#-- vim:sw=2:et #++ # # :title: Debugging/profiling for rbot # # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta # Copyright:: (C) 2006-2007 Giuseppe Bilotta # License:: GPL v2 class DebugPlugin < Plugin Config.register Config::IntegerValue.new('debug.interval', :default => 10, :validate => Proc.new{|v| v > 0}, :desc => "Number of seconds between memory profile dumps") Config.register Config::BooleanValue.new('debug.dump_strings', :default => false, :desc => "Set to true if you want the profiler to dump strings, false otherwise") Config.register Config::StringValue.new('debug.logdir', :default => "", :desc => "Directory where profile/string dumps are to be stored") def dirname @bot.config['debug.logdir'] end def initialize super @prev = Hash.new(0) @curr = Hash.new(0) @delta = Hash.new(0) @file = File.open(datafile("memory_profiler.log"), 'w') @thread = @bot.timer.add(@bot.config['debug.interval']) { begin GC.start @curr.clear curr_strings = [] ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| @curr[o.class] += 1 #Marshal.dump(o).size rescue 1 if @bot.config['debug.dump_strings'] and o.class == String curr_strings.push o end end if @bot.config['debug.dump_strings'] File.open(datafile("memory_profiler_strings.log.#{Time.now.to_i}"), 'w') do |f| curr_strings.sort.each do |s| f.puts s end end curr_strings.clear end @delta.clear (@curr.keys + @prev.keys).uniq.each do |k,v| @delta[k] = @curr[k]-@prev[k] end @file.puts "Top 20" @delta.sort_by { |k,v| -v.abs }[0..19].sort_by { |k,v| -v}.each do |k,v| @file.printf "%+5d: %s (%d)\n", v, k.name, @curr[k] unless v == 0 end @file.flush @delta.clear @prev.clear @prev.update @curr GC.start rescue Exception => err error "** memory_profiler error: #{err}" end } @bot.timer.block(@thread) end def help( plugin, topic="" ) "debug start => start the periodic profiler; " + \ "debug stop => stops the periodic profiler; " + \ "debug dumpstrings => dump all of the strings" end def start_it(m, params) begin @bot.timer.unblock(@thread) m.reply "profile dump started" rescue Exception => err m.reply "couldn't start profile dump" error "couldn't start profile dump: #{err}" end end def stop_it(m, params) begin @bot.timer.block(@thread) m.reply "profile dump stop" rescue Exception => err m.reply "couldn't stop profile dump" error "couldn't stop profile dump: #{err}" end end def dump_strings(m, params) curr_strings = [] m.reply "Dumping strings ..." begin GC.start ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| if o.class == String curr_strings.push o end end File.open(datafile("memory_profiler_strings.log.#{Time.now.to_i}"), 'w') do |f| curr_strings.sort.each do |s| f.puts s end end GC.start m.reply "... done" rescue Exception => err m.reply "dumping strings failed" error "dumping strings failed: #{err}" end end end plugin = DebugPlugin.new plugin.default_auth( 'start', false ) plugin.default_auth( 'stop', false ) plugin.default_auth( 'dumpstrings', false ) plugin.map 'debug start', :action => 'start_it' plugin.map 'debug stop', :action => 'stop_it' plugin.map 'debug dumpstrings', :action => 'dump_strings'