#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Web service for bot # # Author:: Matthias Hecker (apoc@geekosphere.org) # # HTTP(S)/json based web service for remote controlling the bot, # similar to remote but much more portable. # # For more info/documentation: # https://github.com/4poc/rbot/wiki/Web-Service # require 'webrick' require 'webrick/https' require 'openssl' require 'cgi' require 'json' module ::Irc class Bot # A WebMessage is a web request and response object combined with helper methods. # class WebMessage # Bot instance # attr_reader :bot # HTTP method (POST, GET, etc.) # attr_reader :method # Request object, a instance of WEBrick::HTTPRequest ({http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0/libdoc/webrick/rdoc/WEBrick/HTTPRequest.html docs}) # attr_reader :req # Response object, a instance of WEBrick::HTTPResponse ({http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0/libdoc/webrick/rdoc/WEBrick/HTTPResponse.html docs}) # attr_reader :res # Parsed post request parameters. # attr_reader :post # Parsed url parameters. # attr_reader :args # Client IP. # attr_reader :client # URL Path. # attr_reader :path # The bot user issuing the command. # attr_reader :source def initialize(bot, req, res) @bot = bot @req = req @res = res @method = req.request_method @post = {} if req.body and not req.body.empty? @post = parse_query(req.body) end @args = {} if req.query_string and not req.query_string.empty? @args = parse_query(req.query_string) end @client = req.peeraddr[3] # login a botuser with http authentication WEBrick::HTTPAuth.basic_auth(req, res, 'RBotAuth') { |username, password| if username botuser = @bot.auth.get_botuser(Auth::BotUser.sanitize_username(username)) if botuser and botuser.password == password @source = botuser true end false else true # no need to request auth at this point end } @path = req.path debug '@path = ' + @path.inspect end def parse_query(query) params = CGI::parse(query) params.each_pair do |key, val| params[key] = val.last end params end # The target of a RemoteMessage def target @bot end # Remote messages are always 'private' def private? true end # Sends a plaintext response def send_plaintext(body, status=200) @res.status = status @res['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' @res.body = body end # Sends a json response def send_json(body, status=200) @res.status = status @res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' @res.body = body end end # works similar to a message mapper but for url paths class WebDispatcher class WebTemplate attr_reader :botmodule, :pattern, :options def initialize(botmodule, pattern, options={}) @botmodule = botmodule @pattern = pattern @options = options set_auth_path(@options) end def recognize(m) message_route = m.path[1..-1].split('/') template_route = @pattern[1..-1].split('/') params = {} debug 'web mapping path %s <-> %s' % [message_route.inspect, template_route.inspect] message_route.each do |part| tmpl = template_route.shift return false if not tmpl if tmpl[0] == ':' # push part as url path parameter params[tmpl[1..-1].to_sym] = part elsif tmpl == part next else return false end end debug 'web mapping params is %s' % [params.inspect] params end def set_auth_path(hash) if hash.has_key?(:full_auth_path) warning "Web route #{@pattern.inspect} in #{@botmodule} sets :full_auth_path, please don't do this" else pre = @botmodule words = @pattern[1..-1].split('/').reject{ |x| x == pre || x =~ /^:/ || x =~ /\[|\]/ } if words.empty? post = nil else post = words.first end if hash.has_key?(:auth_path) extra = hash[:auth_path] if extra.sub!(/^:/, "") pre += "::" + post post = nil end if extra.sub!(/:$/, "") if words.length > 1 post = [post,words[1]].compact.join("::") end end pre = nil if extra.sub!(/^!/, "") post = nil if extra.sub!(/!$/, "") extra = nil if extra.empty? else extra = nil end hash[:full_auth_path] = [pre,extra,post].compact.join("::") debug "Web route #{@pattern} in #{botmodule} will use authPath #{hash[:full_auth_path]}" end end end def initialize(bot) @bot = bot @templates = [] end def map(botmodule, pattern, options={}) @templates << WebTemplate.new(botmodule.to_s, pattern, options) debug 'template route: ' + @templates[-1].inspect return @templates.length - 1 end # The unmap method for the RemoteDispatcher nils the template at the given index, # therefore effectively removing the mapping # def unmap(botmodule, index) tmpl = @templates[index] raise "Botmodule #{botmodule.name} tried to unmap #{tmpl.inspect} that was handled by #{tmpl.botmodule}" unless tmpl.botmodule == botmodule.name debug "Unmapping #{tmpl.inspect}" @templates[handle] = nil @templates.clear unless @templates.compact.size > 0 end # Handle a web service request, find matching mapping and dispatch. # # In case authentication fails, sends a 401 Not Authorized response. # def handle(m) if @templates.empty? m.send_plaintext('no routes!', 404) return false if @templates.empty? end failures = [] @templates.each do |tmpl| # Skip this element if it was unmapped next unless tmpl botmodule = @bot.plugins[tmpl.botmodule] params = tmpl.recognize(m) if params action = tmpl.options[:action] unless botmodule.respond_to?(action) failures << NoActionFailure.new(tmpl, m) next end # check http method: unless not tmpl.options.has_key? :method or tmpl.options[:method] == m.method debug 'request method missmatch' next end auth = tmpl.options[:full_auth_path] debug "checking auth for #{auth.inspect}" # We check for private permission if m.bot.auth.permit?(m.source || Auth::defaultbotuser, auth, '?') debug "template match found and auth'd: #{action.inspect} #{params.inspect}" response = botmodule.send(action, m, params) if m.res.sent_size == 0 and m.res.body.empty? m.send_json(response.to_json) end return true end debug "auth failed for #{auth}" # if it's just an auth failure but otherwise the match is good, # don't try any more handlers m.send_plaintext('Authentication Required!', 401) return false end end failures.each {|r| debug "#{r.template.inspect} => #{r}" } debug "no handler found" m.send_plaintext('No Handler Found!', 404) return false end end # Static web dispatcher instance used internally. def web_dispatcher if defined? @web_dispatcher @web_dispatcher else @web_dispatcher = WebDispatcher.new(self) end end module Plugins # Mixin for plugins that want to provide a web interface of some sort. # # Plugins include the module and can then use web_map # to register a url to handle. # module WebBotModule # The remote_map acts just like the BotModule#map method, except that # the map is registered to the @bot's remote_dispatcher. Also, the remote map handle # is handled for the cleanup management # def web_map(*args) # stores the handles/indexes for cleanup: @web_maps = Array.new unless defined? @web_maps @web_maps << @bot.web_dispatcher.map(self, *args) end # Unregister the remote maps. # def web_cleanup return unless defined? @web_maps @web_maps.each { |h| @bot.web_dispatcher.unmap(self, h) } @web_maps.clear end # Redefine the default cleanup method. # def cleanup super web_cleanup end end end end # Bot end # Irc class ::WebServiceUser < Irc::User def initialize(str, botuser, opts={}) super(str, opts) @botuser = botuser @response = [] end attr_reader :botuser attr_accessor :response end class DispatchServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet def initialize(server, bot) super server @bot = bot end def dispatch(req, res) res['Server'] = 'RBot Web Service (http://ruby-rbot.org/)' begin m = WebMessage.new(@bot, req, res) @bot.web_dispatcher.handle m rescue res.status = 500 res['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' res.body = "Error: %s\n" % [$!.to_s] error 'web dispatch error: ' + $!.to_s error $@.join("\n") end end def do_GET(req, res) dispatch(req, res) end def do_POST(req, res) dispatch(req, res) end end class WebServiceModule < CoreBotModule include WebBotModule Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('webservice.autostart', :default => false, :requires_rescan => true, :desc => 'Whether the web service should be started automatically') Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('webservice.port', :default => 7268, :requires_rescan => true, :desc => 'Port on which the web service will listen') Config.register Config::StringValue.new('webservice.host', :default => '', :requires_rescan => true, :desc => 'Host the web service will bind on') Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('webservice.ssl', :default => false, :requires_rescan => true, :desc => 'Whether the web server should use SSL (recommended!)') Config.register Config::StringValue.new('webservice.ssl_key', :default => '~/.rbot/wskey.pem', :requires_rescan => true, :desc => 'Private key file to use for SSL') Config.register Config::StringValue.new('webservice.ssl_cert', :default => '~/.rbot/wscert.pem', :requires_rescan => true, :desc => 'Certificate file to use for SSL') Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('webservice.allow_dispatch', :default => true, :desc => 'Dispatch normal bot commands, just as a user would through the web service, requires auth for certain commands just like a irc user.') def initialize super @port = @bot.config['webservice.port'] @host = @bot.config['webservice.host'] @server = nil @bot.webservice = self begin start_service if @bot.config['webservice.autostart'] rescue => e error "couldn't start web service provider: #{e.inspect}" end end def start_service raise "Remote service provider already running" if @server opts = {:BindAddress => @host, :Port => @port} if @bot.config['webservice.ssl'] opts.merge! :SSLEnable => true cert = File.expand_path @bot.config['webservice.ssl_cert'] key = File.expand_path @bot.config['webservice.ssl_key'] if File.exists? cert and File.exists? key debug 'using ssl certificate files' opts.merge!({ :SSLCertificate => OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(cert)), :SSLPrivateKey => OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(key)) }) else debug 'using on-the-fly generated ssl certs' opts.merge! :SSLCertName => [ %w[CN localhost] ] # the problem with this is that it will always use the same # serial number which makes this feature pretty much useless. end end # Logging to file in ~/.rbot logfile = File.open(@bot.path('webservice.log'), 'a+') opts.merge!({ :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(logfile), :AccessLog => [[logfile, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT]] }) @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(opts) debug 'webservice started: ' + opts.inspect @server.mount('/', DispatchServlet, @bot) Thread.new { @server.start } end def stop_service @server.shutdown if @server @server = nil end def cleanup stop_service super end def handle_start(m, params) if @server m.reply 'web service already running' else begin start_service m.reply 'web service started' rescue m.reply 'unable to start web service, error: ' + $!.to_s end end end def handle_stop(m, params) if @server stop_service m.reply 'web service stopped' else m.reply 'web service not running' end end def handle_ping(m, params) m.send_plaintext("pong\n") end def handle_dispatch(m, params) if not @bot.config['webservice.allow_dispatch'] m.send_plaintext('dispatch forbidden by configuration', 403) return end command = m.post['command'] if not m.source botuser = Auth::defaultbotuser else botuser = m.source.botuser end netmask = '%s!%s@%s' % [botuser.username, botuser.username, m.client] debug 'dispatch command: ' + command user = WebServiceUser.new(netmask, botuser) message = Irc::PrivMessage.new(@bot, nil, user, @bot.myself, command) res = @bot.plugins.irc_delegate('privmsg', message) if m.req['Accept'] == 'application/json' { :reply => user.response } else m.send_plaintext(user.response.join("\n") + "\n") end end end webservice = WebServiceModule.new webservice.map 'webservice start', :action => 'handle_start', :auth_path => ':manage:' webservice.map 'webservice stop', :action => 'handle_stop', :auth_path => ':manage:' webservice.web_map '/ping', :action => :handle_ping, :auth_path => 'public' # executes arbitary bot commands webservice.web_map '/dispatch', :action => :handle_dispatch, :method => 'POST', :auth_path => 'public' webservice.default_auth('*', false) webservice.default_auth('public', true)