#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Twitter Status Update for rbot # # Author:: Carter Parks (carterparks) # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Author:: NeoLobster # Author:: Matthias Hecker # # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Carter Parks # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # # Users can setup their twitter username and password and then begin updating # twitter whenever require 'oauth' require 'oauth2' require 'yaml' require 'json' class TwitterPlugin < Plugin URL = 'https://api.twitter.com' Config.register Config::StringValue.new('twitter.key', :default => "BdCN4FCokm9hkf8sIDmIJA", :desc => "Twitter OAuth Consumer Key") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('twitter.secret', :default => "R4V00wUdEXlMr38SKOQR9UFQLqAmc3P7cpft7ohuqo", :desc => "Twitter OAuth Consumer Secret") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('twitter.status_count', :default => 1, :validate => Proc.new { |v| v > 0 && v <= 10}, :desc => "Maximum number of status updates shown by 'twitter status'") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('twitter.timeline_status_count', :default => 3, :validate => Proc.new { |v| v > 0 && v <= 10}, :desc => "Maximum number of status updates shown by 'twitter [home|mentions|retweets] status'") URL_PATTERN = %r{twitter\.com/([^/]+)(?:/status/(\d+))?} def twitter_filter(s) loc = Utils.check_location(s, URL_PATTERN) return nil unless loc matches = loc.first.match URL_PATTERN if matches[2] # status id matched id = matches[2] url = '/1.1/statuses/show/%s.json' % id else # no status id, get the latest status of that user user = matches[1] url = '/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=%s&count=1&include_rts=true' % user end response = @app_access_token.get(url).body begin tweet = JSON.parse(response) tweet = tweet.first if tweet.instance_of? Array status = { :date => (Time.parse(tweet["created_at"]) rescue ""), :id => (tweet["id_str"] rescue ""), :text => (tweet["text"].ircify_html rescue ""), :source => (tweet["source"].ircify_html rescue ""), :user => (tweet["user"]["name"] rescue ""), :user_nick => (tweet["user"]["screen_name"] rescue "") # TODO other entries } status[:nicedate] = String === status[:date] ? status[:date] : Utils.timeago(status[:date]) return { :title => "@#{status[:user_nick]}", :content => "#{status[:text]} (#{status[:nicedate]} via #{status[:source]})" } rescue end end def initialize super class << @registry def store(val) val end def restore(val) val end end # setup the application authentication key = @bot.config['twitter.key'] secret = @bot.config['twitter.secret'] @client = OAuth2::Client.new(key, secret, :token_url => '/oauth2/token', :site => URL) @app_access_token = @client.client_credentials.get_token debug "app access-token generated: #{@app_access_token.inspect}" @bot.register_filter(:twitter, :htmlinfo) { |s| twitter_filter(s) } end def report_key_missing(m, failed_action) m.reply [failed_action, "no Twitter Consumer Key/Secret is defined"].join(' because ') end def help(plugin, topic="") return "twitter status [nick] => show nick's (or your) status, use 'twitter [home/mentions/retweets] status' to show your timeline | twitter update [status] => updates your status on twitter | twitter authorize => Generates an authorization URL which will give you a PIN to authorize the bot to use your twitter account. | twitter pin [pin] => Finishes bot authorization using the PIN provided by the URL from twitter authorize. | twitter deauthorize => Makes the bot forget your Twitter account. | twitter actions [on|off] => enable/disable twitting of actions (/me does ...)" end # show latest status of a twitter user or the users timeline/mentions/retweets def get_status(m, params) nick = params[:nick] # (optional) type = params[:type] # (optional) home, mentions, retweets if @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_access_token") @access_token = YAML::load(@registry[m.sourcenick + "_access_token"]) if not nick nick = @access_token.params[:screen_name] end elsif type m.reply "You are not authorized with Twitter. Please use 'twitter authorize' first to use this feature." return false end if not nick and not type m.reply "you should specify the username of the twitter to use, or identify using 'twitter authorize'" return false end # use the application-only authentication if not @access_token @access_token = @app_access_token end count = type ? @bot.config['twitter.timeline_status_count'] : @bot.config['twitter.status_count'] user = URI.escape(nick) if not type url = "/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=#{nick}&count=#{count}&include_rts=true" elsif type == 'retweets' url = "/1.1/statuses/retweets_of_me.json?count=#{count}&include_rts=true" else url = "/1.1/statuses/#{type || 'user'}_timeline.json?count=#{count}&include_rts=true" end response = @access_token.get(url).body texts = [] if response begin tweets = JSON.parse(response) if tweets.class == Array tweets.each do |tweet| time = Time.parse(tweet['created_at']) now = Time.now # Sometimes, time can be in the future; invert the relation in this case delta = ((time > now) ? time - now : now - time) msg = tweet['text'] + " (#{Utils.secs_to_string(delta.to_i)} ago via #{tweet['source'].to_s})" author = "" if type author = tweet['user']['name'] + ": " rescue "" end texts << author+Utils.decode_html_entities(msg).ircify_html end else raise 'timeline response: ' + response end if type # friends always return the latest 20 updates, so we clip the count texts[count..-1]=nil end rescue error $! if type m.reply "could not parse status for #{nick}'s timeline" else m.reply "could not parse status for #{nick}" end return false end if texts.empty? m.reply "No status updates!" else m.reply texts.reverse.join("\n") end return true else if type rep = "could not get status for #{nick}'s #{type} timeline" rep << ", try asking in private" unless m.private? else rep = "could not get status for #{nick}" end m.reply rep return false end end def deauthorize(m, params) if @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_request_token") @registry.delete(m.sourcenick + "_request_token") end if @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_access_token") @registry.delete(m.sourcenick + "_access_token") end m.reply "Done! You can reauthorize this account in the future by using 'twitter authorize'" end def authorize(m, params) failed_action = "we can't complete the authorization process" #remove all old authorization data if @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_request_token") @registry.delete(m.sourcenick + "_request_token") end if @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_access_token") @registry.delete(m.sourcenick + "_access_token") end key = @bot.config['twitter.key'] secret = @bot.config['twitter.secret'] if key.empty? or secret.empty? report_key_missing(m, failed_action) return false end @consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(key, secret, { :site => URL, :request_token_path => "/oauth/request_token", :access_token_path => "/oauth/access_token", :authorize_path => "/oauth/authorize" } ) begin @request_token = @consumer.get_request_token rescue OAuth::Unauthorized m.reply _("My authorization failed! Did you block me? Or is my Twitter Consumer Key/Secret pair incorrect?") return false end @registry[m.sourcenick + "_request_token"] = YAML::dump(@request_token) m.reply "Go to this URL to get your authorization PIN, then use 'twitter pin ' to finish authorization: " + @request_token.authorize_url end def pin(m, params) unless @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_request_token") m.reply "You must first use twitter authorize to get an authorization URL, which you can use to get a PIN for me to use to verify your Twitter account" return false end @request_token = YAML::load(@registry[m.sourcenick + "_request_token"]) begin @access_token = @request_token.get_access_token( { :oauth_verifier => params[:pin] } ) rescue m.reply "Error: There was a problem registering your Twitter account. Please make sure you have the right PIN. If the problem persists, use twitter authorize again to get a new PIN" return false end @registry[m.sourcenick + "_access_token"] = YAML::dump(@access_token) m.reply "Okay, you're all set" end # update the status on twitter def update_status(m, params) unless @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_access_token") m.reply "You must first authorize your Twitter account before tweeting." return false; end @access_token = YAML::load(@registry[m.sourcenick + "_access_token"]) #uri = URL + '/statuses/update.json' status = params[:status].to_s if status.length > 140 m.reply "your status message update is too long, please keep it under 140 characters" return end response = @access_token.post('/1.1/statuses/update.json', { :status => status }) debug response reply_method = params[:notify] ? :notify : :reply if response.class == Net::HTTPOK m.__send__(reply_method, "status updated") else debug 'twitter update response: ' + response.body error = '?' begin json = JSON.parse(response.body) error = json['errors'].first['message'] || '?' rescue end m.__send__(reply_method, "could not update status: #{error}") end end # ties a nickname to a twitter username and password def identify(m, params) @registry[m.sourcenick + "_username"] = params[:username].to_s @registry[m.sourcenick + "_password"] = params[:password].to_s m.reply "you're all set up!" end # update on ACTION if the user has enabled the option def ctcp_listen(m) return unless m.action? return unless @registry[m.sourcenick + "_actions"] update_status(m, :status => m.message, :notify => true) end # show or toggle action twitting def actions(m, params) case params[:toggle] when 'on' @registry[m.sourcenick + "_actions"] = true m.okay when 'off' @registry.delete(m.sourcenick + "_actions") m.okay else if @registry[m.sourcenick + "_actions"] m.reply _("actions will be twitted") else m.reply _("actions will not be twitted") end end end end # create an instance of our plugin class and register for the "length" command plugin = TwitterPlugin.new plugin.map 'twitter update *status', :action => "update_status", :threaded => true plugin.map 'twitter authorize', :action => "authorize", :public => false plugin.map 'twitter deauthorize', :action => "deauthorize", :public => false plugin.map 'twitter pin :pin', :action => "pin", :public => false plugin.map 'twitter actions [:toggle]', :action => "actions", :requirements => { :toggle => /^on|off$/ } plugin.map 'twitter status [:nick]', :action => "get_status", :threaded => true plugin.map 'twitter :type [status] [:nick]', :action => "get_status", :requirements => { :type => /^(home|mentions|retweets)?$/ }, :threaded => true