require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'cgi' Url ="Url", :channel, :nick, :time, :url) TITLE_RE = /<\s*?title\s*?>(.+?)<\s*?\/title\s*?>/im UNESCAPE_TABLE = { 'raquo' => '>>', 'quot' => '"', 'micro' => 'u', 'copy' => '(c)', 'trade' => '(tm)', 'reg' => '(R)', '#174' => '(R)', '#8220' => '"', '#8221' => '"', '#8212' => '--', '#39' => '\'', =begin # extras codes, for future use... 'zwnj' => '‌', 'aring' => '\xe5', 'gt' => '>', 'yen' => '\xa5', 'ograve' => '\xf2', 'Chi' => 'Χ', 'bull' => '•', 'Egrave' => '\xc8', 'Ntilde' => '\xd1', 'upsih' => 'ϒ', 'Yacute' => '\xdd', 'asymp' => '≈', 'radic' => '√', 'otimes' => '⊗', 'nabla' => '∇', 'aelig' => '\xe6', 'oelig' => 'œ', 'equiv' => '≡', 'Psi' => 'Ψ', 'auml' => '\xe4', 'circ' => 'ˆ', 'Acirc' => '\xc2', 'Epsilon' => 'Ε', 'Yuml' => 'Ÿ', 'Eta' => 'Η', 'lt' => '<', 'Icirc' => '\xce', 'Upsilon' => 'Υ', 'ndash' => '–', 'there4' => '∴', 'Prime' => '″', 'prime' => '′', 'psi' => 'ψ', 'Kappa' => 'Κ', 'rsaquo' => '›', 'Tau' => 'Τ', 'darr' => '↓', 'ocirc' => '\xf4', 'lrm' => '‎', 'zwj' => '‍', 'cedil' => '\xb8', 'Ecirc' => '\xca', 'not' => '\xac', 'amp' => '&', 'AElig' => '\xc6', 'oslash' => '\xf8', 'acute' => '\xb4', 'lceil' => '⌈', 'laquo' => '\xab', 'shy' => '\xad', 'rdquo' => '”', 'ge' => '≥', 'Igrave' => '\xcc', 'Ograve' => '\xd2', 'euro' => '€', 'dArr' => '⇓', 'sdot' => '⋅', 'nbsp' => '\xa0', 'lfloor' => '⌊', 'lArr' => '⇐', 'Auml' => '\xc4', 'larr' => '←', 'Atilde' => '\xc3', 'Otilde' => '\xd5', 'szlig' => '\xdf', 'clubs' => '♣', 'diams' => '♦', 'agrave' => '\xe0', 'Ocirc' => '\xd4', 'Iota' => 'Ι', 'Theta' => 'Θ', 'Pi' => 'Π', 'OElig' => 'Œ', 'Scaron' => 'Š', 'frac14' => '\xbc', 'egrave' => '\xe8', 'sub' => '⊂', 'iexcl' => '\xa1', 'frac12' => '\xbd', 'sbquo' => '‚', 'ordf' => '\xaa', 'sum' => '∑', 'prop' => '∝', 'Uuml' => '\xdc', 'ntilde' => '\xf1', 'sup' => '⊃', 'theta' => 'θ', 'prod' => '∏', 'nsub' => '⊄', 'hArr' => '⇔', 'rlm' => '‏', 'THORN' => '\xde', 'infin' => '∞', 'yuml' => '\xff', 'Mu' => 'Μ', 'le' => '≤', 'Eacute' => '\xc9', 'thinsp' => ' ', 'ecirc' => '\xea', 'bdquo' => '„', 'Sigma' => 'Σ', 'fnof' => 'ƒ', 'Aring' => '\xc5', 'tilde' => '˜', 'frac34' => '\xbe', 'emsp' => ' ', 'mdash' => '—', 'uarr' => '↑', 'permil' => '‰', 'Ugrave' => '\xd9', 'rarr' => '→', 'Agrave' => '\xc0', 'chi' => 'χ', 'forall' => '∀', 'eth' => '\xf0', 'rceil' => '⌉', 'iuml' => '\xef', 'gamma' => 'γ', 'lambda' => 'λ', 'harr' => '↔', 'rang' => '〉', 'xi' => 'ξ', 'dagger' => '†', 'divide' => '\xf7', 'Ouml' => '\xd6', 'image' => 'ℑ', 'alefsym' => 'ℵ', 'igrave' => '\xec', 'otilde' => '\xf5', 'Oacute' => '\xd3', 'sube' => '⊆', 'alpha' => 'α', 'frasl' => '⁄', 'ETH' => '\xd0', 'lowast' => '∗', 'Nu' => 'Ν', 'plusmn' => '\xb1', 'Euml' => '\xcb', 'real' => 'ℜ', 'sup1' => '\xb9', 'sup2' => '\xb2', 'sup3' => '\xb3', 'Oslash' => '\xd8', 'Aacute' => '\xc1', 'cent' => '\xa2', 'oline' => '‾', 'Beta' => 'Β', 'perp' => '⊥', 'Delta' => 'Δ', 'loz' => '◊', 'pi' => 'π', 'iota' => 'ι', 'empty' => '∅', 'euml' => '\xeb', 'brvbar' => '\xa6', 'iacute' => '\xed', 'para' => '\xb6', 'micro' => '\xb5', 'cup' => '∪', 'weierp' => '℘', 'uuml' => '\xfc', 'part' => '∂', 'icirc' => '\xee', 'delta' => 'δ', 'omicron' => 'ο', 'upsilon' => 'υ', 'Iuml' => '\xcf', 'Lambda' => 'Λ', 'Xi' => 'Ξ', 'kappa' => 'κ', 'ccedil' => '\xe7', 'Ucirc' => '\xdb', 'cap' => '∩', 'mu' => 'μ', 'scaron' => 'š', 'lsquo' => '‘', 'isin' => '∈', 'Zeta' => 'Ζ', 'supe' => '⊇', 'deg' => '\xb0', 'and' => '∧', 'tau' => 'τ', 'pound' => '\xa3', 'hellip' => '…', 'curren' => '\xa4', 'int' => '∫', 'ucirc' => '\xfb', 'rfloor' => '⌋', 'ensp' => ' ', 'crarr' => '↵', 'ugrave' => '\xf9', 'notin' => '∉', 'exist' => '∃', 'uArr' => '⇑', 'cong' => '≅', 'Dagger' => '‡', 'oplus' => '⊕', 'times' => '\xd7', 'atilde' => '\xe3', 'piv' => 'ϖ', 'ni' => '∋', 'Phi' => 'Φ', 'lsaquo' => '‹', 'Uacute' => '\xda', 'Omicron' => 'Ο', 'ang' => '∠', 'ne' => '≠', 'iquest' => '\xbf', 'eta' => 'η', 'yacute' => '\xfd', 'Rho' => 'Ρ', 'uacute' => '\xfa', 'Alpha' => 'Α', 'zeta' => 'ζ', 'Omega' => 'Ω', 'nu' => 'ν', 'sim' => '∼', 'sect' => '\xa7', 'phi' => 'φ', 'sigmaf' => 'ς', 'macr' => '\xaf', 'minus' => '−', 'Ccedil' => '\xc7', 'ordm' => '\xba', 'epsilon' => 'ε', 'beta' => 'β', 'rArr' => '⇒', 'rho' => 'ρ', 'aacute' => '\xe1', 'eacute' => '\xe9', 'omega' => 'ω', 'middot' => '\xb7', 'Gamma' => 'Γ', 'Iacute' => '\xcd', 'lang' => '〈', 'spades' => '♠', 'rsquo' => '’', 'uml' => '\xa8', 'thorn' => '\xfe', 'ouml' => '\xf6', 'thetasym' => 'ϑ', 'or' => '∨', 'raquo' => '\xbb', 'acirc' => '\xe2', 'ldquo' => '“', 'hearts' => '♥', 'sigma' => 'σ', 'oacute' => '\xf3', =end } class UrlPlugin < Plugin BotConfig.register'url.max_urls', :default => 100, :validate =>{|v| v > 0}, :desc => "Maximum number of urls to store. New urls replace oldest ones.") BotConfig.register'url.display_link_info', :default => true, :desc => "Get the title of any links pasted to the channel and display it (also tells if the link is broken or the site is down)") def initialize super @registry.set_default( end def help(plugin, topic="") "urls [=4] => list last urls mentioned in current channel, urls search [=4] => search for matching urls. In a private message, you must specify the channel to query, eg. urls [max], urls search [max] " end def unescape_title(htmldata) # first pass -- let CGI try to attack it... htmldata = CGI::unescapeHTML htmldata # second pass -- destroy the remaining bits... htmldata.gsub(/(&(.+?);)/) { symbol = $2 # remove the 0-paddng from unicode integers if symbol =~ /#(.+)/ symbol = "##{$1.to_i.to_s}" end # output the symbol's irc-translated character, or a * if it's unknown UNESCAPE_TABLE[symbol] || '*' } end def get_title_from_html(pagedata) return unless TITLE_RE.match(pagedata) title = $1.strip.gsub(/\s*\n+\s*/, " ") title = unescape_title title title = title[0..255] if title.length > 255 "[Link Info] title: #{title}" end def read_data_from_response(response, amount) amount_read = 0 chunks = [] response.read_body do |chunk| # read body now amount_read += chunk.length if amount_read > amount amount_of_overflow = amount_read - amount chunk = chunk[0...-amount_of_overflow] end chunks << chunk break if amount_read >= amount end chunks.join('') end def get_title_for_url(uri_str, depth=10) # This god-awful mess is what the ruby http library has reduced me to. # Python's HTTP lib is so much nicer. :~( if depth == 0 raise "Error: Maximum redirects hit." end debug "+ Getting #{uri_str}" url = URI.parse(uri_str) return if url.scheme !~ /https?/ title = nil debug "+ connecting to #{}:#{url.port}" http = @bot.httputil.get_proxy(url) http.start { |http| url.path = '/' if url.path == '' http.request_get(url.path, "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)") { |response| case response when Net::HTTPRedirection, Net::HTTPMovedPermanently then # call self recursively if this is a redirect redirect_to = response['location'] || './' debug "+ redirect location: #{redirect_to.inspect}" url = URI.join url.to_s, redirect_to debug "+ whee, redirecting to #{url.to_s}!" return get_title_for_url(url.to_s, depth-1) when Net::HTTPSuccess then if response['content-type'] =~ /^text\// # since the content is 'text/*' and is small enough to # be a webpage, retrieve the title from the page debug "+ getting #{url.request_uri}" data = read_data_from_response(response, 50000) return get_title_from_html(data) else # content doesn't have title, just display info. size = response['content-length'].gsub(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(?:\.|$))(\d{3}\..*)?/,'\1,\2') return "[Link Info] type: #{response['content-type']}#{size ? ", size: #{size} bytes" : ""}" end when Net::HTTPClientError then return "[Link Info] Error getting link (#{response.code} - #{response.message})" when Net::HTTPServerError then return "[Link Info] Error getting link (#{response.code} - #{response.message})" else return nil end # end of "case response" } # end of request block } # end of http start block return title rescue SocketError => e return "[Link Info] Error connecting to site (#{e.message})" end def listen(m) return unless m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) return if m.address? # TODO support multiple urls in one line if m.message =~ /(f|ht)tps?:\/\// if m.message =~ /((f|ht)tps?:\/\/.*?)(?:\s+|$)/ urlstr = $1 list = @registry[] if @bot.config['url.display_link_info'] debug "Getting title for #{urlstr}..." title = get_title_for_url urlstr if title m.reply title debug "Title found!" else debug "Title not found!" end end # check to see if this url is already listed return if list.find {|u| u.url == urlstr } url =, m.sourcenick,, urlstr) debug "#{list.length} urls so far" if list.length > @bot.config['url.max_urls'] list.pop end debug "storing url #{url.url}" list.unshift url debug "#{list.length} urls now" @registry[] = list end end end def urls(m, params) channel = params[:channel] ? params[:channel] : max = params[:limit].to_i max = 10 if max > 10 max = 1 if max < 1 list = @registry[channel] if list.empty? m.reply "no urls seen yet for channel #{channel}" else list[0..(max-1)].each do |url| m.reply "[#{url.time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')}] <#{url.nick}> #{url.url}" end end end def search(m, params) channel = params[:channel] ? params[:channel] : max = params[:limit].to_i string = params[:string] max = 10 if max > 10 max = 1 if max < 1 regex =, Regexp::IGNORECASE) list = @registry[channel].find_all {|url| regex.match(url.url) || regex.match(url.nick) } if list.empty? m.reply "no matches for channel #{channel}" else list[0..(max-1)].each do |url| m.reply "[#{url.time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')}] <#{url.nick}> #{url.url}" end end end end plugin = 'urls search :channel :limit :string', :action => 'search', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :public => false 'urls search :limit :string', :action => 'search', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :private => false 'urls :channel :limit', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :public => false 'urls :limit', :defaults => {:limit => 4}, :requirements => {:limit => /^\d+$/}, :private => false