#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Factoids pluing # # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # License:: GPLv2 # # Store (and retrieve) unstructured one-sentence factoids class FactoidsPlugin < Plugin class Factoid def initialize(hash) @hash = hash.reject { |k, val| val.nil? or val.empty? rescue false } raise ArgumentError, "no fact!" unless @hash[:fact] if String === @hash[:when] @hash[:when] = Time.parse @hash[:when] end end def to_s @hash[:fact] end def [](*args) @hash[*args] end def to_hsh return @hash end end class FactoidList < ArrayOf def initialize(ar=[]) super(Factoid, ar) end def index(f) fact = f.to_s return if fact.empty? self.map { |f| f[:fact] }.index(fact) end def delete(f) idx = index(f) return unless idx self.delete_at(idx) end def grep(x) self.find_all { |f| x === f[:fact] } end end def initialize super # TODO config @dir = File.join(@bot.botclass,"factoids") @filename = "factoids.rbot" @factoids = FactoidList.new read_factfile @changed = false end def read_factfile(name=@filename,dir=@dir) fname = File.join(dir,name) if File.exist?(fname) factoids = File.readlines(fname) return if factoids.empty? firstline = factoids.shift pattern = firstline.chomp.split(" | ") if pattern.length == 1 and pattern.first != "fact" factoids.unshift(firstline) factoids.each { |f| @factoids << Factoid.new( :fact => f.chomp ) } else pattern.map! { |p| p.intern } raise ArgumentError, "fact must be the last field" unless pattern.last == :fact factoids.each { |f| ar = f.chomp.split(" | ", pattern.length) @factoids << Factoid.new(Hash[*([pattern, ar].transpose.flatten)]) } end end end def save return unless @changed Dir.mkdir(@dir) unless FileTest.directory?(@dir) fname = File.join(@dir,@filename) ar = ["when | who | where | fact"] @factoids.each { |f| ar << "%s | %s | %s | %s" % [ f[:when], f[:who], f[:where], f[:fact]] } Utils.safe_save(fname) do |file| file.puts ar end @changed = false end def help(plugin, topic="") _("factoids plugin: learn that , forget that , facts about ") end def learn(m, params) factoid = Factoid.new( :fact => params[:stuff].to_s, :when => Time.now, :who => m.source.fullform, :where => m.channel.to_s ) if @factoids.index(factoid) m.reply _("I already know that %{factoid}" % { :factoid => factoid }) else @factoids << factoid @changed = true m.okay end end def forget(m, params) factoid = params[:stuff].to_s if @factoids.delete(factoid) @changed = true m.okay else m.reply _("I didn't know that %{factoid}" % { :factoid => factoid }) end end def facts(m, params) if params[:words].empty? m.reply _("I know %{count} facts" % { :count => @factoids.length }) else rx = Regexp.new(params[:words].to_s, true) known = @factoids.grep(rx) if known.empty? m.reply _("I know nothing about %{words}" % params) else m.reply known.join(" | "), :split_at => /\s+\|\s+/ end end end def fact(m, params) known = nil if params[:words].empty? if @factoids.empty? m.reply _("I know nothing") return end known = @factoids else rx = Regexp.new(params[:words].to_s, true) known = @factoids.grep(rx) if known.empty? m.reply _("I know nothing about %{words}" % params) return end end fact = known.pick_one idx = @factoids.index(fact)+1 m.reply _("fact %{idx}/%{total}: %{fact}" % { :idx => idx, :total => @factoids.length, :fact => fact }) end end plugin = FactoidsPlugin.new plugin.map 'learn that *stuff' plugin.map 'forget that *stuff' plugin.map 'facts [about *words]' plugin.map 'fact [about *words]'