class ::String # Calculate the penalty which will be assigned to this message # by the IRCd def irc_send_penalty # According to eggrdop, the initial penalty is penalty = 1 + self.size/100 # on everything but UnderNET where it's # penalty = 2 + self.size/120 cmd, pars = self.split($;,2) debug "cmd: #{cmd}, pars: #{pars.inspect}" case cmd.to_sym when :KICK chan, nick, msg = pars.split chan = chan.split(',') nick = nick.split(',') penalty += nick.size penalty *= chan.size when :MODE chan, modes, argument = pars.split extra = 0 if modes extra = 1 if argument extra += modes.split(/\+|-/).size else extra += 3 * modes.split(/\+|-/).size end end if argument extra += 2 * argument.split.size end penalty += extra * chan.split.size when :TOPIC penalty += 1 penalty += 2 unless pars.split.size < 2 when :PRIVMSG, :NOTICE dests = pars.split($;,2).first penalty += dests.split(',').size when :WHO # I'm too lazy to implement this one correctly penalty += 5 when :AWAY, :JOIN, :VERSION, :TIME, :TRACE, :WHOIS, :DNS penalty += 2 when :INVITE, :NICK penalty += 3 when :ISON penalty += 1 else # Unknown messages penalty += 1 end if penalty > 99 debug "Wow, more than 99 secs of penalty!" penalty = 99 end if penalty < 2 debug "Wow, less than 2 secs of penalty!" penalty = 2 end debug "penalty: #{penalty}" return penalty end end module Irc require 'socket' require 'thread' require 'rbot/timer' class QueueRing # A QueueRing is implemented as an array with elements in the form # [chan, [message1, message2, ...] # Note that the channel +chan+ has no actual bearing with the channels # to which messages will be sent def initialize @storage = @last_idx = -1 end def clear @storage.clear @last_idx = -1 end def length len = 0 @storage.each {|c| len += c[1].size } return len end alias :size :length def empty? @storage.empty? end def push(mess, chan) cmess = @storage.assoc(chan) if cmess idx = @storage.index(cmess) cmess[1] << mess @storage[idx] = cmess else @storage << [chan, [mess]] end end def next if empty? warning "trying to access empty ring" return nil end save_idx = @last_idx @last_idx = (@last_idx + 1) % @storage.size mess = @storage[@last_idx][1].first @last_idx = save_idx return mess end def shift if empty? warning "trying to access empty ring" return nil end @last_idx = (@last_idx + 1) % @storage.size mess = @storage[@last_idx][1].shift @storage.delete(@storage[@last_idx]) if @storage[@last_idx][1] == [] return mess end end class MessageQueue def initialize # a MessageQueue is an array of QueueRings # rings have decreasing priority, so messages in ring 0 # are more important than messages in ring 1, and so on @rings = { |i| if i > 0 else # ring 0 is special in that if it's not empty, it will # be popped. IOW, ring 0 can starve the other rings # ring 0 is strictly FIFO and is therefore implemented # as an array end } # the other rings are satisfied round-robin @last_ring = 0 end def clear @rings.each { |r| r.clear } @last_ring = 0 end def push(mess, chan=nil, cring=0) ring = cring if ring == 0 warning "message #{mess} at ring 0 has channel #{chan}: channel will be ignored" if !chan.nil? @rings[0] << mess else error "message #{mess} at ring #{ring} must have a channel" if chan.nil? @rings[ring].push mess, chan end end def empty? @rings.each { |r| return false unless r.empty? } return true end def length len = 0 @rings.each { |r| len += r.size } len end alias :size :length def next if empty? warning "trying to access empty ring" return nil end mess = nil if !@rings[0].empty? mess = @rings[0].first else save_ring = @last_ring (@rings.size - 1).times { @last_ring = (@last_ring % (@rings.size - 1)) + 1 if !@rings[@last_ring].empty? mess = @rings[@last_ring].next break end } @last_ring = save_ring end error "nil message" if mess.nil? return mess end def shift if empty? warning "trying to access empty ring" return nil end mess = nil if !@rings[0].empty? return @rings[0].shift end (@rings.size - 1).times { @last_ring = (@last_ring % (@rings.size - 1)) + 1 if !@rings[@last_ring].empty? return @rings[@last_ring].shift end } error "nil message" if mess.nil? return mess end end # wrapped TCPSocket for communication with the server. # emulates a subset of TCPSocket functionality class IrcSocket MAX_IRC_SEND_PENALTY = 10 # total number of lines sent to the irc server attr_reader :lines_sent # total number of lines received from the irc server attr_reader :lines_received # total number of bytes sent to the irc server attr_reader :bytes_sent # total number of bytes received from the irc server attr_reader :bytes_received # accumulator for the throttle attr_reader :throttle_bytes # delay between lines sent attr_reader :sendq_delay # max lines to burst attr_reader :sendq_burst # an optional filter object. we call for # all incoming data and @filter.out(data) for all outgoing data attr_reader :filter # normalized uri of the current server attr_reader :server_uri # default trivial filter class class IdentityFilter def in(x) x end def out(x) x end end # set filter to identity, not to nil def filter=(f) @filter = f || end # server_list:: list of servers to connect to # host:: optional local host to bind to (ruby 1.7+ required) # create a new IrcSocket def initialize(server_list, host, sendq_delay=2, sendq_burst=4, opts={}) @timer = @timer.add(0.2) do spool end @server_list = server_list.dup @server_uri = nil @conn_count = 0 @host = host @sock = nil @filter = @spooler = false @lines_sent = 0 @lines_received = 0 if opts.kind_of?(Hash) and opts.key?(:ssl) @ssl = opts[:ssl] else @ssl = false end if sendq_delay @sendq_delay = sendq_delay.to_f else @sendq_delay = 2 end @last_send = - @sendq_delay @flood_send = @last_throttle = @burst = 0 if sendq_burst @sendq_burst = sendq_burst.to_i else @sendq_burst = 4 end end def connected? !@sock.nil? end # open a TCP connection to the server def connect if connected? warning "reconnecting while connected" return end srv_uri = @server_list[@conn_count % @server_list.size].dup srv_uri = 'irc://' + srv_uri if !(srv_uri =~ /:\/\//) @conn_count += 1 @server_uri = URI.parse(srv_uri) @server_uri.port = 6667 if !@server_uri.port debug "connection attempt \##{@conn_count} (#{}:#{@server_uri.port})" if(@host) begin, @server_uri.port, @host) rescue ArgumentError => e error "Your version of ruby does not support binding to a " error "specific local address, please upgrade if you wish " error "to use HOST = foo" error "(this option has been disabled in order to continue)", @server_uri.port) end else, @server_uri.port) end if(@ssl) require 'openssl' ssl_context = ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE @rawsock = @sock @sock =, ssl_context) @sock.sync_close = true @sock.connect end @qthread = false @qmutex = @sendq = end def sendq_delay=(newfreq) debug "changing sendq frequency to #{newfreq}" @qmutex.synchronize do @sendq_delay = newfreq if newfreq == 0 clearq @timer.stop else @timer.start end end end def sendq_burst=(newburst) @qmutex.synchronize do @sendq_burst = newburst end end # used to send lines to the remote IRCd by skipping the queue # message: IRC message to send # it should only be used for stuff that *must not* be queued, # i.e. the initial PASS, NICK and USER command # or the final QUIT message def emergency_puts(message) @qmutex.synchronize do # debug "In puts - got mutex" puts_critical(message) end end def handle_socket_error(string, e) error "#{string} failed: #{e.pretty_inspect}" # We assume that an error means that there are connection # problems and that we should reconnect, so we shutdown raise end # get the next line from the server (blocks) def gets if @sock.nil? warning "socket get attempted while closed" return nil end begin reply = @lines_received += 1 reply.strip! if reply debug "RECV: #{reply.inspect}" return reply rescue Exception => e handle_socket_error(:RECV, e) end end def queue(msg, chan=nil, ring=0) if @sendq_delay > 0 @qmutex.synchronize do @sendq.push msg, chan, ring @timer.start end else # just send it if queueing is disabled self.emergency_puts(msg) end end # pop a message off the queue, send it def spool @qmutex.synchronize do begin debug "in spooler" if @sendq.empty? @timer.stop return end now = if (now >= (@last_send + @sendq_delay)) debug "resetting @burst" @burst = 0 elsif (@burst > @sendq_burst) # nope. can't send anything, come back to us next tick... debug "can't send yet" @timer.start return end @flood_send = now if @flood_send < now debug "can send #{@sendq_burst - @burst} lines, there are #{@sendq.size} to send" while !@sendq.empty? and @burst < @sendq_burst and @flood_send - now < MAX_IRC_SEND_PENALTY debug "sending message (#{@flood_send - now} < #{MAX_IRC_SEND_PENALTY})" puts_critical(@sendq.shift, true) end if @sendq.empty? @timer.stop end rescue Exception => e error "Spooling failed: #{e.pretty_inspect}" end end end def clearq if @sock @qmutex.synchronize do unless @sendq.empty? @sendq.clear end end else warning "Clearing socket while disconnected" end end # flush the TCPSocket def flush @sock.flush end # Wraps on the socket def select(timeout=nil)[@sock], nil, nil, timeout) end # shutdown the connection to the server def shutdown(how=2) return unless connected? begin @sock.close rescue Exception => e error "error while shutting down: #{e.pretty_inspect}" end @rawsock = nil if @ssl @sock = nil @burst = 0 end private # same as puts, but expects to be called with a mutex held on @qmutex def puts_critical(message, penalty=false) # debug "in puts_critical" begin debug "SEND: #{message.inspect}" if @sock.nil? error "SEND attempted on closed socket" else @sock.puts(@filter.out(message)) @last_send = @flood_send += message.irc_send_penalty if penalty @lines_sent += 1 @burst += 1 end rescue Exception => e handle_socket_error(:SEND, e) end end end end