#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: IRC message datastructures module Irc BotConfig.register BotConfigArrayValue.new('core.address_prefix', :default => [], :wizard => true, :desc => "what non nick-matching prefixes should the bot respond to as if addressed (e.g !, so that '!foo' is treated like 'rbot: foo')" ) BotConfig.register BotConfigBooleanValue.new('core.reply_with_nick', :default => false, :wizard => true, :desc => "if true, the bot will prepend the nick to what he has to say when replying (e.g. 'markey: you can't do that!')" ) BotConfig.register BotConfigStringValue.new('core.nick_postfix', :default => ':', :wizard => true, :desc => "when replying with nick put this character after the nick of the user the bot is replying to" ) # Define standard IRC attriubtes (not so standard actually, # but the closest thing we have ...) Bold = "\002" Underline = "\037" Reverse = "\026" Italic = "\011" NormalText = "\017" # Color is prefixed by \003 and followed by optional # foreground and background specifications, two-digits-max # numbers separated by a comma. One of the two parts # must be present. Color = "\003" ColorRx = /#{Color}\d?\d?(?:,\d\d?)?/ # Standard color codes ColorCode = { :black => 1, :blue => 2, :navyblue => 2, :navy_blue => 2, :green => 3, :red => 4, :brown => 5, :purple => 6, :olive => 7, :yellow => 8, :limegreen => 9, :lime_green => 9, :teal => 10, :aqualight => 11, :aqua_light => 11, :royal_blue => 12, :hotpink => 13, :hot_pink => 13, :darkgray => 14, :dark_gray => 14, :lightgray => 15, :light_gray => 15, :white => 16 } # Convert a String or Symbol into a color number def Irc.find_color(data) if Integer === data data else f = if String === data data.intern else data end if ColorCode.key?(f) ColorCode[f] else 0 end end end # Insert the full color code for a given # foreground/background combination. def Irc.color(fg=nil,bg=nil) str = Color.dup if fg str << Irc.find_color(fg).to_s end if bg str << "," << Irc.find_color(bg).to_s end return str end # base user message class, all user messages derive from this # (a user message is defined as having a source hostmask, a target # nick/channel and a message part) class BasicUserMessage # associated bot attr_reader :bot # associated server attr_reader :server # when the message was received attr_reader :time # User that originated the message attr_reader :source # User/Channel message was sent to attr_reader :target # contents of the message attr_accessor :message # has the message been replied to/handled by a plugin? attr_accessor :replied # instantiate a new Message # bot:: associated bot class # server:: Server where the message took place # source:: User that sent the message # target:: User/Channel is destined for # message:: actual message def initialize(bot, server, source, target, message) @msg_wants_id = false unless defined? @msg_wants_id @time = Time.now @bot = bot @source = source @address = false @target = target @message = BasicUserMessage.stripcolour message @replied = false @server = server @identified = false if @msg_wants_id && @server.capabilities[:"identify-msg"] if @message =~ /^([-+])(.*)/ @identified = ($1=="+") @message = $2 else warning "Message does not have identification" end end if target && target == @bot.myself @address = true end end # Access the nick of the source # def sourcenick @source.nick rescue @source.to_s end # Access the user@host of the source # def sourceaddress "#{@source.user}@#{@source.host}" rescue @source.to_s end # Was the message from an identified user? def identified? return @identified end # returns true if the message was addressed to the bot. # This includes any private message to the bot, or any public message # which looks like it's addressed to the bot, e.g. "bot: foo", "bot, foo", # a kick message when bot was kicked etc. def address? return @address end # has this message been replied to by a plugin? def replied? return @replied end # strip mIRC colour escapes from a string def BasicUserMessage.stripcolour(string) return "" unless string ret = string.gsub(ColorRx, "") #ret.tr!("\x00-\x1f", "") ret end end # class for handling IRC user messages. Includes some utilities for handling # the message, for example in plugins. # The +message+ member will have any bot addressing "^bot: " removed # (address? will return true in this case) class UserMessage < BasicUserMessage # for plugin messages, the name of the plugin invoked by the message attr_reader :plugin # for plugin messages, the rest of the message, with the plugin name # removed attr_reader :params # convenience member. Who to reply to (i.e. would be sourcenick for a # privately addressed message, or target (the channel) for a publicly # addressed message attr_reader :replyto # channel the message was in, nil for privately addressed messages attr_reader :channel # for PRIVMSGs, false unless the message was a CTCP command, # in which case it evaluates to the CTCP command itself # (TIME, PING, VERSION, etc). The CTCP command parameters # are then stored in the message. attr_reader :ctcp # for PRIVMSGs, true if the message was a CTCP ACTION (CTCP stuff # will be stripped from the message) attr_reader :action # instantiate a new UserMessage # bot:: associated bot class # source:: hostmask of the message source # target:: nick/channel message is destined for # message:: message part def initialize(bot, server, source, target, message) super(bot, server, source, target, message) @target = target @private = false @plugin = nil @ctcp = false @action = false if target == @bot.myself @private = true @address = true @channel = nil @replyto = source else @replyto = @target @channel = @target end # check for option extra addressing prefixes, e.g "|search foo", or # "!version" - first match wins bot.config['core.address_prefix'].each {|mprefix| if @message.gsub!(/^#{Regexp.escape(mprefix)}\s*/, "") @address = true break end } # even if they used above prefixes, we allow for silly people who # combine all possible types, e.g. "|rbot: hello", or # "/msg rbot rbot: hello", etc if @message.gsub!(/^\s*#{Regexp.escape(bot.nick)}\s*([:;,>]|\s)\s*/i, "") @address = true end if(@message =~ /^\001(\S+)(\s(.+))?\001/) @ctcp = $1 # FIXME need to support quoting of NULL and CR/LF, see # http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/ctcpspec.html @message = $3 || String.new @action = @ctcp == 'ACTION' debug "Received CTCP command #{@ctcp} with options #{@message} (action? #{@action})" end # free splitting for plugins @params = @message.dup if @params.gsub!(/^\s*(\S+)[\s$]*/, "") @plugin = $1.downcase @params = nil unless @params.length > 0 end end # returns true for private messages, e.g. "/msg bot hello" def private? return @private end # returns true if the message was in a channel def public? return !@private end def action? return @action end # convenience method to reply to a message, useful in plugins. It's the # same as doing: # @bot.say m.replyto, string # So if the message is private, it will reply to the user. If it was # in a channel, it will reply in the channel. def plainreply(string, options={}) @bot.say @replyto, string, options @replied = true end # Same as reply, but when replying in public it adds the nick of the user # the bot is replying to def nickreply(string, options={}) extra = self.public? ? "#{@source}#{@bot.config['core.nick_postfix']} " : "" @bot.say @replyto, extra + string, options @replied = true end # the default reply style is to nickreply unless the reply already contains # the nick or core.reply_with_nick is set to false # def reply(string, options={}) if @bot.config['core.reply_with_nick'] and not string =~ /\b#{@source}\b/ return nickreply(string, options) end plainreply(string, options) end # convenience method to reply to a message with an action. It's the # same as doing: # @bot.action m.replyto, string # So if the message is private, it will reply to the user. If it was # in a channel, it will reply in the channel. def act(string, options={}) @bot.action @replyto, string, options @replied = true end # send a CTCP response, i.e. a private NOTICE to the sender # with the same CTCP command and the reply as a parameter def ctcp_reply(string, options={}) @bot.ctcp_notice @source, @ctcp, string, options end # convenience method to reply "okay" in the current language to the # message def plainokay self.plainreply @bot.lang.get("okay") end # Like the above, but append the username def nickokay str = @bot.lang.get("okay").dup if self.public? # remove final punctuation str.gsub!(/[!,.]$/,"") str += ", #{@source}" end self.plainreply str end # the default okay style is the same as the default reply style # def okay if @bot.config['core.reply_with_nick'] return nickokay end plainokay end end # class to manage IRC PRIVMSGs class PrivMessage < UserMessage def initialize(bot, server, source, target, message) @msg_wants_id = true super end end # class to manage IRC NOTICEs class NoticeMessage < UserMessage def initialize(bot, server, source, target, message) @msg_wants_id = true super end end # class to manage IRC KICKs # +address?+ can be used as a shortcut to see if the bot was kicked, # basically, +target+ was kicked from +channel+ by +source+ with +message+ class KickMessage < BasicUserMessage # channel user was kicked from attr_reader :channel def initialize(bot, server, source, target, channel, message="") super(bot, server, source, target, message) @channel = channel end end # class to pass IRC Nick changes in. @message contains the old nickame, # @sourcenick contains the new one. class NickMessage < BasicUserMessage def initialize(bot, server, source, oldnick, newnick) super(bot, server, source, oldnick, newnick) end def oldnick return @target end def newnick return @message end end class QuitMessage < BasicUserMessage def initialize(bot, server, source, target, message="") super(bot, server, source, target, message) end end class TopicMessage < BasicUserMessage # channel topic attr_reader :topic # topic set at (unixtime) attr_reader :timestamp # topic set on channel attr_reader :channel def initialize(bot, server, source, channel, topic=ChannelTopic.new) super(bot, server, source, channel, topic.text) @topic = topic @timestamp = topic.set_on @channel = channel end end # class to manage channel joins class JoinMessage < BasicUserMessage # channel joined attr_reader :channel def initialize(bot, server, source, channel, message="") super(bot, server, source, channel, message) @channel = channel # in this case sourcenick is the nick that could be the bot @address = (source == @bot.myself) end end # class to manage channel parts # same as a join, but can have a message too class PartMessage < JoinMessage end end