#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: rbot wordlist provider # # Author:: Raine Virta require "find" module ::Irc class Bot class Wordlist def self.wordlist_base @@wordlist_base ||= Utils.bot.path 'wordlists' end def self.get(path, options={}) opts = { :spaces => false }.merge(options) wordlist_path = File.join(wordlist_base, path) raise "wordlist not found: #{wordlist_path}" unless File.exist?(wordlist_path) # Location is a directory -> combine all lists beneath it wordlist = if File.directory?(wordlist_path) wordlists = [] Find.find(wordlist_path) do |path| next if path == wordlist_path wordlists << path unless File.directory?(path) end wordlists.map { |list| File.readlines(list) }.flatten else File.readlines(wordlist_path) end # wordlists are assumed to be UTF-8, but we need to strip the BOM, if present wordlist.map! { |l| l.sub("\xef\xbb\xbf",'').strip } wordlist.reject do |word| word =~ /\s/ && !opts[:spaces] || word.empty? end end # Return an array with the list of available wordlists. # Available options: # pattern:: pattern that should be matched by the wordlist filename def self.list(options={}) pattern = options[:pattern] || "**" # refuse patterns that contain ../ return [] if pattern =~ /\.\.\// striplen = self.wordlist_base.length+1 Dir.glob(File.join(self.wordlist_base, pattern)).map { |name| name[striplen..-1] } end def self.exist?(path) fn = path.to_s # refuse to check outside of the wordlist base directory return false if fn =~ /\.\.\// File.exist?(File.join(self.wordlist_base, fn)) end end end end