# Plugin for the Ruby IRC bot (http://linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/) # # Create mini plugins on IRC. # # Scripts are little Ruby programs that run in the context of the script plugin. You # can create them directly in an IRC channel, and invoke them just like normal rbot plugins. # # (c) 2006 Mark Kretschmann # Licensed under GPL V2. Command = Struct.new( "Command", :code, :nick, :created, :channel ) class ScriptPlugin < Plugin def initialize super if @registry.has_key?(:commands) @commands = @registry[:commands] else @commands = Hash.new end end def save @registry[:commands] = @commands end def help( plugin, topic="" ) if topic == "add" "Scripts are little Ruby programs that run in the context of the script plugin. You can access @bot (class IrcBot), m (class PrivMessage), user (class String, either the first argument, or if missing the sourcenick), and args (class Array, an array of arguments). Example: 'script add greet m.reply( 'Hello ' + user )'. Invoke the script just like a plugin: ': greet'." else "Create mini plugins on IRC. 'script add ' => Create script named with the Ruby program . 'script list' => Show a list of all known scripts. 'script show ' => Show the source code for . 'script del ' => Delete the script ." end end def listen( m ) name = m.message.split.first if m.address? and @commands.has_key?( name ) code = @commands[name].code.dup.untaint # Convenience variables, can be accessed by scripts: args = m.message.split args.delete_at( 0 ) user = args.empty? ? m.sourcenick : args.first Thread.start { # TODO allow different safe levels for different botusers $SAFE = 3 begin eval( code ) rescue => e m.reply( "Script '#{name}' crapped out :(" ) m.reply( e.inspect ) end } end end def handle_eval( m, params ) code = params[:code].to_s.dup.untaint Thread.start { # TODO allow different safe levels for different botusers begin eval( code ) rescue => e m.reply( "Script '#{name}' crapped out :(" ) m.reply( e.inspect ) end } end def handle_echo( m, params ) code = params[:code].to_s.dup.untaint Thread.start { # TODO allow different safe levels for different botusers begin m.reply eval( code ).to_s rescue => e m.reply( "Script '#{name}' crapped out :(" ) m.reply( e.inspect ) end } end def handle_add( m, params, force = false ) name = params[:name] if !force and @commands.has_key?( name ) m.reply( "#{m.sourcenick}: #{name} already exists. Use 'add -f' if you really want to overwrite it." ) return end code = params[:code].to_s nick = m.sourcenick created = Time.new.strftime '%Y/%m/%d %H:%m' channel = m.target command = Command.new( code, nick, created, channel ) @commands[name] = command m.reply( "done" ) end def handle_add_force( m, params ) handle_add( m, params, true ) end def handle_del( m, params ) name = params[:name] unless @commands.has_key?( name ) m.reply( "Script does not exist." ); return end @commands.delete( name ) m.reply( "done" ) end def handle_list( m, params ) if @commands.length == 0 m.reply( "No scripts available." ); return end cmds_per_page = 30 cmds = @commands.keys.sort num_pages = cmds.length / cmds_per_page + 1 page = params[:page].to_i page = [page, 1].max page = [page, num_pages].min str = cmds[(page-1)*cmds_per_page, cmds_per_page].join(', ') m.reply "Available scripts (page #{page}/#{num_pages}): #{str}" end def handle_show( m, params ) name = params[:name] unless @commands.has_key?( name ) m.reply( "Script does not exist." ); return end cmd = @commands[name] m.reply( "#{cmd.code} [#{cmd.nick}, #{cmd.created} in #{cmd.channel}]" ) end end plugin = ScriptPlugin.new plugin.register( "script" ) plugin.default_auth( 'edit', false ) plugin.default_auth( 'eval', false ) plugin.default_auth( 'echo', false ) plugin.map 'script add -f :name *code', :action => 'handle_add_force', :auth_path => 'edit' plugin.map 'script add :name *code', :action => 'handle_add', :auth_path => 'edit' plugin.map 'script del :name', :action => 'handle_del', :auth_path => 'edit' plugin.map 'script eval *code', :action => 'handle_eval' plugin.map 'script echo *code', :action => 'handle_echo' plugin.map 'script list :page', :action => 'handle_list', :defaults => { :page => '1' } plugin.map 'script show :name', :action => 'handle_show'