#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: 'ri' -- ruby documentation plugin # # Author:: Eric Hodel (aka drbrain) # Author:: Michael Brailsford aka brailsmt # Author:: dmitry kim # Copyright:: (C) 2007, dmitry kim # Copyright:: (C) Eric Hodel # Copyright:: (C) Michael Brailsford # License:: MIT # class RiPlugin < Plugin RI_COMMAND = %w{ri -f simple -T} Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('ri.max_length', :default => 512, :desc => "Maximum length of ri entry (in bytes) which is ok to be sent to channels or other users") def help(plugin, topic="") "ri => returns ruby documentation for ; ri [tell] [about] => sends the documentation entry about to using /msg" end def ri(m, params) tgt = nil if params[:who] if m.private? if params[:who] != m.sourcenick m.reply '"ri tell " syntax is only allowed in public channels' return end elsif !(tgt = m.channel.users[params[:who]]) m.reply "sorry, i don't see user #{params[:who]} here on #{m.channel}" return end end args = RI_COMMAND.dup if a = params[:something] if a == '-c' args.push(a) else args.push('--') args.push(a) end end begin ret = Utils.safe_exec(*args) rescue return m.reply("failed to execute ri") end ret = ret.gsub(/\t/, " ").split(/\n/).join(" ").gsub(/\s\s+/, ' ') if ret.length > @bot.config['ri.max_length'] if !m.private? && tgt.to_s != m.sourcenick return m.reply('entry is too long to send to the channel or to some other user, use /msg to ask me about it') end end if tgt @bot.say(tgt, ret) m.okay else m.reply(ret) end return end end plugin = RiPlugin.new plugin.map 'ri :something', :requirements => {:something => /^((-c)|(\w\S+))$/} plugin.map 'ri [tell] :who [about] :something', :requirements => {:something => /^((-c)|(\w\S+))$/}