#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Weather plugin for rbot # # Author:: MrChucho (mrchucho@mrchucho.net): NOAA National Weather Service support # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # # Copyright:: (C) 2006 Ralph M. Churchill # Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # # License:: GPL v2 require 'rexml/document' # Wraps NOAA National Weather Service information class CurrentConditions def initialize(station, bot) @station = station @bot = bot @url = "http://www.nws.noaa.gov/data/current_obs/#{URI.encode @station.upcase}.xml" @current_conditions = String.new end def update begin resp = @bot.httputil.get_response(@url) case resp when Net::HTTPSuccess cc_doc = (REXML::Document.new resp.body).root @current_conditions = parse(cc_doc) else raise Net::HTTPError.new(_("couldn't get data for %{station} (%{message})") % { :station => @station, :message => resp.message }, resp) end rescue => e if Net::HTTPError === e raise else error e raise "error retrieving data: #{e}" end end @current_conditions end def parse(cc_doc) cc = Hash.new cc_doc.elements.each do |c| cc[c.name.to_sym] = c.text end cc[:time] = cc[:observation_time_rfc822] cc[:wind] = cc[:wind_string] cc[:temperature] = cc[:temperature_string] cc[:heatindexorwindchill] = heat_index_or_wind_chill(cc) cc[:pressure] = cc[:pressure_string] _("At %{time} the conditions at %{location} (%{station_id}) were %{weather} with a visibility of %{visibility_mi}mi. The wind was %{wind} with %{relative_humidity}%% relative humidity. The temperature was %{temperature}%{heatindexorwindchill}, and the pressure was %{pressure}.") % cc end private def heat_index_or_wind_chill(cc) hi = cc[:heat_index_string] wc = cc[:windchill_string] if hi and hi != 'NA' then _(" with a heat index of %{hi}") % { :hi => hi } elsif wc and wc != 'NA' then _(" with a windchill of %{wc}") % { :wc => wc } else "" end end end class WeatherPlugin < Plugin Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('weather.advisory', :default => true, :desc => "Should the bot report special weather advisories when any is present?") Config.register Config::EnumValue.new('weather.units', :values => ['metric', 'english', 'both'], :default => 'both', :desc => "Units to be used by default in Weather Underground reports") def help(plugin, topic="") case topic when "nws" "weather nws => display the current conditions at the location specified by the NOAA National Weather Service station code ( lookup your station code at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/data/current_obs/ )" when "station", "wu" "weather [] => display the current conditions at the location specified, looking it up on the Weather Underground site; you can use 'station ' to look up data by station code ( lookup your station code at http://www.weatherunderground.com/ ); you can optionally set to 'metric' or 'english' if you only want data with the units; use 'both' for units to go back to having both." else "weather information lookup. Looks up weather information for the last location you specified. See topics 'nws' and 'wu' for more information" end end def initialize super @nws_cache = Hash.new @wu_url = "http://mobile.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?brand=mobile%s&query=%s" @wu_station_url = "http://mobile.wunderground.com/auto/mobile%s/global/stations/%s.html" end def weather(m, params) where = params[:where].to_s service = params[:service].to_sym rescue nil units = params[:units] if where.empty? or !service or !units and @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick) reg = @registry[m.sourcenick] debug "loaded weather info #{reg.inspect} for #{m.sourcenick}" service = reg.first.to_sym if !service where = reg[1].to_s if where.empty? units = reg[2] rescue nil end if !service if where.sub!(/^station\s+/,'') service = :nws else service = :wu end end if where.empty? debug "No weather location found for #{m.sourcenick}" m.reply "I don't know where you are yet, #{m.sourcenick}. See 'help weather nws' or 'help weather wu' for additional help" return end wu_units = String.new units = @bot.config['weather.units'] unless units case units.to_sym when :english, :metric wu_units = "_#{units}" when :both else m.reply "Ignoring unknown units #{units}" end case service when :nws nws_describe(m, where) when :station wu_station(m, where, wu_units) when :wu wu_weather(m, where, wu_units) when :google google_weather(m, where) else m.reply "I don't know the weather service #{service}, sorry" return end @registry[m.sourcenick] = [service, where, units] end def nws_describe(m, where) if @nws_cache.has_key?(where) then met = @nws_cache[where] else met = CurrentConditions.new(where, @bot) end if met begin m.reply met.update @nws_cache[where] = met rescue Net::HTTPError => e m.reply _("%{error}, will try WU service") % { :error => e.message } wu_weather(m, where) rescue => e m.reply e.message end else m.reply "couldn't find weather data for #{where}" end end def wu_station(m, where, units="") begin xml = @bot.httputil.get(@wu_station_url % [units, CGI.escape(where)]) case xml when nil m.reply "couldn't retrieve weather information, sorry" return when /Search not found:/ m.reply "no such station found (#{where})" return when /(.*?)<\/table>/m data = $1.dup m.reply wu_weather_filter(data) wu_out_special(m, xml) else debug xml m.reply "something went wrong with the data for #{where}..." end rescue => e m.reply "retrieving info about '#{where}' failed (#{e})" end end def wu_weather(m, where, units="") begin xml = @bot.httputil.get(@wu_url % [units, CGI.escape(where)]) case xml when nil m.reply "couldn't retrieve weather information, sorry" when /City Not Found/ m.reply "no such location found (#{where})" when /Current<\/a>/ data = "" xml.scan(/
(.*?)<\/table>/m).each do |match| data += wu_weather_filter(match.first) end if data.length > 0 m.reply data else m.reply "couldn't parse weather data from #{where}" end wu_out_special(m, xml) when / e m.reply "retrieving info about '#{where}' failed (#{e})" end end def wu_weather_multi(m, xml) # debug xml stations = xml.scan(/\\s+\\s+
\s*(?:]*>]+><\/a>\s*)?(.*?)<\/a>\s*:\s*(.*?)<\/td>/m) # debug stations m.reply "multiple stations available, use 'weather station ' or 'weather ' as appropriate, for one of the following (current temp shown):" stations.map! { |ar| warning = ar[0] loc = ar[2] state = ar[1] par = ar[3] w = ar[4] if state # US station (warning ? "*" : "") + ("%s, %s (%s): %s" % [loc, state, par, w.ircify_html]) else # non-US station (warning ? "*" : "") + ("station %s (%s): %s" % [loc, par, w.ircify_html]) end } m.reply stations.join("; ") end def wu_check_special(xml) specials = [] # We only scan the first half to prevent getting the advisories twice xml[0,xml.length/2].scan(%r{]*>([^<]+)}) do special = { :url => "http://mobile.wunderground.com"+$1, :type => $2.dup, :special => $3.dup } spec_rx = Regexp.new("(?:.+?)\\s+(.+?)\\s+
", Regexp::MULTILINE) spec_xml = @bot.httputil.get(special[:url]) if spec_xml and spec_td = spec_xml.match(spec_rx) special.merge!(:text => spec_td.captures.first.ircify_html) end specials << special end return specials end def wu_out_special(m, xml) return unless @bot.config['weather.advisory'] specials = wu_check_special(xml) debug specials specials.each do |special| special.merge!(:underline => Underline) if special[:text] m.reply("%{underline}%{special}%{underline}: %{text}" % special) else m.reply("%{underline}%{special}%{underline} @ %{url}" % special) end end end def wu_weather_filter(stuff) result = Array.new if stuff.match(/<\/a>\s*Updated:\s*(.*?)\s*Observed at\s*(.*?)\s*<\/td>/) result << ("Weather info for %s (updated on %s)" % [$2.ircify_html, $1.ircify_html]) end stuff.scan(/\s*\s*(.*?)\s*<\/td>\s*\s*(.*?)\s*<\/td>\s*<\/tr>/m) { |k, v| kk = k.riphtml vv = v.riphtml next if vv.empty? next if ["-", "- approx.", "N/A", "N/A approx."].include?(vv) next if kk == "Raw METAR" result << ("%s: %s" % [kk, vv]) } return result.join('; ') end # TODO allow units choice other than lang, find how the API does it def google_weather(m, where) botlang = @bot.config['core.language'].intern if Language::Lang2Locale.key?(botlang) lang = Language::Lang2Locale[botlang].sub(/.UTF.?8$/,'') else lang = botlang.to_s[0,2] end debug "Google weather with language #{lang}" xml = @bot.httputil.get("http://www.google.com/ig/api?hl=#{lang}&weather=#{CGI.escape where}") debug xml weather = REXML::Document.new(xml).root.elements["weather"] begin error = weather.elements["problem_cause"] if error ermsg = error.attributes["data"] ermsg = _("no reason specified") if ermsg.empty? raise ermsg end city = weather.elements["forecast_information/city"].attributes["data"] date = Time.parse(weather.elements["forecast_information/current_date_time"].attributes["data"]) units = weather.elements["forecast_information/unit_system"].attributes["data"].intern current_conditions = weather.elements["current_conditions"] foreconds = weather.elements.to_a("forecast_conditions") conds = [] current_conditions.each { |el| name = el.name.intern value = el.attributes["data"].dup debug [name, value] case name when :icon next when :temp_f next if units == :SI value << "°F" when :temp_c next if units == :US value << "°C" end conds << value } forecasts = [] foreconds.each { |forecast| cond = [] forecast.each { |el| name = el.name.intern value = el.attributes["data"] case name when :icon next when :high, :low value << (units == :SI ? "°C" : "°F") value << " |" if name == :low when :condition value = "(#{value})" end cond << value } forecasts << cond.join(' ') } m.reply _("Google weather info for %{city} on %{date}: %{conds}. Three-day forecast: %{forecast}") % { :city => city, :date => date, :conds => conds.join(', '), :forecast => forecasts.join('; ') } rescue => e debug e m.reply _("Google weather failed: %{e}") % { :e => e} end end end plugin = WeatherPlugin.new plugin.map 'weather :units :service *where', :defaults => { :where => false, :units => false, :service => false }, :requirements => { :units => /metric|english|both/, :service => /wu|nws|station|google/ }