#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Hangman/Wheel Of Fortune # # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # License:: rbot # Wheel-of-Fortune Question/Answer class WoFQA attr_accessor :cat, :clue, :hint attr_reader :answer attr_accessor :guessed def initialize(cat, clue, ans=nil) @cat = cat # category @clue = clue # clue phrase self.answer = ans @guessed = false end def guessed? @guessed end def catclue ret = "" ret << "(" + cat + ") " unless cat.empty? ret << clue end def answer=(ans) if !ans @answer = nil @split = [] @hint = [] return end @answer = ans.dup.downcase @split = @answer.scan(/./u) @hint = @split.inject([]) { |list, ch| if ch !~ /[a-z]/ list << ch else list << "*" end } @used = [] end def announcement ret = self.catclue if !@used.empty? ret << _(" [Letters called so far: %{red}%{letters}%{nocolor}]") % { :red => Irc.color(:red), :letters => @used.join(" "), :nocolor => Irc.color() } end ret << "\n" ret << @hint.join end def check(ans_or_letter) d = ans_or_letter.downcase if d == @answer return :gotit elsif d.length == 1 if @used.include?(d) return :used else @used << d @used.sort! if @split.include?(d) count = 0 @split.each_with_index { |c, i| if c == d @hint[i] = d.upcase count += 1 end } return count else return :missing end end else return :wrong end end end # Wheel-of-Fortune game class WoFGame attr_reader :name, :manager, :single, :max, :pending attr_writer :running attr_accessor :must_buy, :price def initialize(name, manager, single, max) @name = name.dup @manager = manager @single = single.to_i @max = max.to_i @pending = nil @qas = [] @curr_idx = nil @running = false @scores = Hash.new # the default is to make vowels usable only # after paying a price in points which is # a fraction of the single round score equal # to the number of rounds needed to win the game # TODO customize @must_buy = %w{a e i o u y} @price = @single*@single/@max end def running? @running end def round @curr_idx+1 rescue 0 end def length @qas.length end def qa(round) if @pending and round == self.length + 1 @pending else @qas[round-1] end end def buy(user) k = user.botuser if @scores.key?(k) and @scores[k][:score] >= @price @scores[k][:score] -= @price return true else return false end end def score(user) k = user.botuser if @scores.key?(k) @scores[k][:score] else 0 end end def mark_guessed(qa) qa.guessed = true end def mark_winner(user) @running = false k = user.botuser if @scores.key?(k) @scores[k][:nick] = user.nick @scores[k][:score] += @single else @scores[k] = { :nick => user.nick, :score => @single } end if @scores[k][:score] >= @max return :done else return :more end end def score_table table = [] @scores.each { |k, val| table << ["%s (%s)" % [val[:nick], k], val[:score]] } table.sort! { |a, b| b.last <=> a.last } end def current return nil unless @curr_idx @qas[@curr_idx] end def next # don't advance if there are no further QAs return nil if @curr_idx == @qas.length - 1 if @curr_idx @curr_idx += 1 else @curr_idx = 0 end return current end def check(whatever, o={}) cur = self.current return nil unless cur if @must_buy.include?(whatever) and not o[:buy] return whatever end return cur.check(whatever) end def start_add_qa(cat, clue) return [nil, @pending] if @pending @pending = WoFQA.new(cat.dup, clue.dup) return [true, @pending] end def finish_add_qa(ans) return nil unless @pending @pending.answer = ans.dup @qas << @pending @pending = nil return @qas.last end end class WheelOfFortune < Plugin Config.register Config::StringValue.new('wheelfortune.game_name', :default => 'Wheel Of Fortune', :desc => "default name of the Wheel Of Fortune game") def initialize super # TODO load/save running games? @games = Hash.new end def help(plugin, topic="") case topic when 'play' _("wof [] play [] for to => starts a wheel-of-fortune game on channel (default: current channel), named (default: wheelfortune.game_name config setting, or the last game name used by the user), with points per round. the game is won when a player reachers points. vowels cost */ points. The user that starts the game is the game manager and must set up the clues and answers in private. All the other users have to learn the answer to each clue by saying single consonants or the whole sentence. Every time a consonant is guessed, the bot will reveal the partial answer, showing the missing letters as * (asterisks).") when 'category', 'clue', 'answer' _("wof [category: ,] clue: , answer: => set up a new question for the wheel-of-fortune game being played on channel . This command must be sent in private by the game manager. The category can be omitted. If you make mistakes, you can use 'wof replace' (see help) before the question gets asked") when 'replace' _("wof replace [category: ,] [clue: ,] [answer: ] => fix the question for round of the wheel-of-fortune game being played on by replacing the category and/or clue and/or answer") when 'cancel' _("wof cancel => cancels the wheel-of-fortune being played on the current channel") when 'buy' _("wof buy => buy the vowel : the user buying the vowel will lose points equal to the vowel price, and the corresponding vowel will be revealed in the answer (if present)") else _("wof: wheel-of-fortune plugin. topics: play, category, clue, answer, replace, cancel, buy") end end def setup_game(m, p) chan = p[:chan] || m.channel if !chan m.reply _("you must specify a channel") return end ch = chan.irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern if game = @games[ch] m.reply _("there's already a %{name} game on %{chan}, managed by %{who}") % { :name => game.name, :chan => chan, :who => game.manager } return end name = p[:name].to_s if name.empty? name = m.source.get_botdata("wheelfortune.game_name") || @bot.config['wheelfortune.game_name'] else m.source.set_botdata("wheelfortune.game_name", name.dup) end @games[ch] = game = WoFGame.new(name, m.botuser, p[:single], p[:max]) @bot.say chan, _("%{who} just created a new %{name} game to %{max} points (%{single} per question, %{price} per vowel)") % { :name => game.name, :who => game.manager, :max => game.max, :single => game.single, :price => game.price } @bot.say m.source, _("ok, the game has been created. now add clues and answers with \"wof %{chan} [category: ,] clue: , answer: \". if the clue and answer don't fit in one line, add the answer separately with \"wof %{chan} answer \"") % { :chan => chan } end def setup_qa(m, p) ch = p[:chan].irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern if !@games.key?(ch) m.reply _("there's no %{name} game running on %{chan}") % { :name => @bot.config['wheelfortune.game_name'], :chan => p[:chan] } return end game = @games[ch] if m.botuser != game.manager and !m.botuser.permit?('wheelfortune::manage::other::add') m.reply _("you can't add questions to the %{name} game on %{chan}") % { :name => game.name, :chan => p[:chan] } end cat = p[:cat].to_s clue = p[:clue].to_s ans = p[:ans].to_s if ans.include?('*') m.reply _("sorry, the answer cannot contain the '*' character") return end if !clue.empty? worked, qa = game.start_add_qa(cat, clue) if worked str = ans.empty? ? _("ok, clue added for %{name} round %{count} on %{chan}: %{catclue}") : nil else str = _("there's already a pending clue for %{name} round %{count} on %{chan}: %{catclue}") end m.reply _(str) % { :chan => p[:chan], :catclue => qa.catclue, :name => game.name, :count => game.length+1 } if str return unless worked and !ans.empty? end if !ans.empty? qa = game.finish_add_qa(ans) if qa str = _("ok, QA added for %{name} round %{count} on %{chan}: %{catclue} => %{ans}") else str = _("there's no pending clue for %{name} on %{chan}!") end m.reply _(str) % { :chan => p[:chan], :catclue => qa ? qa.catclue : nil, :ans => qa ? qa.answer : nil, :name => game.name, :count => game.length } announce(m, p) unless game.running? else m.reply _("something went wrong, I can't seem to understand what you're trying to set up") if clue.empty? end end def replace_qa(m, p) ch = p[:chan].irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern if !@games.key?(ch) m.reply _("there's no %{name} game running on %{chan}") % { :name => @bot.config['wheelfortune.game_name'], :chan => p[:chan] } return end game = @games[ch] if m.botuser != game.manager and !m.botuser.permit?('wheelfortune::manage::other::add') m.reply _("you can't replace questions to the %{name} game on %{chan}") % { :name => game.name, :chan => p[:chan] } end round = p[:round].to_i min = game.round max = game.length max += 1 if game.pending if round <= min or round > max if min == max m.reply _("there are no questions in the %{name} game on %{chan} which can be replaced") % { :name => game.name, :chan => p[:chan] } else m.reply _("you can only replace questions between rounds %{min} and %{max} in the %{name} game on %{chan}") % { :name => game.name, :min => min, :max => max, :chan => p[:chan] } end return end cat = p[:cat].to_s clue = p[:clue].to_s ans = p[:ans].to_s if ans.include?('*') m.reply _("sorry, the answer cannot contain the '*' character") return end qa = game.qa(round) qa.cat = cat unless cat.empty? qa.clue = clue unless clue.empty? unless ans.empty? if game.pending and round == max game.finish_add_qa(ans) else qa.answer = ans end end str = _("ok, replaced QA for %{name} round %{count} on %{chan}: %{catclue} => %{ans}") m.reply str % { :chan => p[:chan], :catclue => qa ? qa.catclue : nil, :ans => qa ? qa.answer : nil, :name => game.name, :count => round } end def announce(m, p={}) chan = p[:chan] || m.channel ch = chan.irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern if !@games.key?(ch) m.reply _("there's no %{name} game running on %{chan}") % { :name => @bot.config['wheelfortune.game_name'], :chan => chan } return end game = @games[ch] qa = game.current if !qa or qa.guessed? qa = game.next end if !qa m.reply _("there are no %{name} questions for %{chan}, I'm waiting for %{who} to add them") % { :name => game.name, :chan => chan, :who => game.manager } return end @bot.say chan, _("%{bold}%{color}%{name}%{bold}, round %{count}:%{nocolor} %{qa}") % { :bold => Bold, :color => Irc.color(:green), :name => game.name, :count => game.round, :nocolor => Irc.color(), :qa => qa.announcement, } game.running = true end def score_table(chan, game, opts={}) limit = opts[:limit] || -1 table = game.score_table[0..limit] if table.length == 0 @bot.say chan, _("no scores") return end nick_wd = table.map { |a| a.first.length }.max score_wd = table.first.last.to_s.length table.each { |t| @bot.say chan, "%*s : %*u" % [nick_wd, t.first, score_wd, t.last] } end def react_on_check(m, ch, game, check) debug "check: #{check.inspect}" case check when nil # can this happen? warning "game #{game}, qa #{game.current} checked nil against #{m.message}" return when :used # m.reply "STUPID! YOU SO STUPID!" return when *game.must_buy m.reply _("You must buy the %{vowel}") % {:vowel => check}, :nick => true when :wrong return when Numeric, :missing # TODO may alter score depening on how many letters were guessed # TODO what happens when the last hint reveals the whole answer? announce(m) when :gotit game.mark_guessed(game.current) want_more = game.mark_winner(m.source) m.reply _("%{who} got it! The answer was: %{ans}") % { :who => m.sourcenick, :ans => game.current.answer } if want_more == :done # max score reached m.reply _("%{bold}%{color}%{name}%{bold}%{nocolor}: %{who} %{bold}wins%{bold} after %{count} rounds!\nThe final score is") % { :bold => Bold, :color => Irc.color(:green), :who => m.sourcenick, :name => game.name, :count => game.round, :nocolor => Irc.color() } score_table(m.channel, game) @games.delete(ch) else m.reply _("%{bold}%{color}%{name}%{bold}, round %{count}%{nocolor} -- score so far:") % { :bold => Bold, :color => Irc.color(:green), :name => game.name, :count => game.round, :nocolor => Irc.color() } score_table(m.channel, game) announce(m) end else # can this happen? warning "game #{game}, qa #{game.current} checked #{check} against #{m.message}" end end def message(m) return if m.address? ch = m.channel.irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern return unless game = @games[ch] return unless game.running? return unless game.current and not game.current.guessed? check = game.check(m.message, :buy => false) react_on_check(m, ch, game, check) end def buy(m, p) ch = m.channel.irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern game = @games[ch] if not game m.reply _("there's no %{name} game running on %{chan}") % { :name => @bot.config['wheelfortune.game_name'], :chan => m.channel } return elsif !game.running? m.reply _("there are no %{name} questions for %{chan}, I'm waiting for %{who} to add them") % { :name => game.name, :chan => chan, :who => game.manager } return else vowel = p[:vowel] bought = game.buy(m.source) if bought m.reply _("%{who} buys a %{vowel} for %{price} points") % { :who => m.source, :vowel => vowel, :price => game.price } check = game.check(vowel, :buy => true) react_on_check(m, ch, game, check) else m.reply _("you can't buy a %{vowel}, %{who}: it costs %{price} points and you only have %{score}") % { :who => m.source, :vowel => vowel, :price => game.price, :score => game.score(m.source) } end end end def cancel(m, p) ch = m.channel.irc_downcase(m.server.casemap).intern if !@games.key?(ch) m.reply _("there's no %{name} game running on %{chan}") % { :name => @bot.config['wheelfortune.game_name'], :chan => m.channel } return end # is the botuser the manager or allowed to cancel someone else's game? if m.botuser == @games[ch].manager or m.botuser.permit?('wheelfortune::manage::other::cancel') do_cancel(ch) else m.reply _("you can't cancel the current game") end end def do_cancel(ch) game = @games.delete(ch) chan = ch.to_s @bot.say chan, _("%{name} game cancelled after %{count} rounds. Partial score:") % { :name => game.name, :count => game.round } score_table(chan, game) end def cleanup @games.each_key { |k| do_cancel(k) } super end end plugin = WheelOfFortune.new plugin.map "wof", :action => 'announce', :private => false plugin.map "wof cancel", :action => 'cancel', :private => false plugin.map "wof [:chan] play [*name] for :single [points] to :max [points]", :action => 'setup_game' plugin.map "wof :chan [category: *cat,] clue: *clue[, answer: *ans]", :action => 'setup_qa', :public => false plugin.map "wof :chan answer: *ans", :action => 'setup_qa', :public => false plugin.map "wof :chan replace :round [category: *cat,] clue: *clue[, answer: *ans]", :action => 'replace_qa', :public => false plugin.map "wof :chan replace :round [category: *cat,] answer: *ans", :action => 'replace_qa', :public => false plugin.map "wof :chan replace :round category: *cat[, clue: *clue[, answer: *ans]]", :action => 'replace_qa', :public => false plugin.map "wof buy :vowel", :action => 'buy', :requirements => { :vowel => /./u }