#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # :title: User management # # rbot user management # Author:: Giuseppe Bilotta (giuseppe.bilotta@gmail.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2006 Giuseppe Bilotta # License:: GPLv2 require 'singleton' module Irc # This module contains the actual Authentication stuff # module Auth BotConfig.register BotConfigStringValue.new( 'auth.password', :default => 'rbotauth', :wizard => true, :desc => 'Password for the bot owner' ) BotConfig.register BotConfigBooleanValue.new( 'auth.login_by_mask', :default => 'true', :desc => 'Set false to prevent new botusers from logging in without a password when the user netmask is known') BotConfig.register BotConfigBooleanValue.new( 'auth.autologin', :default => 'true', :desc => 'Set false to prevent new botusers from recognizing IRC users without a need to manually login') # BotConfig.register BotConfigIntegerValue.new( 'auth.default_level', # :default => 10, :wizard => true, # :desc => 'The default level for new/unknown users' ) # Generate a random password of length _l_ # def Auth.random_password(l=8) pwd = "" 8.times do pwd += (rand(26) + (rand(2) == 0 ? 65 : 97) ).chr end return pwd end # An Irc::Auth::Command defines a command by its "path": # # base::command::subcommand::subsubcommand::subsubsubcommand # class Command attr_reader :command, :path # A method that checks if a given _cmd_ is in a form that can be # reduced into a canonical command path, and if so, returns it # def sanitize_command_path(cmd) pre = cmd.to_s.downcase.gsub(/^\*?(?:::)?/,"").gsub(/::$/,"") return pre if pre.empty? return pre if pre =~ /^\S+(::\S+)*$/ raise TypeError, "#{cmd.inspect} is not a valid command" end # Creates a new Command from a given string; you can then access # the command as a symbol with the :command method and the whole # path as :path # # Command.new("core::auth::save").path => [:"*", :"core", :"core::auth", :"core::auth::save"] # # Command.new("core::auth::save").command => :"core::auth::save" # def initialize(cmd) cmdpath = sanitize_command_path(cmd).split('::') seq = cmdpath.inject(["*"]) { |list, cmd| list << (list.length > 1 ? list.last + "::" : "") + cmd } @path = seq.map { |k| k.to_sym } @command = path.last debug "Created command #{@command.inspect} with path #{@path.join(', ')}" end # Returs self def to_irc_auth_command self end end end end class String # Returns an Irc::Auth::Comand from the receiver def to_irc_auth_command Irc::Auth::Command.new(self) end end class Symbol # Returns an Irc::Auth::Comand from the receiver def to_irc_auth_command Irc::Auth::Command.new(self) end end module Irc module Auth # This class describes a permission set class PermissionSet attr_reader :perm # Create a new (empty) PermissionSet # def initialize @perm = {} end # Inspection simply inspects the internal hash def inspect @perm.inspect end # Sets the permission for command _cmd_ to _val_, # def set_permission(str, val) cmd = str.to_irc_auth_command case val when true, false @perm[cmd.command] = val when nil @perm.delete(cmd.command) else raise TypeError, "#{val.inspect} must be true or false" unless [true,false].include?(val) end end # Resets the permission for command _cmd_ # def reset_permission(cmd) set_permission(cmd, nil) end # Tells if command _cmd_ is permitted. We do this by returning # the value of the deepest Command#path that matches. # def permit?(str) cmd = str.to_irc_auth_command allow = nil cmd.path.reverse.each { |k| if @perm.has_key?(k) allow = @perm[k] break end } return allow end end # This is the error that gets raised when an invalid password is met # class InvalidPassword < RuntimeError end # This is the basic class for bot users: they have a username, a password, # a list of netmasks to match against, and a list of permissions. # class BotUser attr_reader :username attr_reader :password attr_reader :netmasks attr_reader :perm attr_writer :login_by_mask attr_writer :autologin # Create a new BotUser with given username def initialize(username) @username = BotUser.sanitize_username(username) @password = nil @netmasks = NetmaskList.new @perm = {} reset_login_by_mask reset_autologin end # Inspection def inspect str = "<#{self.class}:#{'0x%08x' % self.object_id}:" str << " @username=#{@username.inspect}" str << " @netmasks=#{@netmasks.inspect}" str << " @perm=#{@perm.inspect}" str << " @login_by_mask=#{@login_by_mask}" str << " @autologin=#{@autologin}" str << ">" end # In strings def to_s @username end # Convert into a hash def to_hash { :username => @username, :password => @password, :netmasks => @netmasks, :perm => @perm, :login_by_mask => @login_by_mask, :autologin => @autologin } end # Do we allow logging in without providing the password? # def login_by_mask? @login_by_mask end # Reset the login-by-mask option # def reset_login_by_mask @login_by_mask = Auth.authmanager.bot.config['auth.login_by_mask'] unless defined?(@login_by_mask) end # Reset the autologin option # def reset_autologin @autologin = Auth.authmanager.bot.config['auth.autologin'] unless defined?(@autologin) end # Do we allow automatic logging in? # def autologin? @autologin end # Restore from hash def from_hash(h) @username = h[:username] if h.has_key?(:username) @password = h[:password] if h.has_key?(:password) @netmasks = h[:netmasks] if h.has_key?(:netmasks) @perm = h[:perm] if h.has_key?(:perm) @login_by_mask = h[:login_by_mask] if h.has_key?(:login_by_mask) @autologin = h[:autologin] if h.has_key?(:autologin) end # This method sets the password if the proposed new password # is valid def password=(pwd=nil) if pwd begin raise InvalidPassword, "#{pwd} contains invalid characters" if pwd !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/ raise InvalidPassword, "#{pwd} too short" if pwd.length < 4 @password = pwd rescue InvalidPassword => e raise e rescue => e raise InvalidPassword, "Exception #{e.inspect} while checking #{pwd}" end else reset_password end end # Resets the password by creating a new onw def reset_password @password = Auth.random_password end # Sets the permission for command _cmd_ to _val_ on channel _chan_ # def set_permission(cmd, val, chan="*") k = chan.to_s.to_sym @perm[k] = PermissionSet.new unless @perm.has_key?(k) @perm[k].set_permission(cmd, val) end # Resets the permission for command _cmd_ on channel _chan_ # def reset_permission(cmd, chan ="*") set_permission(cmd, nil, chan) end # Checks if BotUser is allowed to do something on channel _chan_, # or on all channels if _chan_ is nil # def permit?(cmd, chan=nil) if chan k = chan.to_s.to_sym else k = :* end allow = nil if @perm.has_key?(k) allow = @perm[k].permit?(cmd) end return allow end # Adds a Netmask # def add_netmask(mask) @netmasks << mask.to_irc_netmask end # Removes a Netmask # def delete_netmask(mask) m = mask.to_irc_netmask @netmasks.delete(m) end # Removes all Netmasks # def reset_netmasks @netmasks = NetmaskList.new end # This method checks if BotUser has a Netmask that matches _user_ # def knows?(usr) user = usr.to_irc_user known = false @netmasks.each { |n| if user.matches?(n) known = true break end } return known end # This method gets called when User _user_ wants to log in. # It returns true or false depending on whether the password # is right. If it is, the Netmask of the user is added to the # list of acceptable Netmask unless it's already matched. def login(user, password) if password == @password or (password.nil? and (@login_by_mask || @autologin) and knows?(user)) add_netmask(user) unless knows?(user) debug "#{user} logged in as #{self.inspect}" return true else return false end end # # This method gets called when User _user_ has logged out as this BotUser # def logout(user) # delete_netmask(user) if knows?(user) # end # This method sanitizes a username by chomping, downcasing # and replacing any nonalphanumeric character with _ # def BotUser.sanitize_username(name) candidate = name.to_s.chomp.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/,"_") raise "sanitized botusername #{candidate} too short" if candidate.length < 3 return candidate end end # This is the default BotUser: it's used for all users which haven't # identified with the bot # class DefaultBotUserClass < BotUser private :add_netmask, :delete_netmask include Singleton # The default BotUser is named 'everyone' # def initialize reset_login_by_mask reset_autologin super("everyone") @default_perm = PermissionSet.new end # This method returns without changing anything # def login_by_mask=(val) debug "Tried to change the login-by-mask for default bot user, ignoring" return @login_by_mask end # The default botuser allows logins by mask # def reset_login_by_mask @login_by_mask = true end # This method returns without changing anything # def autologin=(val) debug "Tried to change the autologin for default bot user, ignoring" return end # The default botuser doesn't allow autologin (meaningless) # def reset_autologin @autologin = false end # Sets the default permission for the default user (i.e. the ones # set by the BotModule writers) on all channels # def set_default_permission(cmd, val) @default_perm.set_permission(Command.new(cmd), val) debug "Default permissions now:\n#{@default_perm.inspect}" end # default knows everybody # def knows?(user) return true if user.to_irc_user end # We always allow logging in as the default user def login(user, password) return true end # Resets the NetmaskList def reset_netmasks super add_netmask("*!*@*") end # DefaultBotUser will check the default_perm after checking # the global ones # or on all channels if _chan_ is nil # def permit?(cmd, chan=nil) allow = super(cmd, chan) if allow.nil? && chan.nil? allow = @default_perm.permit?(cmd) end return allow end end # Returns the only instance of DefaultBotUserClass # def Auth.defaultbotuser return DefaultBotUserClass.instance end # This is the BotOwner: he can do everything # class BotOwnerClass < BotUser include Singleton def initialize @login_by_mask = false @autologin = true super("owner") end def permit?(cmd, chan=nil) return true end end # Returns the only instance of BotOwnerClass # def Auth.botowner return BotOwnerClass.instance end # This is the AuthManagerClass singleton, used to manage User/BotUser connections and # everything # class AuthManagerClass include Singleton attr_reader :everyone attr_reader :botowner attr_reader :bot # The instance manages two Hashes: one that maps # Irc::Users onto BotUsers, and the other that maps # usernames onto BotUser def initialize @everyone = Auth::defaultbotuser @botowner = Auth::botowner bot_associate(nil) end def bot_associate(bot) raise "Cannot associate with a new bot! Save first" if defined?(@has_changes) && @has_changes reset_hashes # Associated bot @bot = bot # This variable is set to true when there have been changes # to the botusers list, so that we know when to save @has_changes = false end def set_changed @has_changes = true end def reset_changed @has_changes = false end def changed? @has_changes end # resets the hashes def reset_hashes @botusers = Hash.new @allbotusers = Hash.new [everyone, botowner].each { |x| @allbotusers[x.username.to_sym] = x } end def load_array(ary, forced) raise "Won't load with unsaved changes" if @has_changes and not forced reset_hashes ary.each { |x| raise TypeError, "#{x} should be a Hash" unless x.kind_of?(Hash) u = x[:username] unless include?(u) create_botuser(u) end get_botuser(u).from_hash(x) } @has_changes=false end def save_array @allbotusers.values.map { |x| x.to_hash } end # checks if we know about a certain BotUser username def include?(botusername) @allbotusers.has_key?(botusername.to_sym) end # Maps Irc::User to BotUser def irc_to_botuser(ircuser) logged = @botusers[ircuser.to_irc_user] return logged if logged return autologin(ircuser) end # creates a new BotUser def create_botuser(name, password=nil) n = BotUser.sanitize_username(name) k = n.to_sym raise "botuser #{n} exists" if include?(k) bu = BotUser.new(n) bu.password = password @allbotusers[k] = bu return bu end # returns the botuser with name _name_ def get_botuser(name) @allbotusers.fetch(BotUser.sanitize_username(name).to_sym) end # Logs Irc::User _user_ in to BotUser _botusername_ with password _pwd_ # # raises an error if _botusername_ is not a known BotUser username # # It is possible to autologin by Netmask, on request # def login(user, botusername, pwd=nil) ircuser = user.to_irc_user n = BotUser.sanitize_username(botusername) k = n.to_sym raise "No such BotUser #{n}" unless include?(k) if @botusers.has_key?(ircuser) return true if @botusers[ircuser].username == n # TODO # @botusers[ircuser].logout(ircuser) end bu = @allbotusers[k] if bu.login(ircuser, pwd) @botusers[ircuser] = bu return true end return false end # Tries to auto-login Irc::User _user_ by looking at the known botusers that allow autologin # and trying to login without a password # def autologin(user) ircuser = user.to_irc_user debug "Trying to autlogin #{ircuser}" return @botusers[ircuser] if @botusers.has_key?(ircuser) @allbotusers.each { |n, bu| debug "Checking with #{n}" return bu if bu.autologin? and login(ircuser, n) } return everyone end # Checks if User _user_ can do _cmd_ on _chan_. # # Permission are checked in this order, until a true or false # is returned: # * associated BotUser on _chan_ # * associated BotUser on all channels # * everyone on _chan_ # * everyone on all channels # def permit?(user, cmdtxt, channel=nil) if user.class <= BotUser botuser = user else botuser = irc_to_botuser(user) end cmd = cmdtxt.to_irc_auth_command chan = channel case chan when User chan = "?" when Channel chan = chan.name end allow = nil allow = botuser.permit?(cmd, chan) if chan return allow unless allow.nil? allow = botuser.permit?(cmd) return allow unless allow.nil? unless botuser == everyone allow = everyone.permit?(cmd, chan) if chan return allow unless allow.nil? allow = everyone.permit?(cmd) return allow unless allow.nil? end raise "Could not check permission for user #{user.inspect} to run #{cmdtxt.inspect} on #{chan.inspect}" end # Checks if command _cmd_ is allowed to User _user_ on _chan_, optionally # telling if the user is authorized # def allow?(cmdtxt, user, chan=nil) if permit?(user, cmdtxt, chan) return true else # cmds = cmdtxt.split('::') # @bot.say chan, "you don't have #{cmds.last} (#{cmds.first}) permissions here" if chan @bot.say chan, "#{user}, you don't have '#{cmdtxt}' permissions here" if chan return false end end end # Returns the only instance of AuthManagerClass # def Auth.authmanager return AuthManagerClass.instance end end end