require 'singleton' module Irc BotConfig.register'plugins.blacklist', :default => [], :wizard => false, :requires_rescan => true, :desc => "Plugins that should not be loaded") module Plugins require 'rbot/messagemapper' =begin base class for all rbot plugins certain methods will be called if they are provided, if you define one of the following methods, it will be called as appropriate: map(template, options):: map!(template, options):: map is the new, cleaner way to respond to specific message formats without littering your plugin code with regexps. The difference between map and map! is that map! will not register the new command as an alternative name for the plugin. Examples: 'karmastats', :action => 'karma_stats' # while in the plugin... def karma_stats(m, params) m.reply "..." end # the default action is the first component 'karma' # attributes can be pulled out of the match string 'karma for :key' 'karma :key' # while in the plugin... def karma(m, params) item = params[:key] m.reply 'karma for #{item}' end # you can setup defaults, to make parameters optional 'karma :key', :defaults => {:key => 'defaultvalue'} # the default auth check is also against the first component # but that can be changed 'karmastats', :auth => 'karma' # maps can be restricted to public or private message: 'karmastats', :private false, 'karmastats', :public false, end listen(UserMessage):: Called for all messages of any type. To differentiate them, use message.kind_of? It'll be either a PrivMessage, NoticeMessage, KickMessage, QuitMessage, PartMessage, JoinMessage, NickMessage, etc. privmsg(PrivMessage):: Called for a PRIVMSG if the first word matches one the plugin register()d for. Use m.plugin to get that word and m.params for the rest of the message, if applicable. unreplied(PrivMessage):: Called for a PRIVMSG which has not been replied to. kick(KickMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) is kicked from a channel the bot is in. join(JoinMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) joins a channel part(PartMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) parts a channel quit(QuitMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) quits IRC nick(NickMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) changes Nick topic(TopicMessage):: Called when a user (or the bot) changes a channel topic connect():: Called when a server is joined successfully, but before autojoin channels are joined (no params) set_language(String):: Called when the user sets a new language whose name is the given String save:: Called when you are required to save your plugin's state, if you maintain data between sessions cleanup:: called before your plugin is "unloaded", prior to a plugin reload or bot quit - close any open files/connections or flush caches here =end class BotModule attr_reader :bot # the associated bot # initialise your bot module. Always call super if you override this method, # as important variables are set up for you def initialize @manager = Plugins::manager @bot = @botmodule_triggers = @handler = @registry =, self.class.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, "")) @manager.add_botmodule(self) if self.respond_to?('set_language') self.set_language(@bot.lang.language) end end def botmodule_class :BotModule end def flush_registry # debug "Flushing #{@registry}" @registry.flush end def cleanup # debug "Closing #{@registry}" @registry.close end def handle(m) @handler.handle(m) end def map(*args), *args) # register this map name = @handler.last.items[0] self.register name, :auth => nil unless self.respond_to?('privmsg') def self.privmsg(m) handle(m) end end end def map!(*args), *args) # register this map name = @handler.last.items[0] self.register name, :auth => nil, :hidden => true unless self.respond_to?('privmsg') def self.privmsg(m) handle(m) end end end # Sets the default auth for command path _cmd_ to _val_ on channel _chan_: # usually _chan_ is either "*" for everywhere, public and private (in which # case it can be omitted) or "?" for private communications # def default_auth(cmd, val, chan="*") case cmd when "*", "" c = nil else c = cmd end Auth::defaultbotuser.set_default_permission(propose_default_path(c), val) end # Gets the default command path which would be given to command _cmd_ def propose_default_path(cmd) [name, cmd].compact.join("::") end # return an identifier for this plugin, defaults to a list of the message # prefixes handled (used for error messages etc) def name self.class.to_s.downcase.sub(/^#::/,"").sub(/(plugin|module)?$/,"") end # just calls name def to_s name end # intern the name def to_sym end # return a help string for your module. for complex modules, you may wish # to break your help into topics, and return a list of available topics if # +topic+ is nil. +plugin+ is passed containing the matching prefix for # this message - if your plugin handles multiple prefixes, make sure you # return the correct help for the prefix requested def help(plugin, topic) "no help" end # register the plugin as a handler for messages prefixed +name+ # this can be called multiple times for a plugin to handle multiple # message prefixes def register(cmd, opts={}) raise ArgumentError, "Second argument must be a hash!" unless opts.kind_of?(Hash) who = @manager.who_handles?(cmd) if who raise "Command #{cmd} is already handled by #{who.botmodule_class} #{who}" if who != self return end if opts.has_key?(:auth) @manager.register(self, cmd, opts[:auth]) else @manager.register(self, cmd, propose_default_path(cmd)) end @botmodule_triggers << cmd unless opts.fetch(:hidden, false) end # default usage method provided as a utility for simple plugins. The # MessageMapper uses 'usage' as its default fallback method. def usage(m, params = {}) m.reply "incorrect usage, ask for help using '#{@bot.nick}: help #{m.plugin}'" end end class CoreBotModule < BotModule def botmodule_class :CoreBotModule end end class Plugin < BotModule def botmodule_class :Plugin end end # Singleton to manage multiple plugins and delegate messages to them for # handling class PluginManagerClass include Singleton attr_reader :bot attr_reader :botmodules def initialize @botmodules = { :CoreBotModule => [], :Plugin => [] } @names_hash = @commandmappers = @dirs = [] @failed = @ignored = bot_associate(nil) end # Reset lists of botmodules def reset_botmodule_lists @botmodules[:CoreBotModule].clear @botmodules[:Plugin].clear @names_hash.clear @commandmappers.clear @failures_shown = false end # Associate with bot _bot_ def bot_associate(bot) reset_botmodule_lists @bot = bot end # Returns the botmodule with the given _name_ def [](name) @names_hash[name.to_sym] end # Returns +true+ if _cmd_ has already been registered as a command def who_handles?(cmd) return nil unless @commandmappers.has_key?(cmd.to_sym) return @commandmappers[cmd.to_sym][:botmodule] end # Registers botmodule _botmodule_ with command _cmd_ and command path _auth_path_ def register(botmodule, cmd, auth_path) raise TypeError, "First argument #{botmodule.inspect} is not of class BotModule" unless botmodule.kind_of?(BotModule) @commandmappers[cmd.to_sym] = {:botmodule => botmodule, :auth => auth_path} end def add_botmodule(botmodule) raise TypeError, "Argument #{botmodule.inspect} is not of class BotModule" unless botmodule.kind_of?(BotModule) kl = botmodule.botmodule_class if @names_hash.has_key?(botmodule.to_sym) case self[botmodule].botmodule_class when kl raise "#{kl} #{botmodule} already registered!" else raise "#{self[botmodule].botmodule_class} #{botmodule} already registered, cannot re-register as #{kl}" end end @botmodules[kl] << botmodule @names_hash[botmodule.to_sym] = botmodule end # Returns an array of the loaded plugins def core_modules @botmodules[:CoreBotModule] end # Returns an array of the loaded plugins def plugins @botmodules[:Plugin] end # Returns a hash of the registered message prefixes and associated # plugins def commands @commandmappers end # Makes a string of error _err_ by adding text _str_ def report_error(str, err) ([str, err.inspect] + err.backtrace).join("\n") end # This method is the one that actually loads a module from the # file _fname_ # # _desc_ is a simple description of what we are loading (plugin/botmodule/whatever) # # It returns the Symbol :loaded on success, and an Exception # on failure # def load_botmodule_file(fname, desc=nil) # create a new, anonymous module to "house" the plugin # the idea here is to prevent namespace pollution. perhaps there # is another way? plugin_module = desc = desc.to_s + " " if desc begin plugin_string = IO.readlines(fname).join("") debug "loading #{desc}#{fname}" plugin_module.module_eval(plugin_string, fname) return :loaded rescue Exception => err # rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, LoadError, SyntaxError => err warning report_error("#{desc}#{fname} load failed", err) bt = { |line| line.match(/^(\(eval\)|#{fname}):\d+/) }! { |el| el.gsub(/^\(eval\)(:\d+)(:in `.*')?(:.*)?/) { |m| "#{fname}#{$1}#{$3}" } } msg = err.to_str.gsub(/^\(eval\)(:\d+)(:in `.*')?(:.*)?/) { |m| "#{fname}#{$1}#{$3}" } newerr = newerr.set_backtrace(bt) return newerr end end private :load_botmodule_file # add one or more directories to the list of directories to # load botmodules from # # TODO find a way to specify necessary plugins which _must_ be loaded # def add_botmodule_dir(*dirlist) @dirs += dirlist debug "Botmodule loading path: #{@dirs.join(', ')}" end def clear_botmodule_dirs @dirs.clear debug "Botmodule loading path cleared" end # load plugins from pre-assigned list of directories def scan @failed.clear @ignored.clear processed = @bot.config['plugins.blacklist'].each { |p| pn = p + ".rb" processed[pn.intern] = :blacklisted } dirs = @dirs dirs.each {|dir| if( d = d.sort.each {|file| next if(file =~ /^\./) if processed.has_key?(file.intern) @ignored << {:name => file, :dir => dir, :reason => processed[file.intern]} next end if(file =~ /^(.+\.rb)\.disabled$/) # GB: Do we want to do this? This means that a disabled plugin in a directory # will disable in all subsequent directories. This was probably meant # to be used before plugins.blacklist was implemented, so I think # we don't need this anymore processed[$1.intern] = :disabled @ignored << {:name => $1, :dir => dir, :reason => processed[$1.intern]} next end next unless(file =~ /\.rb$/) did_it = load_botmodule_file("#{dir}/#{file}", "plugin") case did_it when Symbol processed[file.intern] = did_it when Exception @failed << { :name => file, :dir => dir, :reason => did_it } end } end } debug "finished loading plugins: #{status(true)}" end # call the save method for each active plugin def save delegate 'flush_registry' delegate 'save' end # call the cleanup method for each active plugin def cleanup delegate 'cleanup' reset_botmodule_lists end # drop all plugins and rescan plugins on disk # calls save and cleanup for each plugin before dropping them def rescan save cleanup scan end def status(short=false) list = "" if self.core_length > 0 list << "#{self.core_length} core module#{'s' if core_length > 1}" if short list << " loaded" else list << ": " + core_modules.collect{ |p|}.sort.join(", ") end else list << "no core botmodules loaded" end # Active plugins first if(self.length > 0) list << "; #{self.length} plugin#{'s' if length > 1}" if short list << " loaded" else list << ": " + plugins.collect{ |p|}.sort.join(", ") end else list << "no plugins active" end # Ignored plugins next unless @ignored.empty? or @failures_shown list << "; #{Underline}#{@ignored.length} plugin#{'s' if @ignored.length > 1} ignored#{Underline}" list << ": use #{Bold}help ignored plugins#{Bold} to see why" unless short end # Failed plugins next unless @failed.empty? or @failures_shown list << "; #{Reverse}#{@failed.length} plugin#{'s' if @failed.length > 1} failed to load#{Reverse}" list << ": use #{Bold}help failed plugins#{Bold} to see why" unless short end list end # return list of help topics (plugin names) def helptopics rv = status @failures_shown = true rv end def length plugins.length end def core_length core_modules.length end # return help for +topic+ (call associated plugin's help method) def help(topic="") case topic when /fail(?:ed)?\s*plugins?.*(trace(?:back)?s?)?/ # debug "Failures: #{@failed.inspect}" return "no plugins failed to load" if @failed.empty? return @failed.inject( { |list, p| list << "#{Bold}#{p[:name]}#{Bold} in #{p[:dir]} failed" list << "with error #{p[:reason].class}: #{p[:reason]}" list << "at #{p[:reason].backtrace.join(', ')}" if $1 and not p[:reason].backtrace.empty? list }.join("\n") when /ignored?\s*plugins?/ return "no plugins were ignored" if @ignored.empty? tmp = @ignored.each do |p| reason = p[:loaded] ? 'overruled by previous' : p[:reason].to_s ((tmp[p[:dir]] ||=[reason] ||=[:name]) end return do |dir, reasons| s = { |r, list| { |_| _.sub(/\.rb$/, '') }.join(', ') + " (#{r})" }.join('; ') "in #{dir}: #{s}" end.join('; ') when /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ key = $1 params = $2 # Let's see if we can match a plugin by the given name (core_modules + plugins).each { |p| next unless == key begin return, params) rescue Exception => err #rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{} help() failed:", err) end } # Nope, let's see if it's a command, and ask for help at the corresponding botmodule k = key.to_sym if commands.has_key?(k) p = commands[k][:botmodule] begin return, params) rescue Exception => err #rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{} help() failed:", err) end end end return false end # see if each plugin handles +method+, and if so, call it, passing # +message+ as a parameter def delegate(method, *args) # debug "Delegating #{method.inspect}" [core_modules, plugins].each { |pl| pl.each {|p| if(p.respond_to? method) begin # debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{} responds" p.send method, *args rescue Exception => err raise if err.kind_of?(SystemExit) error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{} #{method}() failed:", err) raise if err.kind_of?(BDB::Fatal) end end } } # debug "Finished delegating #{method.inspect}" end # see if we have a plugin that wants to handle this message, if so, pass # it to the plugin and return true, otherwise false def privmsg(m) # debug "Delegating privmsg #{m.message.inspect} from #{m.source} to #{m.replyto} with pluginkey #{m.plugin.inspect}" return unless m.plugin k = m.plugin.to_sym if commands.has_key?(k) p = commands[k][:botmodule] a = commands[k][:auth] # We check here for things that don't check themselves # (e.g. mapped things) # debug "Checking auth ..." if a.nil? || @bot.auth.allow?(a, m.source, m.replyto) # debug "Checking response ..." if p.respond_to?("privmsg") begin # debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{} responds" p.privmsg(m) rescue Exception => err raise if err.kind_of?(SystemExit) error report_error("#{p.botmodule_class} #{} privmsg() failed:", err) raise if err.kind_of?(BDB::Fatal) end # debug "Successfully delegated #{m.message}" return true else # debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{} is registered, but it doesn't respond to privmsg()" end else # debug "#{p.botmodule_class} #{} is registered, but #{m.source} isn't allowed to call #{m.plugin.inspect} on #{m.replyto}" end end # debug "Finished delegating privmsg with key #{m.plugin.inspect}" + ( pl.empty? ? "" : " to #{pl.values.first[:botmodule].botmodule_class}s" ) return false # debug "Finished delegating privmsg with key #{m.plugin.inspect}" end end # Returns the only PluginManagerClass instance def Plugins.manager return PluginManagerClass.instance end end end