require 'net/http' require 'uri/common' Net::HTTP.version_1_2 class BabelPlugin < Plugin LANGS = %w{en fr de it pt es nl ru zh zt el ja ko} def help(plugin, topic="") "translate to => translate from english to , translate from => translate to english from , translate => translate from to . If is an http url, translates the referenced webpage and returns the 1st content paragraph. Languages: #{LANGS.join(', ')}" end def translate(m, params) langs = LANGS trans_from = params[:fromlang] ? params[:fromlang] : 'en' trans_to = params[:tolang] ? params[:tolang] : 'en' trans_text = params[:phrase].to_s lang_match = langs.join("|") unless(trans_from =~ /^(#{lang_match})$/ && trans_to =~ /^(#{lang_match})$/) m.reply "invalid language: valid languagess are: #{langs.join(' ')}" return end data_text = URI.escape trans_text trans_pair = "#{trans_from}_#{trans_to}" if (trans_text =~ /^http:\/\//) && (URI.parse(trans_text) rescue nil) url = '' + "?lp=#{trans_pair}&url=#{data_text}" return Utils.get_first_pars([url], 1, :message => m) end data = "lp=#{trans_pair}&doit=done&intl=1&tt=urltext&urltext=#{data_text}" # check cache for previous lookups if @registry.has_key?("#{trans_pair}/#{data_text}") m.reply @registry["#{trans_pair}/#{data_text}"] return end headers = { "content-type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" } query = "/babelfish/tr" begin resp = @bot.httputil.get_response(''+query, :method => :post, :body => data, :headers => headers) rescue Exception => e m.reply "http error: #{e.message}" return end if (resp.code == "200") lines = resp.body.each_line { |l| lines.push l } l = lines.join(" ") debug "babelfish response: #{l}" if(l =~ /^\s+
(.*)<\/div>/) answer = $1 # cache the answer if(answer.length > 0) @registry["#{trans_pair}/#{data_text}"] = answer end m.reply answer return end m.reply "couldn't parse babelfish response html :(" else m.reply "couldn't talk to babelfish :(" end end end plugin = 'translate to :tolang *phrase' 'translate from :fromlang *phrase' 'translate :fromlang :tolang *phrase'