# automatically auths with Q on quakenet servers class QPlugin < Plugin def help(plugin, topic="") case topic when "" return "quath plugin: handles Q auths. topics set, identify" when "set" return "nickserv set : set the Q user and password and use it to identify in future" when "identify" return "quath identify: identify with Q (if user and auth are set)" end end def initialize super # this plugin only wants to store strings! class << @registry def store(val) val end def restore(val) val end end end def set(m, params) @registry['quakenet.user'] = params[:user] @registry['quakenet.auth'] = params[:passwd] m.okay end def connect identify(nil, nil) end def identify(m, params) if @registry.has_key?('quakenet.user') && @registry.has_key?('quakenet.auth') debug "authing with Q using #{@registry['quakenet.user']} #{@registry['quakenet.auth']}" @bot.sendmsg "PRIVMSG", "Q@CServe.quakenet.org", "auth #{@registry['quakenet.user']} #{@registry['quakenet.auth']}" m.okay if m else m.reply "not configured, try 'qauth set :nick :passwd'" if m end end end plugin = QPlugin.new plugin.map 'qauth set :nick :passwd', :action => "set" plugin.map 'quath identify', :action => "identify"