require 'thread' require 'etc' require 'fileutils' require 'logger' $debug = false unless $debug $daemonize = false unless $daemonize $dateformat = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" $logger =$stderr) $logger.datetime_format = $dateformat $logger.level = $cl_loglevel if $cl_loglevel $logger.level = 0 if $debug def rawlog(level, message=nil, who_pos=1) call_stack = caller if call_stack.length > who_pos who = call_stack[who_pos].sub(%r{(?:.+)/([^/]+):(\d+)(:in .*)?}) { "#{$1}:#{$2}#{$3}" } else who = "(unknown)" end # Output each line. To distinguish between separate messages and multi-line # messages originating at the same time, we blank #{who} after the first message # is output. message.to_s.each_line { |l| $logger.add(level, l.chomp, who) who.gsub!(/./," ") } end def log_session_start $logger << "\n\n=== #{botclass} session started on #{$dateformat)} ===\n\n" end def log_session_end $logger << "\n\n=== #{botclass} session ended on #{$dateformat)} ===\n\n" end def debug(message=nil, who_pos=1) rawlog(Logger::Severity::DEBUG, message, who_pos) end def log(message=nil, who_pos=1) rawlog(Logger::Severity::INFO, message, who_pos) end def warning(message=nil, who_pos=1) rawlog(Logger::Severity::WARN, message, who_pos) end def error(message=nil, who_pos=1) rawlog(Logger::Severity::ERROR, message, who_pos) end def fatal(message=nil, who_pos=1) rawlog(Logger::Severity::FATAL, message, who_pos) end debug "debug test" log "log test" warning "warning test" error "error test" fatal "fatal test" # The following global is used for the improved signal handling. $interrupted = 0 # these first require 'rbot/rbotconfig' require 'rbot/config' # require 'rbot/utils' require 'rbot/irc' require 'rbot/rfc2812' require 'rbot/ircsocket' require 'rbot/botuser' require 'rbot/timer' require 'rbot/plugins' # require 'rbot/channel' require 'rbot/message' require 'rbot/language' require 'rbot/dbhash' require 'rbot/registry' # require 'rbot/httputil' module Irc # Main bot class, which manages the various components, receives messages, # handles them or passes them to plugins, and contains core functionality. class Bot COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = "(c) Tom Gilbert and the rbot development team" # the bot's Auth data attr_reader :auth # the bot's BotConfig data attr_reader :config # the botclass for this bot (determines configdir among other things) attr_reader :botclass # used to perform actions periodically (saves configuration once per minute # by default) attr_reader :timer # synchronize with this mutex while touching permanent data files: # saving, flushing, cleaning up ... attr_reader :save_mutex # bot's Language data attr_reader :lang # bot's irc socket # TODO multiserver attr_reader :socket # bot's object registry, plugins get an interface to this for persistant # storage (hash interface tied to a bdb file, plugins use Accessors to store # and restore objects in their own namespaces.) attr_reader :registry # bot's plugins. This is an instance of class Plugins attr_reader :plugins # bot's httputil help object, for fetching resources via http. Sets up # proxies etc as defined by the bot configuration/environment attr_accessor :httputil # server we are connected to # TODO multiserver def server @client.server end # bot User in the client/server connection # TODO multiserver def myself @client.user end # bot User in the client/server connection def nick myself.nick end # create a new Bot with botclass +botclass+ def initialize(botclass, params = {}) # BotConfig for the core bot # TODO should we split socket stuff into ircsocket, etc? BotConfig.register'server.list', :default => ['irc://localhost'], :wizard => true, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "List of irc servers rbot should try to connect to. Use comma to separate values. Servers are in format ''. If port is not specified, default value (6667) is used.") BotConfig.register'server.ssl', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :wizard => true, :desc => "Use SSL to connect to this server?") BotConfig.register'server.password', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Password for connecting to this server (if required)", :wizard => true) BotConfig.register'server.bindhost', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Specific local host or IP for the bot to bind to (if required)", :wizard => true) BotConfig.register'server.reconnect_wait', :default => 5, :validate =>{|v| v >= 0}, :desc => "Seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect, on disconnect") BotConfig.register'server.sendq_delay', :default => 2.0, :validate =>{|v| v >= 0}, :desc => "(flood prevention) the delay between sending messages to the server (in seconds)", :on_change => {|bot, v| bot.socket.sendq_delay = v }) BotConfig.register'server.sendq_burst', :default => 4, :validate =>{|v| v >= 0}, :desc => "(flood prevention) max lines to burst to the server before throttling. Most ircd's allow bursts of up 5 lines", :on_change => {|bot, v| bot.socket.sendq_burst = v }) BotConfig.register'server.ping_timeout', :default => 30, :validate =>{|v| v >= 0}, :desc => "reconnect if server doesn't respond to PING within this many seconds (set to 0 to disable)") BotConfig.register'irc.nick', :default => "rbot", :desc => "IRC nickname the bot should attempt to use", :wizard => true, :on_change =>{|bot, v| bot.sendq "NICK #{v}" }) BotConfig.register'', :default => "Ruby bot", :requires_restart => true, :desc => "IRC realname the bot should use") BotConfig.register'irc.name_copyright', :default => true, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Append copyright notice to bot realname? (please don't disable unless it's really necessary)") BotConfig.register'irc.user', :default => "rbot", :requires_restart => true, :desc => "local user the bot should appear to be", :wizard => true) BotConfig.register'irc.join_channels', :default => [], :wizard => true, :desc => "What channels the bot should always join at startup. List multiple channels using commas to separate. If a channel requires a password, use a space after the channel name. e.g: '#chan1, #chan2, #secretchan secritpass, #chan3'") BotConfig.register'irc.ignore_users', :default => [], :desc => "Which users to ignore input from. This is mainly to avoid bot-wars triggered by creative people") BotConfig.register'core.save_every', :default => 60, :validate =>{|v| v >= 0}, :on_change => { |bot, v| if @save_timer if v > 0 @timer.reschedule(@save_timer, v) @timer.unblock(@save_timer) else @timer.block(@save_timer) end else if v > 0 @save_timer = @timer.add(v) { } end # Nothing to do when v == 0 end }, :desc => "How often the bot should persist all configuration to disk (in case of a server crash, for example)") BotConfig.register'core.run_as_daemon', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Should the bot run as a daemon?") BotConfig.register'log.file', :default => false, :requires_restart => true, :desc => "Name of the logfile to which console messages will be redirected when the bot is run as a daemon") BotConfig.register'log.level', :default => 1, :requires_restart => false, :validate => { |v| (0..5).include?(v) }, :on_change => { |bot, v| $logger.level = v }, :desc => "The minimum logging level (0=DEBUG,1=INFO,2=WARN,3=ERROR,4=FATAL) for console messages") BotConfig.register'log.keep', :default => 1, :requires_restart => true, :validate => { |v| v >= 0 }, :desc => "How many old console messages logfiles to keep") BotConfig.register'log.max_size', :default => 10, :requires_restart => true, :validate => { |v| v > 0 }, :desc => "Maximum console messages logfile size (in megabytes)") BotConfig.register'plugins.path', :wizard => true, :default => ['(default)', '(default)/games', '(default)/contrib'], :requires_restart => false, :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.setup_plugins_path }, :desc => "Where the bot should look for plugins. List multiple directories using commas to separate. Use '(default)' for default prepackaged plugins collection, '(default)/contrib' for prepackaged unsupported plugins collection") BotConfig.register'send.newlines', :values => ['split', 'join'], :default => 'split', :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :newlines => v.to_sym }, :desc => "When set to split, messages with embedded newlines will be sent as separate lines. When set to join, newlines will be replaced by the value of join_with") BotConfig.register'send.join_with', :default => ' ', :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :join_with => v.dup }, :desc => "String used to replace newlines when send.newlines is set to join") BotConfig.register'send.max_lines', :default => 0, :validate => { |v| v >= 0 }, :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :max_lines => v }, :desc => "Maximum number of IRC lines to send for each message (set to 0 for no limit)") BotConfig.register'send.overlong', :values => ['split', 'truncate'], :default => 'split', :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :overlong => v.to_sym }, :desc => "When set to split, messages which are too long to fit in a single IRC line are split into multiple lines. When set to truncate, long messages are truncated to fit the IRC line length") BotConfig.register'send.split_at', :default => '\s+', :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :split_at => }, :desc => "A regular expression that should match the split points for overlong messages (see send.overlong)") BotConfig.register'send.purge_split', :default => true, :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :purge_split => v }, :desc => "Set to true if the splitting boundary (set in send.split_at) should be removed when splitting overlong messages (see send.overlong)") BotConfig.register'send.truncate_text', :default => "#{Reverse}...#{Reverse}", :on_change => { |bot, v| bot.set_default_send_options :truncate_text => v.dup }, :desc => "When truncating overlong messages (see send.overlong) or when sending too many lines per message (see send.max_lines) replace the end of the last line with this text") @argv = params[:argv] unless Config::coredir error "core directory '#{Config::coredir}' not found, did you setup.rb?" exit 2 end unless Config::datadir error "data directory '#{Config::datadir}' not found, did you setup.rb?" exit 2 end unless botclass and not botclass.empty? # We want to find a sensible default. # * On POSIX systems we prefer ~/.rbot for the effective uid of the process # * On Windows (at least the NT versions) we want to put our stuff in the # Application Data folder. # We don't use any particular O/S detection magic, exploiting the fact that # Etc.getpwuid is nil on Windows if Etc.getpwuid(Process::Sys.geteuid) botclass = Etc.getpwuid(Process::Sys.geteuid)[:dir].dup else if ENV.has_key?('APPDATA') botclass = ENV['APPDATA'].dup botclass.gsub!("\\","/") end end botclass += "/.rbot" end botclass = File.expand_path(botclass) @botclass = botclass.gsub(/\/$/, "") unless botclass log "no #{botclass} directory found, creating from templates.." if FileTest.exist? botclass error "file #{botclass} exists but isn't a directory" exit 2 end FileUtils.cp_r Config::datadir+'/templates', botclass end Dir.mkdir("#{botclass}/logs") unless File.exist?("#{botclass}/logs") Dir.mkdir("#{botclass}/registry") unless File.exist?("#{botclass}/registry") Dir.mkdir("#{botclass}/safe_save") unless File.exist?("#{botclass}/safe_save") # Time at which the last PING was sent @last_ping = nil # Time at which the last line was RECV'd from the server @last_rec = nil @startup_time = begin @config = BotConfig.configmanager @config.bot_associate(self) rescue => e fatal e.inspect fatal e.backtrace.join("\n") log_session_end exit 2 end if @config['core.run_as_daemon'] $daemonize = true end @logfile = @config['log.file'] if @logfile.class!=String || @logfile.empty? @logfile = "#{botclass}/#{File.basename(botclass).gsub(/^\.+/,'')}.log" end # See # for the backgrounding code if $daemonize begin exit if fork Process.setsid exit if fork rescue NotImplementedError warning "Could not background, fork not supported" rescue => e warning "Could not background. #{e.inspect}" end Dir.chdir botclass # File.umask 0000 # Ensure sensible umask. Adjust as needed. log "Redirecting standard input/output/error" begin STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" rescue Errno::ENOENT # On Windows, there's not such thing as /dev/null STDIN.reopen "NUL" end def STDOUT.write(str=nil) log str, 2 return str.to_s.size end def STDERR.write(str=nil) if str.to_s.match(/:\d+: warning:/) warning str, 2 else error str, 2 end return str.to_s.size end end # Set the new logfile and loglevel. This must be done after the daemonizing $logger =, @config['log.keep'], @config['log.max_size']*1024*1024) $logger.datetime_format= $dateformat $logger.level = @config['log.level'] $logger.level = $cl_loglevel if $cl_loglevel $logger.level = 0 if $debug log_session_start @registry = self @timer = # only need per-second granularity @save_mutex = if @config['core.save_every'] > 0 @save_timer = @timer.add(@config['core.save_every']) { save } else @save_timer = nil end @quit_mutex = @logs = @plugins = nil @lang =, @config['core.language']) begin @auth = Auth::authmanager @auth.bot_associate(self) # @auth.load("#{botclass}/botusers.yaml") rescue => e fatal e.inspect fatal e.backtrace.join("\n") log_session_end exit 2 end @auth.everyone.set_default_permission("*", true) @auth.botowner.password= @config['auth.password'] Dir.mkdir("#{botclass}/plugins") unless File.exist?("#{botclass}/plugins") @plugins = Plugins::manager @plugins.bot_associate(self) setup_plugins_path() if @config[''] debug "upgrading configuration ( => server.list)" srv_uri = 'irc://' + @config[''] srv_uri += ":#{@config['server.port']}" if @config['server.port'] @config.items['server.list'.to_sym].set_string(srv_uri) @config.delete(''.to_sym) @config.delete('server.port'.to_sym) debug "server.list is now #{@config['server.list'].inspect}" end @socket =['server.list'], @config['server.bindhost'], @config['server.sendq_delay'], @config['server.sendq_burst'], :ssl => @config['server.ssl']) @client = @plugins.scan # Channels where we are quiet # Array of channels names where the bot should be quiet # '*' means all channels # @quiet = [] @client[:welcome] = proc {|data| irclog "joined server #{@client.server} as #{myself}", "server" @plugins.delegate("connect") @config['irc.join_channels'].each { |c| debug "autojoining channel #{c}" if(c =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/i) join $1, $2 else join c if(c) end } } # TODO the next two @client should go into rfc2812.rb, probably # Since capabs are two-steps processes, server.supports[:capab] # should be a three-state: nil, [], [....] asked_for = { :"identify-msg" => false } @client[:isupport] = proc { |data| if server.supports[:capab] and !asked_for[:"identify-msg"] sendq "CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG" asked_for[:"identify-msg"] = true end } @client[:datastr] = proc { |data| if data[:text] == "IDENTIFY-MSG" server.capabilities[:"identify-msg"] = true else debug "Not handling RPL_DATASTR #{data[:servermessage]}" end } @client[:privmsg] = proc { |data| m =, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:message]) # debug "Message source is #{data[:source].inspect}" # debug "Message target is #{data[:target].inspect}" # debug "Bot is #{myself.inspect}" ignored = false @config['irc.ignore_users'].each { |mask| if m.source.matches?(server.new_netmask(mask)) ignored = true break end } irclogprivmsg(m) unless ignored @plugins.delegate "listen", m @plugins.privmsg(m) if m.address? if not m.replied @plugins.delegate "unreplied", m end end } @client[:notice] = proc { |data| message =, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:message]) # pass it off to plugins that want to hear everything @plugins.delegate "listen", message } @client[:motd] = proc { |data| data[:motd].each_line { |line| irclog "MOTD: #{line}", "server" } } @client[:nicktaken] = proc { |data| new = "#{data[:nick]}_" nickchg new # If we're setting our nick at connection because our choice was taken, # we have to fix our nick manually, because there will be no NICK message # to inform us that our nick has been changed. if data[:target] == '*' debug "setting my connection nick to #{new}" nick = new end @plugins.delegate "nicktaken", data[:nick] } @client[:badnick] = proc {|data| arning "bad nick (#{data[:nick]})" } @client[:ping] = proc {|data| sendq "PONG #{data[:pingid]}" } @client[:pong] = proc {|data| @last_ping = nil } @client[:nick] = proc {|data| # debug "Message source is #{data[:source].inspect}" # debug "Bot is #{myself.inspect}" source = data[:source] old = data[:oldnick] new = data[:newnick] m =, server, source, old, new) if source == myself debug "my nick is now #{new}" end data[:is_on].each { |ch| irclog "@ #{old} is now known as #{new}", ch } @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("nick", m) } @client[:quit] = proc {|data| source = data[:source] message = data[:message] m =, server, source, source, message) data[:was_on].each { |ch| irclog "@ Quit: #{source}: #{message}", ch } @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("quit", m) } @client[:mode] = proc {|data| irclog "@ Mode #{data[:modestring]} by #{data[:source]}", data[:channel] } @client[:join] = proc {|data| m =, server, data[:source], data[:channel], data[:message]) irclogjoin(m) @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("join", m) } @client[:part] = proc {|data| m =, server, data[:source], data[:channel], data[:message]) irclogpart(m) @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("part", m) } @client[:kick] = proc {|data| m =, server, data[:source], data[:target], data[:channel],data[:message]) irclogkick(m) @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("kick", m) } @client[:invite] = proc {|data| if data[:target] == myself join data[:channel] if @auth.allow?("join", data[:source], data[:source].nick) end } @client[:changetopic] = proc {|data| m =, server, data[:source], data[:channel], data[:topic]) irclogtopic(m) @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("topic", m) } @client[:topic] = proc { |data| irclog "@ Topic is \"#{data[:topic]}\"", data[:channel] } @client[:topicinfo] = proc { |data| channel = data[:channel] topic = channel.topic irclog "@ Topic set by #{topic.set_by} on #{topic.set_on}", channel m =, server, data[:source], channel, topic) @plugins.delegate("listen", m) @plugins.delegate("topic", m) } @client[:names] = proc { |data| @plugins.delegate "names", data[:channel], data[:users] } @client[:unknown] = proc { |data| #debug "UNKNOWN: #{data[:serverstring]}" irclog data[:serverstring], ".unknown" } set_default_send_options :newlines => @config['send.newlines'].to_sym, :join_with => @config['send.join_with'].dup, :max_lines => @config['send.max_lines'], :overlong => @config['send.overlong'].to_sym, :split_at =>['send.split_at']), :purge_split => @config['send.purge_split'], :truncate_text => @config['send.truncate_text'].dup end def setup_plugins_path @plugins.clear_botmodule_dirs @plugins.add_botmodule_dir(Config::coredir + "/utils") @plugins.add_botmodule_dir(Config::coredir) @plugins.add_botmodule_dir("#{botclass}/plugins") @config['plugins.path'].each do |_| path = _.sub(/^\(default\)/, Config::datadir + '/plugins') @plugins.add_botmodule_dir(path) end end def set_default_send_options(opts={}) # Default send options for NOTICE and PRIVMSG unless defined? @default_send_options @default_send_options = { :queue_channel => nil, # use default queue channel :queue_ring => nil, # use default queue ring :newlines => :split, # or :join :join_with => ' ', # by default, use a single space :max_lines => 0, # maximum number of lines to send with a single command :overlong => :split, # or :truncate # TODO an array of splitpoints would be preferrable for this option: :split_at => /\s+/, # by default, split overlong lines at whitespace :purge_split => true, # should the split string be removed? :truncate_text => "#{Reverse}...#{Reverse}" # text to be appened when truncating } end @default_send_options.update opts unless opts.empty? end # checks if we should be quiet on a channel def quiet_on?(channel) return @quiet.include?('*') || @quiet.include?(channel.downcase) end def set_quiet(channel) if channel ch = channel.downcase.dup @quiet << ch unless @quiet.include?(ch) else @quiet.clear @quiet << '*' end end def reset_quiet(channel) if channel @quiet.delete channel.downcase else @quiet.clear end end # things to do when we receive a signal def got_sig(sig) debug "received #{sig}, queueing quit" $interrupted += 1 quit unless @quit_mutex.locked? debug "interrupted #{$interrupted} times" if $interrupted >= 3 debug "drastic!" log_session_end exit 2 end end # connect the bot to IRC def connect begin trap("SIGINT") { got_sig("SIGINT") } trap("SIGTERM") { got_sig("SIGTERM") } trap("SIGHUP") { got_sig("SIGHUP") } rescue ArgumentError => e debug "failed to trap signals (#{e.inspect}): running on Windows?" rescue => e debug "failed to trap signals: #{e.inspect}" end begin quit if $interrupted > 0 @socket.connect rescue => e raise e.class, "failed to connect to IRC server at #{@socket.server_uri}: " + e end quit if $interrupted > 0 realname = @config[''].clone || 'Ruby bot' realname << ' ' + COPYRIGHT_NOTICE if @config['irc.name_copyright'] @socket.emergency_puts "PASS " + @config['server.password'] if @config['server.password'] @socket.emergency_puts "NICK #{@config['irc.nick']}\nUSER #{@config['irc.user']} 4 #{} :#{realname}" quit if $interrupted > 0 myself.nick = @config['irc.nick'] myself.user = @config['irc.user'] end # begin event handling loop def mainloop while true begin quit if $interrupted > 0 connect @timer.start quit_msg = nil while @socket.connected? quit if $interrupted > 0 # Wait for messages and process them as they arrive. If nothing is # received, we call the ping_server() method that will PING the # server if appropriate, or raise a TimeoutError if no PONG has been # received in the user-chosen timeout since the last PING sent. if break unless reply = @socket.gets @last_rec = @client.process reply else ping_server end end # I despair of this. Some of my users get "connection reset by peer" # exceptions that ARENT SocketError's. How am I supposed to handle # that? rescue SystemExit log_session_end exit 0 rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::ECONNABORTED, TimeoutError, SocketError => e error "network exception: #{e.class}: #{e}" debug e.backtrace.join("\n") quit_msg = e.to_s rescue BDB::Fatal => e fatal "fatal bdb error: #{e.class}: #{e}" fatal e.backtrace.join("\n") DBTree.stats # Why restart? DB problems are serious stuff ... # restart("Oops, we seem to have registry problems ...") log_session_end exit 2 rescue Exception => e error "non-net exception: #{e.class}: #{e}" error e.backtrace.join("\n") quit_msg = e.to_s rescue => e fatal "unexpected exception: #{e.class}: #{e}" fatal e.backtrace.join("\n") log_session_end exit 2 end disconnect(quit_msg) log "\n\nDisconnected\n\n" quit if $interrupted > 0 log "\n\nWaiting to reconnect\n\n" sleep @config['server.reconnect_wait'] end end # type:: message type # where:: message target # message:: message text # send message +message+ of type +type+ to target +where+ # Type can be PRIVMSG, NOTICE, etc, but those you should really use the # relevant say() or notice() methods. This one should be used for IRCd # extensions you want to use in modules. def sendmsg(type, where, original_message, options={}) opts = @default_send_options.merge(options) # For starters, set up appropriate queue channels and rings mchan = opts[:queue_channel] mring = opts[:queue_ring] if mchan chan = mchan else chan = where end if mring ring = mring else case where when User ring = 1 else ring = 2 end end multi_line = original_message.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n]+/, "\n") messages = case opts[:newlines] when :join messages << [multi_line.gsub("\n", opts[:join_with])] when :split multi_line.each_line { |line| line.chomp! next unless(line.size > 0) messages << line } else raise "Unknown :newlines option #{opts[:newlines]} while sending #{original_message.inspect}" end # The IRC protocol requires that each raw message must be not longer # than 512 characters. From this length with have to subtract the EOL # terminators (CR+LF) and the length of ":botnick!botuser@bothost " # that will be prepended by the server to all of our messages. # The maximum raw message length we can send is therefore 512 - 2 - 2 # minus the length of our hostmask. max_len = 508 - myself.fullform.size # On servers that support IDENTIFY-MSG, we have to subtract 1, because messages # will have a + or - prepended if server.capabilities[:"identify-msg"] max_len -= 1 end # When splitting the message, we'll be prefixing the following string: # (e.g. "PRIVMSG #rbot :") fixed = "#{type} #{where} :" # And this is what's left left = max_len - fixed.size truncate = opts[:truncate_text] truncate = @default_send_options[:truncate_text] if truncate.size > left truncate = "" if truncate.size > left all_lines = { |line| if line.size < left line else case opts[:overlong] when :split msg = line.dup sub_lines = begin sub_lines << msg.slice!(0, left) lastspace = sub_lines.last.rindex(opts[:split_at]) if lastspace msg.replace sub_lines.last.slice!(lastspace, sub_lines.last.size) + msg msg.gsub!(/^#{opts[:split_at]}/, "") if opts[:purge_split] end end while msg.size > 0 sub_lines when :truncate line.slice(0, left - truncate.size) << truncate else raise "Unknown :overlong option #{opts[:overlong]} while sending #{original_message.inspect}" end end }.flatten if all_lines.length > opts[:max_lines] lines = all_lines[0...opts[:max_lines]] lines.last = lines.last.slice(0, left - truncate.size) << truncate else lines = all_lines end lines.each { |line| sendq "#{fixed}#{line}", chan, ring log_sent(type, where, line) } end # queue an arbitraty message for the server def sendq(message="", chan=nil, ring=0) # temporary @socket.queue(message, chan, ring) end # send a notice message to channel/nick +where+ def notice(where, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) sendmsg "NOTICE", where, message, options end # say something (PRIVMSG) to channel/nick +where+ def say(where, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) sendmsg "PRIVMSG", where, message, options end # perform a CTCP action with message +message+ to channel/nick +where+ def action(where, message, options={}) return if where.kind_of?(Channel) and quiet_on?(where) mchan = options.fetch(:queue_channel, nil) mring = options.fetch(:queue_ring, nil) if mchan chan = mchan else chan = where end if mring ring = mring else case where when User ring = 1 else ring = 2 end end # FIXME doesn't check message length. Can we make this exploit sendmsg? sendq "PRIVMSG #{where} :\001ACTION #{message}\001", chan, ring case where when Channel irclog "* #{myself} #{message}", where else irclog "* #{myself}[#{where}] #{message}", where end end # quick way to say "okay" (or equivalent) to +where+ def okay(where) say where, @lang.get("okay") end # log IRC-related message +message+ to a file determined by +where+. # +where+ can be a channel name, or a nick for private message logging def irclog(message, where="server") message = message.chomp stamp ="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") if where.class <= Server where_str = "server" else where_str = where.downcase.gsub(/[:!?$*()\/\\<>|"']/, "_") end unless(@logs.has_key?(where_str)) @logs[where_str] ="#{@botclass}/logs/#{where_str}", "a") @logs[where_str].sync = true end @logs[where_str].puts "[#{stamp}] #{message}" #debug "[#{stamp}] <#{where}> #{message}" end # set topic of channel +where+ to +topic+ def topic(where, topic) sendq "TOPIC #{where} :#{topic}", where, 2 end def disconnect(message = nil) message = @lang.get("quit") if (message.nil? || message.empty?) if @socket.connected? debug "Clearing socket" @socket.clearq debug "Sending quit message" @socket.emergency_puts "QUIT :#{message}" debug "Flushing socket" @socket.flush debug "Shutting down socket" @socket.shutdown end debug "Logging quits" server.channels.each { |ch| irclog "@ quit (#{message})", ch } stop_server_pings @client.reset end # disconnect from the server and cleanup all plugins and modules def shutdown(message = nil) @quit_mutex.synchronize do debug "Shutting down ..." ## No we don't restore them ... let everything run through # begin # trap("SIGINT", "DEFAULT") # trap("SIGTERM", "DEFAULT") # trap("SIGHUP", "DEFAULT") # rescue => e # debug "failed to restore signals: #{e.inspect}\nProbably running on windows?" # end disconnect debug "Saving" save debug "Cleaning up" @save_mutex.synchronize do @plugins.cleanup end # debug "Closing registries" # @registry.close debug "Cleaning up the db environment" DBTree.cleanup_env log "rbot quit (#{message})" end end # message:: optional IRC quit message # quit IRC, shutdown the bot def quit(message=nil) begin shutdown(message) ensure exit 0 end end # totally shutdown and respawn the bot def restart(message = false) msg = message ? message : "restarting, back in #{@config['server.reconnect_wait']}..." shutdown(msg) sleep @config['server.reconnect_wait'] # now we re-exec # Note, this fails on Windows exec($0, *@argv) end # call the save method for all of the botmodules def save @save_mutex.synchronize do DBTree.cleanup_logs end end # call the rescan method for all of the botmodules def rescan @save_mutex.synchronize do @lang.rescan @plugins.rescan end end # channel:: channel to join # key:: optional channel key if channel is +s # join a channel def join(channel, key=nil) if(key) sendq "JOIN #{channel} :#{key}", channel, 2 else sendq "JOIN #{channel}", channel, 2 end end # part a channel def part(channel, message="") sendq "PART #{channel} :#{message}", channel, 2 end # attempt to change bot's nick to +name+ def nickchg(name) sendq "NICK #{name}" end # changing mode def mode(channel, mode, target) sendq "MODE #{channel} #{mode} #{target}", channel, 2 end # kicking a user def kick(channel, user, msg) sendq "KICK #{channel} #{user} :#{msg}", channel, 2 end # m:: message asking for help # topic:: optional topic help is requested for # respond to online help requests def help(topic=nil) topic = nil if topic == "" case topic when nil helpstr = "help topics: " helpstr += @plugins.helptopics helpstr += " (help for more info)" else unless(helpstr = helpstr = "no help for topic #{topic}" end end return helpstr end # returns a string describing the current status of the bot (uptime etc) def status secs_up = - @startup_time uptime = Utils.secs_to_string secs_up # return "Uptime #{uptime}, #{@plugins.length} plugins active, #{@registry.length} items stored in registry, #{@socket.lines_sent} lines sent, #{@socket.lines_received} received." return "Uptime #{uptime}, #{@plugins.length} plugins active, #{@socket.lines_sent} lines sent, #{@socket.lines_received} received." end # We want to respond to a hung server in a timely manner. If nothing was received # in the user-selected timeout and we haven't PINGed the server yet, we PING # the server. If the PONG is not received within the user-defined timeout, we # assume we're in ping timeout and act accordingly. def ping_server act_timeout = @config['server.ping_timeout'] return if act_timeout <= 0 now = if @last_rec && now > @last_rec + act_timeout if @last_ping.nil? # No previous PING pending, send a new one sendq "PING :rbot" @last_ping = else diff = now - @last_ping if diff > act_timeout debug "no PONG from server in #{diff} seconds, reconnecting" # the actual reconnect is handled in the main loop: raise TimeoutError, "no PONG from server in #{diff} seconds" end end end end def stop_server_pings # cancel previous PINGs and reset time of last RECV @last_ping = nil @last_rec = nil end private def irclogprivmsg(m) if(m.action?) if(m.private?) irclog "* [#{m.source}(#{m.sourceaddress})] #{m.message}", m.source else irclog "* #{m.source} #{m.message}", end else if(m.public?) irclog "<#{m.source}> #{m.message}", else irclog "[#{m.source}(#{m.sourceaddress})] #{m.message}", m.source end end end # log a message. Internal use only. def log_sent(type, where, message) case type when "NOTICE" case where when Channel irclog "-=#{myself}=- #{message}", where else irclog "[-=#{where}=-] #{message}", where end when "PRIVMSG" case where when Channel irclog "<#{myself}> #{message}", where else irclog "[msg(#{where})] #{message}", where end end end def irclogjoin(m) if m.address? debug "joined channel #{}" irclog "@ Joined channel #{}", else irclog "@ #{m.source} joined channel #{}", end end def irclogpart(m) if(m.address?) debug "left channel #{}" irclog "@ Left channel #{} (#{m.message})", else irclog "@ #{m.source} left channel #{} (#{m.message})", end end def irclogkick(m) if(m.address?) debug "kicked from channel #{}" irclog "@ You have been kicked from #{} by #{m.source} (#{m.message})", else irclog "@ #{} has been kicked from #{} by #{m.source} (#{m.message})", end end def irclogtopic(m) if m.source == myself irclog "@ I set topic \"#{m.topic}\"", else irclog "@ #{m.source} set topic \"#{m.topic}\"", end end end end