module ::Irc module Utils require 'resolv' require 'net/http' begin require 'net/https' rescue LoadError => e error "Coudln't load 'net/https': #{e.inspect}" error "Secured HTTP connections will fail" end Net::HTTP.version_1_2 # class for making http requests easier (mainly for plugins to use) # this class can check the bot proxy configuration to determine if a proxy # needs to be used, which includes support for per-url proxy configuration. class HttpUtil BotConfig.register'http.use_proxy', :default => false, :desc => "should a proxy be used for HTTP requests?") BotConfig.register'http.proxy_uri', :default => false, :desc => "Proxy server to use for HTTP requests (URI, e.g") BotConfig.register'http.proxy_user', :default => nil, :desc => "User for authenticating with the http proxy (if required)") BotConfig.register'http.proxy_pass', :default => nil, :desc => "Password for authenticating with the http proxy (if required)") BotConfig.register'http.proxy_include', :default => [], :desc => "List of regexps to check against a URI's hostname/ip to see if we should use the proxy to access this URI. All URIs are proxied by default if the proxy is set, so this is only required to re-include URIs that might have been excluded by the exclude list. e.g. exclude /.*\.foo\.com/, include bar\.foo\.com") BotConfig.register'http.proxy_exclude', :default => [], :desc => "List of regexps to check against a URI's hostname/ip to see if we should use avoid the proxy to access this URI and access it directly") BotConfig.register'http.max_redir', :default => 5, :desc => "Maximum number of redirections to be used when getting a document") BotConfig.register'http.expire_time', :default => 60, :desc => "After how many minutes since last use a cached document is considered to be expired") BotConfig.register'http.max_cache_time', :default => 60*24, :desc => "After how many minutes since first use a cached document is considered to be expired") BotConfig.register'http.no_expire_cache', :default => false, :desc => "Set this to true if you want the bot to never expire the cached pages") def initialize(bot) @bot = bot @cache = @headers = { 'User-Agent' => "rbot http util #{$version} (", } @last_response = nil end attr_reader :last_response attr_reader :headers # if http_proxy_include or http_proxy_exclude are set, then examine the # uri to see if this is a proxied uri # the in/excludes are a list of regexps, and each regexp is checked against # the server name, and its IP addresses def proxy_required(uri) use_proxy = true if @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].empty? && @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].empty? return use_proxy end list = [] begin list.concat Resolv.getaddresses( rescue StandardError => err warning "couldn't resolve host" end unless @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].empty? re = @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].collect{|r|} re.each do |r| list.each do |item| if r.match(item) use_proxy = false break end end end end unless @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].empty? re = @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].collect{|r|} re.each do |r| list.each do |item| if r.match(item) use_proxy = true break end end end end debug "using proxy for uri #{uri}?: #{use_proxy}" return use_proxy end # uri:: Uri to create a proxy for # # return a net/http Proxy object, which is configured correctly for # proxying based on the bot's proxy configuration. # This will include per-url proxy configuration based on the bot config # +http_proxy_include/exclude+ options. def get_proxy(uri) proxy = nil proxy_host = nil proxy_port = nil proxy_user = nil proxy_pass = nil if @bot.config["http.use_proxy"] if (ENV['http_proxy']) proxy = URI.parse ENV['http_proxy'] rescue nil end if (@bot.config["http.proxy_uri"]) proxy = URI.parse @bot.config["http.proxy_uri"] rescue nil end if proxy debug "proxy is set to #{} port #{proxy.port}" if proxy_required(uri) proxy_host = proxy_port = proxy.port proxy_user = @bot.config["http.proxy_user"] proxy_pass = @bot.config["http.proxy_pass"] end end end h =, uri.port, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_port) h.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == "https" return h end # uri:: uri to query (Uri object) # readtimeout:: timeout for reading the response # opentimeout:: timeout for opening the connection # # simple get request, returns (if possible) response body following redirs # and caching if requested # if a block is given, it yields the urls it gets redirected to # TODO we really need something to implement proper caching def get(uri_or_str, readtimeout=10, opentimeout=5, max_redir=@bot.config["http.max_redir"], cache=false) if uri_or_str.kind_of?(URI) uri = uri_or_str else uri = URI.parse(uri_or_str.to_s) end debug "Getting #{uri}" proxy = get_proxy(uri) proxy.open_timeout = opentimeout proxy.read_timeout = readtimeout begin proxy.start() {|http| yield uri.request_uri() if block_given? req =, @headers) if uri.user and uri.password req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password) end resp = http.request(req) case resp when Net::HTTPSuccess if cache debug "Caching #{uri.to_s}" cache_response(uri.to_s, resp) end return resp.body when Net::HTTPRedirection if resp.key?('location') new_loc = URI.join(uri, resp['location']) debug "Redirecting #{uri} to #{new_loc}" yield new_loc if block_given? if max_redir > 0 # If cache is an Array, we assume get was called by get_cached # because of a cache miss and that the first value of the Array # was the noexpire value. Since the cache miss might have been # caused by a redirection, we want to try get_cached again # TODO FIXME look at Python's httplib2 for a most likely # better way to handle all this mess if cache.kind_of?(Array) return get_cached(new_loc, readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir-1, cache[0]) else return get(new_loc, readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir-1, cache) end else warning "Max redirection reached, not going to #{new_loc}" end else warning "Unknown HTTP redirection #{resp.inspect}" end else debug "HttpUtil.get return code #{resp.code} #{resp.body}" end @last_response = resp return nil } rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => e error "HttpUtil.get exception: #{e.inspect}, while trying to get #{uri}" debug e.backtrace.join("\n") end @last_response = nil return nil end # just like the above, but only gets the head def head(uri_or_str, readtimeout=10, opentimeout=5, max_redir=@bot.config["http.max_redir"]) if uri_or_str.kind_of?(URI) uri = uri_or_str else uri = URI.parse(uri_or_str.to_s) end proxy = get_proxy(uri) proxy.open_timeout = opentimeout proxy.read_timeout = readtimeout begin proxy.start() {|http| yield uri.request_uri() if block_given? req =, @headers) if uri.user and uri.password req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password) end resp = http.request(req) case resp when Net::HTTPSuccess return resp when Net::HTTPRedirection debug "Redirecting #{uri} to #{resp['location']}" yield resp['location'] if block_given? if max_redir > 0 return head( URI.parse(resp['location']), readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir-1) else warning "Max redirection reached, not going to #{resp['location']}" end else debug "HttpUtil.head return code #{resp.code}" end @last_response = resp return nil } rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => e error "HttpUtil.head exception: #{e.inspect}, while trying to get #{uri}" debug e.backtrace.join("\n") end @last_response = nil return nil end def cache_response(k, resp) begin if resp.key?('pragma') and resp['pragma'] == 'no-cache' debug "Not caching #{k}, it has Pragma: no-cache" return end # TODO should we skip caching if neither last-modified nor etag are present? now = u = u = u[:body] = resp.body u[:last_modified] = nil u[:last_modified] = Time.httpdate(resp['date']) if resp.key?('date') u[:last_modified] = Time.httpdate(resp['last-modified']) if resp.key?('last-modified') u[:expires] = now u[:expires] = Time.httpdate(resp['expires']) if resp.key?('expires') u[:revalidate] = false if resp.key?('cache-control') # TODO max-age case resp['cache-control'] when /no-cache|must-revalidate/ u[:revalidate] = true end end u[:etag] = "" u[:etag] = resp['etag'] if resp.key?('etag') u[:count] = 1 u[:first_use] = now u[:last_use] = now rescue => e error "Failed to cache #{k}/#{resp.to_hash.inspect}: #{e.inspect}" return end @cache[k] = u debug "Cached #{k}/#{resp.to_hash.inspect}: #{u.inspect_no_body}" debug "#{@cache.size} pages (#{@cache.keys.join(', ')}) cached up to now" end # For debugging purposes class ::Hash def inspect_no_body temp = self.dup temp.delete(:body) temp.inspect end end def expired?(uri, readtimeout, opentimeout) k = uri.to_s debug "Checking cache validity for #{k}" begin return true unless @cache.key?(k) u = @cache[k] # TODO we always revalidate for the time being if u[:etag].empty? and u[:last_modified].nil? # TODO max-age return true end proxy = get_proxy(uri) proxy.open_timeout = opentimeout proxy.read_timeout = readtimeout proxy.start() {|http| yield uri.request_uri() if block_given? headers = @headers.dup headers['If-None-Match'] = u[:etag] unless u[:etag].empty? headers['If-Modified-Since'] = u[:last_modified].rfc2822 if u[:last_modified] debug "Cache HEAD request headers: #{headers.inspect}" # FIXME TODO We might want to use a Get here # because if a 200 OK is returned we would get the new body # with one connection less ... req =, headers) if uri.user and uri.password req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password) end resp = http.request(req) debug "Checking cache validity of #{u.inspect_no_body} against #{resp.inspect}/#{resp.to_hash.inspect}" case resp when Net::HTTPNotModified return false else return true end } rescue => e error "Failed to check cache validity for #{uri}: #{e.inspect}" return true end end # gets a page from the cache if it's still (assumed to be) valid # TODO remove stale cached pages, except when called with noexpire=true def get_cached(uri_or_str, readtimeout=10, opentimeout=5, max_redir=@bot.config['http.max_redir'], noexpire=@bot.config['http.no_expire_cache']) if uri_or_str.kind_of?(URI) uri = uri_or_str else uri = URI.parse(uri_or_str.to_s) end debug "Getting cached #{uri}" if expired?(uri, readtimeout, opentimeout) debug "Cache expired" bod = get(uri, readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir, [noexpire]) bod.instance_variable_set(:@cached,false) else k = uri.to_s debug "Using cache" @cache[k][:count] += 1 @cache[k][:last_use] = bod = @cache[k][:body] bod.instance_variable_set(:@cached,true) end unless noexpire remove_stale_cache end unless bod.respond_to?(:cached?) def bod.cached? return @cached end end return bod end # We consider a page to be manually expired if it has no # etag and no last-modified and if any of the expiration # conditions are met (expire_time, max_cache_time, Expires) def manually_expired?(hash, time) auto = hash[:etag].empty? and hash[:last_modified].nil? # TODO max-age manual = (time - hash[:last_use] > @bot.config['http.expire_time']*60) or (time - hash[:first_use] > @bot.config['http.max_cache_time']*60) or (hash[:expires] < time) return (auto and manual) end def remove_stale_cache debug "Removing stale cache" debug "#{@cache.size} pages before" begin now = @cache.reject! { |k, val| manually_expired?(val, now) } rescue => e error "Failed to remove stale cache: #{e.inspect}" end debug "#{@cache.size} pages after" end end end end