module Irc module Plugins require 'rbot/messagemapper' # base class for all rbot plugins # certain methods will be called if they are provided, if you define one of # the following methods, it will be called as appropriate: # # map(template, options):: # map is the new, cleaner way to respond to specific message formats # without littering your plugin code with regexps. examples: # # 'karmastats', :action => 'karma_stats' # # # while in the plugin... # def karma_stats(m, params) # m.reply "..." # end # # # the default action is the first component # 'karma' # # # attributes can be pulled out of the match string # 'karma for :key' # 'karma :key' # # # while in the plugin... # def karma(m, params) # item = params[:key] # m.reply 'karma for #{item}' # end # # # you can setup defaults, to make parameters optional # 'karma :key', :defaults => {:key => 'defaultvalue'} # # # the default auth check is also against the first component # # but that can be changed # 'karmastats', :auth => 'karma' # # # maps can be restricted to public or private message: # 'karmastats', :private false, # 'karmastats', :public false, # end # # To activate your maps, you simply register them # plugin.register_maps # This also sets the privmsg handler to use the map lookups for # handling messages. You can still use listen(), kick() etc methods # # listen(UserMessage):: # Called for all messages of any type. To # differentiate them, use message.kind_of? It'll be # either a PrivMessage, NoticeMessage, KickMessage, # QuitMessage, PartMessage, JoinMessage, NickMessage, # etc. # # privmsg(PrivMessage):: # called for a PRIVMSG if the first word matches one # the plugin register()d for. Use m.plugin to get # that word and m.params for the rest of the message, # if applicable. # # kick(KickMessage):: # Called when a user (or the bot) is kicked from a # channel the bot is in. # # join(JoinMessage):: # Called when a user (or the bot) joins a channel # # part(PartMessage):: # Called when a user (or the bot) parts a channel # # quit(QuitMessage):: # Called when a user (or the bot) quits IRC # # nick(NickMessage):: # Called when a user (or the bot) changes Nick # topic(TopicMessage):: # Called when a user (or the bot) changes a channel # topic # # connect():: Called when a server is joined successfully, but # before autojoin channels are joined (no params) # # save:: Called when you are required to save your plugin's # state, if you maintain data between sessions # # cleanup:: called before your plugin is "unloaded", prior to a # plugin reload or bot quit - close any open # files/connections or flush caches here class Plugin attr_reader :bot # the associated bot # initialise your plugin. Always call super if you override this method, # as important variables are set up for you def initialize @bot = @names = @handler = @registry =, self.class.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, "")) end def map(*args)*args) # register this map name = @handler.last.items[0] self.register name unless self.respond_to?('privmsg') def self.privmsg(m) @handler.handle(m) end end end # return an identifier for this plugin, defaults to a list of the message # prefixes handled (used for error messages etc) def name @names.join("|") end # return a help string for your module. for complex modules, you may wish # to break your help into topics, and return a list of available topics if # +topic+ is nil. +plugin+ is passed containing the matching prefix for # this message - if your plugin handles multiple prefixes, make sure your # return the correct help for the prefix requested def help(plugin, topic) "no help" end # register the plugin as a handler for messages prefixed +name+ # this can be called multiple times for a plugin to handle multiple # message prefixes def register(name) return if Plugins.plugins.has_key?(name) Plugins.plugins[name] = self @names << name end # default usage method provided as a utility for simple plugins. The # MessageMapper uses 'usage' as its default fallback method. def usage(m, params = {}) m.reply "incorrect usage, ask for help using '#{@bot.nick}: help #{m.plugin}'" end end # class to manage multiple plugins and delegate messages to them for # handling class Plugins # hash of registered message prefixes and associated plugins @@plugins = # associated IrcBot class @@bot = nil # bot:: associated IrcBot class # dirlist:: array of directories to scan (in order) for plugins # # create a new plugin handler, scanning for plugins in +dirlist+ def initialize(bot, dirlist) @@bot = bot @dirs = dirlist scan end # access to associated bot def @@bot end # access to list of plugins def Plugins.plugins @@plugins end # load plugins from pre-assigned list of directories def scan dirs = dirs << Config::datadir + "/plugins" dirs += @dirs dirs.each {|dir| if( d = d.sort.each {|file| next if(file =~ /^\./) next unless(file =~ /\.rb$/) tmpfilename = "#{dir}/#{file}" # create a new, anonymous module to "house" the plugin # the idea here is to prevent namespace pollution. perhaps there # is another way? plugin_module = begin plugin_string = IO.readlines(tmpfilename).join("") debug "loading plugin #{tmpfilename}" plugin_module.module_eval(plugin_string) rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, LoadError, SyntaxError => err puts "warning: plugin #{tmpfilename} load failed: " + err puts err.backtrace.join("\n") end } end } end # call the save method for each active plugin def save delegate 'save' end # call the cleanup method for each active plugin def cleanup delegate 'cleanup' end # drop all plugins and rescan plugins on disk # calls save and cleanup for each plugin before dropping them def rescan save cleanup @@plugins = scan end # return list of help topics (plugin names) def helptopics if(@@plugins.length > 0) # return " [plugins: " + @@plugins.keys.sort.join(", ") + "]" return " [#{length} plugins: " + @@plugins.values.uniq.collect{|p|}.sort.join(", ") + "]" else return " [no plugins active]" end end def length @@plugins.values.uniq.length end # return help for +topic+ (call associated plugin's help method) def help(topic="") if(topic =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/) key = $1 params = $2 if(@@plugins.has_key?(key)) begin return @@plugins[key].help(key, params) rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err puts "plugin #{@@plugins[key].name} help() failed: " + err puts err.backtrace.join("\n") end else return false end end end # see if each plugin handles +method+, and if so, call it, passing # +message+ as a parameter def delegate(method, *args) @@plugins.values.uniq.each {|p| if(p.respond_to? method) begin p.send method, *args rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err puts "plugin #{} #{method}() failed: " + err puts err.backtrace.join("\n") end end } end # see if we have a plugin that wants to handle this message, if so, pass # it to the plugin and return true, otherwise false def privmsg(m) return unless(m.plugin) if (@@plugins.has_key?(m.plugin) && @@plugins[m.plugin].respond_to?("privmsg") && @@bot.auth.allow?(m.plugin, m.source, m.replyto)) begin @@plugins[m.plugin].privmsg(m) rescue TimeoutError, StandardError, NameError, SyntaxError => err puts "plugin #{@@plugins[m.plugin].name} privmsg() failed: " + err puts err.backtrace.join("\n") end return true end return false end end end end