#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: A-Z Game Plugin for rbot # # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Author:: Yaohan Chen : Japanese support # # Copyright:: (C) 2006 Giuseppe Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2007 GIuseppe Bilotta, Yaohan Chen # # License:: GPL v2 # # A-Z Game: guess the word by reducing the interval of allowed ones # # TODO allow manual addition of words class AzGame attr_reader :range, :word attr_reader :lang, :rules, :listener attr_accessor :tries, :total_tries, :total_failed, :failed, :winner def initialize(plugin, lang, rules, word) @plugin = plugin @lang = lang.to_sym @word = word.downcase @rules = rules @range = [@rules[:first].dup, @rules[:last].dup] @listener = @rules[:listener] @total_tries = 0 @total_failed = 0 # not used, reported, updated @tries = Hash.new(0) @failed = Hash.new(0) # not used, not reported, updated @winner = nil def @range.to_s return "%s -- %s" % self end end def check(word) w = word.downcase debug "checking #{w} for #{@word} in #{@range}" return [:bingo, nil] if w == @word return [:out, @range] if w < @range.first or w > @range.last return [:ignore, @range] if w == @range.first or w == @range.last return [:noexist, @range] unless @plugin.send("is_#{@lang}?", w) debug "we like it" if w < @word @range.first.replace(w) else @range.last.replace(w) end return [:in, @range] end # TODO scoring: base score is t = ceil(100*exp(-(n-1)^2/50))+p for n attempts # done by p players; players that didn't win but contributed # with a attempts will get t*a/n points include Math def score n = @total_tries p = @tries.keys.length t = (100*exp(-(n-1)**2/50**2)).ceil + p debug "Total score: #{t}" ret = Hash.new @tries.each { |k, a| ret[k] = [t*a/n, "%d %s" % [a, a > 1 ? "tries" : "try"]] } if @winner debug "replacing winner score of %d with %d" % [ret[@winner].first, t] tries = ret[@winner].last ret[@winner] = [t, "winner, #{tries}"] end return ret.sort_by { |h| h.last.first }.reverse end end class AzGamePlugin < Plugin def initialize super # if @registry.has_key?(:games) # @games = @registry[:games] # else @games = Hash.new # end if @registry.has_key?(:wordcache) and @registry[:wordcache] @wordcache = @registry[:wordcache] else @wordcache = Hash.new end debug "\n\n\nA-Z wordcache: #{@wordcache.inspect}\n\n\n" @rules = { :italian => { :good => /s\.f\.|s\.m\.|agg\.|v\.tr\.|v\.(pronom\.)?intr\./, # avv\.|pron\.|cong\. :bad => /var\./, :first => 'abaco', :last => 'zuzzurellone', :url => "http://www.demauroparavia.it/%s", :wapurl => "http://wap.demauroparavia.it/index.php?lemma=%s", :listener => /^[a-z]+$/ }, :english => { :good => /(?:singular )?noun|verb|adj/, :first => 'abacus', :last => 'zuni', :url => "http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/features/chref/chref.py/main?query=%s&title=21st", :listener => /^[a-z]+$/ }, } japanese_wordlist = "#{@bot.botclass}/azgame/wordlist-japanese" if File.exist?(japanese_wordlist) words = File.readlines(japanese_wordlist) \ .map {|line| line.strip} .uniq if(words.length >= 4) # something to guess @rules[:japanese] = { :good => /^\S+$/, :list => words, :first => words[0], :last => words[-1], :listener => /^\S+$/ } debug "Japanese wordlist loaded, #{@rules[:japanese][:list].length} lines; first word: #{@rules[:japanese][:first]}, last word: #{@rules[:japanese][:last]}" end end end def save # @registry[:games] = @games @registry[:wordcache] = @wordcache end def listen(m) return unless m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) return if m.channel.nil? or m.address? k = m.channel.downcase.to_s # to_sym? return unless @games.key?(k) return if m.params word = m.plugin.downcase return unless word =~ @games[k].listener word_check(m, k, word) end def word_check(m, k, word) isit = @games[k].check(word) case isit.first when :bingo m.reply "#{Bold}BINGO!#{Bold}: the word was #{Underline}#{word}#{Underline}. Congrats, #{Bold}#{m.sourcenick}#{Bold}!" @games[k].total_tries += 1 @games[k].tries[m.source] += 1 @games[k].winner = m.source ar = @games[k].score.inject([]) { |res, kv| res.push("%s: %d (%s)" % kv.flatten) } m.reply "The game was won after #{@games[k].total_tries} tries. Scores for this game: #{ar.join('; ')}" @games.delete(k) when :out m.reply "#{word} is not in the range #{Bold}#{isit.last}#{Bold}" if m.address? when :noexist m.reply "#{word} doesn't exist or is not acceptable for the game" @games[k].total_failed += 1 @games[k].failed[m.source] += 1 when :in m.reply "close, but no cigar. New range: #{Bold}#{isit.last}#{Bold}" @games[k].total_tries += 1 @games[k].tries[m.source] += 1 when :ignore m.reply "#{word} is already one of the range extrema: #{isit.last}" if m.address? else m.reply "hm, something went wrong while verifying #{word}" end end def manual_word_check(m, params) k = m.channel.downcase.to_s word = params[:word].downcase if not @games.key?(k) m.reply "no A-Z game running here, can't check if #{word} is valid, can I?" return end if word !~ /^\S+$/ m.reply "I only accept single words composed by letters only, sorry" return end word_check(m, k, word) end def stop_game(m, params) return if m.channel.nil? # Shouldn't happen, but you never know k = m.channel.downcase.to_s # to_sym? if @games.key?(k) m.reply "the word in #{Bold}#{@games[k].range}#{Bold} was: #{Bold}#{@games[k].word}" ar = @games[k].score.inject([]) { |res, kv| res.push("%s: %d (%s)" % kv.flatten) } m.reply "The game was cancelled after #{@games[k].total_tries} tries. Scores for this game would have been: #{ar.join('; ')}" @games.delete(k) else m.reply "no A-Z game running in this channel ..." end end def start_game(m, params) return if m.channel.nil? # Shouldn't happen, but you never know k = m.channel.downcase.to_s # to_sym? unless @games.key?(k) lang = (params[:lang] || @bot.config['core.language']).to_sym method = 'random_pick_'+lang.to_s m.reply "let me think ..." if @rules.has_key?(lang) and self.respond_to?(method) word = self.send(method) if word.empty? m.reply "couldn't think of anything ..." return end else m.reply "I can't play A-Z in #{lang}, sorry" return end m.reply "got it!" @games[k] = AzGame.new(self, lang, @rules[lang], word) end tr = @games[k].total_tries case tr when 0 tr_msg = "" when 1 tr_msg = " (after 1 try" else tr_msg = " (after #{tr} tries" end unless tr_msg.empty? f_tr = @games[k].total_failed case f_tr when 0 tr_msg << ")" when 1 tr_msg << " and 1 invalid try)" else tr_msg << " and #{f_tr} invalid tries)" end end m.reply "A-Z: #{Bold}#{@games[k].range}#{Bold}" + tr_msg return end def wordlist(m, params) pars = params[:params] lang = (params[:lang] || @bot.config['core.language']).to_sym wc = @wordcache[lang] || Hash.new rescue Hash.new cmd = params[:cmd].to_sym rescue :count case cmd when :count m.reply "I have #{wc.size > 0 ? wc.size : 'no'} #{lang} words in my cache" when :show, :list if pars.empty? m.reply "provide a regexp to match" return end begin regex = /#{pars[0]}/ matches = wc.keys.map { |k| k.to_s }.grep(regex) rescue matches = [] end if matches.size == 0 m.reply "no #{lang} word I know match #{pars[0]}" elsif matches.size > 25 m.reply "more than 25 #{lang} words I know match #{pars[0]}, try a stricter matching" else m.reply "#{matches.join(', ')}" end when :info if pars.empty? m.reply "provide a word" return end word = pars[0].downcase.to_sym if not wc.key?(word) m.reply "I don't know any #{lang} word #{word}" return end tr = "#{word} learned from #{wc[word][:who]}" (tr << " on #{wc[word][:when]}") if wc[word].key?(:when) m.reply tr when :delete if pars.empty? m.reply "provide a word" return end word = pars[0].downcase.to_sym if not wc.key?(word) m.reply "I don't know any #{lang} word #{word}" return end wc.delete(word) @bot.okay m.replyto when :add if pars.empty? m.reply "provide a word" return end word = pars[0].downcase.to_sym if wc.key?(word) m.reply "I already know the #{lang} word #{word}" return end wc[word] = { :who => m.sourcenick, :when => Time.now } @bot.okay m.replyto else end end def is_japanese?(word) @rules[:japanese][:list].include?(word) end # return integer between min and max, inclusive def rand_between(min, max) rand(max - min + 1) + min end def random_pick_japanese(min=nil, max=nil) rules = @rules[:japanese] min = rules[:first] if min.nil_or_empty? max = rules[:last] if max.nil_or_empty? debug "Randomly picking word between #{min} and #{max}" min_index = rules[:list].index(min) max_index = rules[:list].index(max) debug "Index between #{min_index} and #{max_index}" index = rand_between(min_index + 1, max_index - 1) debug "Index generated: #{index}" word = rules[:list][index] debug "Randomly picked #{word}" word end def is_italian?(word) unless @wordcache.key?(:italian) @wordcache[:italian] = Hash.new end wc = @wordcache[:italian] return true if wc.key?(word.to_sym) rules = @rules[:italian] p = @bot.httputil.get(rules[:wapurl] % word) if not p error "could not connect!" return false end debug p p.scan(/#{word} - (.*?) :dict} return true end next } return false end def random_pick_italian(min=nil,max=nil) # Try to pick a random word between min and max word = String.new min = min.to_s max = max.to_s if min > max m.reply "#{min} > #{max}" return word end rules = @rules[:italian] min = rules[:first] if min.empty? max = rules[:last] if max.empty? debug "looking for word between #{min.inspect} and #{max.inspect}" return word if min.empty? or max.empty? begin while (word <= min or word >= max or word !~ /^[a-z]+$/) debug "looking for word between #{min} and #{max} (prev: #{word.inspect})" # TODO for the time being, skip words with extended characters unless @wordcache.key?(:italian) @wordcache[:italian] = Hash.new end wc = @wordcache[:italian] if wc.size > 0 cache_or_url = rand(2) if cache_or_url == 0 debug "getting word from wordcache" word = wc.keys[rand(wc.size)].to_s next end end # TODO when doing ranges, adapt this choice l = ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] debug "getting random word from dictionary, starting with letter #{l}" first = rules[:url] % "lettera_#{l}_0_50" p = @bot.httputil.get(first) max_page = p.match(/ \/ (\d+)<\/label>/)[1].to_i pp = rand(max_page)+1 debug "getting random word from dictionary, starting with letter #{l}, page #{pp}" p = @bot.httputil.get(first+"&pagina=#{pp}") if pp > 1 lemmi = Array.new good = rules[:good] bad = rules[:bad] # We look for a lemma composed by a single word and of length at least two p.scan(/
  • .*? (.+?)<\/li>/) { |url, prelemma, tipo| lemma = prelemma.downcase.to_sym debug "checking lemma #{lemma} (#{prelemma}) of type #{tipo} from url #{url}" next if wc.key?(lemma) case tipo when good if tipo =~ bad debug "refusing, #{bad}" next end debug "good one" lemmi << lemma wc[lemma] = {:who => :dict} else debug "refusing, not #{good}" end } word = lemmi[rand(lemmi.length)].to_s end rescue => e error "error #{e.inspect} while looking up a word" error e.backtrace.join("\n") end return word end def is_english?(word) unless @wordcache.key?(:english) @wordcache[:english] = Hash.new end wc = @wordcache[:english] return true if wc.key?(word.to_sym) rules = @rules[:english] p = @bot.httputil.get(rules[:url] % CGI.escape(word)) if not p error "could not connect!" return false end debug p if p =~ /#{word}<\/span>([^\n]+?)#{rules[:good]}<\/span>/i debug "new word #{word}" wc[word.to_sym] = {:who => :dict} return true end return false end def random_pick_english(min=nil,max=nil) # Try to pick a random word between min and max word = String.new min = min.to_s max = max.to_s if min > max m.reply "#{min} > #{max}" return word end rules = @rules[:english] min = rules[:first] if min.empty? max = rules[:last] if max.empty? debug "looking for word between #{min.inspect} and #{max.inspect}" return word if min.empty? or max.empty? begin while (word <= min or word >= max or word !~ /^[a-z]+$/) debug "looking for word between #{min} and #{max} (prev: #{word.inspect})" # TODO for the time being, skip words with extended characters unless @wordcache.key?(:english) @wordcache[:english] = Hash.new end wc = @wordcache[:english] if wc.size > 0 cache_or_url = rand(2) if cache_or_url == 0 debug "getting word from wordcache" word = wc.keys[rand(wc.size)].to_s next end end # TODO when doing ranges, adapt this choice l = ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] ll = ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] random = [l,ll].join('*') + '*' debug "getting random word from dictionary, matching #{random}" p = @bot.httputil.get(rules[:url] % CGI.escape(random)) debug p lemmi = Array.new good = rules[:good] # We look for a lemma composed by a single word and of length at least two p.scan(/(.*?)<\/span>([^\n]+?)#{rules[:good]}<\/span>/i) { |prelemma, discard| lemma = prelemma.downcase debug "checking lemma #{lemma} (#{prelemma}) and discarding #{discard}" next if wc.key?(lemma.to_sym) if lemma =~ /^[a-z]+$/ debug "good one" lemmi << lemma wc[lemma.to_sym] = {:who => :dict} else debug "funky characters, not good" end } next if lemmi.empty? word = lemmi[rand(lemmi.length)] end rescue => e error "error #{e.inspect} while looking up a word" error e.backtrace.join("\n") end return word end def help(plugin, topic="") case topic when 'manage' return "az [lang] word [count|list|add|delete] => manage the az wordlist for language lang (defaults to current bot language)" when 'cancel' return "az cancel => abort current game" when 'check' return 'az check => checks against current game' when 'rules' return "try to guess the word the bot is thinking of; if you guess wrong, the bot will use the new word to restrict the range of allowed words: eventually, the range will be so small around the correct word that you can't miss it" when 'play' return "az => start a game if none is running, show the current word range otherwise; you can say 'az ' if you want to play in a language different from the current bot default" end return "az topics: play, rules, cancel, manage, check" end end plugin = AzGamePlugin.new plugin.map 'az [:lang] word :cmd *params', :action=>'wordlist', :defaults => { :lang => nil, :cmd => 'count', :params => [] }, :auth_path => '!az::edit!' plugin.map 'az cancel', :action=>'stop_game', :private => false plugin.map 'az check :word', :action => 'manual_word_check', :private => false plugin.map 'az [play] [:lang]', :action=>'start_game', :private => false, :defaults => { :lang => nil }