#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Quotes plugin # # TODO:: switch to db define_structure :Quote, :num, :date, :source, :quote class QuotePlugin < Plugin def dirname 'quotes' end def initialize super @lists = @registry[:lists] unless @lists @lists = {} # migrate quotes from existing quote files in data directory Dir[datafile('*')].each do |f| next if File.directory?(f) channel = File.basename(f) @lists[channel] = Array.new if not @lists.has_key?(channel) IO.foreach(f) do |line| if(line =~ /^(\d+) \| ([^|]+) \| (\S+) \| (.*)$/) num = $1.to_i @lists[channel][num] = Quote.new(num, $2, $3, $4) end end end end end def save @registry[:lists] = @lists @registry.flush end def cleanup @lists.clear super end def lastquote(channel) @lists[channel].length-1 end def addquote(source, channel, quote) @lists[channel] = Array.new if(!@lists.has_key?(channel)) num = @lists[channel].length @lists[channel][num] = Quote.new(num, Time.new, source.fullform, quote) return num end def getquote(source, channel, num=nil) return nil unless(@lists.has_key?(channel)) return nil unless(@lists[channel].length > 0) if(num) if(@lists[channel][num]) return @lists[channel][num], @lists[channel].length - 1 end else # random quote return @lists[channel].compact.pick_one, @lists[channel].length - 1 end end def delquote(channel, num) return false unless(@lists.has_key?(channel)) return false unless(@lists[channel].length > 0) if(@lists[channel][num]) @lists[channel][num] = nil @lists[channel].pop if num == @lists[channel].length - 1 return true end return false end def countquote(source, channel=nil, regexp=nil) unless(channel) total=0 @lists.each_value {|l| total += l.compact.length } return total end return 0 unless(@lists.has_key?(channel)) return 0 unless(@lists[channel].length > 0) if(regexp) matches = @lists[channel].compact.find_all {|a| a.quote =~ /#{regexp}/i } else matches = @lists[channel].compact end return matches.length end def searchquote(source, channel, regexp) return nil unless(@lists.has_key?(channel)) return nil unless(@lists[channel].length > 0) matches = @lists[channel].compact.find_all {|a| a.quote =~ /#{regexp}/i } if(matches.length > 0) return matches[rand(matches.length)], @lists[channel].length - 1 else return nil end end def listquotes(source, channel, regexp) return nil unless(@lists.has_key?(channel)) return nil unless(@lists[channel].length > 0) matches = @lists[channel].compact.find_all {|a| a.quote =~ /#{regexp}/i } if matches.length > 0 return matches else return nil end end def help(plugin, topic="") case plugin when "addquote" _("addquote [] => Add quote for channel . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "delquote" _("delquote [] => delete quote from with number . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "getquote" _("getquote [] [] => get quote from with number . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately. Without , a random quote will be returned.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "searchquote" _("searchquote [] => search for quote from that matches . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "listquotes" _("listquotes [] => list the quotes from that match . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "topicquote" _("topicquote [] [] => set topic to quote from with number . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately. Without , a random quote will be set.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "countquote" _("countquote [] => count quotes from that match . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately.") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "whoquote" _("whoquote [] => show who added quote . You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "whenquote" _("whenquote [] => show when quote was added. You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately") % { :nick => @bot.nick } when "lastquote" _("lastquote [] => show the last quote in a given channel. You only need to supply if you are addressing %{nick} privately") % { :nick => @bot.nick } else _("Quote module (Quote storage and retrieval) topics: addquote, delquote, getquote, searchquote, listquotes, topicquote, countquote, whoquote, whenquote, lastquote") % { :nick => @bot.nick } end end def cmd_addquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s quote = p[:quote].to_s num = addquote(m.source, channel, quote) m.reply _("added the quote (#%{num})") % { :num => num } end def cmd_delquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s num = p[:num].to_i if delquote(channel, num) m.okay else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_getquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s num = p[:num] ? p[:num].to_i : nil quote, total = getquote(m.source, channel, num) if quote m.reply _("[%{num}] %{quote}") % { :num => quote.num, :quote => quote.quote } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_whoquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s num = p[:num] ? p[:num].to_i : nil quote, total = getquote(m.source, channel, num) if quote m.reply _("quote %{num} added by %{source}") % { :num => quote.num, :source => quote.source } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_whenquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s num = p[:num] ? p[:num].to_i : nil quote, total = getquote(m.source, channel, num) if quote m.reply _("quote %{num} added on %{date}") % { :num => quote.num, :date => quote.date } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_searchquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s reg = p[:reg].to_s quote, total = searchquote(m.source, channel, reg) if quote m.reply _("[%{num}] %{quote}") % { :num => quote.num, :quote => quote.quote } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_listquotes(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s reg = p[:reg].to_s if quotes = listquotes(m.source, channel, reg) m.reply _("%{total} quotes matching %{reg} found: %{list}") % { :total => quotes.size, :reg => reg, :list => quotes.map {|q| q.num }.join(', ') } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_countquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s reg = p[:reg] ? p[:reg].to_s : nil total = countquote(m.source, channel, reg) if reg.length > 0 m.reply _("%{total} quotes matching %{reg}") % { :total => total, :reg => reg } else m.reply _("%{total} quotes") % { :total => total } end end def cmd_topicquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s num = p[:num] ? p[:num].to_i : nil quote, total = getquote(m.source, channel, num) if quote @bot.topic channel, _("[%{num}] %{quote}") % { :num => quote.num, :quote => quote.quote } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end def cmd_lastquote(m, p) channel = p[:channel] || m.channel.to_s quote, total = getquote(m.source, channel, lastquote(channel)) if quote m.reply _("[%{num}] %{quote}") % { :num => quote.num, :quote => quote.quote } else m.reply _("quote not found!") end end end plugin = QuotePlugin.new plugin.register("quotes") plugin.default_auth('other::edit', false) # Prevent random people from editing other channels quote lists by default plugin.default_auth('other::view', true) # But allow them to view them plugin.map "addquote :channel *quote", :action => :cmd_addquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::edit::add!' plugin.map "delquote :channel :num", :action => :cmd_delquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN, :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::edit::del!' plugin.map "getquote :channel [:num]", :action => :cmd_getquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN, :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::get!' plugin.map "whoquote :channel :num", :action => :cmd_whoquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN, :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::who!' plugin.map "whenquote :channel :num", :action => :cmd_whenquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN, :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::when!' plugin.map "searchquote :channel *reg", :action => :cmd_searchquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::search!' plugin.map "listquotes :channel *reg", :action => :cmd_listquotes, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::list!' plugin.map "countquote :channel [*reg]", :action => :cmd_countquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::count!' plugin.map "topicquote :channel [:num]", :action => :cmd_topicquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN, :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::topic!' plugin.map "lastquote :channel", :action => :cmd_lastquote, :requirements => { :channel => Regexp::Irc::GEN_CHAN }, :auth_path => '!quote::other::view::last!' plugin.default_auth('edit', false) # Prevent random people from removing quotes plugin.default_auth('edit::add', true) # But allow them to add them plugin.map "addquote *quote", :action => :cmd_addquote, :private => false, :auth_path => '!quote::edit::add!' plugin.map "delquote :num", :action => :cmd_delquote, :private => false, :requirements => { :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::edit::del!' plugin.map "getquote [:num]", :action => :cmd_getquote, :private => false, :requirements => { :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::view::get!' plugin.map "whoquote :num", :action => :cmd_whoquote, :private => false, :requirements => { :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::view::who!' plugin.map "whenquote :num", :action => :cmd_whenquote, :private => false, :requirements => { :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::view::when!' plugin.map "searchquote *reg", :action => :cmd_searchquote, :private => false, :auth_path => '!quote::view::search!' plugin.map "listquotes *reg", :action => :cmd_listquotes, :private => false, :auth_path => '!quote::view::list!' plugin.map "countquote [*reg]", :action => :cmd_countquote, :private => false, :auth_path => '!quote::view::count!' plugin.map "topicquote [:num]", :action => :cmd_topicquote, :private => false, :requirements => { :num => /^\d+$/ }, :auth_path => '!quote::topic!' plugin.map "lastquote", :action => :cmd_lastquote, :private => false, :auth_path => '!quote::view::last!'