#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Googlefight plugin for rbot # # Author:: Raine Virta [... ] => battles given keywords based on amount of google search results and announces the winner!" end def fight(m, params) keywords = parse_keywords(params) return if keywords.nil? keywords.map! do |k| [k, google_count(k)] end m.reply output(keywords) end def output(result) result = result.sort_by { |e| e[1] }.reverse str = result.map do |kw| "%{keyword} (%{count})" % { :keyword => Bold+kw[0]+Bold, :count => kw[1].to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1,") } end.join(" vs. ") unless result[0][1].zero? str << _(" -- %{keyword} wins!") % { :keyword => Bold+result[0][0]+Bold } else str << _(" -- no winner here!") end end def parse_keywords(params) str = params[:keywords].join(" ") # foo "foo bar" bar # no separators so assume they're all separate keywords if str.match(/(?:"[\w\s]+"|\w+)(?: (?:"[\w\s]+"|\w+))+/) str.scan(/"[^"]+"|\S+/).flatten end end def google_count(query) url = 'http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&btnG=Search&q=' << CGI.escape(query) html = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse((url))) res = html.scan(%r{About ([\d,]+) results}) res[0][0].to_s.tr(",", "").to_i end end plugin = GoogleFightPlugin.new plugin.map "googlefight *keywords", :action => "fight", :requirements => { :keywords => /^[\w\s"]+? (?:(?:(?:\||vs\.) )?[\w\s"]+?)+/ }