#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Url plugin define_structure :Url, :channel, :nick, :time, :url, :info class UrlPlugin < Plugin LINK_INFO = "[Link Info]" OUR_UNSAFE = Regexp.new("[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}#{URI::PATTERN::RESERVED}%# ]", false, 'N') Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('url.max_urls', :default => 100, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 0}, :desc => "Maximum number of urls to store. New urls replace oldest ones.") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('url.display_link_info', :default => 0, :desc => "Get the title of links pasted to the channel and display it (also tells if the link is broken or the site is down). Do it for at most this many links per line (set to 0 to disable)") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('url.titles_only', :default => false, :desc => "Only show info for links that have tags (in other words, don't display info for jpegs, mpegs, etc.)") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('url.first_par', :default => false, :desc => "Also try to get the first paragraph of a web page") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('url.info_on_list', :default => false, :desc => "Show link info when listing/searching for urls") Config.register Config::ArrayValue.new('url.no_info_hosts', :default => ['localhost', '^192\.168\.', '^10\.', '^127\.', '^172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|31)\.'], :on_change => Proc.new { |bot, v| bot.plugins['url'].reset_no_info_hosts }, :desc => "A list of regular expressions matching hosts for which no info should be provided") def initialize super @registry.set_default(Array.new) unless @bot.config['url.display_link_info'].kind_of?(Integer) @bot.config.items[:'url.display_link_info'].set_string(@bot.config['url.display_link_info'].to_s) end reset_no_info_hosts end def reset_no_info_hosts @no_info_hosts = Regexp.new(@bot.config['url.no_info_hosts'].join('|'), true) debug "no info hosts regexp set to #{@no_info_hosts}" end def help(plugin, topic="") "url info <url> => display link info for <url> (set url.display_link_info > 0 if you want the bot to do it automatically when someone writes an url), urls [<max>=4] => list <max> last urls mentioned in current channel, urls search [<max>=4] <regexp> => search for matching urls. In a private message, you must specify the channel to query, eg. urls <channel> [max], urls search <channel> [max] <regexp>" end def get_title_from_html(pagedata) return pagedata.ircify_html_title end def get_title_for_url(uri_str, opts = {}) url = uri_str.kind_of?(URI) ? uri_str : URI.parse(uri_str) return if url.scheme !~ /https?/ # also check the ip, the canonical name and the aliases begin checks = TCPSocket.gethostbyname(url.host) checks.delete_at(-2) rescue => e return "Unable to retrieve info for #{url.host}: #{e.message}" end checks << url.host checks.flatten! unless checks.grep(@no_info_hosts).empty? return "Sorry, info retrieval for #{url.host} (#{checks.first}) is disabled" end logopts = opts.dup title = nil extra = [] begin debug "+ getting info for #{url.request_uri}" info = Utils.get_html_info(url) debug info resp = info[:headers] logopts[:title] = title = info[:title] if info[:content] logopts[:extra] = info[:content] extra << "#{Bold}text#{Bold}: #{info[:content]}" if @bot.config['url.first_par'] else logopts[:extra] = String.new logopts[:extra] << "Content Type: #{resp['content-type']}" extra << "#{Bold}type#{Bold}: #{resp['content-type']}" unless title if enc = resp['content-encoding'] logopts[:extra] << ", encoding: #{enc}" extra << "#{Bold}encoding#{Bold}: #{enc}" if @bot.config['url.first_par'] or not title end size = resp['content-length'].first.gsub(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(?:\.|$))(\d{3}\..*)?/,'\1,\2') rescue nil if size logopts[:extra] << ", size: #{size} bytes" extra << "#{Bold}size#{Bold}: #{size} bytes" if @bot.config['url.first_par'] or not title end end rescue Exception => e case e when UrlLinkError raise e else error e raise "connecting to site/processing information (#{e.message})" end end call_event(:url_added, url.to_s, logopts) if title extra.unshift("#{Bold}title#{Bold}: #{title}") end return extra.join(", ") if title or not @bot.config['url.titles_only'] end def handle_urls(m, urls, display_info=@bot.config['url.display_link_info']) return if urls.empty? debug "found urls #{urls.inspect}" list = m.public? ? @registry[m.target] : nil debug "display link info: #{display_info}" urls_displayed = 0 urls.each do |urlstr| debug "working on #{urlstr}" next unless urlstr =~ /^https?:/ title = nil debug "Getting title for #{urlstr}..." reply = nil begin title = get_title_for_url(urlstr, :nick => m.source.nick, :channel => m.channel, :ircline => m.message) debug "Title #{title ? '' : 'not '} found" reply = "#{LINK_INFO} #{title}" if title rescue => e reply = "Error #{e.message}" end if display_info > urls_displayed if reply m.reply(reply, :overlong => :truncate) urls_displayed += 1 end end next unless list # check to see if this url is already listed next if list.find {|u| u.url == urlstr } url = Url.new(m.target, m.sourcenick, Time.new, urlstr, title) debug "#{list.length} urls so far" list.pop if list.length > @bot.config['url.max_urls'] debug "storing url #{url.url}" list.unshift url debug "#{list.length} urls now" end @registry[m.target] = list end def info(m, params) escaped = URI.escape(params[:urls].to_s, OUR_UNSAFE) urls = URI.extract(escaped) Thread.new { handle_urls(m, urls, params[:urls].length) } end def listen(m) return unless m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) return if m.address? escaped = URI.escape(m.message, OUR_UNSAFE) urls = URI.extract(escaped, ['http', 'https']) return if urls.empty? Thread.new { handle_urls(m, urls) } end def reply_urls(opts={}) list = opts[:list] max = opts[:max] channel = opts[:channel] m = opts[:msg] return unless list and max and m list[0..(max-1)].each do |url| disp = "[#{url.time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')}] <#{url.nick}> #{url.url}" if @bot.config['url.info_on_list'] title = url.info || get_title_for_url(url.url, :nick => url.nick, :channel => channel) rescue nil # If the url info was missing and we now have some, try to upgrade it if channel and title and not url.info ll = @registry[channel] debug ll if el = ll.find { |u| u.url == url.url } el.info = title @registry[channel] = ll end end disp << " --> #{title}" if title end m.reply disp, :overlong => :truncate end end def urls(m, params) channel = params[:channel] ? params[:channel] : m.target max = params[:limit].to_i max = 10 if max > 10 max = 1 if max < 1 list = @registry[channel] if list.empty? m.reply "no urls seen yet for channel #{channel}" else reply_urls :msg => m, :channel => channel, :list => list, :max => max end end def search(m, params) channel = params[:channel] ? params[:channel] : m.target max = params[:limit].to_i string = params[:string] max = 10 if max > 10 max = 1 if max < 1 regex = Regexp.new(string, Regexp::IGNORECASE) list = @registry[channel].find_all {|url| regex.match(url.url) || regex.match(url.nick) || (@bot.config['url.info_on_list'] && regex.match(url.info)) } if list.empty? m.reply "no matches for channel #{channel}" else reply_urls :msg => m, :channel => channel, :list => list, :max => max end end end plugin = UrlPlugin.new plugin.map 'urls info *urls', :action => 'info' plugin.map 'url info *urls', :action => 'info' plugin.map 'urls search :channel :limit :string', :action => 'search', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :public => false plugin.map 'urls search :limit :string', :action => 'search', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :private => false plugin.map 'urls :channel :limit', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :public => false plugin.map 'urls :limit', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :private => false