#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: World of Warcraft Realm Status plugin for rbot # # Author:: MrChucho (mrchucho@mrchucho.net) # Copyright:: (C) 2006 Ralph M. Churchill # # Requires:: insatiable appetite for World of Warcraft require 'open-uri' require 'rexml/document' class Realm attr_accessor :name,:status,:type,:pop def initialize(name,status,type,pop) self.name = pretty_realm(name) self.status = pretty_status(status) self.type = pretty_type(type) self.pop = pretty_pop(pop) end def Realm.get_realm_status(realm_name) begin open("http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/realmstatus/status.xml") do |xmldoc| realm_list = (REXML::Document.new xmldoc).root realm_data = realm_list.elements["r[@n=\"#{realm_name}\"]"] if realm_data and realm_data.attributes.any? then realm = Realm.new( realm_data.attributes['n'], realm_data.attributes['s'].to_i, realm_data.attributes['t'].to_i, realm_data.attributes['l'].to_i) else "Realm, #{realm_name}, not found." end end rescue => err "Error retrieving realm status: #{err}" end end def to_s "#{name} (#{type}) Status: #{status} Population: #{pop}" end # just a longer, tabluar format # might be good if displaying multiple realms def _to_s sprintf("%-8s %-20s %-8s %-9s\n%-11s %-22s %-8s %-9s", "Status","Realm","Type","Population", status,name,type,pop) end private def pretty_status(status) case status when 1 "3Up" when 2 "5Down" end end def pretty_pop(pop) case pop when 1 "3Low" when 2 "7Medium" when 3 "4High" when 4 "5Max(Queued)" end end def pretty_realm(realm) "#{realm}" end def pretty_type(type) case type when 0 'RP-PVP' when 1 'Normal' when 2 'PVP' when 3 'RP' end end end class RealmPlugin < Plugin USAGE="realm => determine the status of a Warcraft realm" def initialize super class << @registry def store(val) val end def restore(val) val end end end def help(plugin,topic="") USAGE end def usage(m,params={}) m.reply USAGE end def realm(m,params) if params[:realm_name] and params[:realm_name].any? realm_name = params[:realm_name].collect{|tok| tok.capitalize }.join(' ') @registry[m.sourcenick] = realm_name m.reply Realm.get_realm_status(realm_name) else if @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick) realm_name = @registry[m.sourcenick] m.reply Realm.get_realm_status(realm_name) else m.reply "I don't know which realm you want.\n#{USAGE}" end end end end plugin = RealmPlugin.new plugin.map 'realm *realm_name', :defaults => {:realm_name => false}, :thread => true