#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: GetText interface for rbot # # Load gettext module and provide fallback in case of failure class GetTextVersionError < Exception end # try to load gettext, or provide fake getttext functions begin require 'gettext/version' gettext_version = GetText::VERSION.split('.').map {|n| n.to_i} include Comparable # for Array#>= unless gettext_version >= [1, 8, 0] raise GetTextVersionError, "Unsupported ruby-gettext version installed: #{gettext_version.join '.'}; supported versions are 1.8.0 and above" end require 'gettext' include GetText add_default_locale_path(File.join(Irc::Bot::Config.datadir, "../locale/%{locale}/LC_MESSAGES/%{name}.mo")) if GetText.respond_to? :cached= GetText.cached = false else warning 'This version of ruby-gettext does not support non-cached mode; mo files are not reloaded when setting language' end bindtextdomain 'rbot' module GetText # patch for ruby-gettext 1.8.0 up to 1.10.0 (and more?) to cope with anonymous # modules used by rbot # FIXME remove the patch when ruby-gettext is fixed, or rbot switches to named modules if !instance_methods.include?('orig_bound_targets') alias :orig_bound_targets :bound_targets end def bound_targets(*a) # :nodoc: bt = orig_bound_targets(*a) rescue [] bt.empty? ? orig_bound_targets(Object) : bt end require 'stringio' # This method is used to output debug information on the GetText # textdomain, and it's called by the language setting routines # in rbot def rbot_gettext_debug begin gettext_info = StringIO.new current_textdomain_info(:out => gettext_info) # fails sometimes rescue Exception warning "gettext failed to set call textdomain info. maybe an mo file doesn't exist for your locale." ensure gettext_info.string.each_line { |l| debug l} end end end log "gettext loaded" rescue LoadError, GetTextVersionError warning "failed to load ruby-gettext package: #{$!}; translations are disabled" # undefine GetText, in case it got defined because the error was caused by a # wrong version if defined?(GetText) Object.module_eval { remove_const("GetText") } end # dummy functions that return msg_id without translation def _(s) s end def N_(s) s end def n_(s_single, s_plural, n) n > 1 ? s_plural : s_single end def Nn_(s_single, s_plural) n_(s_single, s_plural) end def s_(*args) args[0] end def bindtextdomain_to(*args) end # the following extension to String#% is from ruby-gettext's string.rb file. # it needs to be included in the fallback since the source already use this form =begin string.rb - Extension for String. Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Masao Mutoh You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby. =end # Extension for String class. # # String#% method which accept "named argument". The translator can know # the meaning of the msgids using "named argument" instead of %s/%d style. class String alias :_old_format_m :% # :nodoc: # call-seq: # %(arg) # %(hash) # # Format - Uses str as a format specification, and returns the result of applying it to arg. # If the format specification contains more than one substitution, then arg must be # an Array containing the values to be substituted. See Kernel::sprintf for details of the # format string. This is the default behavior of the String class. # * arg: an Array or other class except Hash. # * Returns: formatted String # # (e.g.) "%s, %s" % ["Masao", "Mutoh"] # # Also you can use a Hash as the "named argument". This is recommanded way for Ruby-GetText # because the translators can understand the meanings of the msgids easily. # * hash: {:key1 => value1, :key2 => value2, ... } # * Returns: formatted String # # (e.g.) "%{firstname}, %{familyname}" % {:firstname => "Masao", :familyname => "Mutoh"} def %(args) if args.kind_of?(Hash) ret = dup args.each {|key, value| ret.gsub!(/\%\{#{key}\}/, value.to_s) } ret else ret = gsub(/%\{/, '%%{') begin ret._old_format_m(args) rescue ArgumentError $stderr.puts " The string:#{ret}" $stderr.puts " args:#{args.inspect}" end end end end end