# encoding: UTF-8 #-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: rbot core require 'thread' require 'etc' require 'date' require 'fileutils' require 'pp' unless Kernel.respond_to? :pretty_inspect def pretty_inspect PP.pp(self, '') end public :pretty_inspect end class Exception def pretty_print(q) q.group(1, "#<%s: %s" % [self.class, self.message], ">") { if self.backtrace and not self.backtrace.empty? q.text "\n" q.seplist(self.backtrace, lambda { q.text "\n" } ) { |l| q.text l } end } end end class ServerError < RuntimeError end # The following global is used for the improved signal handling. $interrupted = 0 # these first require 'rbot/logger' require 'rbot/rbotconfig' require 'rbot/load-gettext' require 'rbot/config' require 'rbot/irc' require 'rbot/rfc2812' require 'rbot/ircsocket' require 'rbot/botuser' require 'rbot/timer' require 'rbot/registry' require 'rbot/plugins' require 'rbot/message' require 'rbot/language' require 'rbot/httputil' module Irc # Main bot class, which manages the various components, receives messages, # handles them or passes them to plugins, and contains core functionality. class Bot COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = "(c) Giuseppe Bilotta and the rbot development team" SOURCE_URL = "https://ruby-rbot.org" # the bot's Auth data attr_reader :auth # the bot's Config data attr_reader :config # the botclass for this bot (determines configdir among other things) attr_reader :botclass # used to perform actions periodically (saves configuration once per minute # by default) attr_reader :timer # synchronize with this mutex while touching permanent data files: # saving, flushing, cleaning up ... attr_reader :save_mutex # bot's Language data attr_reader :lang # bot's irc socket # TODO multiserver attr_reader :socket # bot's plugins. This is an instance of class Plugins attr_reader :plugins # bot's httputil helper object, for fetching resources via http. Sets up # proxies etc as defined by the bot configuration/environment attr_accessor :httputil # mechanize agent factory attr_accessor :agent # loads and opens new registry databases, used by the plugins attr_accessor :registry_factory # web service attr_accessor :webservice # server we are connected to # TODO multiserver def server @client.server end # bot User in the client/server connection # TODO multiserver def myself @client.user end # bot nick in the client/server connection def nick myself.nick end # bot channels in the client/server connection def channels myself.channels end # nick wanted by the bot. This defaults to the irc.nick config value, # but may be overridden by a manual !nick command def wanted_nick @wanted_nick || config['irc.nick'] end # set the nick wanted by the bot def wanted_nick=(wn) if wn.nil? or wn.to_s.downcase == config['irc.nick'].downcase @wanted_nick = nil else @wanted_nick = wn.to_s.dup end end # bot inspection # TODO multiserver def inspect ret = self.to_s[0..-2] ret << ' version=' << $version.inspect ret << ' botclass=' << botclass.inspect ret << ' lang="' << lang.language if defined?(GetText) ret << '/' << locale end ret << '"' ret << ' nick=' << nick.inspect ret << ' server=' if server ret << (server.to_s + (socket ? ' [' << socket.server_uri.to_s << ']' : '')).inspect unless server.channels.empty? ret << " channels=" ret << server.channels.map { |c| "%s%s" % [c.modes_of(nick).map { |m| server.prefix_for_mode(m) }, c.name] }.inspect end else ret << '(none)' end ret << ' plugins=' << plugins.inspect ret << ">" end # create a new Bot with botclass +botclass+ def initialize(botclass, params = {}) # Config for the core bot # TODO should we split socket stuff into ircsocket, etc? Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('server.list', :default => ['irc://localhost'], :wizard => true, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "List of irc servers rbot should try to connect to. Use comma to separate values. Servers are in format 'server.doma.in:port'. If port is not specified, default value (6667) is used.") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('server.ssl', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :wizard => true, :desc => "Use SSL to connect to this server?") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('server.ssl_verify', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Verify the SSL connection?", :wizard => true) Config.register Config::StringValue.new('server.ssl_ca_file', :default => default_ssl_ca_file, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "The CA file used to verify the SSL connection.", :wizard => true) Config.register Config::StringValue.new('server.ssl_ca_path', :default => default_ssl_ca_path, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Alternativly a directory that includes CA PEM files used to verify the SSL connection.", :wizard => true) Config.register Config::StringValue.new('server.password', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Password for connecting to this server (if required)", :wizard => true) Config.register Config::StringValue.new('server.bindhost', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Specific local host or IP for the bot to bind to (if required)", :wizard => true) Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('server.reconnect_wait', :default => 5, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v >= 0}, :desc => "Seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect, on disconnect") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('server.ping_timeout', :default => 30, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v >= 0}, :desc => "reconnect if server doesn't respond to PING within this many seconds (set to 0 to disable)") Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('server.nocolor_modes', :default => ['c'], :wizard => false, :requires_restart => false, :desc => "List of channel modes that require messages to be without colors") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('irc.nick', :default => "rbot", :desc => "IRC nickname the bot should attempt to use", :wizard => true, :on_change => Proc.new{|bot, v| bot.sendq "NICK #{v}" }) Config.register Config::StringValue.new('irc.name', :default => "Ruby bot", :requires_restart => true, :desc => "IRC realname the bot should use") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('irc.name_copyright', :default => true, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Append copyright notice to bot realname? (please don't disable unless it's really necessary)") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('irc.user', :default => "rbot", :requires_restart => true, :desc => "local user the bot should appear to be", :wizard => true) Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('irc.join_channels', :default => [], :wizard => true, :desc => "What channels the bot should always join at startup. List multiple channels using commas to separate. If a channel requires a password, use a space after the channel name. e.g: '#chan1, #chan2, #secretchan secritpass, #chan3'") Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('irc.ignore_users', :default => [], :desc => "Which users to ignore input from. This is mainly to avoid bot-wars triggered by creative people") Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('irc.ignore_channels', :default => [], :desc => "Which channels to ignore input in. This is mainly to turn the bot into a logbot that doesn't interact with users in any way (in the specified channels)") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('core.save_every', :default => 60, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v >= 0}, :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| if @save_timer if v > 0 @timer.reschedule(@save_timer, v) @timer.unblock(@save_timer) else @timer.block(@save_timer) end else if v > 0 @save_timer = @timer.add(v) { bot.save } end # Nothing to do when v == 0 end }, :desc => "How often the bot should persist all configuration to disk (in case of a server crash, for example)") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('core.run_as_daemon', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Should the bot run as a daemon?") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('log.file', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Name of the logfile to which console messages will be redirected when the bot is run as a daemon") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('log.level', :default => 1, :requires_restart => false, :validate => Proc.new { |v| (0..5).include?(v) }, :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| LoggerManager.instance.set_level(v) }, :desc => "The minimum logging level (0=DEBUG,1=INFO,2=WARN,3=ERROR,4=FATAL) for console messages") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('log.keep', :default => 1, :requires_restart => true, :validate => Proc.new { |v| v >= 0 }, :desc => "How many old console messages logfiles to keep") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('log.max_size', :default => 10, :requires_restart => true, :validate => Proc.new { |v| v > 0 }, :desc => "Maximum console messages logfile size (in megabytes)") Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('plugins.path', :wizard => true, :default => ['(default)', '(default)/games', '(default)/contrib'], :requires_restart => false, :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.setup_plugins_path }, :desc => "Where the bot should look for plugins. List multiple directories using commas to separate. Use '(default)' for default prepackaged plugins collection, '(default)/contrib' for prepackaged unsupported plugins collection") Config.register Config::EnumValue.new('send.newlines', :values => ['split', 'join'], :default => 'split', :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :newlines => v.to_sym }, :desc => "When set to split, messages with embedded newlines will be sent as separate lines. When set to join, newlines will be replaced by the value of join_with") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('send.join_with', :default => ' ', :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :join_with => v.dup }, :desc => "String used to replace newlines when send.newlines is set to join") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('send.max_lines', :default => 5, :validate => Proc.new { |v| v >= 0 }, :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :max_lines => v }, :desc => "Maximum number of IRC lines to send for each message (set to 0 for no limit)") Config.register Config::EnumValue.new('send.overlong', :values => ['split', 'truncate'], :default => 'split', :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :overlong => v.to_sym }, :desc => "When set to split, messages which are too long to fit in a single IRC line are split into multiple lines. When set to truncate, long messages are truncated to fit the IRC line length") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('send.split_at', :default => '\s+', :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :split_at => Regexp.new(v) }, :desc => "A regular expression that should match the split points for overlong messages (see send.overlong)") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('send.purge_split', :default => true, :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :purge_split => v }, :desc => "Set to true if the splitting boundary (set in send.split_at) should be removed when splitting overlong messages (see send.overlong)") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('send.truncate_text', :default => "#{Reverse}...#{Reverse}", :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :truncate_text => v.dup }, :desc => "When truncating overlong messages (see send.overlong) or when sending too many lines per message (see send.max_lines) replace the end of the last line with this text") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('send.penalty_pct', :default => 100, :validate => Proc.new { |v| v >= 0 }, :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.socket.penalty_pct = v }, :desc => "Percentage of IRC penalty to consider when sending messages to prevent being disconnected for excess flood. Set to 0 to disable penalty control.") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('core.db', :default => default_db, :store_default => true, :wizard => true, :validate => Proc.new { |v| Registry::formats.include? v }, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "DB adaptor to use for storing the plugin data/registries. Options: " + Registry::formats.join(', ')) @argv = params[:argv] @run_dir = params[:run_dir] || Dir.pwd unless FileTest.directory? Config::coredir error "core directory '#{Config::coredir}' not found, did you setup.rb?" exit 2 end unless FileTest.directory? Config::datadir error "data directory '#{Config::datadir}' not found, did you setup.rb?" exit 2 end unless botclass and not botclass.empty? # We want to find a sensible default. # * On POSIX systems we prefer ~/.rbot for the effective uid of the process # * On Windows (at least the NT versions) we want to put our stuff in the # Application Data folder. # We don't use any particular O/S detection magic, exploiting the fact that # Etc.getpwuid is nil on Windows if Etc.getpwuid(Process::Sys.geteuid) botclass = Etc.getpwuid(Process::Sys.geteuid)[:dir].dup else if ENV.has_key?('APPDATA') botclass = ENV['APPDATA'].dup botclass.gsub!("\\","/") end end botclass = File.join(botclass, ".rbot") end botclass = File.expand_path(botclass) @botclass = botclass.gsub(/\/$/, "") repopulate_botclass_directory # Time at which the last PING was sent @last_ping = nil # Time at which the last line was RECV'd from the server @last_rec = nil @startup_time = Time.new begin @config = Config.manager @config.bot_associate(self) rescue Exception => e fatal e exit 2 end if @config['core.run_as_daemon'] $daemonize = true end @registry_factory = Registry.new @config['core.db'] @registry_factory.migrate_registry_folder(path) @logfile = @config['log.file'] if @logfile.class != String || @logfile.empty? logfname = File.basename(botclass).gsub(/^\.+/,'') logfname << ".log" @logfile = File.join(botclass, logfname) debug "Using `#{@logfile}' as debug log" end # setup logger based on bot configuration, if not set from the command line loglevel_set = $opts.has_key?('debug') or $opts.has_key?('loglevel') LoggerManager.instance.set_level(@config['log.level']) unless loglevel_set # Set the logfile LoggerManager.instance.set_logfile(@logfile, @config['log.keep'], @config['log.max_size']) if $daemonize log "Redirecting standard input/output/error, console logger disabled" LoggerManager.instance.flush LoggerManager.instance.disable_console_logger [$stdin, $stdout, $stderr].each do |fd| begin fd.reopen "/dev/null" rescue Errno::ENOENT # On Windows, there's not such thing as /dev/null fd.reopen "NUL" end end def $stdout.write(*args) str = args.map { |s| s.to_s }.join("") log str, 2 return str.bytesize end def $stderr.write(*args) str = args.map { |s| s.to_s }.join("") if str.to_s.match(/:\d+: warning:/) warning str, 2 else error str, 2 end return str.bytesize end # See http://blog.humlab.umu.se/samuel/archives/000107.html # for the backgrounding code begin exit if fork Process.setsid exit if fork rescue NotImplementedError warning "Could not background, fork not supported" rescue SystemExit exit 0 rescue Exception => e warning "Could not background. #{e.pretty_inspect}" end Dir.chdir botclass # File.umask 0000 # Ensure sensible umask. Adjust as needed. end LoggerManager.instance.log_session_start File.open($opts['pidfile'] || File.join(@botclass, 'rbot.pid'), 'w') do |pf| pf << "#{$$}\n" end @timer = Timer.new @save_mutex = Mutex.new if @config['core.save_every'] > 0 @save_timer = @timer.add(@config['core.save_every']) { save } else @save_timer = nil end @quit_mutex = Mutex.new @plugins = nil @lang = Language.new(self, @config['core.language']) @httputil = Utils::HttpUtil.new(self) begin @auth = Auth::manager @auth.bot_associate(self) # @auth.load("#{botclass}/botusers.yaml") rescue Exception => e fatal e exit 2 end @auth.everyone.set_default_permission("*", true) @auth.botowner.password= @config['auth.password'] @plugins = Plugins::manager @plugins.bot_associate(self) setup_plugins_path() if @config['server.name'] debug "upgrading configuration (server.name => server.list)" srv_uri = 'irc://' + @config['server.name'] srv_uri += ":#{@config['server.port']}" if @config['server.port'] @config.items['server.list'.to_sym].set_string(srv_uri) @config.delete('server.name'.to_sym) @config.delete('server.port'.to_sym) debug "server.list is now #{@config['server.list'].inspect}" end @socket = Irc::Socket.new(@config['server.list'], @config['server.bindhost'], :ssl => @config['server.ssl'], :ssl_verify => @config['server.ssl_verify'], :ssl_ca_file => @config['server.ssl_ca_file'], :ssl_ca_path => @config['server.ssl_ca_path'], :penalty_pct => @config['send.penalty_pct']) @client = Client.new @plugins.scan # Channels where we are quiet # Array of channels names where the bot should be quiet # '*' means all channels # @quiet = Set.new # but we always speak here @not_quiet = Set.new # the nick we want, if it's different from the irc.nick config value # (e.g. as set by a !nick command) @wanted_nick = nil @client[:welcome] = proc {|data| m = WelcomeMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:message]) @plugins.delegate("welcome", m) @plugins.delegate("connect") } # TODO the next two @client should go into rfc2812.rb, probably # Since capabs are two-steps processes, server.supports[:capab] # should be a three-state: nil, [], [....] asked_for = { :"identify-msg" => false } @client[:isupport] = proc { |data| if server.supports[:capab] and !asked_for[:"identify-msg"] sendq "CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG" asked_for[:"identify-msg"] = true end } @client[:datastr] = proc { |data| if data[:text] == "IDENTIFY-MSG" server.capabilities[:"identify-msg"] = true else debug "Not handling RPL_DATASTR #{data[:servermessage]}" end } @client[:privmsg] = proc { |data| m = PrivMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:message], :handle_id => true) # debug "Message source is #{data[:source].inspect}" # debug "Message target is #{data[:target].inspect}" # debug "Bot is #{myself.inspect}" @config['irc.ignore_channels'].each { |channel| if m.target.downcase == channel.downcase m.ignored = true break end } @config['irc.ignore_users'].each { |mask| if m.source.matches?(server.new_netmask(mask)) m.ignored = true break end } unless m.ignored @plugins.irc_delegate('privmsg', m) } @client[:notice] = proc { |data| message = NoticeMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:message], :handle_id => true) # pass it off to plugins that want to hear everything @plugins.irc_delegate "notice", message } @client[:motd] = proc { |data| m = MotdMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:motd]) @plugins.delegate "motd", m } @client[:nicktaken] = proc { |data| new = "#{data[:nick]}_" nickchg new # If we're setting our nick at connection because our choice was taken, # we have to fix our nick manually, because there will be no NICK message # to inform us that our nick has been changed. if data[:target] == '*' debug "setting my connection nick to #{new}" @client.user.nick = new end @plugins.delegate "nicktaken", data[:nick] } @client[:badnick] = proc {|data| warning "bad nick (#{data[:nick]})" } @client[:ping] = proc {|data| sendq "PONG #{data[:pingid]}" } @client[:pong] = proc {|data| @last_ping = nil } @client[:nick] = proc {|data| # debug "Message source is #{data[:source].inspect}" # debug "Bot is #{myself.inspect}" source = data[:source] old = data[:oldnick] new = data[:newnick] m = NickMessage.new(self, server, source, old, new) m.is_on = data[:is_on] if source == myself debug "my nick is now #{new}" end @plugins.irc_delegate("nick", m) } @client[:quit] = proc {|data| source = data[:source] message = data[:message] m = QuitMessage.new(self, server, source, source, message) m.was_on = data[:was_on] @plugins.irc_delegate("quit", m) } @client[:mode] = proc {|data| m = ModeChangeMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:modestring]) m.modes = data[:modes] @plugins.delegate "modechange", m } @client[:whois] = proc {|data| source = data[:source] target = server.get_user(data[:whois][:nick]) m = WhoisMessage.new(self, server, source, target, data[:whois]) @plugins.delegate "whois", m } @client[:list] = proc {|data| source = data[:source] m = ListMessage.new(self, server, source, source, data[:list]) @plugins.delegate "irclist", m } @client[:join] = proc {|data| m = JoinMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:channel], data[:message]) sendq("MODE #{data[:channel]}", nil, 0) if m.address? @plugins.irc_delegate("join", m) sendq("WHO #{data[:channel]}", data[:channel], 2) if m.address? } @client[:part] = proc {|data| m = PartMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:channel], data[:message]) @plugins.irc_delegate("part", m) } @client[:kick] = proc {|data| m = KickMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:channel],data[:message]) @plugins.irc_delegate("kick", m) } @client[:invite] = proc {|data| m = InviteMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:channel]) @plugins.irc_delegate("invite", m) } @client[:changetopic] = proc {|data| m = TopicMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], data[:channel], data[:topic]) m.info_or_set = :set @plugins.irc_delegate("topic", m) } # @client[:topic] = proc { |data| # irclog "@ Topic is \"#{data[:topic]}\"", data[:channel] # } @client[:topicinfo] = proc { |data| channel = data[:channel] topic = channel.topic m = TopicMessage.new(self, server, data[:source], channel, topic) m.info_or_set = :info @plugins.irc_delegate("topic", m) } @client[:names] = proc { |data| m = NamesMessage.new(self, server, server, data[:channel]) m.users = data[:users] @plugins.delegate "names", m } @client[:banlist] = proc { |data| m = BanlistMessage.new(self, server, server, data[:channel]) m.bans = data[:bans] @plugins.delegate "banlist", m } @client[:nosuchtarget] = proc { |data| m = NoSuchTargetMessage.new(self, server, server, data[:target], data[:message]) @plugins.delegate "nosuchtarget", m } @client[:error] = proc { |data| raise ServerError, data[:message] } @client[:unknown] = proc { |data| #debug "UNKNOWN: #{data[:serverstring]}" m = UnknownMessage.new(self, server, server, nil, data[:serverstring]) @plugins.delegate "unknown_message", m } set_default_send_options :newlines => @config['send.newlines'].to_sym, :join_with => @config['send.join_with'].dup, :max_lines => @config['send.max_lines'], :overlong => @config['send.overlong'].to_sym, :split_at => Regexp.new(@config['send.split_at']), :purge_split => @config['send.purge_split'], :truncate_text => @config['send.truncate_text'].dup trap_signals end # Determine (if possible) a valid path to a CA certificate bundle. def default_ssl_ca_file [ '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', # Ubuntu/Debian '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt', # Amazon Linux '/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem', # OpenSUSE '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt' # Fedora/RHEL ].find do |file| File.readable? file end end def default_ssl_ca_path file = default_ssl_ca_file File.dirname file if file end # Determine if tokyocabinet is installed, if it is use it as a default. def default_db begin require 'tokyocabinet' return 'tc' rescue LoadError return 'dbm' end end def repopulate_botclass_directory template_dir = File.join Config::datadir, 'templates' if FileTest.directory? @botclass # compare the templates dir with the current botclass dir, filling up the # latter with any missing file. Sadly, FileUtils.cp_r doesn't have an # :update option, so we have to do it manually. # Note that we use the */** pattern because we don't want to match # keywords.rbot, which gets deleted on load and would therefore be missing # always missing = Dir.chdir(template_dir) { Dir.glob('*/**') } - Dir.chdir(@botclass) { Dir.glob('*/**') } missing.map do |f| dest = File.join(@botclass, f) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) FileUtils.cp File.join(template_dir, f), dest end else log "no #{@botclass} directory found, creating from templates..." if FileTest.exist? @botclass error "file #{@botclass} exists but isn't a directory" exit 2 end FileUtils.cp_r template_dir, @botclass end end # Return a path under the current botclass by joining the mentioned # components. The components are automatically converted to String def path(*components) File.join(@botclass, *(components.map {|c| c.to_s})) end def setup_plugins_path plugdir_default = File.join(Config::datadir, 'plugins') plugdir_local = File.join(@botclass, 'plugins') Dir.mkdir(plugdir_local) unless File.exist?(plugdir_local) @plugins.clear_botmodule_dirs @plugins.add_core_module_dir(File.join(Config::coredir, 'utils')) @plugins.add_core_module_dir(Config::coredir) if FileTest.directory? plugdir_local @plugins.add_plugin_dir(plugdir_local) else warning "local plugin location #{plugdir_local} is not a directory" end @config['plugins.path'].each do |_| path = _.sub(/^\(default\)/, plugdir_default) @plugins.add_plugin_dir(path) end end def set_default_send_options(opts={}) # Default send options for NOTICE and PRIVMSG unless defined? @default_send_options @default_send_options = { :queue_channel => nil, # use default queue channel :queue_ring => nil, # use default queue ring :newlines => :split, # or :join :join_with => ' ', # by default, use a single space :max_lines => 0, # maximum number of lines to send with a single command :overlong => :split, # or :truncate # TODO an array of splitpoints would be preferrable for this option: :split_at => /\s+/, # by default, split overlong lines at whitespace :purge_split => true, # should the split string be removed? :truncate_text => "#{Reverse}...#{Reverse}" # text to be appened when truncating } end @default_send_options.update opts unless opts.empty? end # checks if we should be quiet on a channel def quiet_on?(channel) ch = channel.downcase return (@quiet.include?('*') && !@not_quiet.include?(ch)) || @quiet.include?(ch) end def set_quiet(channel = nil) if channel ch = channel.downcase.dup @not_quiet.delete(ch) @quiet << ch else @quiet.clear @not_quiet.clear @quiet << '*' end end def reset_quiet(channel = nil) if channel ch = channel.downcase.dup @quiet.delete(ch) @not_quiet << ch else @quiet.clear @not_quiet.clear end end # things to do when we receive a signal def handle_signal(sig) func = case sig when 'SIGHUP' :restart when 'SIGUSR1' :reconnect else :quit end debug "received #{sig}, queueing #{func}" # this is not an interruption if we just need to reconnect $interrupted += 1 unless func == :reconnect self.send(func) unless @quit_mutex.locked? debug "interrupted #{$interrupted} times" if $interrupted >= 3 debug "drastic!" exit 2 end end # trap signals def trap_signals begin %w(SIGINT SIGTERM SIGHUP SIGUSR1).each do |sig| trap(sig) { Thread.new { handle_signal sig } } end rescue ArgumentError => e debug "failed to trap signals (#{e.pretty_inspect}): running on Windows?" rescue Exception => e debug "failed to trap signals: #{e.pretty_inspect}" end end # connect the bot to IRC def connect # make sure we don't have any spurious ping checks running # (and initialize the vars if this is the first time we connect) stop_server_pings begin quit if $interrupted > 0 @socket.connect @last_rec = Time.now rescue Exception => e uri = @socket.server_uri || '' error "failed to connect to IRC server at #{uri}" error e raise end quit if $interrupted > 0 realname = @config['irc.name'].clone || 'Ruby bot' realname << ' ' + COPYRIGHT_NOTICE if @config['irc.name_copyright'] @socket.emergency_puts "PASS " + @config['server.password'] if @config['server.password'] @socket.emergency_puts "NICK #{@config['irc.nick']}\nUSER #{@config['irc.user']} 4 #{@socket.server_uri.host} :#{realname}" quit if $interrupted > 0 myself.nick = @config['irc.nick'] myself.user = @config['irc.user'] end # disconnect the bot from IRC, if connected, and then connect (again) def reconnect(message=nil, too_fast=0) # we will wait only if @last_rec was not nil, i.e. if we were connected or # got disconnected by a network error # if someone wants to manually call disconnect() _and_ reconnect(), they # will have to take care of the waiting themselves will_wait = !!@last_rec if @socket.connected? disconnect(message) end begin if will_wait log "\n\nDisconnected\n\n" quit if $interrupted > 0 log "\n\nWaiting to reconnect\n\n" sleep @config['server.reconnect_wait'] if too_fast > 0 tf = too_fast*@config['server.reconnect_wait'] tfu = Utils.secs_to_string(tf) log "Will sleep for an extra #{tf}s (#{tfu})" sleep tf end end connect rescue SystemExit exit 0 rescue Exception => e error e will_wait = true retry end end # begin event handling loop def mainloop @keep_looping = true while @keep_looping too_fast = 0 quit_msg = nil valid_recv = false # did we receive anything (valid) from the server yet? begin reconnect(quit_msg, too_fast) quit if $interrupted > 0 valid_recv = false while @socket.connected? quit if $interrupted > 0 # Wait for messages and process them as they arrive. If nothing is # received, we call the ping_server() method that will PING the # server if appropriate, or raise a TimeoutError if no PONG has been # received in the user-chosen timeout since the last PING sent. if @socket.select(1) break unless reply = @socket.gets @last_rec = Time.now @client.process reply valid_recv = true too_fast = 0 else ping_server end end # I despair of this. Some of my users get "connection reset by peer" # exceptions that ARENT SocketError's. How am I supposed to handle # that? rescue SystemExit @keep_looping = false break rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::ECONNABORTED, TimeoutError, SocketError => e error "network exception: #{e.pretty_inspect}" quit_msg = e.to_s too_fast += 10 if valid_recv rescue ServerMessageParseError => e # if the bot tried reconnecting too often, we can get forcefully # disconnected by the server, while still receiving an empty message # wait at least 10 minutes in this case if e.message.empty? oldtf = too_fast too_fast = [too_fast, 300].max too_fast*= 2 log "Empty message from server, extra delay multiplier #{oldtf} -> #{too_fast}" end quit_msg = "Unparseable Server Message: #{e.message.inspect}" retry rescue ServerError => e quit_msg = "server ERROR: " + e.message debug quit_msg idx = e.message.index("connect too fast") debug "'connect too fast' @ #{idx}" if idx oldtf = too_fast too_fast += (idx+1)*2 log "Reconnecting too fast, extra delay multiplier #{oldtf} -> #{too_fast}" end idx = e.message.index(/a(uto)kill/i) debug "'autokill' @ #{idx}" if idx # we got auto-killed. since we don't have an easy way to tell # if it's permanent or temporary, we just set a rather high # reconnection timeout oldtf = too_fast too_fast += (idx+1)*5 log "Killed by server, extra delay multiplier #{oldtf} -> #{too_fast}" end retry rescue Exception => e error "non-net exception: #{e.pretty_inspect}" quit_msg = e.to_s rescue => e fatal "unexpected exception: #{e.pretty_inspect}" exit 2 end end end # type:: message type # where:: message target # message:: message text # send message +message+ of type +type+ to target +where+ # Type can be PRIVMSG, NOTICE, etc, but those you should really use the # relevant say() or notice() methods. This one should be used for IRCd # extensions you want to use in modules. def sendmsg(original_type, original_where, original_message, options={}) # filter message with sendmsg filters ds = DataStream.new original_message.to_s.dup, :type => original_type, :dest => original_where, :options => @default_send_options.merge(options) filters = filter_names(:sendmsg) filters.each do |fname| debug "filtering #{ds[:text]} with sendmsg filter #{fname}" ds.merge! filter(self.global_filter_name(fname, :sendmsg), ds) end opts = ds[:options] type = ds[:type] where = ds[:dest] filtered = ds[:text] if defined? WebServiceUser and where.instance_of? WebServiceUser debug 'sendmsg to web service!' where.response << filtered return end # For starters, set up appropriate queue channels and rings mchan = opts[:queue_channel] mring = opts[:queue_ring] if mchan chan = mchan else chan = where end if mring ring = mring else case where when User ring = 1 else ring = 2 end end multi_line = filtered.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, "\n") # if target is a channel with nocolor modes, strip colours if where.kind_of?(Channel) and where.mode.any?(*config['server.nocolor_modes']) multi_line.replace BasicUserMessage.strip_formatting(multi_line) end messages = Array.new case opts[:newlines] when :join messages << [multi_line.gsub("\n", opts[:join_with])] when :split multi_line.each_line { |line| line.chomp! next unless(line.size > 0) messages << line } else raise "Unknown :newlines option #{opts[:newlines]} while sending #{original_message.inspect}" end # The IRC protocol requires that each raw message must be not longer # than 512 characters. From this length with have to subtract the EOL # terminators (CR+LF) and the length of ":botnick!botuser@bothost " # that will be prepended by the server to all of our messages. # The maximum raw message length we can send is therefore 512 - 2 - 2 # minus the length of our hostmask. max_len = 508 - myself.fullform.size # On servers that support IDENTIFY-MSG, we have to subtract 1, because messages # will have a + or - prepended if server.capabilities[:"identify-msg"] max_len -= 1 end # When splitting the message, we'll be prefixing the following string: # (e.g. "PRIVMSG #rbot :") fixed = "#{type} #{where} :" # And this is what's left left = max_len - fixed.size truncate = opts[:truncate_text] truncate = @default_send_options[:truncate_text] if truncate.size > left truncate = "" if truncate.size > left all_lines = messages.map { |line| if line.size < left line else case opts[:overlong] when :split msg = line.dup sub_lines = Array.new begin sub_lines << msg.slice!(0, left) break if msg.empty? lastspace = sub_lines.last.rindex(opts[:split_at]) if lastspace msg.replace sub_lines.last.slice!(lastspace, sub_lines.last.size) + msg msg.gsub!(/^#{opts[:split_at]}/, "") if opts[:purge_split] end end until msg.empty? sub_lines when :truncate line.slice(0, left - truncate.size) << truncate else raise "Unknown :overlong option #{opts[:overlong]} while sending #{original_message.inspect}" end end }.flatten if opts[:max_lines] > 0 and all_lines.length > opts[:max_lines] lines = all_lines[0...opts[:max_lines]] new_last = lines.last.slice(0, left - truncate.size) << truncate lines.last.replace(new_last) else lines = all_lines end lines.each { |line| sendq "#{fixed}#{line}", chan, ring delegate_sent(type, where, line) } end # queue an arbitraty message for the server def sendq(message="", chan=nil, ring=0) # temporary @socket.queue(message, chan, ring) end # send a notice message to channel/nick +where+ def notice(where, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) sendmsg "NOTICE", where, message, options end # say something (PRIVMSG) to channel/nick +where+ def say(where, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) sendmsg "PRIVMSG", where, message, options end def ctcp_notice(where, command, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) sendmsg "NOTICE", where, "\001#{command} #{message}\001", options end def ctcp_say(where, command, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) sendmsg "PRIVMSG", where, "\001#{command} #{message}\001", options end # perform a CTCP action with message +message+ to channel/nick +where+ def action(where, message, options={}) ctcp_say(where, 'ACTION', message, options) end # quick way to say "okay" (or equivalent) to +where+ def okay(where) say where, @lang.get("okay") end # set topic of channel +where+ to +topic+ # can also be used to retrieve the topic of channel +where+ # by omitting the last argument def topic(where, topic=nil) if topic.nil? sendq "TOPIC #{where}", where, 2 else sendq "TOPIC #{where} :#{topic}", where, 2 end end def disconnect(message=nil) message = @lang.get("quit") if (!message || message.empty?) if @socket.connected? begin debug "Clearing socket" @socket.clearq debug "Sending quit message" @socket.emergency_puts "QUIT :#{message}" debug "Logging quits" delegate_sent('QUIT', myself, message) debug "Flushing socket" @socket.flush rescue SocketError => e error "error while disconnecting socket: #{e.pretty_inspect}" end debug "Shutting down socket" @socket.shutdown end stop_server_pings @client.reset end # disconnect from the server and cleanup all plugins and modules def shutdown(message=nil) @quit_mutex.synchronize do debug "Shutting down: #{message}" ## No we don't restore them ... let everything run through # begin # trap("SIGINT", "DEFAULT") # trap("SIGTERM", "DEFAULT") # trap("SIGHUP", "DEFAULT") # rescue => e # debug "failed to restore signals: #{e.inspect}\nProbably running on windows?" # end debug "\tdisconnecting..." disconnect(message) debug "\tstopping timer..." @timer.stop debug "\tsaving ..." save debug "\tcleaning up ..." @save_mutex.synchronize do begin @plugins.cleanup rescue debug "\tignoring cleanup error: #{$!}" end end @httputil.cleanup # debug "\tstopping timers ..." # @timer.stop # debug "Closing registries" # @registry.close log "rbot quit (#{message})" end end # message:: optional IRC quit message # quit IRC, shutdown the bot def quit(message=nil) begin shutdown(message) ensure @keep_looping = false end end # totally shutdown and respawn the bot def restart(message=nil) message = _("restarting, back in %{wait}...") % { :wait => @config['server.reconnect_wait'] } if (!message || message.empty?) shutdown(message) Irc::Bot::LoggerManager.instance.flush Irc::Bot::LoggerManager.instance.log_session_end sleep @config['server.reconnect_wait'] begin # now we re-exec # Note, this fails on Windows debug "going to exec #{$0} #{@argv.inspect} from #{@run_dir}" Dir.chdir(@run_dir) exec($0, *@argv) rescue Errno::ENOENT exec("ruby", *(@argv.unshift $0)) rescue Exception => e $interrupted += 1 raise e end end # call the save method for all or the specified botmodule # # :botmodule :: # optional botmodule to save def save(botmodule=nil) @save_mutex.synchronize do @plugins.save(botmodule) end end # call the rescan method for all or just the specified botmodule # # :botmodule :: # instance of the botmodule to rescan def rescan(botmodule=nil) debug "\tstopping timer..." @timer.stop @save_mutex.synchronize do # @lang.rescan @plugins.rescan(botmodule) end @timer.start end # channel:: channel to join # key:: optional channel key if channel is +s # join a channel def join(channel, key=nil) if(key) sendq "JOIN #{channel} :#{key}", channel, 2 else sendq "JOIN #{channel}", channel, 2 end end # part a channel def part(channel, message="") sendq "PART #{channel} :#{message}", channel, 2 end # attempt to change bot's nick to +name+ def nickchg(name) sendq "NICK #{name}" end # changing mode def mode(channel, mode, target=nil) sendq "MODE #{channel} #{mode} #{target}", channel, 2 end # asking whois def whois(nick, target=nil) sendq "WHOIS #{target} #{nick}", nil, 0 end # kicking a user def kick(channel, user, msg) sendq "KICK #{channel} #{user} :#{msg}", channel, 2 end # m:: message asking for help # topic:: optional topic help is requested for # respond to online help requests def help(topic=nil) topic = nil if topic == "" case topic when nil helpstr = _("help topics: ") helpstr += @plugins.helptopics helpstr += _(" (help for more info)") else unless(helpstr = @plugins.help(topic)) helpstr = _("no help for topic %{topic}") % { :topic => topic } end end return helpstr end # returns a string describing the current status of the bot (uptime etc) def status secs_up = Time.new - @startup_time uptime = Utils.secs_to_string secs_up # return "Uptime #{uptime}, #{@plugins.length} plugins active, #{@registry.length} items stored in registry, #{@socket.lines_sent} lines sent, #{@socket.lines_received} received." return (_("Uptime %{up}, %{plug} plugins active, %{sent} lines sent, %{recv} received.") % { :up => uptime, :plug => @plugins.length, :sent => @socket.lines_sent, :recv => @socket.lines_received }) end # We want to respond to a hung server in a timely manner. If nothing was received # in the user-selected timeout and we haven't PINGed the server yet, we PING # the server. If the PONG is not received within the user-defined timeout, we # assume we're in ping timeout and act accordingly. def ping_server act_timeout = @config['server.ping_timeout'] return if act_timeout <= 0 now = Time.now if @last_rec && now > @last_rec + act_timeout if @last_ping.nil? # No previous PING pending, send a new one sendq "PING :rbot" @last_ping = Time.now else diff = now - @last_ping if diff > act_timeout debug "no PONG from server in #{diff} seconds, reconnecting" # the actual reconnect is handled in the main loop: raise TimeoutError, "no PONG from server in #{diff} seconds" end end end end def stop_server_pings # cancel previous PINGs and reset time of last RECV @last_ping = nil @last_rec = nil end private # delegate sent messages def delegate_sent(type, where, message) args = [self, server, myself, server.user_or_channel(where.to_s), message] case type when "NOTICE" m = NoticeMessage.new(*args) when "PRIVMSG" m = PrivMessage.new(*args) when "QUIT" m = QuitMessage.new(*args) m.was_on = myself.channels end @plugins.delegate('sent', m) end end end