# encoding: UTF-8 #-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Oxford Dictionary lookup plugin for rbot # # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # License:: GPL v2 # class OxfordPlugin < Plugin Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('oxford.hits', :default => 3, :desc => "Number of hits to return from a dictionary lookup") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('oxford.first_par', :default => 0, :desc => "When set to n > 0, the bot will return the first paragraph from the first n dictionary hits") def initialize super @oxurl = "http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/%s" end def help(plugin, topic="") 'oxford : check for on the oxford english dictionary.' end def oxford(m, params) justcheck = params[:justcheck] word = params[:word].join [word, word + "_1"].each { |check| url = @oxurl % CGI.escape(check) if params[:british] url << "?view=uk" end h = @bot.httputil.get(url, :max_redir => 5) if h defs = h.split("") defs = defs[1..-1].map {|d| d.split("")[0]} if defs.size == 0 return false if justcheck m.reply "#{word} not found" return false end m.reply("#{word}: #{url}") unless justcheck defn = defs[0] m.reply("#{Bold}%s#{Bold}: %s" % [word, defn.ircify_html(:nbsp => :space)], :overlong => :truncate) return true end } end def is_british?(word) return oxford(nil, :word => word, :justcheck => true, :british => true) end end plugin = OxfordPlugin.new plugin.map 'oxford *word', :action => 'oxford', :threaded => true