# Hacked up digg headlines plugin... require 'time' require 'rexml/document' require 'uri/common' class DiggPlugin < Plugin include REXML def help(plugin, topic="") "digg [=5] => show digg headlines, [=5] => return up to headlines (use a negative number to show all the headlines on one line)" end def digg(m, params) max = params[:limit].to_i debug "max is #{max}" xml = @bot.httputil.get('http://digg.com/rss/index.xml') unless xml m.reply "digg news parse failed" return end doc = Document.new xml unless doc m.reply "digg news parse failed (invalid xml)" return end done = 0 oneline = false if max < 0 max = (0 - max) oneline = true end max = 8 if max > 8 matches = Array.new doc.elements.each("rss/channel/item") {|e| matches << [ e.elements["title"].text, Time.parse(e.elements["pubDate"].text).strftime('%a @ %I:%M%p') ] done += 1 break if done >= max } if oneline m.reply matches.collect{|mat| mat[0]}.join(" | ") else matches.each {|mat| m.reply sprintf("%42s | %13s", mat[0][0,42], mat[1]) } end end end plugin = DiggPlugin.new plugin.map 'digg :limit', :defaults => {:limit => 5}, :requirements => {:limit => /^-?\d+$/}