#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Salutations plugin for rbot # # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # License:: GPL v2 # # Salutations plugin: respond to salutations # # TODO:: allow online editing of salutations # # TODO:: *REMEMBER* to set @changed to true after edit or changes won't be saved class SalutPlugin < Plugin Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('salut.all_languages', :default => true, :desc => "Check for a salutation in all languages and not just in the one defined by core.language", :on_change => Proc.new {|bot, v| bot.plugins['salut'].reload} ) Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('salut.address_only', :default => true, :desc => "When set to true, the bot will only reply to salutations directed at him", :on_change => Proc.new {|bot, v| bot.plugins['salut'].reload} ) def initialize @salutations = Hash.new @match = Hash.new @match_langs = Array.new @main_lang_str = nil @main_lang = nil @all_langs = true @changed = false super reload end def set_language(what) reload end def create_match @match.clear ar_dest = Array.new ar_in = Array.new ar_out = Array.new ar_both = Array.new @salutations.each { |lang, hash| ar_dest.clear ar_in.clear ar_out.clear ar_both.clear hash.each { |situation, array| case situation.to_s when /^generic-dest$/ ar_dest += array when /in$/ ar_in += array when /out$/ ar_out += array else ar_both += array end } @match[lang] = Hash.new @match[lang][:in] = Regexp.new("\\b(?:" + ar_in.uniq.map { |txt| Regexp.escape(txt) }.join('|') + ")\\b", Regexp::IGNORECASE) unless ar_in.empty? @match[lang][:out] = Regexp.new("\\b(?:" + ar_out.uniq.map { |txt| Regexp.escape(txt) }.join('|') + ")\\b", Regexp::IGNORECASE) unless ar_out.empty? @match[lang][:both] = Regexp.new("\\b(?:" + ar_both.uniq.map { |txt| Regexp.escape(txt) }.join('|') + ")\\b", Regexp::IGNORECASE) unless ar_both.empty? @match[lang][:dest] = Regexp.new("\\b(?:" + ar_dest.uniq.map { |txt| Regexp.escape(txt) }.join('|') + ")\\b", Regexp::IGNORECASE) unless ar_dest.empty? } @punct = /\s*[.,:!;?]?\s*/ # Punctuation # Languages to match for, in order @match_langs.clear @match_langs << @main_lang if @match.key?(@main_lang) @match_langs << :english if @match.key?(:english) @match.each_key { |key| @match_langs << key } @match_langs.uniq! end def listen(m) return if @match.empty? return unless m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) return if m.address? and m.plugin == 'config' to_me = m.address? || m.message =~ /#{Regexp.escape(@bot.nick)}/i if @bot.config['salut.address_only'] return unless to_me end salut = nil @match_langs.each { |lang| [:both, :in, :out].each { |k| next unless @match[lang][k] if m.message =~ @match[lang][k] salut = [@match[lang][k], lang, k] break end } break if salut } return unless salut # If the bot wasn't addressed, we continue only if the match was exact # (apart from space and punctuation) or if @match[:dest] matches too return unless to_me or m.message =~ /^#{@punct}#{salut.first}#{@punct}$/ or m.message =~ @match[salut[1]][:dest] h = Time.new.hour case h when 4...12 salut_reply(m, salut, :morning) when 12...18 salut_reply(m, salut, :afternoon) else salut_reply(m, salut, :evening) end end def salut_reply(m, salut, time) lang = salut[1] k = salut[2] debug "Replying to #{salut.first} (#{lang} #{k}) in the #{time}" # salut_ar = @salutations[@main_lang].update @salutations[:english].update @salutations[lang] salut_ar = @salutations[lang] case k when :both sfx = "" else sfx = "-#{k}" end debug "Building array ..." rep_ar = Array.new rep_ar += salut_ar.fetch("#{time}#{sfx}".to_sym, []) rep_ar += salut_ar.fetch("#{time}".to_sym, []) unless sfx.empty? rep_ar += salut_ar.fetch("generic#{sfx}".to_sym, []) rep_ar += salut_ar.fetch("generic".to_sym, []) unless sfx.empty? debug "Choosing reply in #{rep_ar.inspect} ..." if rep_ar.empty? if m.public? # and (m.address? or m =~ /#{Regexp.escape(@bot.nick)}/) choice = @bot.lang.get("hello_X") % m.sourcenick else choice = @bot.lang.get("hello") % m.sourcenick end else choice = rep_ar.pick_one if m.public? and (m.address? or m.message =~ /#{Regexp.escape(@bot.nick)}/) choice += "#{[',',''].pick_one} #{m.sourcenick}" choice += [" :)", " :D", "!", "", "", ""].pick_one end end debug "Replying #{choice}" m.plainreply choice end def reload save @main_lang_str = @bot.config['core.language'] @main_lang = @main_lang_str.to_sym @all_langs = @bot.config['salut.all_languages'] if @all_langs # Get all available languages langs = Dir.new("#{@bot.botclass}/salut").collect {|f| f =~ /salut-([^.]+)/ ? $1 : nil }.compact langs.each { |lang| @salutations[lang.to_sym] = load_lang(lang) } else @salutations.clear @salutations[@main_lang] = load_lang(@main_lang_str) end create_match @changed = false end def load_lang(lang) dir = "#{@bot.botclass}/salut" if not File.exist?(dir) Dir.mkdir(dir) end file = "#{@bot.botclass}/salut/salut-#{lang}" if File.exist?(file) begin salutations = Hash.new content = YAML::load_file(file) content.each { |key, val| salutations[key.to_sym] = val } return salutations rescue error "failed to read salutations in #{lang}: #{$!}" end end return nil end def save return if @salutations.empty? return unless @changed @salutations.each { |lang, val| l = lang.to_s save_lang(lang, val) } @changed = false end def save_lang(lang, val) fn = "#{@bot.botclass}/salut/salut-#{lang}" Utils.safe_save(fn) { |file| file.puts val.to_yaml } end end plugin = SalutPlugin.new