#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Grouphug Plugin for rbot # # Author:: Mark Kretschmann # Author:: Casey Link # Copyright:: (C) 2005 Mark Kretschmann # Copyright:: (C) 2008 Casey Link # License:: GPL v2 class GrouphugPlugin < Plugin REG = Regexp.new('


', Regexp::MULTILINE) REGPOST = Regexp.new('title>(.*?) \| Group Hug') def initialize super @confessions = Array.new end def help( plugin, topic="" ) return _("Grouphug plugin. Confess! Usage: 'confess' for random confession, 'confess ' for specific one, 'confess ' to share your own confession. Confessions must be at least 10 words.") end def post_confession(m, params) c = params[:confession] if c.length < 10 diff = 10 - c.length m.reply _("Confession must be at least 10 words. You need %{m} more.") % {:m => diff} return end uri = "http://beta.grouphug.us/confess" form_id = "form_id=confession_node_form" op = "op=Submit" changed = "changed=" body = "body=#{c}" msg = [form_id,body,changed,op].join("&") response = bot.httputil.post(uri, msg) debug response.body if response.class == Net::HTTPOK num = response.body.scan(REGPOST) m.reply _("Confession posted: http://beta.grouphug.us/confessions/%{n}") % {:n => num} else m.reply _("I couldn't share your confession.") end end def confess(m, params) opts = { :cache => false } path = "random" begin # Fetch a specific question - separate from cache if params[:num] path = "confessions/#{params[:num]}" opts.delete(:cache) data = @bot.httputil.get("http://grouphug.us/#{path}", opts) res = data.scan(REG) confession = res[0][0].ircify_html confession = "no confession ##{params[:num]} found" if confession.empty? and params[:num] m.reply confession else # Cache random confessions if @confessions.empty? data = @bot.httputil.get("http://grouphug.us/#{path}", opts) res = data.scan(REG) res.each do |quote| @confessions << quote[0].ircify_html end end confession = @confessions.pop m.reply confession end rescue m.reply "failed to connect to grouphug.us" end end end plugin = GrouphugPlugin.new plugin.default_auth('create', false) plugin.map "grouphug [:num]", :thread => true, :action => :confess, :requirements => { :num => /\d+/ } plugin.map "confess [:num]", :thread => true, :action => :confess, :requirements => { :num => /\d+/ } plugin.map "confess *confession", :thread => true, :action => :post_confession, :auth_path => 'create'