#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: lastfm plugin for rbot # # Author:: Jeremy Voorhis # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Author:: Casey Link # Author:: Raine Virta # # Copyright:: (C) 2005 Jeremy Voorhis # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2008 Casey Link # Copyright:: (C) 2009 Raine Virta # # License:: GPL v2 require 'rexml/document' require 'cgi' class ::LastFmEvent def initialize(hash) @url = hash[:url] @date = hash[:date] @location = hash[:location] @description = hash[:description] @attendance = hash[:attendance] @artists = hash[:artists] if @artists.length > 10 #more than 10 artists and it floods diff = @artists.length - 10 @artist_string = Bold + @artists[0..10].join(', ') + Bold @artist_string << _(" and %{n} more...") % {:n => diff} else @artist_string = Bold + @artists.join(', ') + Bold end end def compact_display unless @attendance.zero? return "%s %s @ %s (%s attending) %s" % [@date.strftime("%a, %b %d"), @artist_string, @location, @attendance, @url] end return "%s %s @ %s %s" % [@date.strftime("%a, %b %d"), @artist_string, @location, @url] end alias :to_s :compact_display end class LastFmPlugin < Plugin include REXML Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('lastfm.max_events', :default => 25, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 1}, :desc => "Maximum number of events to display.") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('lastfm.default_events', :default => 3, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 1}, :desc => "Default number of events to display.") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('lastfm.max_shouts', :default => 5, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 1}, :desc => "Maximum number of user shouts to display.") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('lastfm.default_shouts', :default => 3, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 1}, :desc => "Default number of user shouts to display.") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('lastfm.max_user_data', :default => 25, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 1}, :desc => "Maximum number of user data entries (except events and shouts) to display.") Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('lastfm.default_user_data', :default => 10, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 1}, :desc => "Default number of user data entries (except events and shouts) to display.") APIKEY = "b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026" APIURL = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?api_key=#{APIKEY}&" def initialize super class << @registry def store(val) val end def restore(val) val end end end def help(plugin, topic="") period = _(", where can be one of: 3|6|12 months, a year") case (topic.intern rescue nil) when :event, :events _("lastfm [] events in => show information on events in or near . lastfm [] events by => show information on events by . The number of events that can be displayed is optional, defaults to %{d} and cannot be higher than %{m}") % {:d => @bot.config['lastfm.default_events'], :m => @bot.config['lastfm.max_events']} when :artist _("lastfm artist => show information on artist from last.fm") when :album _("lastfm album => show information on album from last.fm [not implemented yet]") when :track _("lastfm track => search tracks matching on last.fm") when :now, :np _("lastfm now [] => show the now playing track from last.fm. np [] does the same.") when :set _("lastfm set user => associate your current irc nick with a last.fm user. lastfm set verb , => set your preferred now playing/just played verbs. default \"is listening to\" and \"listened to\".") when :who _("lastfm who [] => show who is on last.fm. if is empty, show who you are on lastfm.") when :compare _("lastfm compare [] => show musical taste compatibility between nick1 (or user if omitted) and nick2") when :shouts _("lastfm shouts [] => show shouts to ") when :friends _("lastfm friends [] => show 's friends") when :neighbors, :neighbours _("lastfm neighbors [] => show people who share similar musical taste as ") when :lovedtracks _("lastfm loved[tracks] [] => show tracks that has loved") when :recenttracks, :recentracks _("lastfm recent[tracks] [] => show tracks that has recently played") when :topalbums _("lastfm topalbums [] [over ] => show 's top albums%{p}") % { :p => period } when :topartists _("lastfm topartists [] [over ] => show 's top artists%{p}") % { :p => period } when :toptracks _("lastfm toptracks [] [over ] => show 's top tracks%{p}") % { :p => period } when :weeklyalbumchart _("lastfm weeklyalbumchart [] => show 's weekly album chart") when :weeklyartistchart _("lastfm weeklyartistchart [] => show 's weekly artist chart") when :weeklytrackchart _("lastfm weeklyartistchart [] => show 's weekly track chart") else _("last.fm plugin - topics: events, artist, album, track, now, set, who, compare, shouts, friends, neighbors, (loved|recent)tracks, top(albums|tracks|artists), weekly(album|artist|track)chart") end end def find_events(m, params) num = params[:num] || @bot.config['lastfm.default_events'] num = num.to_i.clip(1, @bot.config['lastfm.max_events']) location = params[:location] artist = params[:who] user = resolve_username(m, params[:user]) if location uri = "#{APIURL}method=geo.getevents&location=#{CGI.escape location.to_s}" emptymsg = _("no events found in %{location}") % {:location => location.to_s} elsif artist uri = "#{APIURL}method=artist.getevents&artist=#{CGI.escape artist.to_s}" emptymsg = _("no events found by %{artist}") % {:artist => artist.to_s} elsif user uri = "#{APIURL}method=user.getevents&user=#{CGI.escape user}" emptymsg = _("%{user} is not attending any events") % {:user => user} end xml = @bot.httputil.get_response(uri) doc = Document.new xml.body if xml.class == Net::HTTPInternalServerError if doc.root and doc.root.attributes["status"] == "failed" m.reply doc.root.elements["error"].text else m.reply _("could not retrieve events") end end disp_events = Array.new events = Array.new doc.root.elements.each("events/event"){ |e| h = {} h[:title] = e.elements["title"].text venue = e.elements["venue"].elements["name"].text city = e.elements["venue"].elements["location"].elements["city"].text country = e.elements["venue"].elements["location"].elements["country"].text h[:location] = Underline + venue + Underline + " #{Bold + city + Bold}, #{country}" date = e.elements["startDate"].text.split h[:date] = Time.utc(date[3].to_i, date[2], date[1].to_i) h[:desc] = e.elements["description"].text h[:url] = e.elements["url"].text h[:attendance] = e.elements["attendance"].text.to_i artists = Array.new e.elements.each("artists/artist"){ |a| artists << a.text } h[:artists] = artists events << LastFmEvent.new(h) } if events.empty? m.reply emptymsg return end events[0...num].each { |event| disp_events << event.to_s } m.reply disp_events.join(' | '), :split_at => /\s+\|\s+/ end def tasteometer(m, params) opts = { :cache => false } user1 = resolve_username(m, params[:user1]) user2 = resolve_username(m, params[:user2]) xml = @bot.httputil.get_response("#{APIURL}method=tasteometer.compare&type1=user&type2=user&value1=#{CGI.escape user1}&value2=#{CGI.escape user2}", opts) doc = Document.new xml.body unless doc m.reply _("last.fm parsing failed") return end if xml.class == Net::HTTPBadRequest if doc.root.elements["error"].attributes["code"] == "7" then error = doc.root.elements["error"].text error.match(/Invalid username: \[(.*)\]/); baduser = $1 m.reply _("%{u} doesn't exist on last.fm") % {:u => baduser} return else m.reply _("error: %{e}") % {:e => doc.root.element["error"].text} return end end score = doc.root.elements["comparison/result/score"].text.to_f artists = doc.root.get_elements("comparison/result/artists/artist").map { |e| e.elements["name"].text} case when score >= 0.9 rating = _("Super") when score >= 0.7 rating = _("Very High") when score >= 0.5 rating = _("High") when score >= 0.3 rating = _("Medium") when score >= 0.1 rating = _("Low") else rating = _("Very Low") end reply = _("%{a}'s and %{b}'s musical compatibility rating is %{bold}%{r}%{bold}") % { :a => user1, :b => user2, :r => rating.downcase, :bold => Bold } reply << _(" and music they have in common includes: %{artists}") % { :artists => artists.join(", ") } unless artists.empty? m.reply reply end def now_playing(m, params) opts = { :cache => false } user = resolve_username(m, params[:who]) xml = @bot.httputil.get_response("#{APIURL}method=user.getrecenttracks&user=#{CGI.escape user}", opts) doc = Document.new xml.body unless doc m.reply _("last.fm parsing failed") return end if xml.class == Net::HTTPBadRequest if doc.root.elements["error"].text == "Invalid user name supplied" then m.reply _("%{user} doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to: lastfm user ") % { :user => user } return else m.reply _("error: %{e}") % {:e => doc.root.element["error"].text} return end end now = artist = track = albumtxt = date = nil unless doc.root.elements[1].has_elements? m.reply _("%{u} hasn't played anything recently") % {:u => user} return end first = doc.root.elements[1].elements[1] now = first.attributes["nowplaying"] artist = first.elements["artist"].text track = first.elements["name"].text albumtxt = first.elements["album"].text album = "" if albumtxt year = get_album(artist, albumtxt)[2] album = "[#{albumtxt}, #{year}] " if year end past = nil date = XPath.first(first, "//date") if date != nil time = date.attributes["uts"] past = Time.at(time.to_i) end if now == "true" verb = _("is listening to") if @registry.has_key? "#{m.sourcenick}_verb_present" verb = @registry["#{m.sourcenick}_verb_present"] end m.reply _("%{u} %{v} \"%{t}\" by %{a} %{b}") % {:u => user, :v => verb, :t => track, :a => artist, :b => album} else verb = _("listened to") if @registry.has_key? "#{m.sourcenick}_verb_past" verb = @registry["#{m.sourcenick}_verb_past"] end ago = Utils.timeago(past) m.reply _("%{u} %{v} \"%{t}\" by %{a} %{b}%{p}") % {:u => user, :v => verb, :t => track, :a => artist, :b => album, :p => ago} end end def find_artist(m, params) info_xml = @bot.httputil.get("#{APIURL}method=artist.getinfo&artist=#{CGI.escape params[:artist].to_s}") unless info_xml m.reply _("I had problems getting info for %{a}") % {:a => params[:artist]} return end info_doc = Document.new info_xml unless info_doc m.reply _("last.fm parsing failed") return end tags_xml = @bot.httputil.get("#{APIURL}method=artist.gettoptags&artist=#{CGI.escape params[:artist].to_s}") tags_doc = Document.new tags_xml first = info_doc.root.elements["artist"] artist = first.elements["name"].text url = first.elements["url"].text stats = {} %w(playcount listeners).each do |e| t = first.elements["stats/#{e}"].text stats[e.to_sym] = t.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1,") end summary = first.elements["bio"].elements["summary"].text similar = first.get_elements("similar/artist").map { |a| _("%{b}%{a}%{b}") % { :a => a.elements["name"].text, :b => Bold } } tags = tags_doc.root.get_elements("toptags/tag")[0..4].map { |t| _("%{u}%{t}%{u}") % { :t => t.elements["name"].text, :u => Underline } } reply = _("%{b}%{a}%{b} <%{u}> has been played %{b}%{c}%{b} times and is being listened to by %{b}%{l}%{b} people") % { :b => Bold, :a => artist, :u => url, :c => stats[:playcount], :l => stats[:listeners] } reply << _(". Tagged as: %{t}") % { :t => tags.join(", "), :b => Bold } unless tags.empty? reply << _(". Similar artists: %{s}") % { :s => similar.join(", "), :b => Bold } unless similar.empty? m.reply reply m.reply summary.ircify_html end def find_track(m, params) track = params[:track].to_s xml = @bot.httputil.get("#{APIURL}method=track.search&track=#{CGI.escape track}") unless xml m.reply _("I had problems getting info for %{a}") % {:a => track} return end debug xml doc = Document.new xml unless doc m.reply _("last.fm parsing failed") return end debug doc.root results = doc.root.elements["results/opensearch:totalResults"].text.to_i rescue 0 if results > 0 begin hits = [] doc.root.each_element("results/trackmatches/track") do |track| hits << _("%{bold}%{t}%{bold} by %{bold}%{a}%{bold} (%{n} listeners)") % { :t => track.elements["name"].text, :a => track.elements["artist"].text, :n => track.elements["listeners"].text, :bold => Bold } end m.reply hits.join(' -- '), :split_at => ' -- ' rescue error $! m.reply _("last.fm parsing failed") end else m.reply _("track %{a} not found") % {:a => track} end end def get_album(artist, album) xml = @bot.httputil.get("#{APIURL}method=album.getinfo&artist=#{CGI.escape artist}&album=#{CGI.escape album}") unless xml return [_("I had problems getting album info")] end doc = Document.new xml unless doc return [_("last.fm parsing failed")] end album = date = playcount = artist = date = year = nil first = doc.root.elements["album"] artist = first.elements["artist"].text playcount = first.elements["playcount"].text album = first.elements["name"].text date = first.elements["releasedate"].text unless date.strip.length < 2 year = date.strip.split[2].chop end result = [artist, album, year, playcount] return result end def find_album(m, params) album = get_album(params[:artist].to_s, params[:album].to_s) if album.length == 1 m.reply _("I couldn't locate: \"%{a}\" by %{r}") % {:a => params[:album], :r => params[:artist]} return end year = "(#{album[2]}) " unless album[2] == nil m.reply _("the album \"%{a}\" by %{r} %{y}has been played %{c} times") % {:a => album[1], :r => album[0], :y => year, :c => album[3]} end def set_user(m, params) user = params[:who].to_s nick = m.sourcenick @registry[ nick ] = user m.reply _("okay, I'll remember that %{n} is %{u} on last.fm") % {:n => nick, :u => user} end def set_verb(m, params) past = params[:past].to_s present = params[:present].to_s key = "#{m.sourcenick}_verb_" @registry[ "#{key}past" ] = past @registry[ "#{key}present" ] = present m.reply _("okay, I'll remember that %{n} prefers \"%{r}\" and \"%{p}\"") % {:n => m.sourcenick, :p => past, :r => present} end def get_user(m, params) nick = "" if params[:who] nick = params[:who].to_s else nick = m.sourcenick end if @registry.has_key? nick user = @registry[ nick ] m.reply _("%{nick} is %{user} on last.fm") % { :nick => nick, :user => user } else m.reply _("sorry, I don't know who %{n} is on last.fm, perhaps they need to: lastfm set user ") % {:n => nick} end end def lastfm(m, params) action = case params[:action] when "neighbors" then "neighbours" when "recentracks", "recent" then "recenttracks" when "loved" then "lovedtracks" when /^weekly(track|album|artist)s$/ "weekly#{$1}chart" when "events" find_events(m, params) return else params[:action] end.to_sym if action == :shouts num = params[:num] || @bot.config['lastfm.default_shouts'] num = num.to_i.clip(1, @bot.config['lastfm.max_shouts']) else num = params[:num] || @bot.config['lastfm.default_user_data'] num = num.to_i.clip(1, @bot.config['lastfm.max_user_data']) end user = resolve_username(m, params[:user]) uri = "#{APIURL}method=user.get#{action}&user=#{CGI.escape user}" if period = params[:period] period_uri = (period.last == "year" ? "12month" : period.first + "month") uri << "&period=#{period_uri}" end begin res = @bot.httputil.get_response(uri) raise _("no response body") unless res.body rescue Exception => e m.reply _("I had problems accessing last.fm: %{e}") % {:e => e.message} return end doc = Document.new(res.body) unless doc m.reply _("last.fm parsing failed") return end case res when Net::HTTPBadRequest if doc.root and doc.root.attributes["status"] == "failed" m.reply "error: " << doc.root.elements["error"].text.downcase end return end seemore = _("; see %{uri} for more") case action when :friends friends = doc.root.get_elements("friends/user").map do |u| u.elements["name"].text end if friends.empty? reply = _("%{user} has no friends :(") elsif friends.length <= num reply = _("%{user} has %{total} friends: %{friends}") else reply = _("%{user} has %{total} friends, including %{friends}") reply << seemore end m.reply reply % { :user => user, :total => friends.size, :friends => friends.shuffle[0, num].join(", "), :uri => "http://www.last.fm/user/#{CGI.escape user}/friends" } when :lovedtracks loved = doc.root.get_elements("lovedtracks/track").map do |track| [track.elements["artist/name"].text, track.elements["name"].text].join(" - ") end loved_prep = loved.shuffle[0, num].to_enum(:each_with_index).collect { |e,i| (i % 2).zero? ? Underline+e+Underline : e } if loved.empty? reply = _("%{user} has not loved any tracks") elsif loved.length <= num reply = _("%{user} has loved %{total} tracks: %{tracks}") else reply = _("%{user} has loved %{total} tracks, including %{tracks}") reply << seemore end m.reply reply % { :user => user, :total => loved.size, :tracks => loved_prep.join(", "), :uri => "http://www.last.fm/user/#{CGI.escape user}/library/loved" } when :neighbours nbrs = doc.root.get_elements("neighbours/user").map do |u| u.elements["name"].text end if nbrs.empty? reply = _("no one seems to share %{user}'s musical taste") elsif nbrs.length <= num reply = _("%{user} musical neighbours are %{nbrs}") else reply = _("%{user} musical neighbours include %{nbrs}") reply << seemore end m.reply reply % { :user => user, :nbrs => nbrs.shuffle[0, num].join(", "), :uri => "http://www.last.fm/user/#{CGI.escape user}/neighbours" } when :recenttracks tracks = doc.root.get_elements("recenttracks/track").map do |track| [track.elements["artist"].text, track.elements["name"].text].join(" - ") end tracks_prep = tracks[0, num].to_enum(:each_with_index).collect { |e,i| (i % 2).zero? ? Underline+e+Underline : e } if tracks.empty? m.reply _("%{user} hasn't played anything recently") % { :user => user } else m.reply _("%{user} has recently played %{tracks}") % { :user => user, :tracks => tracks_prep.join(", ") } end when :shouts shouts = doc.root.get_elements("shouts/shout") if shouts.empty? m.reply _("there are no shouts for %{user}") % { :user => user } else shouts[0, num].each do |shout| m.reply _("<%{author}> %{body}") % { :body => shout.elements["body"].text, :author => shout.elements["author"].text, } end end when :toptracks, :topalbums, :topartists, :weeklytrackchart, :weeklyalbumchart, :weeklyartistchart type = action.to_s.scan(/track|album|artist/).to_s items = doc.root.get_elements("#{action}/#{type}").map do |item| case action when :weeklytrackchart, :weeklyalbumchart format = "%{artist} - %{title} (%{bold}%{plays}%{bold})" artist = item.elements["artist"].text when :weeklyartistchart, :topartists format = "%{artist} (%{bold}%{plays}%{bold})" artist = item.elements["name"].text when :toptracks, :topalbums format = "%{artist} - %{title} (%{bold}%{plays}%{bold})" artist = item.elements["artist/name"].text end _(format) % { :artist => artist, :title => item.elements["name"].text, :plays => item.elements["playcount"].text, :bold => Bold } end if items.empty? m.reply _("%{user} hasn't played anything in this period of time") % { :user => user } else m.reply items[0, num].join(", ") end end end def resolve_username(m, name) name = m.sourcenick if name.nil? @registry[name] or name end end plugin = LastFmPlugin.new plugin.map 'lastfm [:num] event[s] in *location', :action => :find_events, :requirements => { :num => /\d+/ }, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm [:num] event[s] by *who', :action => :find_events, :requirements => { :num => /\d+/ }, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm [:num] event[s] [for] *who', :action => :find_events, :requirements => { :num => /\d+/ }, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm artist *artist', :action => :find_artist, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm album *album [by *artist]', :action => :find_album plugin.map 'lastfm track *track', :action => :find_track, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm set user[name] :who', :action => :set_user, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm set verb *present, *past', :action => :set_verb, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm who [:who]', :action => :get_user, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm compare to :user2', :action => :tasteometer, :thread => true plugin.map 'lastfm compare [:user1] [to] :user2', :action => :tasteometer, :thread => true plugin.map "lastfm [user] [:num] :action [:user]", :thread => true, :requirements => { :action => /^(?:events|shouts|friends|neighbou?rs|loved(?:tracks)?|recent(?:t?racks)?|top(?:album|artist|track)s?|weekly(?:albums?|artists?|tracks?)(?:chart)?)$/, :num => /^\d+$/ } plugin.map 'lastfm [user] [:num] :action [:user] over [*period]', :thread => true, :requirements => { :action => /^(?:top(?:album|artist|track)s?)$/, :period => /^(?:(?:3|6|12) months)|(?:a\s|1\s)?year$/, :num => /^\d+$/ } plugin.map 'lastfm [now] [:who]', :action => :now_playing, :thread => true plugin.map 'np [:who]', :action => :now_playing, :thread => true