require 'pp' # Keyword class # # Encapsulates a keyword ("foo is bar" is a keyword called foo, with type # is, and has a single value of bar). # Keywords can have multiple values, to_s() will choose one at random class Keyword # type of keyword (e.g. "is" or "are") attr_reader :type # type:: type of keyword (e.g "is" or "are") # values:: array of values # # create a keyword of type +type+ with values +values+ def initialize(type, values) @type = type.downcase @values = values end # pick a random value for this keyword and return it def to_s if(@values.length > 1) Keyword.unescape(@values[rand(@values.length)]) else Keyword.unescape(@values[0]) end end # return an array of all the possible values def to_factoids(key) ar = @values.each { |val| debug "key #{key}, value #{val}" vals = val.split(" or ") vals.each { |v| ar << "%s %s %s" % [key, @type, v] } } return ar end # describe the keyword (show all values without interpolation) def desc @values.join(" | ") end # return the keyword in a stringified form ready for storage def dump @type + "/" + Keyword.unescape(@values.join("<=or=>")) end # deserialize the stringified form to an object def Keyword.restore(str) if str =~ /^(\S+?)\/(.*)$/ type = $1 vals = $2.split("<=or=>") return, vals) end return nil end # values:: array of values to add # add values to a keyword def <<(values) if(@values.length > 1 || values.length > 1) values.each {|v| @values << v } else @values[0] += " or " + values[0] end end # unescape special words/characters in a keyword def Keyword.unescape(str) str.gsub(/\\\|/, "|").gsub(/ \\is /, " is ").gsub(/ \\are /, " are ").gsub(/\\\?(\s*)$/, "?\1") end # escape special words/characters in a keyword def Keyword.escape(str) str.gsub(/\|/, "\\|").gsub(/ is /, " \\is ").gsub(/ are /, " \\are ").gsub(/\?(\s*)$/, "\\?\1") end end # keywords class. # # Handles all that stuff like "bot: foo is bar", "bot: foo?" # # Fallback after core and auth have had a look at a message and refused to # handle it, checks for a keyword command or lookup, otherwise the message # is delegated to plugins class Keywords < Plugin Config.register'keyword.listen', :default => false, :desc => "Should the bot listen to all chat and attempt to automatically detect keywords? (e.g. by spotting someone say 'foo is bar')") Config.register'keyword.address', :default => true, :desc => "Should the bot require that keyword lookups are addressed to it? If not, the bot will attempt to lookup foo if someone says 'foo?' in channel") Config.register'keyword.search_results', :default => 3, :desc => "How many search results to display at a time") # create a new KeywordPlugin instance, associated to bot +bot+ def initialize super @statickeywords = @keywords = @registry.sub_registry('keywords') # bot, "keyword" upgrade_data scan # import old format keywords into DBHash if(File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot")) log "auto importing old keywords.rbot" IO.foreach("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot") do |line| if(line =~ /^(.*?)\s*<=(is|are)?=?>\s*(.*)$/) lhs = $1 mhs = $2 rhs = $3 mhs = "is" unless mhs rhs = Keyword.escape rhs values = rhs.split("<=or=>") @keywords[lhs] =, values).dump end end File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot", "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot.old") end end # load static keywords from files, picking up any new keyword files that # have been added def scan # first scan for old DBHash files, and convert them Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f| next unless f =~ /\.db$/ log "upgrading keyword db #{f} (rbot 0.9.5 or prior) database format" newname = f.gsub(/\.db$/, ".kdb") old = f, nil, "r+", 0600 new =, nil, BDB::CREATE | BDB::EXCL, 0600) old.each {|k,v| new[k] = v } old.close new.close File.delete(f) } # then scan for current DBTree files, and load them Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f| next unless f =~ /\.kdb$/ hsh = @bot, f, true key = File.basename(f).gsub(/\.kdb$/, "") debug "keywords module: loading DBTree file #{f}, key #{key}" @statickeywords[key] = hsh } # then scan for non DB files, and convert/import them and delete Dir["#{@bot.botclass}/keywords/*"].each {|f| next if f =~ /\.kdb$/ next if f =~ /CVS$/ log "auto converting keywords from #{f}" key = File.basename(f) unless @statickeywords.has_key?(key) @statickeywords[key] = @bot, "#{f}.db", true end IO.foreach(f) {|line| if(line =~ /^(.*?)\s*\s*(.*)$/) lhs = $1 mhs = $2 rhs = $3 # support infobot style factfiles, by fixing them up here rhs.gsub!(/\$who/, "") mhs = "is" unless mhs rhs = Keyword.escape rhs values = rhs.split("<=or=>") @statickeywords[key][lhs] =, values).dump end } File.delete(f) @statickeywords[key].flush } end # upgrade data files found in old rbot formats to current def upgrade_data if File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db") log "upgrading old keywords (rbot 0.9.5 or prior) database format" old = "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db", nil, "r+", 0600 old.each {|k,v| @keywords[k] = v } old.close @keywords.flush File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db", "#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.db.old") end if File.exist?("#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db") log "upgrading old keywords (rbot 0.9.9 or prior) database format" old = "#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db", nil, "r+", 0600 old.each {|k,v| @keywords[k] = v } old.close @keywords.flush File.rename("#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db", "#{@bot.botclass}/keyword.db.old") end end # save dynamic keywords to file def save @keywords.flush end def oldsave"#{@bot.botclass}/keywords.rbot", "w") do |file| @keywords.each do |key, value| file.puts "#{key}<=#{value.type}=>#{value.dump}" end end end # lookup keyword +key+, return it or nil def [](key) return nil if key.nil? debug "keywords module: looking up key #{key}" if(@keywords.has_key?(key)) return Keyword.restore(@keywords[key]) else # key name order for the lookup through these @statickeywords.keys.sort.each {|k| v = @statickeywords[k] if v.has_key?(key) return Keyword.restore(v[key]) end } end return nil end # does +key+ exist as a keyword? def has_key?(key) if @keywords.has_key?(key) && Keyword.restore(@keywords[key]) != nil return true end @statickeywords.each {|k,v| if v.has_key?(key) && Keyword.restore(v[key]) != nil return true end } return false end # m:: PrivMessage containing message info # key:: key being queried # quiet:: optional, if false, complain if +key+ is not found # # handle a message asking about a keyword def keyword_lookup(m, key, quiet = false) return if key.nil? unless(kw = self[key]) m.reply "sorry, I don't know about \"#{key}\"" unless quiet return end response = kw.to_s response.gsub!(//, m.sourcenick) if(response =~ /^\s*(.*)/) m.reply $1 elsif(response =~ /^\s*(.*)/) m.act $1 elsif(m.public? && response =~ /^\s*(.*)/) @bot.topic, $1 else m.reply "#{key} #{kw.type} #{response}" end end # handle a message which alters a keyword # like "foo is bar" or "foo is also qux" def keyword_command(m, lhs, mhs, rhs, quiet = false) debug "got keyword command #{lhs}, #{mhs}, #{rhs}" return if lhs.strip.empty? overwrite = false overwrite = true if(lhs.gsub!(/^no,\s*/, "")) also = false also = true if(rhs.gsub!(/^also\s+/, "")) values = rhs.split(/\s+\|\s+/) lhs = Keyword.unescape lhs if(overwrite || also || !has_key?(lhs)) if(also && has_key?(lhs)) kw = self[lhs] kw << values @keywords[lhs] = kw.dump else @keywords[lhs] =, values).dump end m.okay if !quiet elsif(has_key?(lhs)) kw = self[lhs] m.reply "but #{lhs} #{kw.type} #{kw.desc}" if kw && !quiet end end # return help string for Keywords with option topic +topic+ def help(plugin, topic = '') case plugin when /keyword/ case topic when 'lookup' 'keyword [lookup] => look up the definition for a keyword; writing "lookup" is optional' when 'set' 'keyword set is/are => define a keyword, definition can contain "|" to separate multiple randomly chosen replies' when 'forget' 'keyword forget => forget a keyword' when 'tell' 'keyword tell about => tell somebody about a keyword' when 'search' 'keyword search [--all] [--full] => search keywords for , which can be a regular expression. If --all is set, search static keywords too, if --full is set, search definitions too.' when 'listen' 'when the config option "keyword.listen" is set to false, rbot will try to extract keyword definitions from regular channel messages' when 'address' 'when the config option "keyword.address" is set to true, rbot will try to answer channel questions of the form "?"' when '' ' => normal response is " is ", but if begins with , the response will be ""' when '' ' => makes keyword respond with "/me "' when '' ' => replaced with questioner in reply' when '' ' => respond by setting the topic to the rest of the definition' else 'keyword module (fact learning and regurgitation) topics: lookup, set, forget, tell, search, listen, address, , , , ' end when "forget" 'forget => forget a keyword' when "tell" 'tell about => tell somebody about a keyword' when "learn" 'learn that is/are => define a keyword, definition can contain "|" to separate multiple randomly chosen replies' else 'keyword module (fact learning and regurgitation) topics: lookup, set, forget, tell, search, listen, address, , , , ' end end # handle a message asking the bot to tell someone about a keyword def keyword_tell(m, target, key) unless(kw = self[key]) m.reply @bot.lang.get("dunno_about_X") % key return end if target == @bot.nick m.reply "very funny, trying to make me tell something to myself" return end response = kw.to_s response.gsub!(//, m.sourcenick) if(response =~ /^\s*(.*)/) @bot.say target, "#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you: (#{key}) #$1" m.reply "okay, I told #{target}: (#{key}) #$1" elsif(response =~ /^\s*(.*)/) @bot.action target, "#$1 (#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you)" m.reply "okay, I told #{target}: * #$1" else @bot.say target, "#{m.sourcenick} wanted me to tell you that #{key} #{kw.type} #{response}" m.reply "okay, I told #{target} that #{key} #{kw.type} #{response}" end end # return the number of known keywords def keyword_stats(m) length = 0 @statickeywords.each {|k,v| length += v.length } m.reply "There are currently #{@keywords.length} keywords, #{length} static facts defined." end # search for keywords, optionally also the definition and the static keywords def keyword_search(m, key, full = false, all = false, from = 1) begin if key =~ /^\/(.+)\/$/ re =$1, Regexp::IGNORECASE) else re =, Regexp::IGNORECASE) end matches = @keywords.each {|k,v| kw = Keyword.restore(v) if re.match(k) || (full && re.match(kw.desc)) matches << [k,kw] end } if all @statickeywords.each {|k,v| v.each {|kk,vv| kw = Keyword.restore(vv) if re.match(kk) || (full && re.match(kw.desc)) matches << [kk,kw] end } } end if matches.length == 1 rkw = matches[0] m.reply "#{rkw[0]} #{rkw[1].type} #{rkw[1].desc}" elsif matches.length > 0 if from > matches.length m.reply "#{matches.length} found, can't tell you about #{from}" return end i = 1 matches.each {|rkw| m.reply "[#{i}/#{matches.length}] #{rkw[0]} #{rkw[1].type} #{rkw[1].desc}" if i >= from i += 1 break if i == from+@bot.config['keyword.search_results'] } else m.reply "no keywords match #{key}" end rescue RegexpError => e m.reply "no keywords match #{key}: #{e}" rescue debug e.inspect m.reply "no keywords match #{key}: an error occurred" end end # forget one of the dynamic keywords def keyword_forget(m, key) if @keywords.delete(key) m.okay else m.reply _("couldn't find keyword %{key}" % { :key => key }) end end # low-level keyword wipe command for when forget doesn't work def keyword_wipe(m, key) reg = @keywords.registry reg.env.begin(reg) { |t, b| b.delete_if { |k, v| (k == key) && (m.reply "wiping keyword #{key} with stored value #{Marshal.restore(v)}") } t.commit } m.reply "done" end # export keywords to factoids file def keyword_factoids_export ar = debug @keywords.keys @keywords.each { |k, val| next unless val kw = Keyword.restore(val) ar |= kw.to_factoids(k) } # TODO check factoids config # also TODO: runtime export dir = File.join(@bot.botclass,"factoids") fname = File.join(dir,"keyword_factoids.rbot") Dir.mkdir(dir) unless Utils.safe_save(fname) do |file| file.puts ar end end # privmsg handler def privmsg(m) case m.plugin when "keyword" case m.params when /^export$/ begin keyword_factoids_export m.okay rescue m.reply _("failed to export keywords as factoids (%{err})" % {:err => $!}) end when /^set\s+(.+?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.+)$/ keyword_command(m, $1, $2, $3) if @bot.auth.allow?('keycmd', m.source, m.replyto) when /^forget\s+(.+)$/ keyword_forget(m, $1) if @bot.auth.allow?('keycmd', m.source, m.replyto) when /^wipe\s(.+)$/ # note that only one space is stripped, allowing removal of space-prefixed keywords keyword_wipe(m, $1) if @bot.auth.allow?('keycmd', m.source, m.replyto) when /^lookup\s+(.+)$/ keyword_lookup(m, $1) if @bot.auth.allow?('keyword', m.source, m.replyto) when /^stats\s*$/ keyword_stats(m) if @bot.auth.allow?('keyword', m.source, m.replyto) when /^search\s+(.+)$/ key = $1 full = key.sub!('--full ', '') all = key.sub!('--all ', '') if key.sub!(/--from (\d+) /, '') from = $1.to_i else from = 1 end from = 1 unless from > 0 keyword_search(m, key, full, all, from) if @bot.auth.allow?('keyword', m.source, m.replyto) when /^tell\s+(\S+)\s+about\s+(.+)$/ keyword_tell(m, $1, $2) if @bot.auth.allow?('keyword', m.source, m.replyto) else keyword_lookup(m, m.params) if @bot.auth.allow?('keyword', m.source, m.replyto) end when "forget" keyword_forget(m, m.params) if @bot.auth.allow?('keycmd', m.source, m.replyto) when "tell" if m.params =~ /(\S+)\s+about\s+(.+)$/ keyword_tell(m, $1, $2) if @bot.auth.allow?('keyword', m.source, m.replyto) else m.reply "wrong 'tell' syntax" end when "learn" if m.params =~ /^that\s+(.+?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.+)$/ keyword_command(m, $1, $2, $3) if @bot.auth.allow?('keycmd', m.source, m.replyto) else m.reply "wrong 'learn' syntax" end end end def unreplied(m) # TODO option to do if(m.message =~ /^(.*)$/, ie try any line as a # keyword lookup. if m.message =~ /^(.*\S)\s*\?\s*$/ and (m.address? or not @bot.config["keyword.address"]) keyword_lookup m, $1, true if @bot.auth.allow?("keyword", m.source) elsif @bot.config["keyword.listen"] && (m.message =~ /^(.*?)\s+(is|are)\s+(.*)$/) # TODO MUCH more selective on what's allowed here keyword_command m, $1, $2, $3, true if @bot.auth.allow?("keycmd", m.source) end end end plugin = plugin.register 'keyword' plugin.register 'forget' rescue nil plugin.register 'tell' rescue nil plugin.register 'learn' rescue nil