#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Google and Wikipedia search plugin for rbot # # Author:: Tom Gilbert (giblet) # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # # Copyright:: (C) 2002-2005 Tom Gilbert # Copyright:: (C) 2006 Tom Gilbert, Giuseppe Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # TODO:: use lr=lang_ or whatever is most appropriate to let google know # it shouldn't use the bot's location to find the preferred language # TODO:: support localized uncyclopedias -- not easy because they have different names # for most languages GOOGLE_SEARCH = "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&gbv=1&q=" GOOGLE_WAP_SEARCH = "https://www.google.com/m/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&gbv=1&q=" GOOGLE_WAP_LINK = /]*>\s*]*>(.*?)\s*<\/div>/im GOOGLE_CALC_RESULT = />Calculator<\/span>(?:<\/?[^>]+>\s*)+([^<]+)/ GOOGLE_XPATH_DEF = "//img[@id='flex_text_audio_icon_chunk']/../../../../div[3]//text()" DDG_API_SEARCH = "http://api.duckduckgo.com/?format=xml&no_html=1&skip_disambig=1&no_redirect=0&q=" WOLFRAM_API_SEARCH = "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?input=%{terms}&appid=%{key}&format=plaintext" + "&scantimeout=3.0&podtimeout=4.0&formattimeout=8.0&parsetimeout=5.0" + "&excludepodid=SeriesRepresentations:*" WOLFRAM_API_KEY = "9RW6XR-QTL2JT7J4W" class SearchPlugin < Plugin Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('duckduckgo.hits', :default => 3, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 0}, :desc => "Number of hits to return from searches") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('duckduckgo.first_par', :default => 0, :desc => "When set to n > 0, the bot will return the first paragraph from the first n search hits") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('google.hits', :default => 3, :desc => "Number of hits to return from Google searches") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('google.first_par', :default => 0, :desc => "When set to n > 0, the bot will return the first paragraph from the first n search hits") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('wikipedia.hits', :default => 3, :desc => "Number of hits to return from Wikipedia searches") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('wikipedia.first_par', :default => 1, :desc => "When set to n > 0, the bot will return the first paragraph from the first n wikipedia search hits") def help(plugin, topic="") case topic when "ddg" "Use '#{topic} ' to return a search or calculation from " + "DuckDuckGo. Use #{topic} define to return a definition." when "search", "google" "#{topic} => search google for " when "gcalc" "gcalc => use the google calculator to find the answer to " when "gdef" "gdef => use the google define mechanism to find a definition of " when "wa" "wa => searches WolframAlpha for " when "wp" "wp [] => search for on Wikipedia. You can select a national to only search the national Wikipedia" when "unpedia" "unpedia => search for on Uncyclopedia" else "search (or: google ) => search google for | ddg to search DuckDuckGo | wp => search for on Wikipedia | wa => search for on WolframAlpha | unpedia => search for on Uncyclopedia" end end def duckduckgo(m, params) what = params[:words].to_s terms = CGI.escape what url = DDG_API_SEARCH + terms hits = @bot.config['duckduckgo.hits'] first_pars = params[:firstpar] || @bot.config['duckduckgo.first_par'] single = params[:lucky] || (hits == 1 and first_pars == 1) begin feed = @bot.httputil.get(url) raise unless feed rescue => e m.reply "error duckduckgoing for #{what}" return end xml = REXML::Document.new feed heading = xml.elements['//Heading/text()'].to_s # answer is returned for calculations answer = xml.elements['//Answer/text()'].to_s # abstract is returned for definitions etc abstract = xml.elements['//AbstractText/text()'].to_s abfrom = "" unless abstract.empty? absrc = xml.elements['//AbstractSource/text()'].to_s aburl = xml.elements['//AbstractURL/text()'].to_s unless absrc.empty? and aburl.empty? abfrom = " --" abfrom << " " << absrc unless absrc.empty? abfrom << " " << aburl unless aburl.empty? end end # but also definition (yes, you can have both, see e.g. printf) definition = xml.elements['//Definition/text()'].to_s deffrom = "" unless definition.empty? defsrc = xml.elements['//Definition/@source/text()'].to_s defurl = xml.elements['//Definition/@url/text()'].to_s unless defsrc.empty? and defurl.empty? deffrom = " --" deffrom << " " << defsrc unless defsrc.empty? deffrom << " " << defurl unless defurl.empty? end end if heading.empty? and answer.empty? and abstract.empty? and definition.empty? m.reply "no results" return end # if we got a one-shot answer (e.g. a calculation, return it) unless answer.empty? m.reply answer return end # otherwise, return the abstract, followed by as many hits as found unless heading.empty? or abstract.empty? m.reply "%{bold}%{heading}:%{bold} %{abstract}%{abfrom}" % { :bold => Bold, :heading => heading, :abstract => abstract, :abfrom => abfrom } end unless heading.empty? or definition.empty? m.reply "%{bold}%{heading}:%{bold} %{abstract}%{abfrom}" % { :bold => Bold, :heading => heading, :abstract => definition, :abfrom => deffrom } end # return zeroclick search results links, texts = [], [] xml.elements.each("//Results/Result/FirstURL") { |element| links << element.text break if links.size == hits } return if links.empty? xml.elements.each("//Results/Result/Text") { |element| texts << " #{element.text}" break if links.size == hits } # TODO see treatment of `single` in google search single ||= (links.length == 1) pretty = [] links.each_with_index do |u, i| t = texts[i] pretty.push("%{n}%{b}%{t}%{b}%{sep}%{u}" % { :n => (single ? "" : "#{i}. "), :sep => (single ? " -- " : ": "), :b => Bold, :t => t, :u => u }) end result_string = pretty.join(" | ") # If we return a single, full result, change the output to a more compact representation if single fp = first_pars > 0 ? " -- #{Utils.get_first_pars(@bot, links, first_pars)}" : "" m.reply("Result for %{what}: %{string}%{fp}" % { :what => what, :string => result_string, :fp => fp }, :overlong => :truncate) return end m.reply "Results for #{what}: #{result_string}", :split_at => /\s+\|\s+/ return unless first_pars > 0 Utils.get_first_pars(@bot, urls, first_pars, :message => m) end def google(m, params) what = params[:words].to_s if what.match(/^define:/) return google_define(m, what, params) end searchfor = CGI.escape what # This method is also called by other methods to restrict searching to some sites if params[:site] site = "site:#{params[:site]}+" else site = "" end # It is also possible to choose a filter to remove constant parts from the titles # e.g.: "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" when doing Wikipedia searches filter = params[:filter] || "" url = GOOGLE_WAP_SEARCH + site + searchfor hits = params[:hits] || @bot.config['google.hits'] hits = 1 if params[:lucky] first_pars = params[:firstpar] || @bot.config['google.first_par'] single = params[:lucky] || (hits == 1 and first_pars == 1) begin wml = @bot.httputil.get(url) raise unless wml rescue => e m.reply "error googling for #{what}" return end results = wml.scan(GOOGLE_WAP_LINK) if results.length == 0 m.reply "no results found for #{what}" return end results = results.map {|result| url = CGI::parse(Utils.decode_html_entities(result[0]))['q'].first title = Utils.decode_html_entities(result[1].gsub(/<\/?[^>]+>/, '')) [url, title] unless url.empty? or title.empty? }.reject {|item| not item}[0..hits] result_string = results.map {|url, title| "#{Bold}#{title}#{NormalText}: #{url}"} if params[:lucky] m.reply result_string.first Utils.get_first_pars(@bot, [results.map {|url, title| url}.first], first_pars, :message => m) return end m.reply "Results for #{what}: #{result_string.join(' | ')}", :split_at => /\s+\|\s+/ return unless first_pars > 0 Utils.get_first_pars(@bot, results.map {|url, title| url}, first_pars, :message => m) end def google_define(m, what, params) begin wml = @bot.httputil.get(GOOGLE_SEARCH + CGI.escape(what)) raise unless wml rescue => e m.reply "error googling for #{what}" return end begin related_index = wml.index(/Related phrases:/, 0) raise unless related_index defs_index = wml.index(/Definitions of /, related_index) raise unless defs_index defs_end = wml.index(/ e m.reply "no results found for #{what}" return end related = wml[related_index...defs_index] defs = wml[defs_index...defs_end] m.reply defs.ircify_html(:a_href => Underline), :split_at => (Underline + ' ') end def lucky(m, params) params.merge!(:lucky => true) google(m, params) end def gcalc(m, params) what = params[:words].to_s searchfor = CGI.escape(what) debug "Getting gcalc thing: #{searchfor.inspect}" url = GOOGLE_WAP_SEARCH + searchfor begin html = @bot.httputil.get(url) rescue => e m.reply "error googlecalcing #{what}" return end debug "#{html.size} bytes of html recieved" debug html candidates = html.match(GOOGLE_CALC_RESULT) debug "candidates: #{candidates.inspect}" if candidates.nil? m.reply "couldn't calculate #{what}" return end result = candidates[1].remove_nonascii debug "replying with: #{result.inspect}" m.reply result.ircify_html end def gdef(m, params) what = params[:words].to_s searchfor = CGI.escape("define " + what) debug "Getting gdef thing: #{searchfor.inspect}" url = GOOGLE_WAP_SEARCH + searchfor begin resp = @bot.httputil.get(url, resp: true) rescue => e m.reply "error googledefining #{what}" return end results = resp.xpath(GOOGLE_XPATH_DEF).map(&:content) if results.empty? m.reply "couldn't find a definition for #{what} on Google" else m.reply "#{results.first} -- #{results[1..-1].join(' ')}" end end def wolfram(m, params) what = params[:words].to_s terms = CGI.escape what url = WOLFRAM_API_SEARCH % { :terms => terms, :key => WOLFRAM_API_KEY } begin feed = @bot.httputil.get(url) raise unless feed rescue => e m.reply "error asking WolframAlfa about #{what}" return end debug feed xml = REXML::Document.new feed if xml.elements['/queryresult'].attributes['error'] == "true" m.reply xml.elements['/queryresult/error/text()'].to_s return end unless xml.elements['/queryresult'].attributes['success'] == "true" m.reply "no data available" return end answer_type, answer = [], [] xml.elements.each("//pod") { |element| answer_type << element.attributes['title'] answer << element.elements['subpod/plaintext'].text } # find the first answer that isn't nil, # starting on the second pod in the array n = 1 answer[1..-1].each { |a| break unless a.nil? n += 1 } if answer[n].nil? m.reply "no results" return end # strip spaces, pipes, and line breaks sep = Bold + ' :: ' + Bold chars = [ [/\n/, sep], [/\t/, " "], [/\s+/, " "], ["|", "-"] ] chars.each { |c| answer[n].gsub!(c[0], c[1]) } m.reply answer_type[n] + sep + answer[n] end def wikipedia(m, params) lang = params[:lang] site = "#{lang.nil? ? '' : lang + '.'}wikipedia.org" debug "Looking up things on #{site}" params[:site] = site params[:filter] = / - Wikipedia.*$/ params[:hits] = @bot.config['wikipedia.hits'] params[:firstpar] = @bot.config['wikipedia.first_par'] return google(m, params) end def unpedia(m, params) site = "uncyclopedia.org" debug "Looking up things on #{site}" params[:site] = site params[:filter] = / - Uncyclopedia.*$/ params[:hits] = @bot.config['wikipedia.hits'] params[:firstpar] = @bot.config['wikipedia.first_par'] return google(m, params) end end plugin = SearchPlugin.new plugin.map "ddg *words", :action => 'duckduckgo', :threaded => true plugin.map "search *words", :action => 'google', :threaded => true plugin.map "google *words", :action => 'google', :threaded => true plugin.map "lucky *words", :action => 'lucky', :threaded => true plugin.map "gcalc *words", :action => 'gcalc', :threaded => true plugin.map "gdef *words", :action => 'gdef', :threaded => true plugin.map "wa *words", :action => 'wolfram', :threaded => true plugin.map "wp :lang *words", :action => 'wikipedia', :requirements => { :lang => /^\w\w\w?$/ }, :threaded => true plugin.map "wp *words", :action => 'wikipedia', :threaded => true plugin.map "unpedia *words", :action => 'unpedia', :threaded => true