception => p[:reason].class, :reason => p[:reason], } + if $1 && !p[:reason].backtrace.empty? _('at %{backtrace}') % {:backtrace => p[:reason].backtrace.join(', ')} else '' end }.join("\n") when /ignored?\s*plugins?/ return _('no plugins were ignored') if @ignored.empty? tmp = Hash.new @ignored.each do |p| reason = p[:loaded] ? _('overruled by previous') : _(p[:reason].to_s) ((tmp[p[:dir]] ||= Hash.new)[reason] ||= Array.new).push(p[:name]) end return tmp.map do |dir, reasons| # FIXME get rid of these string concatenations to make gettext easier s = reasons.map { |r, list| list.map { |_| _.sub(/\.rb$/, '') }.join(', ') + " (#{r})" }.join('; ') "in #{dir}: #{s}" end.join('; ') when /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ key = $1 params = $2 # Let's see if we can match a plugin by the given name (core_modules + plugins).each { |p| next unless p.name == key begin return p.help(key, params) rescue Exception => err #rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} help() failed:", err) end } # Nope, let's see if it's a command, and ask for help at the corresponding botmodule k = key.to_sym if commands.has_key?(k) p = commands[k][:botmodule] begin return p.help(key, params) rescue Exception => err #rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} help() failed:", err) end end end return false end def sort_modules @sorted_modules = (core_modules + plugins).sort do |a, b| a.priority <=> b.priority end || [] @delegate_list.each_value do |list| list.sort! {|a,b| a.priority <=> b.priority} end end # delegate(method, [m,] opts={}) # # see if each plugin handles _method_, and if so, call it, passing # _m_ as a parameter (if present). BotModules are called in order of # priority from lowest to highest. # # If the passed _m_ is a BasicUserMessage and is marked as #ignored?, it # will only be delegated to plugins with negative priority. Conversely, if # it's a fake message (see BotModule#fake_message), it will only be # delegated to plugins with positive priority. # # Note that _m_ can also be an exploded Array, but in this case the last # element of it cannot be a Hash, or it will be interpreted as the options # Hash for delegate itself. The last element can be a subclass of a Hash, though. # To be on the safe side, you can add an empty Hash as last parameter for delegate # when calling it with an exploded Array: # @bot.plugins.delegate(method, *(args.push Hash.new)) # # Currently supported options are the following: # :above :: # if specified, the delegation will only consider plugins with a priority # higher than the specified value # :below :: # if specified, the delegation will only consider plugins with a priority # lower than the specified value # def delegate(method, *args) # if the priorities order of the delegate list is dirty, # meaning some modules have been added or priorities have been # changed, then the delegate list will need to be sorted before # delegation. This should always be true for the first delegation. sort_modules unless @sorted_modules opts = {} opts.merge!(args.pop) if args.last.class == Hash m = args.first if BasicUserMessage === m # ignored messages should not be delegated # to plugins with positive priority opts[:below] ||= 0 if m.ignored? # fake messages should not be delegated # to plugins with negative priority opts[:above] ||= 0 if m.recurse_depth > 0 end above = opts[:above] below = opts[:below] # debug "Delegating #{method.inspect}" ret = Array.new if method.match(DEFAULT_DELEGATE_PATTERNS) debug "fast-delegating #{method}" m = method.to_sym debug "no-one to delegate to" unless @delegate_list.has_key?(m) return [] unless @delegate_list.has_key?(m) @delegate_list[m].each { |p| begin prio = p.priority unless (above and above >= prio) or (below and below <= prio) ret.push p.send(method, *args) end rescue Exception => err raise if err.kind_of?(SystemExit) error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} #{method}() failed:", err) end } else debug "slow-delegating #{method}" @sorted_modules.each { |p| if(p.respond_to? method) begin # debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} responds" prio = p.priority unless (above and above >= prio) or (below and below <= prio) ret.push p.send(method, *args) end rescue Exception => err raise if err.kind_of?(SystemExit) error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} #{method}() failed:", err) end end } end return ret # debug "Finished delegating #{method.inspect}" end # see if we have a plugin that wants to handle this message, if so, pass # it to the plugin and return true, otherwise false def privmsg(m) debug "Delegating privmsg #{m.inspect} with pluginkey #{m.plugin.inspect}" return unless m.plugin k = m.plugin.to_sym if commands.has_key?(k) p = commands[k][:botmodule] a = commands[k][:auth] # We check here for things that don't check themselves # (e.g. mapped things) debug "Checking auth ..." if a.nil? || @bot.auth.allow?(a, m.source, m.replyto) debug "Checking response ..." if p.respond_to?("privmsg") begin debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} responds" p.privmsg(m) rescue Exception => err raise if err.kind_of?(SystemExit) error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} privmsg() failed:", err) end debug "Successfully delegated #{m.inspect}" return true else debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} is registered, but it doesn't respond to privmsg()" end else debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{p.name} is registered, but #{m.source} isn't allowed to call #{m.plugin.inspect} on #{m.replyto}" end else debug "Command #{k} isn't handled" end return false end # delegate IRC messages, by delegating 'listen' first, and the actual method # afterwards. Delegating 'privmsg' also delegates ctcp_listen and message # as appropriate. def irc_delegate(method, m) delegate('listen', m) if method.to_sym == :privmsg delegate('ctcp_listen', m) if m.ctcp delegate('message', m) privmsg(m) if m.address? and not m.ignored? delegate('unreplied', m) unless m.replied else delegate(method, m) end end end # Returns the only PluginManagerClass instance def Plugins.manager return PluginManagerClass.instance end end end end