#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # Extensions to standard classes, to be used by the various plugins # Please note that global symbols have to be prefixed by :: because this plugin # will be read into an anonymous module # Extensions to the Array class # class ::Array # This method returns a random element from the array, or nil if the array is # empty # def pick_one return nil if self.empty? self[rand(self.length)] end end # Extensions to the String class # # TODO make ircify_html() accept an Hash of options, and make riphtml() just # call ircify_html() with stronger purify options. # class ::String # This method will return a purified version of the receiver, with all HTML # stripped off and some of it converted to IRC formatting # def ircify_html txt = self # bold and strong -> bold txt.gsub!(/<\/?(?:b|strong)\s*>/, "#{Bold}") # italic, emphasis and underline -> underline txt.gsub!(/<\/?(?:i|em|u)\s*>/, "#{Underline}") ## This would be a nice addition, but the results are horrible ## Maybe make it configurable? # txt.gsub!(/<\/?a( [^>]*)?>/, "#{Reverse}") # Paragraph and br tags are converted to whitespace. txt.gsub!(/<\/?(p|br)\s*\/?\s*>/, ' ') txt.gsub!("\n", ' ') # All other tags are just removed txt.gsub!(/<[^>]+>/, '') # Remove double formatting options, since they only waste bytes txt.gsub!(/#{Bold}(\s*)#{Bold}/, '\1') txt.gsub!(/#{Underline}(\s*)#{Underline}/, '\1') # And finally whitespace is squeezed txt.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') # Decode entities and strip whitespace return Utils.decode_html_entities(txt).strip! end # This method will strip all HTML crud from the receiver # def riphtml self.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '').gsub(/&/,'&').gsub(/"/,'"').gsub(/</,'<').gsub(/>/,'>').gsub(/&ellip;/,'...').gsub(/'/, "'").gsub("\n",'') end end # Extensions to the Regexp class, with some common and/or complex regular # expressions. # class ::Regexp # A method to build a regexp that matches a list of something separated by # optional commas and/or the word "and", an optionally repeated prefix, # and whitespace. def Regexp.new_list(reg, pfx = "") if pfx.kind_of?(String) and pfx.empty? return %r(#{reg}(?:,?(?:\s+and)?\s+#{reg})*) else return %r(#{reg}(?:,?(?:\s+and)?(?:\s+#{pfx})?\s+#{reg})*) end end IN_ON = /in|on/ # We start with some IRC related regular expressions, used to match # Irc::User nicks and Irc::Channel names # # For each of them we define three versions of the regular expression: # * a generic one, which should match for any server but may turn out to # match more than a specific server would accept # * an RFC-compliant matcher # * TODO a server-specific one that uses the Irc::Server#supports method to build # a matcher valid for a particular server. # module Irc CHAN_FIRST = /[#&+]/ CHAN_SAFE = /![A-Z0-9]{5}/ CHAN_ANY = /[^\x00\x07\x0A\x0D ,:]/ GEN_CHAN = /(?:#{CHAN_FIRST}|#{CHAN_SAFE})#{CHAN_ANY}+/ RFC_CHAN = /#{CHAN_FIRST}#{CHAN_ANY}{1,49}|#{CHAN_SAFE}#{CHAN_ANY}{1,44}/ CHAN_LIST = Regexp.new_list(GEN_CHAN) # Match "in #channel" or "on #channel" and/or "in private" (optionally # shortened to "in pvt"), returning the channel name or the word 'private' # or 'pvt' as capture IN_CHAN = /#{IN_ON}\s+(#{GEN_CHAN})|(here)|/ IN_CHAN_PVT = /#{IN_CHAN}|in\s+(private|pvt)/ # As above, but with channel lists IN_CHAN_LIST_SFX = Regexp.new_list(/#{GEN_CHAN}|here/, IN_ON) IN_CHAN_LIST = /#{IN_ON}\s+#{IN_CHAN_LIST_SFX}|anywhere|everywhere/ IN_CHAN_LIST_PVT_SFX = Regexp.new_list(/#{GEN_CHAN}|here|private|pvt/, IN_ON) IN_CHAN_LIST_PVT = /#{IN_ON}\s+#{IN_CHAN_LIST_PVT_SFX}|anywhere|everywhere/ SPECIAL_CHAR = /[\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7d]/ NICK_FIRST = /#{SPECIAL_CHAR}|[[:alpha:]]/ NICK_ANY = /#{SPECIAL_CHAR}|[[:alnum:]]|-/ GEN_NICK = /#{NICK_FIRST}#{NICK_ANY}+/ RFC_NICK = /#{NICK_FIRST}#{NICK_ANY}{0,8}/ # Match a list of nicknames separated by optional commas, whitespace and # optionally the word "and" NICK_LIST = Regexp.new_list(GEN_CHAN) end # Next, some general purpose ones DIGITS = /\d+/ HEX_DIGIT = /[0-9A-Fa-f]/ HEX_DIGITS = /#{HEX_DIGIT}+/ HEX_OCTET = /#{HEX_DIGIT}#{HEX_DIGIT}?/ DEC_OCTET = /[01]?\d?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]/ DEC_IP = /#{DEC_OCTET}.#{DEC_OCTET}.#{DEC_OCTET}/ HEX_IP = /#{HEX_OCTET}.#{HEX_OCTET}.#{HEX_OCTET}/ IP = /#{DEC_IP}|#{HEX_IP}/ end module ::Irc class BasicUserMessage # We extend the BasicUserMessage class with a method that parses a string # which is a channel list as matched by IN_CHAN(_LIST) and co. The method # returns an array of channel names, where 'private' or 'pvt' is replaced # by the Symbol :"?", 'here' is replaced by the channel of the message or # by :"?" (depending on whether the message target is the bot or a # Channel), and 'anywhere' and 'everywhere' are replaced by Symbol :* # def parse_channel_list(string) return [:*] if [:anywhere, :everywhere].include? string.to_sym string.scan( /(?:^|,?(?:\s+and)?\s+)(?:in|on\s+)?(#{Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN}|here|private|pvt)/ ).map { |chan_ar| chan = chan_ar.first case chan.to_sym when :private, :pvt :"?" when :here case self.target when Channel self.target.name else :"?" end else chan end }.uniq end end end