# Plugin for the Ruby IRC bot (http://linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/) # (c) 2005 Mark Kretschmann # Licensed under GPL V2. require "net/http" class GrouphugPlugin < Plugin def help( plugin, topic="" ) "Grouphug plugin. Confess! Usage: 'confess' for random confession, 'confess ' for specific one." end def privmsg( m ) path = "/random" path = "/confessions/#{m.params()}" if m.params() begin data = bot.httputil.get_cached(URI.parse("http://grouphug.us/#{path}")) reg = Regexp.new( '()(.*?)(

)', Regexp::MULTILINE ) confession = reg.match( data )[4] confession.gsub!( /<.*?>/, "" ) # Remove html tags confession.gsub!( "\t", "" ) # Remove tab characters @bot.say(m.replyto, confession) rescue m.reply "failed to connect to grouphug.us" end end end plugin = GrouphugPlugin.new plugin.register("grouphug") plugin.register("confess")