# First of all we add a method to the Regexp class class Regexp # a Regexp has captures when its source has open parenthesis which are # preceded by an even number of slashes and not followed by a question mark # def has_captures? self.source.match(/(?:^|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*\([^?]/) end # We may want to remove captures def remove_captures new = self.source.gsub(/(^|[^\\])((?:\\\\)*)\(([^?])/) { "%s%s(?:%s" % [$1, $2, $3] } Regexp.new(new, self.options) end # We may want to remove head and tail anchors def remove_head_tail new = self.source.sub(/^\^/,'').sub(/\$$/,'') Regexp.new(new, self.options) end # The MessageMapper cleanup method: does both remove_capture # and remove_head_tail def mm_cleanup new = self.source.gsub(/(^|[^\\])((?:\\\\)*)\(([^?])/) { "%s%s(?:%s" % [$1, $2, $3] }.sub(/^\^/,'').sub(/\$$/,'') Regexp.new(new, self.options) end end module Irc class Bot # MessageMapper is a class designed to reduce the amount of regexps and # string parsing plugins and bot modules need to do, in order to process # and respond to messages. # # You add templates to the MessageMapper which are examined by the handle # method when handling a message. The templates tell the mapper which # method in its parent class (your class) to invoke for that message. The # string is split, optionally defaulted and validated before being passed # to the matched method. # # A template such as "foo :option :otheroption" will match the string "foo # bar baz" and, by default, result in method +foo+ being called, if # present, in the parent class. It will receive two parameters, the # message (derived from BasicUserMessage) and a Hash containing # {:option => "bar", :otheroption => "baz"} # See the #map method for more details. class MessageMapper # used to set the method name used as a fallback for unmatched messages. # The default fallback is a method called "usage". attr_writer :fallback # _parent_:: parent class which will receive mapped messages # # Create a new MessageMapper with parent class _parent_. This class will # receive messages from the mapper via the handle() method. def initialize(parent) @parent = parent @templates = Array.new @fallback = :usage end # call-seq: map(botmodule, template, options) # # _botmodule_:: the BotModule which will handle this map # _template_:: a String describing the messages to be matched # _options_:: a Hash holding variouns options # # This method is used to register a new MessageTemplate that will map any # BasicUserMessage matching the given _template_ to a corresponding action. # A simple example: # plugin.map 'myplugin :parameter' # (other examples follow). # # By default, the action to which the messages are mapped is a method named # like the first word of the template. The # :action => 'method_name' # option can be used to override this default behaviour. Example: # plugin.map 'myplugin :parameter', :action => 'mymethod' # # By default whether a handler is fired depends on an auth check. In rbot # versions up to 0.9.10, the first component of the string was used for the # auth check, unless overridden via the :auth => 'auth_name' option. Since # version 0.9.11, a new auth method has been implemented. TODO document. # # Static parameters (not prefixed with ':' or '*') must match the # respective component of the message exactly. Example: # plugin.map 'myplugin :foo is :bar' # will only match messages of the form "myplugin something is # somethingelse" # # Dynamic parameters can be specified by a colon ':' to match a single # component (whitespace separated), or a * to suck up all following # parameters into an array. Example: # plugin.map 'myplugin :parameter1 *rest' # # You can provide defaults for dynamic components using the :defaults # parameter. If a component has a default, then it is optional. e.g: # plugin.map 'myplugin :foo :bar', :defaults => {:bar => 'qux'} # would match 'myplugin param param2' and also 'myplugin param'. In the # latter case, :bar would be provided from the default. # # Static and dynamic parameters can also be made optional by wrapping them # in square brackets []. For example # plugin.map 'myplugin :foo [is] :bar' # will match both 'myplugin something is somethingelse' and 'myplugin # something somethingelse'. # # Components can be validated before being allowed to match, for # example if you need a component to be a number: # plugin.map 'myplugin :param', :requirements => {:param => /^\d+$/} # will only match strings of the form 'myplugin 1234' or some other # number. # # Templates can be set not to match public or private messages using the # :public or :private boolean options. # # Summary of recognized options: # # action:: # method to call when the template is matched # auth_path:: # TODO document # requirements:: # a Hash whose keys are names of dynamic parameters and whose values are # regular expressions that the parameters must match # defaults:: # a Hash whose keys are names of dynamic parameters and whose values are # the values to be assigned to those parameters when they are missing from # the message. Any dynamic parameter appearing in the :defaults Hash is # therefore optional # public:: # a boolean (defaults to true) that determines whether the template should # match public (in channel) messages. # private:: # a boolean (defaults to true) that determines whether the template should # match private (not in channel) messages. # threaded:: # a boolean (defaults to false) that determines whether the action should be # called in a separate thread. # # # Further examples: # # # match 'karmastats' and call my stats() method # plugin.map 'karmastats', :action => 'stats' # # match 'karma' with an optional 'key' and call my karma() method # plugin.map 'karma :key', :defaults => {:key => false} # # match 'karma for something' and call my karma() method # plugin.map 'karma for :key' # # # two matches, one for public messages in a channel, one for # # private messages which therefore require a channel argument # plugin.map 'urls search :channel :limit :string', # :action => 'search', # :defaults => {:limit => 4}, # :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, # :public => false # plugin.map 'urls search :limit :string', # :action => 'search', # :defaults => {:limit => 4}, # :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, # :private => false # def map(botmodule, *args) @templates << MessageTemplate.new(botmodule, *args) end # Iterate over each MessageTemplate handled. def each @templates.each {|tmpl| yield tmpl} end # Return the last added MessageTemplate def last @templates.last end # _m_:: derived from BasicUserMessage # # Examine the message _m_, comparing it with each map()'d template to # find and process a match. Templates are examined in the order they # were map()'d - first match wins. # # Returns +true+ if a match is found including fallbacks, +false+ # otherwise. def handle(m) return false if @templates.empty? failures = [] @templates.each do |tmpl| options, failure = tmpl.recognize(m) if options.nil? failures << [tmpl, failure] else action = tmpl.options[:action] unless @parent.respond_to?(action) failures << [tmpl, "class does not respond to action #{action}"] next end auth = tmpl.options[:full_auth_path] debug "checking auth for #{auth}" if m.bot.auth.allow?(auth, m.source, m.replyto) debug "template match found and auth'd: #{action.inspect} #{options.inspect}" if !m.in_thread && (tmpl.options[:thread] || tmpl.options[:threaded]) Thread.new do begin @parent.send(action, m, options) rescue Exception => e error "In threaded action: #{e.message}" debug e.backtrace.join("\n") end end else @parent.send(action, m, options) end return true end debug "auth failed for #{auth}" # if it's just an auth failure but otherwise the match is good, # don't try any more handlers return false end end failures.each {|f, r| debug "#{f.inspect} => #{r}" } debug "no handler found, trying fallback" if @fallback && @parent.respond_to?(@fallback) if m.bot.auth.allow?(@fallback, m.source, m.replyto) @parent.send(@fallback, m, {}) return true end end return false end end # MessageParameter is a class that collects all the necessary information # about a message (dynamic) parameter (the :param or *param that can be found # in a #map). # # It has a +name+ attribute, +multi+ and +optional+ booleans that tell if the # parameter collects more than one word, and if it's optional (respectively). # In the latter case, it can also have a default value. # # It is possible to assign a collector to a MessageParameter. This can be either # a Regexp with captures or an Array or a Hash. The collector defines what the # collect() method is supposed to return. class MessageParameter attr_reader :name attr_writer :multi attr_writer :optional attr_accessor :default def initialize(name) self.name = name @multi = false @optional = false @default = nil @regexp = nil @index = nil end def name=(val) @name = val.to_sym end def multi? @multi end def optional? @optional end # This method is used to turn a matched item into the actual parameter value. # It only does something when collector= set the @regexp to something. In # this case, _val_ is matched against @regexp and then the match result # specified in @index is selected. As a special case, when @index is nil # the first non-nil captured group is returned. def collect(val) return val unless @regexp mdata = @regexp.match(val) if @index return mdata[@index] else return mdata[1..-1].compact.first end end # This method allow the plugin programmer to choose to only pick a subset of the # string matched by a parameter. This is done by passing the collector=() # method either a Regexp with captures or an Array or a Hash. # # When the method is passed a Regexp with captures, the collect() method will # return the first non-nil captured group. # # When the method is passed an Array, it will grab a regexp from the first # element, and possibly an index from the second element. The index can # also be nil. # # When the method is passed a Hash, it will grab a regexp from the :regexp # element, and possibly an index from the :index element. The index can # also be nil. def collector=(val) return unless val case val when Regexp return unless val.has_captures? @regexp = val when Array warning "Collector #{val.inspect} is too long, ignoring extra entries" unless val.length <= 2 @regexp = val[0] @index = val[1] rescue nil when Hash raise "Collector #{val.inspect} doesn't have a :regexp key" unless val.has_key?(:regexp) @regexp = val[:regexp] @index = val.fetch(:regexp, nil) end raise "The regexp of collector #{val.inspect} isn't a Regexp" unless @regexp.kind_of?(Regexp) raise "The index of collector #{val.inspect} is present but not an integer " if @index and not @index.kind_of?(Fixnum) end def inspect mul = multi? ? " multi" : " single" opt = optional? ? " optional" : " needed" if @regexp reg = " regexp=%s index=%d" % [@regexp, @index] else reg = nil end "<%s %s%s%s%s>" % [self.class, name, mul, opt, reg] end end # MessageTemplate is the class that holds the actual message template map()'d # by a BotModule and handled by a MessageMapper # class MessageTemplate attr_reader :defaults # the defaults hash attr_reader :options # the options hash attr_reader :template # the actual template string attr_reader :items # the collection of dynamic and static items in the template attr_reader :regexp # the Regexp corresponding to the template attr_reader :botmodule # the BotModule that map()'d this MessageTemplate # call-seq: initialize(botmodule, template, opts={}) # # Create a new MessageTemplate associated to BotModule _botmodule_, with # template _template_ and options _opts_ # def initialize(botmodule, template, hash={}) raise ArgumentError, "Third argument must be a hash!" unless hash.kind_of?(Hash) @defaults = hash[:defaults].kind_of?(Hash) ? hash.delete(:defaults) : {} @requirements = hash[:requirements].kind_of?(Hash) ? hash.delete(:requirements) : {} @template = template case botmodule when String @botmodule = botmodule when Plugins::BotModule @botmodule = botmodule.name else raise ArgumentError, "#{botmodule.inspect} is not a botmodule nor a botmodule name" end self.items = template # @dyn_items is an array of MessageParameters, except for the first entry # which is the template @dyn_items = @items.collect { |it| if it.kind_of?(Symbol) i = it.to_s opt = MessageParameter.new(i) if i.sub!(/^\*/,"") opt.name = i opt.multi = true end opt.default = @defaults[opt.name] opt.collector = @requirements[opt.name] opt else nil end } @dyn_items.unshift(template).compact! debug "Items: #{@items.inspect}; dyn items: #{@dyn_items.inspect}" self.regexp = template debug "Command #{template.inspect} in #{@botmodule} will match using #{@regexp}" set_auth_path(hash) unless hash.has_key?(:action) hash[:action] = items[0] end @options = hash # debug "Create template #{self.inspect}" end def set_auth_path(hash) if hash.has_key?(:auth) warning "Command #{@template.inspect} in #{@botmodule} uses old :auth syntax, please upgrade" end if hash.has_key?(:full_auth_path) warning "Command #{@template.inspect} in #{@botmodule} sets :full_auth_path, please don't do this" else pre = @botmodule words = items.reject{ |x| x == pre || x.kind_of?(Symbol) || x =~ /\[|\]/ } if words.empty? post = nil else post = words.first end if hash.has_key?(:auth_path) extra = hash[:auth_path] if extra.sub!(/^:/, "") pre += "::" + post post = nil end if extra.sub!(/:$/, "") if words.length > 1 post = [post,words[1]].compact.join("::") end end pre = nil if extra.sub!(/^!/, "") post = nil if extra.sub!(/!$/, "") extra = nil if extra.empty? else extra = nil end hash[:full_auth_path] = [pre,extra,post].compact.join("::") debug "Command #{@template} in #{botmodule} will use authPath #{hash[:full_auth_path]}" # TODO check if the full_auth_path is sane end end def items=(str) raise ArgumentError, "template #{str.inspect} should be a String" unless str.kind_of?(String) # split and convert ':xyz' to symbols items = str.strip.split(/\]?\s+\[?|\]?$/).collect { |c| # there might be extra (non-alphanumeric) stuff (e.g. punctuation) after the symbol name if /^(:|\*)(\w+)(.*)/ =~ c sym = ($1 == ':' ) ? $2.intern : "*#{$2}".intern if $3.empty? sym else [sym, $3] end else c end }.flatten @items = items raise ArgumentError, "Illegal template -- first component cannot be dynamic: #{str.inspect}" if @items.first.kind_of? Symbol raise ArgumentError, "Illegal template -- first component cannot be optional: #{str.inspect}" if @items.first =~ /\[|\]/ # Verify uniqueness of each component. @items.inject({}) do |seen, item| if item.kind_of? Symbol # We must remove the initial * when present, # because the parameters hash will intern both :item and *item as :item it = item.to_s.sub(/^\*/,"").intern raise ArgumentError, "Illegal template -- duplicate item #{it} in #{str.inspect}" if seen.key? it seen[it] = true end seen end end def regexp=(str) # debug "Original string: #{str.inspect}" rx = Regexp.escape(str) # debug "Escaped: #{rx.inspect}" rx.gsub!(/((?:\\ )*)(:|\\\*)(\w+)/) { |m| whites = $1 is_single = $2 == ":" name = $3.intern not_needed = @defaults.has_key?(name) has_req = @requirements[name] debug "Requirements for #{name}: #{has_req.inspect}" case has_req when nil sub = is_single ? "\\S+" : ".*?" when Regexp # Remove captures and the ^ and $ that are sometimes placed in requirement regexps sub = has_req.mm_cleanup when String sub = Regexp.escape(has_req) when Array sub = has_req[0].mm_cleanup when Hash sub = has_req[:regexp].mm_cleanup else warning "Odd requirement #{has_req.inspect} of class #{has_req.class} for parameter '#{name}'" sub = Regexp.escape(has_req.to_s) rescue "\\S+" end debug "Regexp for #{name}: #{sub.inspect}" s = "#{not_needed ? "(?:" : ""}#{whites}(#{sub})#{ not_needed ? ")?" : ""}" } # debug "Replaced dyns: #{rx.inspect}" rx.gsub!(/((?:\\ )*)((?:\\\[)+)/, '\2\1') # debug "Corrected optionals spacing: #{rx.inspect}" rx.gsub!(/\\\[/, "(?:") rx.gsub!(/\\\]/, ")?") # debug "Delimited optionals: #{rx.inspect}" rx.gsub!(/(?:\\ )+/, "\\s+") # debug "Corrected spaces: #{rx.inspect}" # Created message (such as by fake_message) can contain multiple lines @regexp = /\A#{rx}\z/m end # Recognize the provided string components, returning a hash of # recognized values, or [nil, reason] if the string isn't recognized. def recognize(m) debug "Testing #{m.message.inspect} against #{self.inspect}" # Early out return nil, "template #{@template} is not configured for private messages" if @options.has_key?(:private) && !@options[:private] && m.private? return nil, "template #{@template} is not configured for public messages" if @options.has_key?(:public) && !@options[:public] && !m.private? matching = @regexp.match(m.message) return nil, "#{m.message.inspect} doesn't match #{@template} (#{@regexp})" unless matching return nil, "#{m.message.inspect} only matches #{@template} (#{@regexp}) partially: #{matching[0].inspect}" unless matching[0] == m.message debug_match = matching[1..-1].collect{ |d| d.inspect}.join(', ') debug "#{m.message.inspect} matched #{@regexp} with #{debug_match}" debug "Associating #{debug_match} with dyn items #{@dyn_items.join(', ')}" options = @defaults.dup @dyn_items.each_with_index { |it, i| next if i == 0 item = it.name debug "dyn item #{item} (multi-word: #{it.multi?.inspect})" if it.multi? if matching[i].nil? default = it.default case default when Array value = default.clone when String value = default.strip.split when nil, false, [] value = [] else warning "Unmanageable default #{default} detected for :*#{item.to_s}, using []" value = [] end case default when String value.instance_variable_set(:@string_value, default) else value.instance_variable_set(:@string_value, value.join(' ')) end else value = matching[i].split value.instance_variable_set(:@string_value, matching[i]) end def value.to_s @string_value end else if matching[i].nil? warning "No default value for option #{item.inspect} specified" unless @defaults.has_key?(item) value = it.default else value = it.collect(matching[i]) end end options[item] = value debug "set #{item} to #{options[item].inspect}" } options.delete_if {|k, v| v.nil?} # Remove nil values. return options, nil end def inspect when_str = @requirements.empty? ? "" : " when #{@requirements.inspect}" default_str = @defaults.empty? ? "" : " || #{@defaults.inspect}" "<#{self.class.to_s} #{@items.map { |c| c.inspect }.join(' ').inspect}#{default_str}#{when_str}>" end def requirements_for(name) name = name.to_s.sub(/^\*/,"").intern if (/^\*/ =~ name.inspect) presence = (@defaults.key?(name) && @defaults[name].nil?) requirement = case @requirements[name] when nil then nil when Regexp then "match #{@requirements[name].inspect}" else "be equal to #{@requirements[name].inspect}" end if presence && requirement then "#{name} must be present and #{requirement}" elsif presence || requirement then "#{name} must #{requirement || 'be present'}" else "#{name} has no requirements" end end end end end